Income drops as Christians publicize 'gay' Wal-Mart
'Information explosion' about support for homosexuals targeted retailer
Posted: December 1, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006
Sheriff's deputies called when group lobbies Wal-Mart customers to avoid retailer's "gay" 'agenda
A number of reports have documented a slight decline in Wal-Mart's income for Black Friday, the big sales day right after Thanksgiving, while other retailers were reporting increases, and activists who staged an "information explosion" to tell customers about the corporation's developing support for the "gay" agenda were pleased.
"Nationally, we heard from Wal-Mart's own mouth that its sales during the month of November – including Black Friday – fell 0.1 percent below expectations," said Rev. Flip Benham, who worked to coordinate sign-carrying volunteers in front of Wal-Marts across the nation under the Operation Save Wal-Mart banner.
"According to one local television station in Charlotte, N.C., all stores during the Thanksgiving holidays recorded record increases over sales in previous years – all stores that is, with the exception of Wal-Mart," he said. "It recorded a decrease in sales…"
"Businesses everywhere were recording record sales, yet for America's largest retailer, things are beginning to look very bleak indeed," he said. One competitor, Target, estimated increases for the month of 4-7 percent.
Benham reported that hundreds of Christian families had gathered at Wal-Mart stores across the country to "bring the Gospel of Christ to the very gates of hell."
He said hundreds of thousands of pieces of literature were passed out to customers arriving at Wal-Marts, and "many were astonished to find how deeply Wal-Mart had fallen from its biblical principles."
"The Church came 'out of the closet' to attempt to save an old friend. Wal-Mart, a store built upon biblical principles and under the tutelage of Sam Walton, has become an enemy of God," he said.
He suggested if Walton still were alive today, "he would most assuredly have shut down all 4,900 Wal-Mart stories in the continental United States. The reason? Wal-Mart has succumbed to the demands of the radical homosexual agenda and the abortion industry.
"Rather than honoring God, this once great corporation is besmirching His Name and killing His children. Sam Walton would never have allowed this," said Benham, who also works with the Operation Save America campaign.
Another report on activities involving Wal-Mart came from Church of the Divide, which showed up at a Placerville, Calif., Wal-Mart with signs reading: "Wal-Mart Supports Sodomy" and "Wal-mart Gives $60k to Gay Group."
The church reported that store officials insisted they leave the property, and then called a sheriff's deputy who asked members to move to an area that did not block the entrance.
Then they passed out flyers highlighting Wal-Mart's decision to join the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and its $60,000 donation to Out & Equal, a homosexual lobbying organization.
"We were able to witness to a few open individuals and we pray that God would convict the hearts of those lost souls and that the seeds which were planted would grow and bear much fruit," the church report said.
Several business magazines also reported that traffic on the company's website was disrupted for much of the day. Attempts to open the site resulted in blank pages, delays or other problems early in the day, and by later, visitors were told to come back later.
Company officials said it was because of high traffic.
The information campaign was done because of the company's support for the "gay" agenda, and despite the fact the company said it was changing policy, a move that convinced the American Family Association to cancel its request for a boycott just days before the holiday.
Company spokeswoman Mona Williams had told WND the change will have the company evaluating on a case-by-case basis its support for outside groups. She said the change was prompted by "concerns and questions" from the company's employees and customers alike.
"As a result we agreed we needed to be more thoughtful in how we make our contributions. We will not make corporate contributions to support or oppose highly controversial issues," Williams told WND.
The AFA, which earlier had asked its millions of constituents to support the post-Thanksgiving boycott, said the company had contacted AFA with word of its change.
But Benham objected, noting Wal-Mart remained a "member" of the NGLCC, and still dispenses the Plan B abortion pill. It also has not apologized for its actions and not fired a homosexual marketing agency, he said.
Friday, December 1, 2006
Embryonic Stem Cell Research Backers Down 39 Votes, Starting Lobbying
Embryonic Stem Cell Research Backers Down 39 Votes, Starting Lobbying
by Steven Ertelt Editor
December 1, 2006
Washington, DC ( -- Supporters of a measure to force taxpayers to fund embryonic stem cell research are short of the two-thirds needed to overturn a likely second presidential veto by at least 39 votes in the House. Lawmakers pushing the bill are slated to meet next week to begin coordinating their lobbying strategy to get those votes.
As previously reported, leading embryonic stem cell research funding backers can't agree on whether there are enough votes in the House and Senate to override another veto from President Bush.
Bush vetoed the previous funding bill in July and the House voted 235-193 in favor of overriding the veto with 5 abstentions, but the vote was 51 short of the two-thirds necessary to override it. The Senate voted for the bill 63-37, which was four votes short of being able to override a veto.
The House is the major obstacle as they appears to be just enough votes on the Senate side for an override.
Looking at the House vote, 51 Republicans backed the funding measure and, of those, 15 lost their re-election bids or retired. Twelve of the 15 Republicans lost to Democrats and the Hotline political newsletter reports that just two of the three other Republicans will back the bill.
Democrats picked up 14 seats in the mid-term elections from Republicans who voted against the measure. Though a couple of the new Democrats campaigned on opposition to abortion, that may not translate into votes against embryonic stem cell research funding.
Assuming all of the new Democrats will support the measure, that the five abstaining members last time vote for the override, and that the three Republicans replacing retired members vote for the override as well, supporters of the bill have 251 votes for an override.
That still leaves them 39 votes short of enough to overturn the president's veto, assuming all members vote on the veto override.
The Hotline reports that Reps. Mike Castle, a Delaware Republican, and Diana DeGette, a Colorado Democrat, the two leading sponsors of the House funding measure, are preparing to coordinate their legislative strategy to find those 39 votes.
According to newsletter, they plan to rely on claims that stem cell research was popular with voters in the 2006 elections. They will likely target 10 moderate Republicans who voted no and members in districts with large medical facilities, especially in California.
However, polls show that stem cell research wasn't an issue that helped backers of taxpayer funding of it. In fact one survey showed the issue of stem cell research helped a pro-life candidate.
A post-election poll conducted by Fox News finds that, in the Missouri Senate race, which was dominated by embryonic stem cell research, neither the issue nor ads from actor Michael J. Fox helped Claire McCaskill. In fact, the ads benefited pro-life Sen. Jim Talent, who opposed taxpayer funding of the controversial science.
Fox News asked Missouri voters whether the embryonic stem cell research ad campaign made voters more or less likely to vote for McCaskill, who Fox endorsed in the commercials.
A whopping 71 percent said the ads made "No difference" in their vote.
Only 7 percent said the ads made them more likely to support McCaskill but a larger group of voters, 18 percent, said Fox's commercials made them less likely to support her.
Of those voters who said it made them less likely to vote for her some 94 percent ended up supporting pro-life Sen. Jim Talent, who opposed embryonic stem cell research funding.
The Fox News poll also found that the issue of stem cell research in general didn't provide any advantage to McCaskill.
Almost half of voters said embryonic stem cell research made no difference in how they voted.
And among the 25 percent who said the issue was extremely important to their vote, 59 percent favored Talent while just 39 percent backed McCaskill. That means opponents of the research, which involves the destruction of human life, were more energized than its supporters.
Copyright © 2003-2006
All rights reserved.
by Steven Ertelt Editor
December 1, 2006
Washington, DC ( -- Supporters of a measure to force taxpayers to fund embryonic stem cell research are short of the two-thirds needed to overturn a likely second presidential veto by at least 39 votes in the House. Lawmakers pushing the bill are slated to meet next week to begin coordinating their lobbying strategy to get those votes.
As previously reported, leading embryonic stem cell research funding backers can't agree on whether there are enough votes in the House and Senate to override another veto from President Bush.
Bush vetoed the previous funding bill in July and the House voted 235-193 in favor of overriding the veto with 5 abstentions, but the vote was 51 short of the two-thirds necessary to override it. The Senate voted for the bill 63-37, which was four votes short of being able to override a veto.
The House is the major obstacle as they appears to be just enough votes on the Senate side for an override.
Looking at the House vote, 51 Republicans backed the funding measure and, of those, 15 lost their re-election bids or retired. Twelve of the 15 Republicans lost to Democrats and the Hotline political newsletter reports that just two of the three other Republicans will back the bill.
Democrats picked up 14 seats in the mid-term elections from Republicans who voted against the measure. Though a couple of the new Democrats campaigned on opposition to abortion, that may not translate into votes against embryonic stem cell research funding.
Assuming all of the new Democrats will support the measure, that the five abstaining members last time vote for the override, and that the three Republicans replacing retired members vote for the override as well, supporters of the bill have 251 votes for an override.
That still leaves them 39 votes short of enough to overturn the president's veto, assuming all members vote on the veto override.
The Hotline reports that Reps. Mike Castle, a Delaware Republican, and Diana DeGette, a Colorado Democrat, the two leading sponsors of the House funding measure, are preparing to coordinate their legislative strategy to find those 39 votes.
