Sunday, March 4, 2007

Uniformed Navy chaplain prays 'in Jesus' name'

Uniformed Navy chaplain prays 'in Jesus' name'
Act of faithfulness defines career as service ejects Christian

In front of witnesses and God, a man who fought the whole of the U.S. Navy over his constitutional right to pray "in Jesus' name" while in uniform has done just that, delivering a benediction at a meeting of the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington a short time after Vice President Dick Cheney had left the room.

Former U.S. Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt told WND it was an act to define the close – for now – of his 16-year military career.

He said he had been on the schedule of the CPAC event to deliver the invocation, but when an appeals court just days ago cleared the way for the Navy to dismiss him, his supervisor told him the Navy had contacted the conference and asked that he be "disinvited."

Multiple WND calls to CPAC asking for a comment were not returned.

"When the vice president was speaking I stood outside the room, and I waited until the event was over. … Then after everybody left, I decided that my last act as a Navy chaplain should be to pray in my uniform in Jesus' name," he said.

"So I went and put on my uniform, since I was technically in the Navy until midnight, and at 11:30 p.m. I took the stage at the CPAC conference and I said the benediction to the banquet."

"I prayed in Jesus' name in front of an empty room," he told WND, with his wife and manager as witnesses.

He said those he met at the conference were cordial and gracious, in fact sympathetic. "I met several old friends who have helped me with my cause. Just about everybody in the room knew who I was, knew about my cause to pray in Jesus' name."

He had been ordered dismissed by midnight on Thursday, and moved out of military housing in order to prepare for that. But he said he will continue his personal battle, even though the overall victory already is his, since Congress has ordered the removal of the restrictions under which he was punished.

"I'm going to continue my lawsuit against the Navy as a civilian, but will fight to be reinstated," Klingenschmitt told WND. "I will continue to fight for all chaplains' rights to pray according to their conscience, but will do so outside of the Navy instead of inside."

Klingenschmitt said the battle was worth it, and he would do it all over again. "We did change national policy. We rescinded the policy that I was punished for," he said.

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Judiciary won't allow Christian beliefs

Judiciary won't allow Christian beliefs
Magistrate forced out of family court for opposing homosexual adoptions

© 2007

A magistrate judge in Sheffield, England, has been told he cannot serve on the local court's Family Panel, even though he's been recognized as having "an unblemished record and is well regarded by fellow magistrates" because he is a Christian.

"This case is a clear picture of how Christian faith is becoming privatized in society," said Andrea Williams, of the Lawyers Christian Fellowship. "It is yet another example of the repression of Christian conscience and signals the prevalence of a secular 'new morality' and the erosion of Christian values at the expense of our children's welfare."

The case arose when McClintock realized he would be assigned to hear cases involving adoption by homosexual couples, which are allowed now under England's Civil Partnerships Act 2002. Realizing the concerns that might arise, he asked that his religious beliefs be accommodated and he be "screened" from such cases.

He also expressed concern that children would be put at risk by the unproven social experiment of homosexual duo adoptions.

"Andrew McClintock believes that the best interests of the child are served by placing them in a situation where they would have both a mother and a father and therefore he could not agree to participate in gay adoption," Williams said. "The imposition of secular values in every aspect of our lives will force those who hold Christian beliefs out of jobs. It will be to the detriment of the whole of society."

McClintock took his case to the Employment Tribunal in Sheffield, where he'd been a Justice of the Peace since 1988 after he was told in 2004 he must preside over cases that involved homosexual duos proposing to adopt. His lawsuit was against the Lord Chancellor and the Department of Constitutional Affairs, in which he explained that he had suffered discrimination because of his religious beliefs.

His request for accommodation was called for under Regulation 10 of the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003.

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Botched procedure shuts down abortion business

Botched procedure shuts down abortion business
State investigators looking into woman's allegations of negligence
© 2007

Another abortion business has been closed down, this one while an investigation is conducted into the treatment of a woman who suffered two strokes, a collapsed lung and neurological damage as a result of her abortion, officials say.

