God' erased? Suit could force city name changes!
Lawyers say if national motto killed, religious freedoms will be lost!
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
If an atheist who contends "In God We Trust" violates religious rights under his own "First Amendment Church of True Science" wins in court, the changes in the U.S. could be radical, says a lawyer defending the national motto.
Banning references to God or Christianity in the public sphere would mean, for example, Los Angeles – "The Angels" – would need a new name, according to Kevin Snider, chief counsel of the Pacific Justice Institute.
Sacramento, too, would disappear, because one couldn't have a city called "The Sacraments," he told WND.
The motto would disappear from U.S. coins, where it first appeared in the 1800s, and the precedent would just ripple from there, he said.
"We better take this one seriously," constitutional attorney Herbert W. Titus told D. James Kennedy's Coral Ridge ministry. "Otherwise, we're going to see a very strong erosion of the references to God at the federal level."
The radical elimination of those references already has been under way for some years, as WND reported in a story about the U.S. Supreme Court changing its official description of stone tablets in the artwork within the very chamber where decisions are delivered. As recently as 20 years ago, they were officially the Ten Commandments. Now they are the Ten Amendments.
The lawsuit at issue was brought by Michael Newdow, who earlier challenged the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. The U.S. Supreme Court rejected his claim in that case, but on a technicality, and Newdow refiled the action.
Newdow then also sued over the national motto, alleging it infringed on his rights, but the claims were turned back at the district court level, where Judge Frank C. Damrell Jr. cited a 36-year-old appellate ruling and concluded the national motto "has nothing whatsoever to do with the establishment of religion."
That previous ruling said the motto's "use is of a patriotic or ceremonial character and bears no true resemblance to a government sponsorship of a religious exercise."
But Newdow appealed the decision to the 9th Circuit, which had granted him a favorable ruling in his earlier complaint over the Pledge of Allegiance. Now briefs have been filed supporting the district judge's conclusion.
The U.S. Justice Department submitted arguments because it was named as defendant in Newdow's lawsuit and subsequent appeal. The Pacific Justice Institute, or PJI also asked to be added to the case on behalf of the defendants and submitted its arguments.
PJI argues the earlier court rulings are worth considering. Just because something is religious does not necessarily mean it violates the Establishment Clause.
"If it has a historical basis, and it's purpose is for ceremony or for solemnizing events," it is allowed, Snider noted.
The U.S. Constitution and other founding documents also reference rights being divinely endowed and contain other acknowledgments of God, "so our position is the government can have a motto that is reflective of that," he said.
Newdow has admitted that such references do not require him to believe in God, but he told WND he still wants to eradicate the historic motto in public places and instead install his own belief system that does not acknowledge God.
He said his goal is to have "the government treat everybody's religious views equally," even though when there are opposite views, such a goal is technically impossible.
Coins cannot, after all, be minted both with the motto and without the motto, a circumstance that might be considered treating belief systems "equally."
Newdow told WND the issue of the motto is an attempt for the government to do "exactly what the Establishment Clause is supposed to prevent."
But Snider said the ripple effect would be massive, should the ultimate decision, which may be made by the U.S. Supreme Court, throw out the motto: Every cross in every national cemetery might have to be removed or changed into some other symbol, the Washington Monument's reference to God could have to go, those Ten Commandment representations inside the U.S. Supreme Court Chamber could have to be removed.
Even the Constitution's own reference that it was done "in convention … in the year of our Lord" 1787, apparently could be considered "unconstitutional" under that reasoning, observers said.
Newdow previously dismissed that reference as a "term of art."
Newdow now will have several weeks to submit his reply to the defendant's briefs before oral arguments are scheduled, and those will be sometime over the next few months, Snider said.
Snider said if the appellate court follows its own record of anti-religious decisions, the case probably will go up to the Supreme Court.
"Our attorneys are committed to work hard as we diligently represent people of faith throughout this country in this very important case," said Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice.