According to newsletter, they plan to rely on claims that stem cell research was popular with voters in the 2006 elections. They will likely target 10 moderate Republicans who voted no and members in districts with large medical facilities, especially in California.
However, polls show that stem cell research wasn't an issue that helped backers of taxpayer funding of it. In fact one survey showed the issue of stem cell research helped a pro-life candidate.
A post-election poll conducted by Fox News finds that, in the Missouri Senate race, which was dominated by embryonic stem cell research, neither the issue nor ads from actor Michael J. Fox helped Claire McCaskill. In fact, the ads benefited pro-life Sen. Jim Talent, who opposed taxpayer funding of the controversial science.
Fox News asked Missouri voters whether the embryonic stem cell research ad campaign made voters more or less likely to vote for McCaskill, who Fox endorsed in the commercials.
A whopping 71 percent said the ads made "No difference" in their vote.
Only 7 percent said the ads made them more likely to support McCaskill but a larger group of voters, 18 percent, said Fox's commercials made them less likely to support her.
Of those voters who said it made them less likely to vote for her some 94 percent ended up supporting pro-life Sen. Jim Talent, who opposed embryonic stem cell research funding.
The Fox News poll also found that the issue of stem cell research in general didn't provide any advantage to McCaskill.
Almost half of voters said embryonic stem cell research made no difference in how they voted.
And among the 25 percent who said the issue was extremely important to their vote, 59 percent favored Talent while just 39 percent backed McCaskill. That means opponents of the research, which involves the destruction of human life, were more energized than its supporters.
Copyright © 2003-2006
All rights reserved.
The Sin of Tolerance. From The Billy Graham Association
The Sin of Tolerance
From The Billy Graham Association
At home and abroad, the American people plead for broad-mindedness, tolerance and charity. Abroad, our ambassadors use all of their powers to influence warring parties to come to the conference table in a spirit of given and take.
There is a sense in which the world needs broad-mindedness and tolerance; and certainly we all need understanding and charity. However, in the realm of intolerance in certain areas. In some things Christ was the most tolerant, broad-minded Man that ever lived - but in other things He was one of the most intolerant of men.
Tolerance Can Become Too Stretched
One of the pet words of this age is 'tolerance.' It is a good word, but we have tried to stretch it over too great an area of life. We have applied it, too often, where it does not belong. The word 'tolerant' means 'liberal,' 'broad-minded,' 'willing to put up with beliefs opposed to one's convictions' and 'the allowance of something not wholly approved.'
Tolerance, in one sense, implies the compromise of one's convictions, a yielding of ground upon important issues. Hence, over tolerance in moral issues has made us soft, flabby and devoid of convictions.
We have become tolerant about divorce; we have become tolerant about the use of alcohol; we have become tolerant about delinquency; we have become tolerant about wickedness in high places; we have become tolerant about immorality; we have become tolerant about crime and we have become tolerant about godlessness.
In a book about what prominent people believe, sixty out of a hundred did not even mention God, and only eleven out of one hundred mentioned Jesus. There was a manifest tolerance toward soft character and broad-mindedness about morals, characteristic of our day. We have been sapped of convictions, drained of our beliefs and bereft of our faith.
The sciences, however, are narrow-minded. There is no room for careless broad-mindedness in the laboratory. Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit at sea level. It is never 100 degrees or 189 degrees, but always 212. Water freezes at 32 degrees; it is never 23 degrees or 31.
Objects heavier than air always are attracted to the center of the earth. The always go down, never up. I know this is narrow, but the Law of Gravity decrees it so, and science is very narrow.
Mathematics is also very narrow-minded. The sum of two plus two is four, never three and a half. That seems very narrow, but arithmetic is not broad-minded. Geometry is also narrow-minded. It says that a straight line is the shortest distance between two points on a plane. That seems very dogmatic and narrow-minded, but geometry is intolerant.
A compass is narrow-minded: it always points to the magnetic north. It seems that it is very narrow-minded. If it were, ships at sea and planes in the air would be in danger.
If you should ask a man the direction to New York City and he said, 'Oh, just take any road you wish, they all lead there,' you would question either his sanity or his truthfulness. Nevertheless, we have somehow gotten it into our minds that 'all roads lead to heaven.' You hear people say, 'Do your best,' 'Be honest,' and 'Be sincere - and you will make it to heaven all right.'
But Jesus Christ, who journeyed from heaven to earth and back to heaven again, who knew the way better than anyone who ever lived, said, 'Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it' (Matthew 7:13-14).
Jesus Was Narrow About The Way of Salvation
He plainly pointed out that there are two roads in life. One is broad - lacking in faith, convictions and morals. It is the easy, popular, careless way. It is the way of the crowd, the way of the majority, the way of the world. He said, 'There are many who go in by it.' But He pointed out that this road, easy though it is, popular though it may be, heavily traveled though it is, leads to destruction. And in loving, compassionate intolerance He says 'Enter by the narrow gate....Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life.'
His was the intolerance of a pilot who maneuvers his plane though the storm, realizing that a single error, just one flash of broad-mindedness, might bring disaster to all those passengers on the plane.
While flying from Korea to Japan, we ran through a rough snowstorm. When we arrived over the airport in Tokyo, the ceiling and visibility were almost zero. The pilot had to make an instrument landing. I sat up in the cockpit with the pilot and watched him sweat it out as he was brought in by ground control approach. A man in the tower at the airport talked us in.
I did not want these men to be broad-minded. I knew that our lived depended on it. Just so, when we come in for the landing in the great airport in heaven, I don't want any broad-mindedness. I want to come in on the beam, and even though I may be considered narrow here, I want to be sure of a safe landing there.
Christ was so intolerant of our lost estate that He left His lofty throne in the heavenlies, took on Himself the form of man, suffered at the hands of evil men and died on a cruel Cross of shame to purchase our redemption. So serious was our plight that He could not look upon it lightly. With the love that was His, He could not be broad-minded about a world held captive by its lusts, its appetites and its sins.
Having paid such a fabulous price, He could not be tolerant about men and women's indifference toward Him and the redemption He had wrought. He said, 'He who is not with Me is against Me (Matthew 12:30). He also said, 'He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him' (John 3:36).
Christ spoke of two roads, two kingdoms, two masters, two rewards and two eternities. And He said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me' (John 14:6). We have the power to choose whom we will serve, but the alternative to choosing Christ brings certain destruction. Christ said that! The broad, wide, easy, popular way leads to death and destruction. Only the way of the Cross leads home.
Peter was reflecting Christ's teaching when he said, 'Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name (than Jesus Christ) under heaven given among men by which we must be saved' (Acts 4:12). Paul taught the same: 'For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus' (1 Timothy 2:5).
The popular, tolerant attitude toward the Gospel of Christ is like a person going to watch the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Atlanta Braves play a baseball game and rooting for both sides. It would be impossible for an individual who has no loyalty to a particular team to really get into the game.
Baseball fans are very intolerant in both Atlanta and Los Angeles. If you would cheer for both sides in Los Angeles or in Atlanta, someone would yell, 'Hey, you, make up your mind who you're for.'
Christ said, 'You cannot serve God and mammon.... No one can serve two masters' (Matthew 6:24). One of the sins of this age is the sin of broad-mindedness. We need more people who will step out and say unashamedly, 'As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord' (Joshua 24:15).
Jesus Was Intolerant Toward Hypocrisy
He pronounced more 'woes' on the Pharisees than on any other sect because they were given to outward piety, but inside they were a sham. 'Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!' He said, 'For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence' (Matthew 23:25).
A counterfeit Christian, single-handedly, can do more to retard the progress of the church than a dozen saints can do to move forward it. That is why Jesus was so intolerant with sham!
A great church leader said that the greatest need in the church today is for church members to live what they profess.
In the book Pilgrim's Progress, Formality and Hypocrisy came tumbling over the wall into Christian's path. They were going to Mount Zion and were searching for a short-cut. When they came to the hill called Difficulty, they shrank back. The hill was steep and high, and nearby were two roads leading downward into an enticing valley.
The name of the one road was Danger; the name of the other was Destruction. Formality and Hypocrisy chose the easy roads, which led them into impassable woods and swamps, and they were head of no more.
Sham's only reward is everlasting destruction. The hypocrite has nothing but the contempt of his or her neighbors and the judgment of God hereafter. That is why Jesus said, 'Do not be like the hypocrites' (Matthew 6:16).
Jesus Was Intolerant Toward Selfishness
He said, 'If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself' (Luke 9:23). Self-centeredness is the basic cause of much of our distress in life. Hypochondria, a mental disorder which is accompanied by melancholy and depression, is often caused by self-pity and self-centeredness.
Most of us suffer from spiritual nearsightedness. Our interests and our energies are too often focused upon ourselves.
Jesus was intolerant with selfishness. He underscored the fact that His disciples were to live outflowingly rather than selfishly. To the rich young ruler He said, 'If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.....'(Matthew 19:21). It wasn't the giving of his goods that Jesus demanded, but his release from selfishness and its devastating effects on his personality and life.