The woman also has filed a lawsuit against the Metropolitan Medical Associates of New Jersey and the two abortionists who treated her, alleging "negligent, careless and reckless care."

It brings to 18 the number of abortion businesses closed over the past year because of investigations of deaths or injury, as well as investigations into unlicensed and other inappropriate activity.

The newest closure happened over just the last few days – after Rasheedah Dinkins went to Metropolitan Medical Associates on Jan. 27 for what she thought would be a routine abortion.

However, a report from Operation Rescue, one of the nation's front-line pro-life organizations, said after Dinkins returned home that day, she collapsed.

"Family members summoned an ambulance to transport her to Newark Beth Israel Medical Center where she slipped into a coma lasting four weeks. When she awoke, Rasheedah learned that she had suffered massive blood loss, two strokes, a collapsed lung, neurological damage, and the removal of her uterus. She finally regained her ability to speak on Tuesday," the report said.
She remains hospitalized in critical care, officials said.

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Group has faith in women’s choice

This story is disgusting, and an outright disobedience of what the Bible clearly teaches (Pro-Life!)

If you are Pro-Choice, read these two links below, and turn your heart over to Jesus as Lord! It is not your choice, it is God's choice. Saying, "No Lord, I will not have this baby whom You are forming inside my womb!", is the biggest oxymoron there is. How can you say, "No Lord"? Then He is not your Lord! Ponder that thought and read the following...

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***End of Publishers Comment***

Group has faith in women’s choice

By ANNIE NELSON of the Tribune’s staff

Local and state clergy involved in the Missouri Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice say making abortion illegal again in Missouri would return the state to the days when women with unwanted pregnancies suffered mutilation in pursuit of what the group sees as a God-given right of controlling your own procreation.

Rabbi Susan Talve of St. Louis made the tough decision to go on record about the abortion she had when she was 19 years old because she is terrified that either the state or federal government will outlaw access to first-term abortions.

"I was in love, and the first time I had sex, I used contraception, and I got pregnant," she said. "I have to tell you how grateful I was that that was the year that New York made it legal to have a legal, safe abortion. … I had friends who tried to use coat hangers or threw themselves down steps."

Talve said many women come to her for counsel from faiths that prohibit abortion, even when the pregnancy is jeopardizing their life. The Catholic faith requires the mother and child be treated together, whereas the Jewish faith requires the pregnancy be terminated if the mother’s life is in danger, she said.

No decision to have an abortion is ever without pain, she said, and she still thinks of her decision to end her first pregnancy. "I have no doubt I made the right decision, even though it was difficult," she said.

It’s a right Talve said she will go to prison to defend.

She helped found two state affiliates of the national Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice and is being honored by the Missouri coalition with a Faith and Freedom Award in April.

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Feds seeking 7 years for another Texas cop

Feds seeking 7 years for another Texas cop
Deputy sheriff convicted for violating civil rights of fleeing illegal alien
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2007

The federal government has recommended a seven-year prison term for Gilmer Hernandez, a Texas deputy sheriff who drew grass-roots support after he was convicted for violating the civil rights of a fleeing illegal alien, WND has learned.

In a case prosecuted by U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton in El Paso, who also led the high-profile prosecution of former Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, Hernandez was charged after stopping a van full of illegals for running a stop sign April 14, 2005, in Rocksprings, Texas.

The driver attempted to run over Hernandez, prompting the officer to fire his weapon at the rear tires. A bullet fragment hit a Mexican national, Marciela Rodriguez Garcia, in the mouth, cutting her lip and breaking two teeth.

Hernandez's boss, Deputy Don Lettsinger, told WND he considers the sentencing guidelines severe, especially since he believes "Deputy Hernandez should never have been indicted for this incident in the first place."

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Iran poised to strike in wealthy Gulf states

Iran poised to strike in wealthy Gulf states
By Colin Freeman, Chief Foreign Correspondent, Sunday Telegraph
Last Updated: 2:56am GMT 04/03/2007

Iran has trained secret networks of agents across the Gulf states to attack Western interests and incite civil unrest in the event of a military strike against its nuclear programme, a former Iranian diplomat has told The Sunday Telegraph.

