Sunday, June 24, 2007

Police storm Christian's home

Police storm Christian's home
One believer imprisoned, possessions confiscated
Posted: June 23, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007

Earlier this year WND reported on plans by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to "pave the path for the glorious reappearance of Imam Mahdi," and now confirmed reports from Voice of the Martyrs reveals that the persecution of Christians in Iran is intensifying.

WND reported that Ahmadinejad is urging Iranians to prepare for the coming of the Mahdi by turning the country into a mighty and advanced Islamic society and by avoiding the corruption and excesses of the West. Shiites believe the 12th imam disappeared as a child in the year 941, but when he returns he will reign on earth for seven years, before bringing about a final judgment and the end of the world.

Voice of the Martyrs, which makes available a newsletter providing updates on the persecution of Christians around the world, says in a new report Christians in Iran "are being detained, interrogated and in one case, imprisoned because of their faith in Jesus Christ."

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Untreatable TB threat 'apocalyptic scenario'

Untreatable TB threat 'apocalyptic scenario'
30,000 infected annually now, but toll could become 8 million 'time bombs'
Posted: June 24, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2007

The World Health Organization is appealing for billions of dollars in funding to avert the apocalypse en route if a virtually untreatable form of tuberculosis that already infects 30,000 people a year is left unchecked.

The TB, called XDR-TB for extensively drug resistant, is virtually immune to currently available antibiotics, turning aside the effects of both front-line and secondary drugs, officials have said.

It has been in the news of late because of an American airline passenger, Andrew Speaker, an Atlanta, Ga., lawyer, who was diagnosed, then traveled to Europe for his wedding, and returned, on commercial airliners, potentially exposing hundreds of people to the frequently fatal disease.

He now is being treated at a special center in Denver that deals with cases of tuberculosis.

"XDR-TB is a threat to the security and stability of global health. This response plan identifies costs, milestones and priorities for health services that will continue to have an impact beyond its two-year time line," said WHO Director-General Dr. Margaret Chan.

The organization is appealing for $2.15 billion in funding to develop a battle plan – and tools – to fight the drug-resistant TB. It is expected that it would save 134,000 lives over two years, and many more in the future.

The extensively drug resistant TB has been reported in 37 countries in all parts of the world since it first was identified in 2006, the agency said.

"There is somewhere between 25,000 and 30,000, we roughly estimate, cases of extensive drug resistant TB each year," Paul Nunn, coordinator of WHO's Stop TB Department, informed a recent meeting.

The program, called "Global MDR-TB and XDR-TB Response Plan 2007-2008" sets out measures needed to prevent, treat and control those threats. MDR-TB is multiple-drug resistant, while XDR-TB is extensively drug resistant.

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Senate Returning to Immigration Bill

Senate Returning to Immigration Bill

Jun 24 11:19 AM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - Senators pushing a new immigration policy appealed Sunday to wavering supporters ahead of renewed debate on securing the borders and dealing with 12 million undocumented immigrants.

A fragile compromise was pulled from the Senate in early June, then resurrected after bipartisan negotiations with the White House. The bill awaits a crucial test vote this week. With several senators distancing themselves from the proposal, the outcome was too close to call.

"We'll see if between the two parties we have 60 votes" needed to keep the bill moving toward a final vote, said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D- Calif.

The measure would tighten borders, require workplace verification and create a guest worker program. It also would lay out a way by which the estimated 12 million people illegally in the U.S. could gain legal status and work toward citizenship.

President Bush long has advocated an immigration overhaul. On Saturday, he urged lawmakers to "summon the courage" to support what could be the last major legislative achievement of his presidency. "The status quo is unacceptable," he said in his weekly radio address.

But he faces dissension from fellow Republicans who demand better border security and oppose any policy that suggests amnesty for undocumented immigrants.