He was intolerant of selfishness when He said. 'For whoever desires to save his life shall lose it, and whoever loses his life for My sake will find it' (Matthew 16:25). The 'life' which Jesus urges us to lose is the selfishness that lives within us, the old nature of sin that is in conflict with God. Peter, James and John left their nets, but Jesus did not object to nets as such; it was the selfish living they symbolized that He wanted them to forsake. Matthew left the 'custom seat,' a political job, to follow Christ. But Jesus did not object to a political career as such; it was the selfish quality of living which it represented that He wanted Matthew to forsake.
So, in your life and in mine, 'self' must be crucified and Christ enthroned. He was intolerant of any other way, for He knew that selfishness and the Spirit of God cannot exist together.
Jesus Was Intolerant Toward Sin
He was tolerant toward the sinner, but intolerant toward the evil which enslaves the sinner. To the adulteress He said, 'Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more (John 8:11). He forgave her because He loved her; but He condemned her sin because He loathed it with a holy hatred.
God has always been intolerant toward sin! His Word says: 'Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes. Cease to do evil....'(Isaiah 1:16).'
Awake to righteousness, and do not sin' (1 Corinthians 15:34). "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts....(Isaiah 55:7).
Christ was so intolerant toward sin that He died on the cross to free men and women from its power. 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life' (John 3:16). Sin lies at the root of most of society's difficulties today. Whatever separates a person from God disunites that person from others. The world problem will never be solved until the question of sin is settled.
But the Cross is God's answer to sin. To all who will receive the blessed news of salvation through Christ, it crosses out - cancels forever - sin's power.
Forest rangers know the value of the 'burn-back' in fighting forest fires. To save an area from uncontrolled fire, they carefully burn away the trees and shrubs to create a safety barrier. When the forest fire reaches that burned-out spot, plants and animals standing inside the area protected by the burn-back are safe from the flames. Fire is thus fought by fire.
Calvary was a colossal fighting of fire by fire. Christ, taking on Himself all of our sins, allowed the fire of sin's judgment to fall upon Him. The area around the Cross has become a place of refuge for all who would escape the judgment of sin. Take your place with Him at the Cross; stand by the Cross; yield your life to Him who redeemed you on the Cross, and the fire of sin's judgment can never touch you.
God is intolerant toward sin. That intolerance sent His Son to die for us. He has said 'that whoever believes in Him shall not perish.' The clear implication is that those who refuse to believe in Him will be eternally lost. Come to Christ today, while His Spirit is speaking to your heart!
From The Billy Graham Association
At home and abroad, the American people plead for broad-mindedness, tolerance and charity. Abroad, our ambassadors use all of their powers to influence warring parties to come to the conference table in a spirit of given and take.
There is a sense in which the world needs broad-mindedness and tolerance; and certainly we all need understanding and charity. However, in the realm of intolerance in certain areas. In some things Christ was the most tolerant, broad-minded Man that ever lived - but in other things He was one of the most intolerant of men.
Tolerance Can Become Too Stretched
One of the pet words of this age is 'tolerance.' It is a good word, but we have tried to stretch it over too great an area of life. We have applied it, too often, where it does not belong. The word 'tolerant' means 'liberal,' 'broad-minded,' 'willing to put up with beliefs opposed to one's convictions' and 'the allowance of something not wholly approved.'
Tolerance, in one sense, implies the compromise of one's convictions, a yielding of ground upon important issues. Hence, over tolerance in moral issues has made us soft, flabby and devoid of convictions.
We have become tolerant about divorce; we have become tolerant about the use of alcohol; we have become tolerant about delinquency; we have become tolerant about wickedness in high places; we have become tolerant about immorality; we have become tolerant about crime and we have become tolerant about godlessness.
In a book about what prominent people believe, sixty out of a hundred did not even mention God, and only eleven out of one hundred mentioned Jesus. There was a manifest tolerance toward soft character and broad-mindedness about morals, characteristic of our day. We have been sapped of convictions, drained of our beliefs and bereft of our faith.
The sciences, however, are narrow-minded. There is no room for careless broad-mindedness in the laboratory. Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit at sea level. It is never 100 degrees or 189 degrees, but always 212. Water freezes at 32 degrees; it is never 23 degrees or 31.
Objects heavier than air always are attracted to the center of the earth. The always go down, never up. I know this is narrow, but the Law of Gravity decrees it so, and science is very narrow.
Mathematics is also very narrow-minded. The sum of two plus two is four, never three and a half. That seems very narrow, but arithmetic is not broad-minded. Geometry is also narrow-minded. It says that a straight line is the shortest distance between two points on a plane. That seems very dogmatic and narrow-minded, but geometry is intolerant.
A compass is narrow-minded: it always points to the magnetic north. It seems that it is very narrow-minded. If it were, ships at sea and planes in the air would be in danger.
If you should ask a man the direction to New York City and he said, 'Oh, just take any road you wish, they all lead there,' you would question either his sanity or his truthfulness. Nevertheless, we have somehow gotten it into our minds that 'all roads lead to heaven.' You hear people say, 'Do your best,' 'Be honest,' and 'Be sincere - and you will make it to heaven all right.'
But Jesus Christ, who journeyed from heaven to earth and back to heaven again, who knew the way better than anyone who ever lived, said, 'Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it' (Matthew 7:13-14).
Jesus Was Narrow About The Way of Salvation
He plainly pointed out that there are two roads in life. One is broad - lacking in faith, convictions and morals. It is the easy, popular, careless way. It is the way of the crowd, the way of the majority, the way of the world. He said, 'There are many who go in by it.' But He pointed out that this road, easy though it is, popular though it may be, heavily traveled though it is, leads to destruction. And in loving, compassionate intolerance He says 'Enter by the narrow gate....Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life.'
His was the intolerance of a pilot who maneuvers his plane though the storm, realizing that a single error, just one flash of broad-mindedness, might bring disaster to all those passengers on the plane.
While flying from Korea to Japan, we ran through a rough snowstorm. When we arrived over the airport in Tokyo, the ceiling and visibility were almost zero. The pilot had to make an instrument landing. I sat up in the cockpit with the pilot and watched him sweat it out as he was brought in by ground control approach. A man in the tower at the airport talked us in.
I did not want these men to be broad-minded. I knew that our lived depended on it. Just so, when we come in for the landing in the great airport in heaven, I don't want any broad-mindedness. I want to come in on the beam, and even though I may be considered narrow here, I want to be sure of a safe landing there.
Christ was so intolerant of our lost estate that He left His lofty throne in the heavenlies, took on Himself the form of man, suffered at the hands of evil men and died on a cruel Cross of shame to purchase our redemption. So serious was our plight that He could not look upon it lightly. With the love that was His, He could not be broad-minded about a world held captive by its lusts, its appetites and its sins.
Having paid such a fabulous price, He could not be tolerant about men and women's indifference toward Him and the redemption He had wrought. He said, 'He who is not with Me is against Me (Matthew 12:30). He also said, 'He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him' (John 3:36).
Christ spoke of two roads, two kingdoms, two masters, two rewards and two eternities. And He said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me' (John 14:6). We have the power to choose whom we will serve, but the alternative to choosing Christ brings certain destruction. Christ said that! The broad, wide, easy, popular way leads to death and destruction. Only the way of the Cross leads home.
Peter was reflecting Christ's teaching when he said, 'Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name (than Jesus Christ) under heaven given among men by which we must be saved' (Acts 4:12). Paul taught the same: 'For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus' (1 Timothy 2:5).
The popular, tolerant attitude toward the Gospel of Christ is like a person going to watch the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Atlanta Braves play a baseball game and rooting for both sides. It would be impossible for an individual who has no loyalty to a particular team to really get into the game.
Baseball fans are very intolerant in both Atlanta and Los Angeles. If you would cheer for both sides in Los Angeles or in Atlanta, someone would yell, 'Hey, you, make up your mind who you're for.'
Christ said, 'You cannot serve God and mammon.... No one can serve two masters' (Matthew 6:24). One of the sins of this age is the sin of broad-mindedness. We need more people who will step out and say unashamedly, 'As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord' (Joshua 24:15).
Jesus Was Intolerant Toward Hypocrisy
He pronounced more 'woes' on the Pharisees than on any other sect because they were given to outward piety, but inside they were a sham. 'Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!' He said, 'For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence' (Matthew 23:25).
A counterfeit Christian, single-handedly, can do more to retard the progress of the church than a dozen saints can do to move forward it. That is why Jesus was so intolerant with sham!
A great church leader said that the greatest need in the church today is for church members to live what they profess.
In the book Pilgrim's Progress, Formality and Hypocrisy came tumbling over the wall into Christian's path. They were going to Mount Zion and were searching for a short-cut. When they came to the hill called Difficulty, they shrank back. The hill was steep and high, and nearby were two roads leading downward into an enticing valley.
The name of the one road was Danger; the name of the other was Destruction. Formality and Hypocrisy chose the easy roads, which led them into impassable woods and swamps, and they were head of no more.
