Friday, July 20, 2007

Radio host condemned for 'Islam is a cult'

Radio host condemned for 'Islam is a cult'
CAIR cites Neal Boortz for angry confrontation of Muslim caller
© 2007

A controversial Washington-based Islamic lobby group today is highlighting as "Islamophobia" a heated radio talk-show exchange in which host Neal Boortz tells a Muslim caller Islam is a "cult," not a religion.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations said in its daily e-mail dispatch today an audio clip of the conversation – the date is not indicated – "is circulating on anti-Muslim Internet hate sites."
A copy of the clip was posted on Oct. 8, 2006.

The caller began: "Sir, I'm calling because of some statements you've been making in the past week about the religion of Islam and … "

Boortz interrupted: It's a cult, it's not even a religion. … "

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Why is he condemned? Condemned by who? Where is freedom of speech? And What did he say that was wrong? What is Islamophobia? Give me a break! They must have learned that word from the word Homophobia. Speaking of which, since muslims speak out against homosexuals, will they classify themselves as Homophobia? Why not. Simply because we speak out against islam, they call us islamophobia. Also, speaking of Islamophobia...Isn't that the point of terrorists? To make you fear them? Are not 99-100% of terrorists muslim by "religion"?

(*NOTE* I said, "are not 99-100% of terrorists muslim by "religion"", I did NOT say 99-100% of muslims are terrorists...although I wish they would do more to help stop it, if they truly cared.) Hmmm.

The Koran teaches to kill the infidel, which by the way is anyone who is not muslim. So why do we call muslim terrorists... "Extremists"? I guess if you follow the koran, you are an extremist, if you don't follow the koran, what are you... muslim? Im confused.

P.S. If you are offended by this free speech blog, simply don't return. Just as I, who can be offended by other "faith" blogs, simply don't return to them, unless I choose too. I don't cry about it though!

Overall, what we need to do is add muslim's to our prayer lists! We also need to be sincere about it! The Bible tells us to love our enemies, and pray for those who persecute us. (Mat. 5:44)

Black conservative leader lobbies against 'hate crimes' legislation

Black conservative leader lobbies against 'hate crimes' legislation

Chad Groening
July 20, 2007

Equal justice for all? A black conservative leader is calling on Christians to contact their U.S. senators and ask them to vote against a bill that would give special rights to homosexuals and take away the rights of Christians.

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Tipster shields lifted by Democrats

Tipster shields lifted by Democrats
By Audrey Hudson
July 20, 2007

Congressional Democrats yesterday declined to protect tipsters who report suspicious behavior from nuisance lawsuits.

"This is a slap in the face of good citizens who do their patriotic duty and come forward, and it caves in to radical Islamists," said Rep. Peter T. King, New York Republican and ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee.

Republicans tried to write the protection provision included in final homeland security legislation, crafted yesterday by a House and Senate conference committee, to implement final recommendations from the September 11 commission.

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Wonderful... Get sued for calling in a possible terrorist? That ought to motivate people to call! Have they just simply lost their minds?!

Cheney to take presidency temporarily

Bush to Have Colonoscopy at Camp David

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush will have a colonoscopy Saturday and temporarily hand presidential powers to Vice President Dick Cheney, the White House said.

Press secretary Tony Snow told reporters Friday that Bush will have the procedure looking for signs of cancer at his Camp David, Md., mountaintop retreat.

He last had such a colorectal cancer check on June 29, 2002.

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Rabbis: 'Peres must repent'

Rabbis: 'Peres must repent'
New president slammed for policies 'that will spill Jewish blood'
By Aaron Klein
© 2007

TEL AVIV – A group of hundreds of prominent Israeli rabbis today urged veteran politician Shimon Peres to immediately "repent" for calling on the Jewish state to evacuate strategic territory the they fear will be used by terrorists to attack Israel.

Peres officially was installed as Israeli president earlier this week. Upon his inauguration, he immediately stated Israel must withdraw from the West Bank, which borders Jerusalem and is within rocket range of Tel Aviv and Israel's international airport.

"We call on Shimon Peres to publicly retract his 'shameful' remarks on the day of his inauguration calling for Israel to 'rid itself of the territories,' referring to the biblical Judea and Samaria (West Bank)," read a statement by the Rabbinical Congress for Peace, a coalition of more than 350 Israeli rabbinic leaders and pulpit rabbis.

"Our sages tell us in the Talmud that when a person assumes an exalted position, all of his sins previously committed are forgiven. But you, Mr. Peres, missed the opportunity to rectify your historical blunders when you declared so blindly that Israel must rid itself of the territories. You caused tremendous damage not only to Jews in Israel but to the status of the Jewish people the world over."

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Ahmadinejad: It's going to be a 'hot' summer

Ahmadinejad: It's going to be a 'hot' summer
In surprise Damascus visit hopes for 'defeat for the region's enemies'
By Aaron Klein
© 2007

TEL AVIV – Visiting Syria today, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned during a press conference that this summer will be "hot" and will bring defeat for the "region's enemies."

"We hope that the hot weather of this summer would coincide with similar victories for the region‘s peoples, and with consequent defeat for the region‘s enemies," Ahmadinejad said, standing alongside Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Ahmadinejad was speaking after a meeting in Damascus with Assad and Hassan Nasrallah, chief of the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, which last summer engaged in 34 days of confrontations with the Jewish state during which the group fired thousands of rockets into Israeli population centers.

Nasrallah made the rare appearance in Damascus after months of largely keeping a low public profile in Lebanon.

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Bush bans terror suspect torture

Bush bans terror suspect torture

US President George W Bush has signed an executive order banning "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment" of terror suspects.
It says torture and personal abuse - including sexual acts and attacks on religious beliefs - are intolerable.