Spies working as teachers, doctors and nurses at Iranian-owned schools and hospitals have formed sleeper cells ready to be "unleashed" at the first sign of any serious threat to Teheran, it is claimed.

Trained by Iranian intelligence services, they are also said to be recruiting fellow Shias in the region, whose communities have traditionally been marginalised by the Gulf's ruling Sunni Arab clans.

Were America or Israel to attack Iran, such cells would be instructed to foment long-dormant sectarian grievances and attack the ex-tensive American and European business interests in wealthy states such as Dubai and Saudi Arabia. Such a scenario would bring chaos to the Gulf, one of the few areas of the Middle East that remains prosperous and has largely pro-Western governments.

The claims have been made by Adel Assadinia, a former career diplomat who was Iran's consul-general in Dubai and an adviser to the Iranian foreign ministry. They came as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, made a formal visit to Saudi Arabia yesterday in what was widely seen as an attempt to defuse growing Sunni-Shia tensions in the Middle East.

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Christian belief a 'hate crime' under plan

Christian belief a 'hate crime' under plan
Backup proposal would mandate jail time for dissing a 'gay'
© 2007

Americans worried about new "hate crime" legislation that could be used to make criminals of those whose religious faith doesn't endorse homosexuality could be facing a two-pronged attack, according to groups that monitor those developments.

The newest threat is being prepared by U.S. Rep. John Conyers, the head of the House Judiciary Committee, whose work is being called "The Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007," according to the Rev. Ted Pike, of the National Prayer Network.

He said a letter to other members of the House was intercepted by Focus on the Family and indicated that it "gives the federal government even more power to create a bias motivation justice system, turning America into a police state."

Michael Marcavage, director of Repent America and Pike both had alerted their constituencies earlier to H.R. 254, or the David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which could create "anti-hate" restrictions and penalties.

Marcavage told WND that plan would invert American justice, and instead of requiring evidence it would leave it to someone who claims to be offended to determine whether a "crime" has been committed.

"Truth is not allowed as evidence in hate crimes trials. … A homosexual can claim emotional damage from hearing Scripture that describes his lifestyle as an abomination. He can press charges against the pastor or broadcaster who merely reads the Bible in public. The 'hater' can be fined thousands of dollars and even imprisoned!" Marcavage said.

So there immediately was a flood of calls to Congress with opposition to H.R. 254 and it appeared that the plan might not make it out of committee. In fact, records show it still is pending in the House Judiciary Committee

But Pike is says the danger is far from over.

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School kids' march in 'gay' parade protested

School kids' march in 'gay' parade protested
Angry citizens point out students' exposure to pornographic scenes
By James L. Lambert
© 2007

Eleven local citizens appeared at a San Diego School District meeting this week to confront officials about the San Diego Cooperative Charter School's active participation in the city's annual Gay Pride Parade.

The activists were especially concerned about the school's elementary-age children marching in the annual event.

The group presented the school board with pictures from the parade of scantily dressed men, sadomasochists and drag queens.

James Hartline, who several years ago renounced his homosexual lifestyle before becoming a Christian, spoke first. He reminded the board of previous attempts to speak to them about the issue when he repeatedly was interrupted by parade supporters, booed and "called names while speaking."

Hartline asserted it was wrong to expose small children to pornographic scenes and sexual imagery that included overt public displays of affection between homosexuals, along with displays of pink phallus symbols.

Each board member was presented with a package of photographs from the parade. The activists said they were particularly disappointed that two board members they thought would be sympathetic – Sheila Jackson and Mitz Lee – had no comment about their concerns or the evidence presented.

Jackson refers, in her biography, to her involvement with the Bethel AME Church Missionary society; and Lee, prior to her election in 2004, attended monthly meetings of Women in Politics, a conservative Christian organization.