Sham's only reward is everlasting destruction. The hypocrite has nothing but the contempt of his or her neighbors and the judgment of God hereafter. That is why Jesus said, 'Do not be like the hypocrites' (Matthew 6:16).
Jesus Was Intolerant Toward Selfishness
He said, 'If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself' (Luke 9:23). Self-centeredness is the basic cause of much of our distress in life. Hypochondria, a mental disorder which is accompanied by melancholy and depression, is often caused by self-pity and self-centeredness.
Most of us suffer from spiritual nearsightedness. Our interests and our energies are too often focused upon ourselves.
Jesus was intolerant with selfishness. He underscored the fact that His disciples were to live outflowingly rather than selfishly. To the rich young ruler He said, 'If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.....'(Matthew 19:21). It wasn't the giving of his goods that Jesus demanded, but his release from selfishness and its devastating effects on his personality and life.
He was intolerant of selfishness when He said. 'For whoever desires to save his life shall lose it, and whoever loses his life for My sake will find it' (Matthew 16:25). The 'life' which Jesus urges us to lose is the selfishness that lives within us, the old nature of sin that is in conflict with God. Peter, James and John left their nets, but Jesus did not object to nets as such; it was the selfish living they symbolized that He wanted them to forsake. Matthew left the 'custom seat,' a political job, to follow Christ. But Jesus did not object to a political career as such; it was the selfish quality of living which it represented that He wanted Matthew to forsake.
So, in your life and in mine, 'self' must be crucified and Christ enthroned. He was intolerant of any other way, for He knew that selfishness and the Spirit of God cannot exist together.
Jesus Was Intolerant Toward Sin
He was tolerant toward the sinner, but intolerant toward the evil which enslaves the sinner. To the adulteress He said, 'Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more (John 8:11). He forgave her because He loved her; but He condemned her sin because He loathed it with a holy hatred.
God has always been intolerant toward sin! His Word says: 'Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes. Cease to do evil....'(Isaiah 1:16).'
Awake to righteousness, and do not sin' (1 Corinthians 15:34). "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts....(Isaiah 55:7).
Christ was so intolerant toward sin that He died on the cross to free men and women from its power. 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life' (John 3:16). Sin lies at the root of most of society's difficulties today. Whatever separates a person from God disunites that person from others. The world problem will never be solved until the question of sin is settled.
But the Cross is God's answer to sin. To all who will receive the blessed news of salvation through Christ, it crosses out - cancels forever - sin's power.
Forest rangers know the value of the 'burn-back' in fighting forest fires. To save an area from uncontrolled fire, they carefully burn away the trees and shrubs to create a safety barrier. When the forest fire reaches that burned-out spot, plants and animals standing inside the area protected by the burn-back are safe from the flames. Fire is thus fought by fire.
Calvary was a colossal fighting of fire by fire. Christ, taking on Himself all of our sins, allowed the fire of sin's judgment to fall upon Him. The area around the Cross has become a place of refuge for all who would escape the judgment of sin. Take your place with Him at the Cross; stand by the Cross; yield your life to Him who redeemed you on the Cross, and the fire of sin's judgment can never touch you.
God is intolerant toward sin. That intolerance sent His Son to die for us. He has said 'that whoever believes in Him shall not perish.' The clear implication is that those who refuse to believe in Him will be eternally lost. Come to Christ today, while His Spirit is speaking to your heart!
FIRST-PERSON: 'The Nativity Story' -- in season and on message
FIRST-PERSON: 'The Nativity Story' -- in season and on message
Dec 1, 2006
By R. Albert Mohler Jr.
Baptist Press
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)--My family and I attended a media screening for The Nativity Story the other night. The movie is in season and on message. In other words, the movie faithfully presents the main thrust of the Christmas story. That is no small achievement.
The movie, directed by Catherine Hardwicke, takes some liberties with the biblical accounts found in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. Nevertheless, the invented scenes and dialogue do not distract from the biblical storyline. The screenplay by Mike Rich presents key truths such as the virgin conception and deity of Jesus with unambiguous clarity and artistic force.
The Gospel accounts are the starting point for any telling of the story, of course. At the same time, there is no comprehensive biblical narrative that fills in every detail. We are left with huge questions. Joseph is described in the New Testament merely as a "righteous man" who believed God and obeyed angelic visions. When Mary is found to be "with child," Joseph decides to put her away privately, rather than to defend his own honor through a public accusation against his betrothed bride. Beyond these facts, we know little of Joseph the carpenter. Yet, as a character in this movie, Joseph is almost as developed as the character of Mary.
The movie presents invented dialogue and situations including a focus upon Mary's parents and family, the village of Nazareth, the emergence of Joseph, and Mary's relationship with her cousin Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist.
Invented scenes include an imagined version of the pilgrimage to Bethlehem (including a river crossing scene, complete with a threatening snake) and representations of the brutal oppression of the Jews by King Herod the Great -- a character who can hardly be imagined as more evil than he actually was. The film also attempts to convey the messianic hopes of the Jewish people, suffering under multiple levels of oppression.
Rich, who wrote the script, explained his decision to expand the story: "The only way to tell the story was to try and take that foundation in Matthew and Luke and expand upon it, while at the same time being very faithful to the spirit, tone and content of those Gospels." The same is basically true of nativity plays presented in churches across America.
The most extravagant display of that creativity involves the Magi. As presented in the movie, the Magi provide historical context, important dialogue and a degree of comic relief. Yet, these men are presented in a believable manner, without farce. Of course, the Gospel of Matthew never specifies a number of the Magi (stipulating only the three gifts), much less their names. The movie simply assumes the tradition of three Magi named Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar -- a European tradition traceable only to the seventh century.
In order to present the Magi in Bethlehem the night of Jesus' birth, the movie suggests that these wise men from the East had seen the astronomical event of the star in the making and had left for Bethlehem months before Christ's birth. In any event, the Magi provide some of the most important Christological material found in the film.
When it comes to the virgin birth, the divinity and the saving mission of the Christ Child, the movie never blinks. Cinematographers may find fault with the presentation of the angels and the voice of God, but I have the sense that where the director had to choose between accuracy and artistry, accuracy often won. For that decision Christians should be thankful.
The film succeeds in presenting the humanity of the central characters and in building a sense of expectancy. There is little suspense in the movie, of course. We know the story.
Christian parents will want to discuss the movie with their children. Which parts of the movie can be traced to which biblical texts? Were the other parts of the movie faithful to the main storyline? How much of what Christians think they know about the nativity story is actually in the Bible at all?
Should the story of Jesus be reduced to film? That question is not as easily dismissed as some might think. Nevertheless, "The Nativity Story" is the first major Hollywood studio film in many years to deal with a biblical story. In fact, World magazine reviewer Steve Beard reports that "The Nativity Story" is the first such release from a major studio since "Ben Hur" and "The Ten Commandments."
So, Hollywood has produced a major film with a national release that straightforwardly presents the central themes and events of the biblical accounts of Christ's birth. We should not let that fact pass without notice.
This was adapted from R. Albert Mohler Jr.'s weblog at
Mohler is president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky.
For more articles and resources by Mohler, and for information on The Albert Mohler Program, visit
Dec 1, 2006
By R. Albert Mohler Jr.
Baptist Press
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)--My family and I attended a media screening for The Nativity Story the other night. The movie is in season and on message. In other words, the movie faithfully presents the main thrust of the Christmas story. That is no small achievement.
The movie, directed by Catherine Hardwicke, takes some liberties with the biblical accounts found in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. Nevertheless, the invented scenes and dialogue do not distract from the biblical storyline. The screenplay by Mike Rich presents key truths such as the virgin conception and deity of Jesus with unambiguous clarity and artistic force.
The Gospel accounts are the starting point for any telling of the story, of course. At the same time, there is no comprehensive biblical narrative that fills in every detail. We are left with huge questions. Joseph is described in the New Testament merely as a "righteous man" who believed God and obeyed angelic visions. When Mary is found to be "with child," Joseph decides to put her away privately, rather than to defend his own honor through a public accusation against his betrothed bride. Beyond these facts, we know little of Joseph the carpenter. Yet, as a character in this movie, Joseph is almost as developed as the character of Mary.
The movie presents invented dialogue and situations including a focus upon Mary's parents and family, the village of Nazareth, the emergence of Joseph, and Mary's relationship with her cousin Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist.
Invented scenes include an imagined version of the pilgrimage to Bethlehem (including a river crossing scene, complete with a threatening snake) and representations of the brutal oppression of the Jews by King Herod the Great -- a character who can hardly be imagined as more evil than he actually was. The film also attempts to convey the messianic hopes of the Jewish people, suffering under multiple levels of oppression.
Rich, who wrote the script, explained his decision to expand the story: "The only way to tell the story was to try and take that foundation in Matthew and Luke and expand upon it, while at the same time being very faithful to the spirit, tone and content of those Gospels." The same is basically true of nativity plays presented in churches across America.