Newdow's other arguments are that the motto turns him into a "political outsider," and it forces him to pay taxes for a religious notion.
He cites constitutional provisions, as well as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which requires the government to show a compelling interest before it can "substantially burden" religious freedom.
Newdow said the motto "places the government on one side in the quintessential theological debate: Does God exist?"
"That would be news to the First Congress," Kennedy wrote. "The same Congress that in 1789 passed the First Amendment, which Mr. Newdow relies on to eliminate the motto, immediately afterward asked President George Washington to declare a day of public thanksgiving and prayer – to God. The Congress responsible for the First Amendment was itself not neutral on the question of God's existence."
Also filing amicus briefs in the case were several other Christian and civil liberties organizations, including the national public-interest Thomas More Law Center and the American Center for Law and Justice.
"From the beginning, this suit was nothing more than an attempt to alter history by removing a legitimate expression of our religious history," the ACLJ said.
"The Establishment Clause was never intended as a guarantee that a person will not be exposed to religion or religious symbols on public property, and the Supreme Court has rejected previous attempts to eradicate all symbols of this country’s religious heritage from the public’s view," the ACLJ's brief argued. "Although enterprising plaintiffs can find support for just about any proposition in the Court's multifarious Establishment Clause pronouncements, a claim that the national motto violates the First Amendment borders on frivolous."
"If our National Motto can be declared unconstitutional simply because it reflects a basic truth of our religious faith - as Dr. Michael Newdow has charged in court - then any expression of your faith and mine can also be declared illegal. Our foundational freedoms will crumble," the ACLJ said.
Richard Thompson, the Thomas More center's chief counsel, says Newdow's "attempt to eliminate the mere acknowledgement of our religious heritage by our national motto has no basis in constitutional law."
"Even the Supreme Court, in past decisions, has understood there is an unbroken history of official invocations of Divine guidance beginning with our founding fathers and continuing to our present day leaders," Thompson said.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Nearly 100 MPs join protest over BA cross ban
Nearly 100 MPs join protest over BA cross ban
By Toby Helm, chief political correspondent
Almost 100 MPs have joined the protest against British Airways over its decision to ban employees from openly wearing religious symbols.
A total of 94 MPs from all parties have signed Parliamentary motions condemning BA for its “deplorable behaviour” in banning check-in worker Nadia Eweida from wearing her Christian cross.
The list includes several serving and ex-cabinet ministers, one Muslim and one Hindu MP.
They include Peter Hain, the Northern Ireland Secretary, and Ben Bradshaw, the environment minister, who is threatening to boycott the airline over its “intransigence”.
The protest has been joined by 30 Labour MPs, 37 Conservatives, 16 Liberal Democrats and 11 from other smaller parties.
They have joined the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, who had condemned BA’s approach as “flawed nonsense” which took no account of Britain’s cultural heritage.
Earlier this week, Miss Eweida, 55, lost an appeal against BA over her right to wear the cross with her uniform.
She has been off work for two months without pay after BA officials claimed that the cross breached company rules on dress code.
Last night, Vince Cable, Miss Eweida’s MP and the Liberal Democrat deputy leader, said he was “delighted” at the strength of protest among fellow members of Parliament.
One motion in circulation in the House of Commons last night said: “The company’s intransigence will damage its reputation and lost many regular customers including honourable members.”
Jon Cruddas, Labour MP for Dagenham and a contender for the Labour deputy leadership, described BA's behaviour as “ridiculous”.
Tim Farron, an aide to the party leader Sir Menzies Campbell, said: “People have the right to wear a religious symbol and to be told otherwise is distinctly un-British.
“The whole debate on religious symbols has got out of hand. We are a tolerant nation and this behaviour from BA seems to be extremely intolerant indeed.”
Last night it was reported that UN leaders will raise the issue at a conference in Prague this weekend.