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Bush: Plan has permanent ban for illegals

Bush: Plan has permanent ban for illegals
Uses radio address to lobby for Senate's 'amnesty' idea
Posted: June 23, 2007
5:00 p.m. Eastern

© 2007

President Bush today offered the promise of a future permanent ban on illegal aliens in the United States – if the U.S. Senate moves forward with a compromise "comprehensive" immigration reform package that was killed earlier.

"Right now, our laws are ineffective and insufficient. For example, crossing the border illegally carries weak penalties. In addition, participation in illegal gangs is not enough to bar admission into our country," he said on his weekly radio address.

"And when we cannot get other countries to accept the return of their citizens who are dangerous criminals, in most cases our government can only detain these aliens for six months before releasing them into society," he said.

"This is unacceptable. The bill before the Senate addresses these problems. Under this bill, those caught crossing illegally will be permanently barred from returning to the United States on a work or tourist visa.

"Under this bill, anyone known to have taken part in illegal gang activity can be denied admission to our country. And under the bill, we will be able to detain aliens who are dangerous criminals until another country accepts their return," he said.

However, it also grants legal status to the estimated 12-20 million illegal aliens already within the United States, and that has generated considerable opposition among Republicans and even some Democrats.

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Anglican Church of Canada to debate whether to bless same-sex unions

Anglican Church of Canada to debate whether to bless same-sex unions

Jun 23 12:59 PM US/Eastern

WINNIPEG (CP) - Leaders of Canada's third-largest denomination are preparing to vote on an issue that has already divided the country's two million congregants.
The Anglican Church of Canada is holding its General Synod in Winnipeg and is deciding whether to bless the unions of same-sex couples.

The decision could ultimately lead to a split from the worldwide church.

Some of the more conservative Anglican churches have already threatened the U.S. church with expulsion over its blessings of same- sex couples.

A blessing is intended for a couple who have united in a civil ceremony or some other union and is not the same as a marriage.

The debate comes the day after delegates voted in Fred Hiltz from Atlantic Canada as the new head of Canada's Anglicans.

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Bill paves way for Canada's 'disappearance'

Bill paves way for Canada's 'disappearance'
Critics say country moving toward 'deep integration' with U.S.
Posted: June 23, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007

Lawmakers in Canada appear to be paving the way for "deep integration" with the U.S. and Mexico with a proposed measure that advances the controversial Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America promoted by the Bush administration, notes WND columnist Jerome Corsi.

It's an issue Corsi has fully investigated for his newest book, "The Late Great USA."

The conservative minority government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper is pressing for "The Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement", which would enable a Canadian company to challenge laws in provinces that block the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Murray Dobbin, a Vancouver author and journalist critical of SPP, argued in an article titled, "The Plan to Disappear Canada – 'Deep Integration' comes out of the shadows," the secretive trilateral bureaucratic working groups organized under the auspices of SPP are "harmonizing" virtually every important area of public policy with the U.S., including "defense, foreign policy, energy (they get security, we get greenhouse gases), culture, social policy, tax policy, drug testing and safety and much more."

The proposed legislation would allow companies that believe provincial laws and regulations harm their NAFTA rights to demand up to $5 million in compensatory damages for each violation.

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Finally! The full exposé of North American agenda

Finally! The full exposé of North American agenda
Book documents plans for merger of U.S., Mexico, Canada

© 2007

WASHINGTON – Resistance to enforcing immigration laws and border security by political elites in the nation's capital is, at least in part, a result of plans to promote political, social and economic integration of the U.S., Mexico and Canada, charges a new book, "The Late Great USA."

"It's the only context in which the current immigration travesty makes sense," says Jerome Corsi, co-author of the best-selling "Unfit for Command," "and it must be stopped."

Millions of Americans, shocked by the Senate "grand bargain" on immigration that gives the precious gift of legalization to millions of illegal aliens and felons, have taken to the phones to demand no amnesty. But, claims Corsi, there's far more to the current Senate bill – a story documented in shocking detail in "The Late Great USA: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada," published by WND Books.