The most extravagant display of that creativity involves the Magi. As presented in the movie, the Magi provide historical context, important dialogue and a degree of comic relief. Yet, these men are presented in a believable manner, without farce. Of course, the Gospel of Matthew never specifies a number of the Magi (stipulating only the three gifts), much less their names. The movie simply assumes the tradition of three Magi named Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar -- a European tradition traceable only to the seventh century.
In order to present the Magi in Bethlehem the night of Jesus' birth, the movie suggests that these wise men from the East had seen the astronomical event of the star in the making and had left for Bethlehem months before Christ's birth. In any event, the Magi provide some of the most important Christological material found in the film.
When it comes to the virgin birth, the divinity and the saving mission of the Christ Child, the movie never blinks. Cinematographers may find fault with the presentation of the angels and the voice of God, but I have the sense that where the director had to choose between accuracy and artistry, accuracy often won. For that decision Christians should be thankful.
The film succeeds in presenting the humanity of the central characters and in building a sense of expectancy. There is little suspense in the movie, of course. We know the story.
Christian parents will want to discuss the movie with their children. Which parts of the movie can be traced to which biblical texts? Were the other parts of the movie faithful to the main storyline? How much of what Christians think they know about the nativity story is actually in the Bible at all?
Should the story of Jesus be reduced to film? That question is not as easily dismissed as some might think. Nevertheless, "The Nativity Story" is the first major Hollywood studio film in many years to deal with a biblical story. In fact, World magazine reviewer Steve Beard reports that "The Nativity Story" is the first such release from a major studio since "Ben Hur" and "The Ten Commandments."
So, Hollywood has produced a major film with a national release that straightforwardly presents the central themes and events of the biblical accounts of Christ's birth. We should not let that fact pass without notice.
This was adapted from R. Albert Mohler Jr.'s weblog at
Mohler is president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky.
For more articles and resources by Mohler, and for information on The Albert Mohler Program, visit
SONICFLOOd missions tour ends; response just beginning
SONICFLOOd missions tour ends; response just beginning
Dec 1, 2006
By Ashley Mitchell
Baptist Press
HAMPTON, Va. (BP)--With a final benediction prayer, the contemporary Christian band SONICFLOOd wrapped up their 57-city, missions-focused tour in November in Hampton, Va.
More than 26,000 students and young people attended SONICFLOOd concerts during the 11-week national tour, which included stops in 23 states and Canada. Many of them made decisions to follow Christ in missions involvement.
Twelve-year-old Maddie Burnette (right), raises her hands in worship during a SONICFLOOd concert at Grove Avenue Baptist Church in Richmond, Va. Many young people attending the band’s recent concerts gave their lives to Christ or committed themselves to exploring mission service. Photo courtesy of IMB
To move students toward missions and teach them about God’s desire to reach all nations, SONICFLOOd partnered with the Southern Baptist International Mission Board to create a concert event that was more of an interactive experience than a musical performance. The show featured plenty of songs, but also incorporated videos and images of mission work, multimedia presentations, testimonies of students working abroad and specific opportunities for mission service.
“We've always been eager to travel the world and sing of God's love, but I believe God is bringing us into a deeper place of expectancy to see His wonders as we worship Him,” said Rick Heil, SONICFLOOd’s lead singer.
Before the tour, Heil said he hoped it would inspire students to think about their faith and examine what it means to follow Christ. Three months later, that hope has turned into a reality for some students.
Out of more than 1,000 decision cards turned in during the tour, 58 students reported coming to know Christ as a result of the concerts. Another 423 made public decisions to pursue God’s call to missions. Hundreds of students expressed how deeply the event changed their lives.
“My decision to receive the Lord as my Savior really came out tonight because of stories, songs and speakers that I heard,” one high school student wrote. “I can feel Jesus Christ changing my heart to believe in Jesus and never give up. I have been saved!”
Another student said, “Something about this worship has opened my heart. It has really encouraged me to think about missions.”
Heil noted that while many young people surrendered to Jesus during the tour, it can’t end there.
“If we are truly God's people we will have His heart of compassion and desire everyone to enjoy the hope we have in Jesus. Jesus brings life. He brings love, and that is what every heart is hungry for,” he said.
Mike Lopez, director of student mobilization for the International Mission Board, said it has been amazing to watch God work through the concerts.
“Our main objective for the SONICFLOOd tour was to mobilize students for international missions service,” Lopez said. “God blessed this effort in many ways. As SONICFLOOd led us in the worship of God, God began to work in people’s hearts. As people watched the videos, heard the testimonies and learned about global needs, they began to respond.”
Missions is a way to get God's people out of their comfort zones and into an atmosphere that promotes spiritual growth, Heil explained. “We are commanded by the Lord to take the message of Jesus to everyone, and if we love Him we will keep His commands,” he said.
“When He is worshiped and glorified, He begins to bring people to a realization of His purpose and plan for all nations to have a relationship with Him,” Lopez said.
SONICFLOOd’s music echoes this mentality, as in the song “Cry Holy”:
“Let the earth rejoice, Singing with one voice,
Let the people cry ‘Holy, holy Lord’
Every creature sing praises to the King
All creation cry ‘Holy is the Lord.’”
To explore more about getting involved in missions, go to To visit the SONICFLOOd website, go to
Dec 1, 2006
By Ashley Mitchell
Baptist Press
HAMPTON, Va. (BP)--With a final benediction prayer, the contemporary Christian band SONICFLOOd wrapped up their 57-city, missions-focused tour in November in Hampton, Va.
More than 26,000 students and young people attended SONICFLOOd concerts during the 11-week national tour, which included stops in 23 states and Canada. Many of them made decisions to follow Christ in missions involvement.
Twelve-year-old Maddie Burnette (right), raises her hands in worship during a SONICFLOOd concert at Grove Avenue Baptist Church in Richmond, Va. Many young people attending the band’s recent concerts gave their lives to Christ or committed themselves to exploring mission service. Photo courtesy of IMB
To move students toward missions and teach them about God’s desire to reach all nations, SONICFLOOd partnered with the Southern Baptist International Mission Board to create a concert event that was more of an interactive experience than a musical performance. The show featured plenty of songs, but also incorporated videos and images of mission work, multimedia presentations, testimonies of students working abroad and specific opportunities for mission service.
“We've always been eager to travel the world and sing of God's love, but I believe God is bringing us into a deeper place of expectancy to see His wonders as we worship Him,” said Rick Heil, SONICFLOOd’s lead singer.
Before the tour, Heil said he hoped it would inspire students to think about their faith and examine what it means to follow Christ. Three months later, that hope has turned into a reality for some students.
Out of more than 1,000 decision cards turned in during the tour, 58 students reported coming to know Christ as a result of the concerts. Another 423 made public decisions to pursue God’s call to missions. Hundreds of students expressed how deeply the event changed their lives.
“My decision to receive the Lord as my Savior really came out tonight because of stories, songs and speakers that I heard,” one high school student wrote. “I can feel Jesus Christ changing my heart to believe in Jesus and never give up. I have been saved!”
Another student said, “Something about this worship has opened my heart. It has really encouraged me to think about missions.”
Heil noted that while many young people surrendered to Jesus during the tour, it can’t end there.
“If we are truly God's people we will have His heart of compassion and desire everyone to enjoy the hope we have in Jesus. Jesus brings life. He brings love, and that is what every heart is hungry for,” he said.
Mike Lopez, director of student mobilization for the International Mission Board, said it has been amazing to watch God work through the concerts.
“Our main objective for the SONICFLOOd tour was to mobilize students for international missions service,” Lopez said. “God blessed this effort in many ways. As SONICFLOOd led us in the worship of God, God began to work in people’s hearts. As people watched the videos, heard the testimonies and learned about global needs, they began to respond.”
Missions is a way to get God's people out of their comfort zones and into an atmosphere that promotes spiritual growth, Heil explained. “We are commanded by the Lord to take the message of Jesus to everyone, and if we love Him we will keep His commands,” he said.
“When He is worshiped and glorified, He begins to bring people to a realization of His purpose and plan for all nations to have a relationship with Him,” Lopez said.
SONICFLOOd’s music echoes this mentality, as in the song “Cry Holy”:
“Let the earth rejoice, Singing with one voice,
Let the people cry ‘Holy, holy Lord’
Every creature sing praises to the King
All creation cry ‘Holy is the Lord.’”
To explore more about getting involved in missions, go to To visit the SONICFLOOd website, go to
MARRIAGE DIGEST: Md. Supreme Court to hear 'gay marriage' case; Canadian Parliament to debate marriage this month
MARRIAGE DIGEST: Md. Supreme Court to hear 'gay marriage' case; Canadian Parliament to debate marriage this month
Dec 1, 2006
By Michael Foust
Baptist Press
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (BP)--For a few months at least, the epicenter of the nationwide legal debate over "gay marriage" will reside in Maryland.
The state's highest court will hear oral arguments Monday, Dec. 4, in a case that could make the Old Line State the second in America to legalize "gay marriage." Similar cases are pending before the California and Connecticut Supreme Courts, although neither body has decided whether it even will take up the cases.