CIA Director Michael Hayden said the order gave the agency the legal clarity it had been seeking.

The administration has faced pressure at home and abroad over interrogation techniques used on suspected militants.

The most controversial practice allegedly used by the CIA is "water boarding" - in which prisoners are strapped to a plank over water and made to fear that they will drown.

The American authorities have never confirmed they use the technique and it is unclear whether the guidelines allow it.

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Last I checked, the enemy cuts off heads and displays them! Hmmm...guess we are too mild!

Immigration solution? Enforce the laws!

Immigration solution? Enforce the laws!
Activists say investigation needed to reveal failures
Posted: July 20, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007

An activist group advocating legal immigration paths into the United States wants an investigation into the nation's failure to enforce what immigration laws it already has.

"We need Congress and the press to do their jobs, by launching investigations to find out why our existing laws are not being enforced," said William Gheen, a spokesman for Americans for Legal Immigration PAC.

"Presidents do not get to decide which laws they will or will not enforce on behalf of their big business friends. That's what kings do, not presidents. If our existing laws go un-enforced, then we no longer live in a functioning Republican for which our flag stands," he said.

Gheen, in an earlier analysis of the issue of illegal aliens, said the issue isn't all that complicated.

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New Haven To Test New Way Of Dealing With Illegal Immigration Aimed At Integration

New Haven To Test New Way Of Dealing With Illegal Immigration Aimed At Integration

Jessica Pupovac - AHN

New Haven, CT - A program approved last month by the Board of Aldermen for the city of New Haven, Connecticut, will officially go into effect July 25, when thousands of local undocumented immigrants are issued legitimate U.S. identification cards. The program, approved by a 25-1 vote, runs contrary to a growing national trend in which localities are attempting to curb illegal immigration through punitive measures, such as arrest, deportation and exclusion from public services.

The program is believed to be the first of it's kind in the nation.

The ID cards will be issued in an attempt to curb local crime by making undocumented immigrants more likely to report crimes or cooperate with local authorities. They will also allow them the opportunity to establish bank accounts, access local libraries and enjoy other public services that officials hope will help them integrate into the community and avoid becoming the target of robberies and other crimes.

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U.S. nuclear lab ex-contractor accused of stealing

U.S. nuclear lab ex-contractor accused of stealing

By James Vicini

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A former contract worker at a nuclear laboratory run by the U.S. Energy Department was charged with stealing classified equipment used for uranium enrichment, the Justice Department said on Thursday.

Officials said Roy Oakley, 67, was indicted by a federal grand jury in Knoxville, Tennessee, as part of an undercover FBI operation in which federal agents posed as representatives of a foreign nation seeking to buy the materials.

They said Oakley worked as a contract employee doing cleanup work at the East Tennessee Technology Park, a site within the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Energy Department's largest science and energy research facility.

According to the two-count indictment, Oakley in January possessed equipment known as "barriers" and associated hardware used for uranium enrichment.

He gave it to another person, having reason to believe it would hurt the United States and help a foreign nation, the indictment said.

The second count charged him with converting the equipment, which belonged to the Energy Department, for his own use.

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'Personhood' for unborn is proposed in Colorado

'Personhood' for unborn is proposed in Colorado
Amendment passes 2nd state test on planned path to voters in 2008
Posted: July 20, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007

A proposal in Colorado that would decimate the foundation for the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe vs. Wade abortion ruling by declaring "personhood" for every unborn baby from the moment of conception has passed its second state test.

Officials said the language in the constitutional amendment proposed by Colorado Equal Rights has been given tentative approval by a state board. It was the second review for the proposal under the complicated procedures Colorado demands for initiatives.

Colorado Equal Rights spokesman Mark Meuser told WND that he's confident of ultimate victory.

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More cases of terrorists 'baking' children cited

More cases of terrorists 'baking' children cited
Researchers say Muslim history includes cooking human victims
By Bob Unruh
© 2007

Although the recent WND report of al-Qaida terrorists allegedly baking a young boy and serving him as a meal to his relatives was too horrific for some to believe, a major Christian ministry is citing another example – and also claims such a practice has its roots in the historical stories of Islam.

The issue has come into focus following a report from Michael Yon, a Special Forces soldier now in Iraq to report on the successes there. He told radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt he was inspired by a "news cycle that seems to pander toward the terrorists."

Yon, who has earned widespread respect as an independent journalist, reported that Iraqi officials told him about al-Qaida terrorists baking children and serving them to their families.

He confirmed independently to WND that an Iraqi official had recounted for him instances in which the terrorists would bake a young boy, then invite his family to have lunch, with the baked child as the main course.

Officials with the Barnabas Fund, an international Christian group working to help persecuted Christians, particularly those in Muslim-majority contexts, then confirmed Yon's report aligns with one of their own reports about such an atrocity.

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Risk of Botulism Poisoning - Chili Products sold Nationally

Affected units were sold nationally and consumers in all parts of the country should check the label and "Best By" date on the bottom of the cans.

Two children in Texas and an Indiana couple who ate these products became seriously ill and have been hospitalized. Consumers who have any of these products or any foods made with these products should not eat them and throw them away immediately. List of products from The U.S. Food and Drug Administration...

10 ounce cans of Castleberry's Hot Dog Chili Sauce (UPC 3030000101)

Austex Hot Dog Chili Sauce (UPC 3030099533)

Kroger Hot Dog Chili Sauce (UPC 1111083942)

with "best by" dates from April 30, 2009 through May 22, 2009 due to possible botulism contamination. If the "best by" date is missing or unreadable consumers should throw the product out. The "best by dates" can be found on the can lids. UPC is the bar code number which should appear on a product label.

Botulism can be fatal.

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