"Prior to this 'grand bargain' cooked up in a backroom by our so-called representatives, many people had never heard of the Security and Prosperity Partnership, yet several amendments in the Senate bill are designed specifically to further the SPP's agenda," explains Corsi.

In "The Late Great USA," Corsi shows how the SPP, an agreement signed in 2005 by Bush, Paul Martin of Canada and Vicente Fox of Mexico, is nothing less than a full-frontal assault on American sovereignty.

This aim to create a North American Union between the United States, Mexico and Canada is the real reason behind "comprehensive immigration reform."

Says Corsi, "Bush's goal to create a North American Union – with no borders, a shared currency, and utterly no voice for average Americans in their own futures – is the real reason he won't enforce immigration laws."

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Democrats hope to hush Rush

Democrats hope to hush Rush
Feinstein looking at Fairness Doctrine, says talk radio 'overwhelmingly 1 way'
Posted: June 24, 2007
7:30 p.m. Eastern

© 2007

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., is "looking at" bringing back the Fairness Doctrine, a controversial policy designed to ensure equal time for all political viewpoints on radio, but criticized by many as resulting in the opposite result.

When asked by Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday" if she would revive the measure, said, "Well, I'm looking at it, as a matter of fact, Chris, because I think there ought to be an opportunity to present the other side. And unfortunately, talk radio is overwhelmingly one way."

Wallace pointed out, "But the argument would be it's the marketplace, and if liberals want to put on their own talk radio, they can put it on. At this point, they don't seem to be able to find much of a market."

Feinstein responded: "Well, apparently, there have been problems. It is growing. But I do believe in fairness. I remember when there was a fairness doctrine, and I think there was much more serious correct reporting to people."

The Democrat said talk radio tends to be one-sided.

"It also tends to be dwelling in hyperbole. It's explosive. It pushes people to, I think, extreme views without a lot of information."

Among the targets of leftist Democrats is conservative champion Rush Limbaugh, the most-listened to host in the history of talk radio, who has railed against in the Fairness Doctrine for years.

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I have an idea...maybe we can attempt to aim this at TV News Media? Oh wait, that would not work in the liberal's favor, considering that almost all TV News Media is not fair or balanced, and is currently Left/Liberal/Democrat. Talk about not being fair? With conservative's pretty much only having their view point expressed on talk radio and blogs, the liberals now even want to take that away, because it's a threat to them! Why is it a threat? Because like it or not, the majority of Americans lean towards the conservative side, and agree with conservative radio. Unfortunately, not enough speak up nearly as much as the liberals do.

Your doctor could put you on no-gun list

Your doctor could put you on no-gun list
Congress fast-tracks plan to let physicians ban weapons ownership
By Naomi Laine
© 2007

The House of Representatives has fast-tracked new legislation to "improve" the National Instant Criminal Background Check System by allowing doctors to now decide who can own firearms.

The proposal, H.R. 2640, was sponsored by U.S. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., in the wake of the April tragedy at Virginia Tech, when a gunman shot and killed more than 30 people, then killed himself.

McCarthy, whose own husband was killed in a random shooting on a commuter train in New York City in 1993, introduced the "NICS Improvement Act," which sailed through the House in three days.

The plan is the first congressional effort to curtail gun ownership rights in a decade, but by being put on the fast track was exempted from the ordinary committee hearings and public scrutiny most proposals are sent through.

"Millions of criminal records are not accessible by NICS and millions others are missing critical data," said McCarthy. "Each year, tens of thousands of barred individuals slip through the cracks of the system and gain access to firearms. Simply put, the NICS system must be updated on both the state and federal level."

If the Act passes in the Senate, it would provide grants so states can add the names of criminals to the NICS system, which would label them as unable to own firearms, but it also flags those with medical or psychological issues as unfit to possess a gun.

The plan allows names to be entered into the NICS system based solely on a physician's diagnosis or prescription of a medication: adults who have taken Ritalin and soldiers with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder would be classified as mentally ill and given the same opportunity to own firearms as convicted felons: None.