"Gay marriage" supporters in Maryland won on the trial court level in January, when Judge M. Brooke Murdock ruled that a 1973 law defining marriage as being between one man and one woman violates the Maryland constitution's Equal Rights Amendment. She ordered "gay marriage" to be legalized, although her ruling was stayed pending an emergency appeal to the Maryland Court of Appeals, the highest court in the state.
Supporters of "gay marriage" hope the Maryland court ends a streak of losses. This year alone, supreme courts in New York, Washington state and New Jersey ruled that there is no constitutional right to "gay marriage."
Owen M. Taylor, an Annapolis attorney, told The Gazette newspaper in Maryland that the issue should be left up to the state legislature. Taylor filed a brief supporting the current law on behalf of the American Center for Law and Justice.
"There’s an element in [Murdock's] decision that is not judicial in nature. It’s social in nature, and those issues are better left to a legislature," Taylor said. "The law as written ... requires no interpretation. The court ought to uphold it."
Following Murdock's ruling, supporters of natural, traditional marriage introduced a constitutional marriage amendment in the legislature, although Democrats blocked it and prevented it from getting a floor vote in the House of Delegates, The Gazette reported.
The American Civil Liberties Union filed the lawsuit on behalf of nine homosexual couples.
The Connecticut case was appealed to that state's highest court on Nov. 29 by the Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, which lost at the trial level.
The California case, which involves a host of liberal and homosexual organizations, was filed with the state Supreme Court Nov. 13. That case involves lawsuits by the city of San Francisco as well as Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Center for Lesbian Rights. They won at the trial court but lost at the appeals court level.
N.J. CONSERVATIVES PROPOSE ALTERNATIVES -- New Jersey conservatives held a press conference Nov. 27 where they proposed two alternatives to a state Supreme Court ruling that ordered the legislature either to legalize "gay marriage" or Vermont-style civil unions.
The first alternative is a constitutional marriage amendment, which likely faces an uphill climb in the legislature. If passed it would go before voters for approval.
The second alternative, according to The Star-Ledger newspaper, is an "Equal Benefits Bill" that would grant marriage benefits to a host of relationships -- for instance, a brother and a sister who share financial responsibilities. It also would include same-sex couples but would not be exclusive to them.
"There are many families who cannot have access to the benefits of marriage because their living arrangements are outside the realm of marriage," Len Deo, president of the New Jersey Family Policy Council, said, according to the Star-Ledger. "For example, two elderly women who are domiciled together, or perhaps a grandparent and grandchild."
Leaders in the state legislature have said they expected legislators to adopt civil unions, not "gay marriage."
MASS. COURT TO HEAR AMEND. CASE -- The highest court in Massachusetts will hear oral arguments Dec. 20 in a case that could determine whether a proposed constitutional marriage amendment makes it on the 2008 ballot. The case stems from a lawsuit filed by Massachusetts Republican Gov. Mitt Romney, who is asking the high court to place the amendment on the ballot if the legislature fails to act on it.
Judith A. Cowin, associate justice of the Supreme Judicial Court, heard arguments for 20 minutes Nov. 30, then hours later decided to place the matter before the entire court on an expedited basis, The Boston Globe reported. The Dec. 20 hearing will come two weeks before Romney leaves office, The Globe reported. He did not seek re-election.
Legislators are scheduled to meet Jan. 2 to deal with the amendment, although both sides believe the body likely will attempt to adjourn without taking action. Amendment supporters say they have the votes to pass it if it is given a vote.
The state constitution, Romney says, requires legislators to give proposed amendments up-or-down votes. Amendment supporters gathered approximately 170,000 signatures to place it before the legislature.
"The legislature took an oath to uphold the constitution," Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom told The Globe. "This is no longer just about gay marriage. It's about the right of the people to participate in their own government."
CANADA TO DEBATE 'GAY MARRIAGE' -- The Canadian Parliament will begin debate Dec. 6 on a motion to reopen the issue of "gay marriage," the Conservative government said Nov. 28, according to CBC News. If it passes, it could be the first step toward reversing a law passed in 2005 legalizing "gay marriage." However, head counts show that the motion might fail.
The "gay marriage" law was pushed through by the then-Liberal government, which fell and was defeated at the polls by the Conservatives in January.
Christians throughout the country are urging Canadians to contact their member of Parliament (MP) in the days leading up to the vote.
"Whether the vote is favourable or not, may it not be said that God’s people were silent when such a critical issue was before our lawmakers," Terence Rolston, president of Focus on the Family Canada, said in an e-mail to supporters. "Please stand with us and voice your support for God’s truth about marriage."
Information on how Canadians can contact their MP is available at
For more information about the national debate over "gay marriage," visit
Dec 1, 2006
By Michael Foust
Baptist Press
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (BP)--For a few months at least, the epicenter of the nationwide legal debate over "gay marriage" will reside in Maryland.
The state's highest court will hear oral arguments Monday, Dec. 4, in a case that could make the Old Line State the second in America to legalize "gay marriage." Similar cases are pending before the California and Connecticut Supreme Courts, although neither body has decided whether it even will take up the cases.
"Gay marriage" supporters in Maryland won on the trial court level in January, when Judge M. Brooke Murdock ruled that a 1973 law defining marriage as being between one man and one woman violates the Maryland constitution's Equal Rights Amendment. She ordered "gay marriage" to be legalized, although her ruling was stayed pending an emergency appeal to the Maryland Court of Appeals, the highest court in the state.
Supporters of "gay marriage" hope the Maryland court ends a streak of losses. This year alone, supreme courts in New York, Washington state and New Jersey ruled that there is no constitutional right to "gay marriage."
Owen M. Taylor, an Annapolis attorney, told The Gazette newspaper in Maryland that the issue should be left up to the state legislature. Taylor filed a brief supporting the current law on behalf of the American Center for Law and Justice.
"There’s an element in [Murdock's] decision that is not judicial in nature. It’s social in nature, and those issues are better left to a legislature," Taylor said. "The law as written ... requires no interpretation. The court ought to uphold it."
Following Murdock's ruling, supporters of natural, traditional marriage introduced a constitutional marriage amendment in the legislature, although Democrats blocked it and prevented it from getting a floor vote in the House of Delegates, The Gazette reported.
The American Civil Liberties Union filed the lawsuit on behalf of nine homosexual couples.
The Connecticut case was appealed to that state's highest court on Nov. 29 by the Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, which lost at the trial level.
The California case, which involves a host of liberal and homosexual organizations, was filed with the state Supreme Court Nov. 13. That case involves lawsuits by the city of San Francisco as well as Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Center for Lesbian Rights. They won at the trial court but lost at the appeals court level.
N.J. CONSERVATIVES PROPOSE ALTERNATIVES -- New Jersey conservatives held a press conference Nov. 27 where they proposed two alternatives to a state Supreme Court ruling that ordered the legislature either to legalize "gay marriage" or Vermont-style civil unions.
The first alternative is a constitutional marriage amendment, which likely faces an uphill climb in the legislature. If passed it would go before voters for approval.
The second alternative, according to The Star-Ledger newspaper, is an "Equal Benefits Bill" that would grant marriage benefits to a host of relationships -- for instance, a brother and a sister who share financial responsibilities. It also would include same-sex couples but would not be exclusive to them.
"There are many families who cannot have access to the benefits of marriage because their living arrangements are outside the realm of marriage," Len Deo, president of the New Jersey Family Policy Council, said, according to the Star-Ledger. "For example, two elderly women who are domiciled together, or perhaps a grandparent and grandchild."
Leaders in the state legislature have said they expected legislators to adopt civil unions, not "gay marriage."
MASS. COURT TO HEAR AMEND. CASE -- The highest court in Massachusetts will hear oral arguments Dec. 20 in a case that could determine whether a proposed constitutional marriage amendment makes it on the 2008 ballot. The case stems from a lawsuit filed by Massachusetts Republican Gov. Mitt Romney, who is asking the high court to place the amendment on the ballot if the legislature fails to act on it.
Judith A. Cowin, associate justice of the Supreme Judicial Court, heard arguments for 20 minutes Nov. 30, then hours later decided to place the matter before the entire court on an expedited basis, The Boston Globe reported. The Dec. 20 hearing will come two weeks before Romney leaves office, The Globe reported. He did not seek re-election.
Legislators are scheduled to meet Jan. 2 to deal with the amendment, although both sides believe the body likely will attempt to adjourn without taking action. Amendment supporters say they have the votes to pass it if it is given a vote.
The state constitution, Romney says, requires legislators to give proposed amendments up-or-down votes. Amendment supporters gathered approximately 170,000 signatures to place it before the legislature.
"The legislature took an oath to uphold the constitution," Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom told The Globe. "This is no longer just about gay marriage. It's about the right of the people to participate in their own government."