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Michael Moore unmasked by left-wing filmmakers

Michael Moore unmasked by left-wing filmmakers
'If you have to sell out your values and principles to get at a greater truth, where does that leave you?'
Posted: March 4, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007

Filmmaker Michael Moore, director and star of successful films such as "Roger & Me," "Bowling for Columbine" and "Fahrenheit 9/11," has become the unwilling subject of a new documentary that raises questions about the credibility of his work and describes a "disturbing pattern of fact-fudging and misrepresentation," reports the London Sunday Times.

While Moore has long been a favorite target of those on the political right, this new documentary – "Manufacturing Dissent" – comes from two left-leaning Canadian filmmakers who were once fans and who began their project expecting to tell a positive story.

"When we started this project we hoped to have done a documentary that celebrated Michael Moore. We were admirers and fans," said Debbie Melnyk, who, with husband Rick Caine, made the film. "Then we found out certain facts about his documentaries that we hadn't known before. We ended up very disappointed and disillusioned."

Caine and Melnyk discovered, early on, that the public persona they knew was not the Moore they encountered when they began to examine his work.

"As investigative documentarists we always thought we could look at anything we wanted," Caine said. "But when we turned the cameras on one of the leading figures in our own industry, the people we wanted to talk to were like: 'What are you doing? Why are you throwing stones at the parade leader?'"

Their first disillusionment came in Flint, Mich., where Moore had portrayed his efforts to interview Roger Smith, the former chief executive of General Motors, about the company's policies that led to closure of the city's auto manufacturing plants. In "Roger & Me," Moore failed to get Smith to talk to him. In reality, said Caine and Melnyk, Moore secured two on-camera interviews, but the scenes were left out, apparently for dramatic effect.

"Manufacturing Dissent" includes a long list of alleged exaggerations or distortions in Moore's other films.

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Rebecca's Prayer: A Song of Praise

Rebecca's Prayer: A Song of Praise
By Sarah Hoffman
CBN News - RALEIGH, N.C. - Rebecca Simpson's two goals in life were to make an impact for God and graduate from her high school, North Raleigh Christian Academy.

She was determined not to let anything get in her way. Not even leukemia.

Her friend Abby Parsons remembers the day in eighth grade when Rebecca was diagnosed.

"I went to the hospital that evening and I expected that she would just be you know, kind of down or whatever. But she was laughing, happy, reading her Bible," she said.

Over the years, Simpson kept an online diary of everything she was going through. Sprinkled in between the notes about classes, plays and doctors appointments are glimpses into the teen's strong faith, read for CBN News by her friend Shea Northcut.

"It's okay to be upset or disappointed, as long as the faith is still there and the song of praise comes after the sadness.God has the victory in every fight.including this one," Shea read from Rebecca's journal.

Recently the head of Rebecca's school discovered that she had enough credits to fulfill her dream - and graduate early with honors. So, on Feb. 23, all the seniors dressed in their caps and gowns and gave Rebecca an official graduation ceremony.

"They came out to 'Pomp and Circumstance' and she was right where she was supposed to be," Rebecca's mom, Emmaline Simpson, said.

The choir she had been a part of sang a song and the girls she used to dance with choreographed a special number.

Award after award was handed out. And finally - the moment she had been waiting for her whole life - she got her diploma.

"It was very bittersweet. Very bittersweet," her dad, Jeff Simpson, said.

Less than eight hours after the ceremony, Rebecca Simpson went home to be with Jesus. But Rebecca fulfilled her other goal, too - to deeply influence her friends for the Lord even in her short life.

"You can look at all the students at this school, anyone who's ever come in contact with her is touched and will never be the same again because of who she was and the kind of person that she was and how strong she was in the Lord," Maggie Patton, Rebecca's friend, said.

Within hours of her passing, Simpson's friends wrote, produced and uploaded a song to the Internet called Rebecca's Prayer.

And less than 48 hours after her passing, Rebecca's mom, dad and sister Vinson sat down with CBN News to tell us about how they are coping with their loss.

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