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Ignacio Ramos reported in 'emaciated' condition

Ignacio Ramos reported in 'emaciated' condition
Congressional aide says Border Patrol agent 'languishing in solitary'
© 2007

A congressional aide who visited Ignacio Ramos in prison said the convicted Border Patrol agent appeared emaciated, losing more than 30 pounds in solitary confinement.

Ramos, who is appealing his 11-year sentence for the non-lethal shooting of a Mexican drug smuggler, has been in a "special housing unit" since he was beaten by inmates in February at the medium-security Federal Correctional Complex in Yazoo City, Miss., said Tara Setmayer, spokeswoman for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif.

"He was very happy to see me, but, overall, he was very emotional," Setmayer told WND. "He is demoralized. Languishing in solitary for 135 days takes its toll on anyone."

The men who bloodied Ramos with kicks from steel-toed boots are in the same unit, Setmayer said.

Although the prison tries to make a distinction, she noted, "the protective measures are punitive, so he suffers all of the same restrictions as those there for disciplinary reasons."

A lockdown had been implemented prior to Setmayer's visit June 11, and Ramos had not received a hot meal in two days, Setmayer said.

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Judge bans word 'rape' at rape trial

Judge bans word 'rape' at rape trial
Defense lawyers say witnesses 'can't reach legal conclusions'

© 2007

A California appeals court recently ruled "family values" could be considered "hate speech," but now a judge in Nebraska has gone even further, banning the use of the words "rape" and "sexual assault" during a trial for a man accused of sexual assault.

The new order comes from Jeffre Cheuvront, a district judge in Lancaster County, who granted a defense motion to ban such words. A defense lawyer, Clarence Mock, told the Lincoln Star-Journal those references should be restricted to keep the trial fair.

"Rape" is not even a legal term, he noted. And while "sexual assault" is, that references something only the jury can determine, he said.

"Under the rules of evidence, witnesses can't reach legal conclusions," he told the newspaper.

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Medical authorities confirm body to be missing Ohio woman

Medical authorities confirm body to be missing Ohio woman

Joe Milicia - Associated Press Writer
June 24, 2007

AKRON, Ohio - A body found at the end of a dayslong search for a woman nearly nine months pregnant is indeed hers, a medical examiner confirmed Sunday as investigators pieced together the case against the boyfriend accused of killing her.

The body found Saturday in a park was that of 26-year-old Jessie Davis, whose due date was July 3, the Summit County medical examiner's office said. Bobby Cutts Jr., who authorities suspect is the father, is charged with two counts of murder.

The cause of death had not yet been determined, said Lisa Kohler, the Summit County medical examiner. Her office had said it might be difficult to determine the cause of death because of the advanced state of decomposition.

The fetus was still in the woman's womb, Kohler said as she left her office Sunday. She declined to comment further. Confirmation of Davis' identity had been announced on a recording from the medical examiner's telephone hotline.

Davis, of Lake Township near Canton, was reported missing after her mother found Davis' 2-year-old son, Blake, home alone, with bedroom furniture toppled and bleach spilled on the floor. Blake gave investigators their first clues, saying: "Mommy was crying. Mommy broke the table. Mommy's in rug."

Thousands of volunteers searched for Davis for several days, while investigators questioned Cutts, 30, a police officer who is Davis' boyfriend and has an estranged wife. He is scheduled to be arraigned Monday.

Davis' relatives have said they believed Cutts, of North Canton, was the father of both Blake and the fetus Davis was carrying.

Investigators have refused to comment on the circumstances surrounding the discovery of Davis' body and Cutts' arrest.

There was no immediate response to messages seeking comment Sunday from Davis' family members and Cutts' lawyer. Cutts' pastor, the Rev. C.A. Richmond, declined to comment as he entered a services in Canton on Sunday.

The body was found in an area known as Top O' the World because of its elevation. The area contains a dirt road, a small dirt parking area and a couple of benches overlooking a grassy field.

The body was found in that field, said Roger Riggins, an investigator for the medical examiner's office.

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