CANADA TO DEBATE 'GAY MARRIAGE' -- The Canadian Parliament will begin debate Dec. 6 on a motion to reopen the issue of "gay marriage," the Conservative government said Nov. 28, according to CBC News. If it passes, it could be the first step toward reversing a law passed in 2005 legalizing "gay marriage." However, head counts show that the motion might fail.
The "gay marriage" law was pushed through by the then-Liberal government, which fell and was defeated at the polls by the Conservatives in January.
Christians throughout the country are urging Canadians to contact their member of Parliament (MP) in the days leading up to the vote.
"Whether the vote is favourable or not, may it not be said that God’s people were silent when such a critical issue was before our lawmakers," Terence Rolston, president of Focus on the Family Canada, said in an e-mail to supporters. "Please stand with us and voice your support for God’s truth about marriage."
Information on how Canadians can contact their MP is available at
For more information about the national debate over "gay marriage," visit
House vote on fetal pain bill expected soon
House vote on fetal pain bill expected soon
Dec 1, 2006
By Staff
Baptist Press
WASHINGTON (BP)--The House of Representatives is expected to vote Dec. 5 or 6 on a bill requiring women to be informed about the pain their unborn children will experience if they undergo late-term abortions.
The Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act, H.R. 6099, would require an abortion doctor to provide a woman at least 20 weeks into pregnancy with information about the pain her unborn child would experience during the procedure. If the woman still decides to have an abortion, she would have the option of anesthesia for her unborn baby in order to reduce his pain.
The Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission supports the measure as do the National Right to Life Committee, Christian Medical Association, Concerned Women for America, Family Research Council and other pro-life organizations. Even NARAL Pro-choice America, one of the country’s leading abortion rights groups, declined to oppose an earlier, more comprehensive version of the legislation.
If the House approves the bill, there is no assurance the Senate will act on it. The Republican-controlled Congress is in a lame-duck session that will end in December. The Democrats gained control of both houses in the November election and will become the majority party in January, when all legislation will have to be reintroduced.
Rep. Christopher Smith, R.-N.J., introduced the fetal pain bill in September as a revision of earlier legislation he sponsored. The new version calls for the Department of Health and Human Services to develop a brochure to be provided women seeking abortions about 20 weeks into their pregnancy. The brochure would inform such women there is “substantial evidence” unborn children experience pain during abortions at this point in gestation. The new measure also would not require a doctor’s medical license be revoked for violations but would still provide for civil penalties.
The pain experienced by unborn children at the midpoint of pregnancy was testified to during 2004 trials in challenges to a federal ban on partial-birth abortion.
In testimony before a federal judge in Lincoln, Neb., Kanwaljeet Anand, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, said a partial-birth abortion “would be extremely painful” for an unborn baby at 20 weeks gestation, the Omaha World-Herald reported. Unborn children at 20 weeks have developed the sensory nerves, skin receptors and brain stem required to feel pain, he said. Studies have demonstrated unborn babies display pain physiologically, exhibiting an increased heart rate and the secretion of stress hormones, Anand testified. He also said the pain could be as great for an unborn child who is aborted by means of another procedure in which the baby is dismembered.
In a partial-birth abortion, a doctor normally delivers an intact baby, feet first, until only the head is left in the birth canal. The doctor pierces the base of the infant’s skull with surgical scissors, then inserts a catheter into the opening and suctions out the brain, killing the child.
Two 2004 public opinion surveys showed Americans strongly support giving information about fetal pain to women considering abortion when their pregnancy is 20 weeks or more. A Zogby poll found 77 percent support laws requiring women receive such evidence, and a Wirthlin Worldwide survey found 75 percent agree with such laws.
The House bill has 93 cosponsors.
Sen. Sam Brownback, R.-Kan., introduced S. 51, a companion version to Smith’s earlier legislation, in 2005, but it has not been acted on in a committee or on the floor. The Senate bill has 34 cosponsors.
Federal courts at both the district and appellate levels struck down the 2003 Partial-birth Abortion Ban Act. The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the cases Nov. 8 and is expected to issue a ruling in the first half of 2007.
Compiled by Tom Strode.
Dec 1, 2006
By Staff
Baptist Press
WASHINGTON (BP)--The House of Representatives is expected to vote Dec. 5 or 6 on a bill requiring women to be informed about the pain their unborn children will experience if they undergo late-term abortions.
The Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act, H.R. 6099, would require an abortion doctor to provide a woman at least 20 weeks into pregnancy with information about the pain her unborn child would experience during the procedure. If the woman still decides to have an abortion, she would have the option of anesthesia for her unborn baby in order to reduce his pain.
The Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission supports the measure as do the National Right to Life Committee, Christian Medical Association, Concerned Women for America, Family Research Council and other pro-life organizations. Even NARAL Pro-choice America, one of the country’s leading abortion rights groups, declined to oppose an earlier, more comprehensive version of the legislation.
If the House approves the bill, there is no assurance the Senate will act on it. The Republican-controlled Congress is in a lame-duck session that will end in December. The Democrats gained control of both houses in the November election and will become the majority party in January, when all legislation will have to be reintroduced.
Rep. Christopher Smith, R.-N.J., introduced the fetal pain bill in September as a revision of earlier legislation he sponsored. The new version calls for the Department of Health and Human Services to develop a brochure to be provided women seeking abortions about 20 weeks into their pregnancy. The brochure would inform such women there is “substantial evidence” unborn children experience pain during abortions at this point in gestation. The new measure also would not require a doctor’s medical license be revoked for violations but would still provide for civil penalties.
The pain experienced by unborn children at the midpoint of pregnancy was testified to during 2004 trials in challenges to a federal ban on partial-birth abortion.
In testimony before a federal judge in Lincoln, Neb., Kanwaljeet Anand, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, said a partial-birth abortion “would be extremely painful” for an unborn baby at 20 weeks gestation, the Omaha World-Herald reported. Unborn children at 20 weeks have developed the sensory nerves, skin receptors and brain stem required to feel pain, he said. Studies have demonstrated unborn babies display pain physiologically, exhibiting an increased heart rate and the secretion of stress hormones, Anand testified. He also said the pain could be as great for an unborn child who is aborted by means of another procedure in which the baby is dismembered.
In a partial-birth abortion, a doctor normally delivers an intact baby, feet first, until only the head is left in the birth canal. The doctor pierces the base of the infant’s skull with surgical scissors, then inserts a catheter into the opening and suctions out the brain, killing the child.
Two 2004 public opinion surveys showed Americans strongly support giving information about fetal pain to women considering abortion when their pregnancy is 20 weeks or more. A Zogby poll found 77 percent support laws requiring women receive such evidence, and a Wirthlin Worldwide survey found 75 percent agree with such laws.
The House bill has 93 cosponsors.
Sen. Sam Brownback, R.-Kan., introduced S. 51, a companion version to Smith’s earlier legislation, in 2005, but it has not been acted on in a committee or on the floor. The Senate bill has 34 cosponsors.
Federal courts at both the district and appellate levels struck down the 2003 Partial-birth Abortion Ban Act. The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the cases Nov. 8 and is expected to issue a ruling in the first half of 2007.
Compiled by Tom Strode.
Escaping Sexual Sin Before it's Too Late
Escaping Sexual Sin Before it's Too Late
By Rev. Marty O'Rourke Guest Writer – Overcoming Temptation Will Cost Your Pride Dearly
Why are so many strong Christians succumbing to sexual sin? We must remember that we as Christians do not live in a vacuum but in a culture filled with temptations that stir lust. Many people have fallen because they underestimated the power of sexual temptation.
Paul’s first letter to the Church at Corinth has the strongest teaching about sexual sin because Corinth, like our culture, was saturated with sexual temptation.
The Bible declares that God is faithful and no matter what temptation we face, He will provide “a way out so that you can stand up under it” (1 Cor. 10:13).
God’s will for us is to overcome temptation, but it will cost us dearly, especially our pride. The preceding passage (1 Cor 10:12) warns us: “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” God is telling us that the first step in overcoming temptation is to beware of the attitude, “It couldn’t happen to me.”
As the wisdom of Proverbs says, pride sets us up for a fall.
The Rev. Gordon MacDonald, a wonderful pastor and at one time president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, shares in his book Rebuilding Your Broken World about a time when he was asked about how Satan might get him. He answered:
All sorts of ways, I suppose; but I know there's one way he wouldn't get me. “What's that?” He'd never get me in the area of my personal relationships. That's one place where I have no doubt that I'm as strong as you can get. A few years after that conversation my world broke wide open. A chain of seemingly innocent choices became destructive, and it was my fault. Choice by choice by choice, each easier to make, each becoming gradually darker. And then my world broke -- in the very area I had predicted I was safe -- and my world had to be rebuilt.
He goes on to quote from My Utmost for His Highest: “An unguarded strength is actually a double weakness.” Here is a man of God with a good marriage who had written books on family life and yet fell into adultery. Why? Because he thought it couldn’t happen to him and left this part of his life unguarded.
If David, who was “a man after God’s own heart,” Gordon MacDonald, and many other strong men and women of faith yielded to sexual temptation, it could happen to you. God is telling us through these words of Paul -- “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” (1 Cor. 10:12) -- that our vulnerability to sin increases when we think it could not happen to us.
Almost all Christians, especially Christian leaders, who have fallen to sexual temptation would tell you that they did not think it could have happened to them.
1 Corinthians 6:18 warns us, “Flee from sexual immorality.” It is easy for pride to convince us that we don’t really need to FLEE, and that this instruction is for weaker Christians. We mislead ourselves into thinking that instead of fleeing we can stroll away, looking back once in awhile, because we are strong enough to resist or flirt with temptation. Admitting that we need to flee takes real Christian humility. Remember, overcoming sexual temptation will cost your pride dearly.
When do you need to flee?
When you find yourself thinking about a “friend, co-worker, ministry partner, counselee” and how much you enjoy being with this person -- FLEE!
When you look forward to spending more time with this person and you make sure you look especially nice if you know you might see your “friend” that day -- FLEE!
If you begin to fantasize about being with this person or knowingly start touching your “friend” in “innocent “ ways -- FLEE!
When you become more secretive about your interaction with your “friend” because people like your spouse might “misunderstand” your friendship -- FLEE!
If you receive cards, e-mails or presents from this person that you would not want your spouse to see -- FLEE!
When you find yourself comparing your spouse in an unfavorable way to your “friend”-- FLEE!
If you start confiding in your “friend” about your marital problems -- FLEE!
Anytime we feel we must keep something secret, this would indicate that sin is crouching at our door. If you are experiencing sexual attraction to someone – or experiencing some other kind of temptation over a few days – go to your spouse or someone you can trust in the Body of Christ. Bring the secret out into the light of day and ask for prayer and accountability.
Satan loves it when we keep secrets in the dark because of shame, fear, or pride – but remember, darkness is overcome by light. Often this alone can break the power of temptation, but it will cost you your pride.
Many are unwilling to sacrifice their pride by admitting their struggle with sin to get the help they need. There is great wisdom in these words by Rick Warren:
If you’re losing the battle against a persistent bad habit, an addiction, or a temptation, and you're stuck in a repeating cycle of good intention-failure-guilt, you will not get better on your own. You need the help of other people. Some temptations are only overcome with the help of a partner who prays for you, encourages you, and holds you accountable.
Tragically, too many people – because of family background, having experienced sexual abuse or abandonment, or having a long history of struggling with lust – need significant ministry, yet are unwilling to get help until they are forced to do so after yielding to sin.
Yes, there is a price that your pride must pay to overcome temptation – but please take a moment and consider the much greater price of yielding to temptation. Consider the damage to the cause of Christ, to your family, and to your Christian witness, along with the pain you will cause yourself and the ones you love the most.
God has given us everything we need to overcome temptation, but it will cost our pride dearly. However, I plead with you to consider the even greater cost of yielding to the temptation.
Recommended resources:
Stanley Greg, Betrayal of TrustGregory L. Jantz, Too Close to the Flame
Quoted resources:
Gordon MacDonald, Rebuilding Your Broken World (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1988) 53Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His HighestRick Warren, The Purpose-driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002) 212.More Church and Ministry Resources
More from the Clergy Corner
More from Spiritual Life on
Marty O'Rourke is Rector of Church of the Messiah in Chesapeake, Virginia. Marty has written and taught extensively on sexual purity and marital fidelity in the church. He is often called upon to teach a seminar he has developed called 'Guard Your Heart: Sexual Misconduct Prevention for Ministers.' This seminar is designed to help Christian leaders avoid the pitfalls of sexual temptation.
For more information, you can contact him by e-mail at
By Rev. Marty O'Rourke Guest Writer – Overcoming Temptation Will Cost Your Pride Dearly
Why are so many strong Christians succumbing to sexual sin? We must remember that we as Christians do not live in a vacuum but in a culture filled with temptations that stir lust. Many people have fallen because they underestimated the power of sexual temptation.
Paul’s first letter to the Church at Corinth has the strongest teaching about sexual sin because Corinth, like our culture, was saturated with sexual temptation.
The Bible declares that God is faithful and no matter what temptation we face, He will provide “a way out so that you can stand up under it” (1 Cor. 10:13).
God’s will for us is to overcome temptation, but it will cost us dearly, especially our pride. The preceding passage (1 Cor 10:12) warns us: “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” God is telling us that the first step in overcoming temptation is to beware of the attitude, “It couldn’t happen to me.”
As the wisdom of Proverbs says, pride sets us up for a fall.
The Rev. Gordon MacDonald, a wonderful pastor and at one time president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, shares in his book Rebuilding Your Broken World about a time when he was asked about how Satan might get him. He answered:
All sorts of ways, I suppose; but I know there's one way he wouldn't get me. “What's that?” He'd never get me in the area of my personal relationships. That's one place where I have no doubt that I'm as strong as you can get. A few years after that conversation my world broke wide open. A chain of seemingly innocent choices became destructive, and it was my fault. Choice by choice by choice, each easier to make, each becoming gradually darker. And then my world broke -- in the very area I had predicted I was safe -- and my world had to be rebuilt.
He goes on to quote from My Utmost for His Highest: “An unguarded strength is actually a double weakness.” Here is a man of God with a good marriage who had written books on family life and yet fell into adultery. Why? Because he thought it couldn’t happen to him and left this part of his life unguarded.
If David, who was “a man after God’s own heart,” Gordon MacDonald, and many other strong men and women of faith yielded to sexual temptation, it could happen to you. God is telling us through these words of Paul -- “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” (1 Cor. 10:12) -- that our vulnerability to sin increases when we think it could not happen to us.
Almost all Christians, especially Christian leaders, who have fallen to sexual temptation would tell you that they did not think it could have happened to them.
1 Corinthians 6:18 warns us, “Flee from sexual immorality.” It is easy for pride to convince us that we don’t really need to FLEE, and that this instruction is for weaker Christians. We mislead ourselves into thinking that instead of fleeing we can stroll away, looking back once in awhile, because we are strong enough to resist or flirt with temptation. Admitting that we need to flee takes real Christian humility. Remember, overcoming sexual temptation will cost your pride dearly.
When do you need to flee?
When you find yourself thinking about a “friend, co-worker, ministry partner, counselee” and how much you enjoy being with this person -- FLEE!
When you look forward to spending more time with this person and you make sure you look especially nice if you know you might see your “friend” that day -- FLEE!
If you begin to fantasize about being with this person or knowingly start touching your “friend” in “innocent “ ways -- FLEE!
When you become more secretive about your interaction with your “friend” because people like your spouse might “misunderstand” your friendship -- FLEE!
If you receive cards, e-mails or presents from this person that you would not want your spouse to see -- FLEE!
When you find yourself comparing your spouse in an unfavorable way to your “friend”-- FLEE!
If you start confiding in your “friend” about your marital problems -- FLEE!
Anytime we feel we must keep something secret, this would indicate that sin is crouching at our door. If you are experiencing sexual attraction to someone – or experiencing some other kind of temptation over a few days – go to your spouse or someone you can trust in the Body of Christ. Bring the secret out into the light of day and ask for prayer and accountability.
Satan loves it when we keep secrets in the dark because of shame, fear, or pride – but remember, darkness is overcome by light. Often this alone can break the power of temptation, but it will cost you your pride.
Many are unwilling to sacrifice their pride by admitting their struggle with sin to get the help they need. There is great wisdom in these words by Rick Warren:
If you’re losing the battle against a persistent bad habit, an addiction, or a temptation, and you're stuck in a repeating cycle of good intention-failure-guilt, you will not get better on your own. You need the help of other people. Some temptations are only overcome with the help of a partner who prays for you, encourages you, and holds you accountable.
Tragically, too many people – because of family background, having experienced sexual abuse or abandonment, or having a long history of struggling with lust – need significant ministry, yet are unwilling to get help until they are forced to do so after yielding to sin.
Yes, there is a price that your pride must pay to overcome temptation – but please take a moment and consider the much greater price of yielding to temptation. Consider the damage to the cause of Christ, to your family, and to your Christian witness, along with the pain you will cause yourself and the ones you love the most.
God has given us everything we need to overcome temptation, but it will cost our pride dearly. However, I plead with you to consider the even greater cost of yielding to the temptation.
Recommended resources:
Stanley Greg, Betrayal of TrustGregory L. Jantz, Too Close to the Flame
Quoted resources:
Gordon MacDonald, Rebuilding Your Broken World (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1988) 53Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His HighestRick Warren, The Purpose-driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002) 212.More Church and Ministry Resources
More from the Clergy Corner
More from Spiritual Life on
Marty O'Rourke is Rector of Church of the Messiah in Chesapeake, Virginia. Marty has written and taught extensively on sexual purity and marital fidelity in the church. He is often called upon to teach a seminar he has developed called 'Guard Your Heart: Sexual Misconduct Prevention for Ministers.' This seminar is designed to help Christian leaders avoid the pitfalls of sexual temptation.
For more information, you can contact him by e-mail at
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