It will be debated alongside other claims of religious intolerance including complaints about death sentences for critics of Islam in Pakistan.
© Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2006.
By Toby Helm, chief political correspondent
Almost 100 MPs have joined the protest against British Airways over its decision to ban employees from openly wearing religious symbols.
A total of 94 MPs from all parties have signed Parliamentary motions condemning BA for its “deplorable behaviour” in banning check-in worker Nadia Eweida from wearing her Christian cross.
The list includes several serving and ex-cabinet ministers, one Muslim and one Hindu MP.
They include Peter Hain, the Northern Ireland Secretary, and Ben Bradshaw, the environment minister, who is threatening to boycott the airline over its “intransigence”.
The protest has been joined by 30 Labour MPs, 37 Conservatives, 16 Liberal Democrats and 11 from other smaller parties.
They have joined the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, who had condemned BA’s approach as “flawed nonsense” which took no account of Britain’s cultural heritage.
Earlier this week, Miss Eweida, 55, lost an appeal against BA over her right to wear the cross with her uniform.
She has been off work for two months without pay after BA officials claimed that the cross breached company rules on dress code.
Last night, Vince Cable, Miss Eweida’s MP and the Liberal Democrat deputy leader, said he was “delighted” at the strength of protest among fellow members of Parliament.
One motion in circulation in the House of Commons last night said: “The company’s intransigence will damage its reputation and lost many regular customers including honourable members.”
Jon Cruddas, Labour MP for Dagenham and a contender for the Labour deputy leadership, described BA's behaviour as “ridiculous”.
Tim Farron, an aide to the party leader Sir Menzies Campbell, said: “People have the right to wear a religious symbol and to be told otherwise is distinctly un-British.
“The whole debate on religious symbols has got out of hand. We are a tolerant nation and this behaviour from BA seems to be extremely intolerant indeed.”
Last night it was reported that UN leaders will raise the issue at a conference in Prague this weekend.
It will be debated alongside other claims of religious intolerance including complaints about death sentences for critics of Islam in Pakistan.
© Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2006.
'Wal-Mart retreat from 'gay' agenda not enough'. Campaigners still plan 'information explosion' at retailer's stores
By Bob Unruh
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
Campaigners say they plan to hold their "information explosion" at Wal-Mart stores Friday even though the company has signaled a retreat from its support of the radical homosexual agenda.
"We continue to encourage men and women, dads and moms, grandpas and grandmas, Christians from every walk of life to call on Wal-Mart to change its course and return to traditional family values and the biblical principles that made it great," said a statement today from Flip Benham, who is working on the http://www.wnd.com/redir/r.asp?http://www.savewalmart.com/ outreach.
"We are not a protest. We are a proclamation that Jesus Christ is Lord! We are calling an 'old friend' back to its godly roots. Wal-Mart can be saved and so can America," he said.
Wal-Mart's announced policy changed this week prompted the American Family Association to cancel a boycott called for Friday and Saturday.
The change, according to Mona Williams, vice-president for communications at Wal-Mart, will have the company evaluating on a case-by-case basis its support for outside groups.
Many have criticized the company's decision to join the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and contribute $25,000 to its operating budget, as well as a $60,000 contribution to another homosexual organization to sponsor a conference.
Such contributions are unlikely in the future, Williams told WND, because of the change that was prompted by "concerns and questions" from the company's employees and customers alike.
"As a result we agreed we needed to be more thoughtful in how we make our contributions. We will not make corporate contributions to support or oppose highly controversial issues," Williams told WND.
Those "blanket contributions" to "gay" groups won't continue, but, "we would look for opportunities to partner with them in areas we could support," Williams said, such as initiatives that support equality in the work place.
If it doesn't impact business, there's no reason for the company to take a position and contribute financially, she said.
"I think we will do all of these on a case-by-case basis, and we would not rule out partnering with the ("gay") chamber on specific projects," she told WND. However, other details about the company's actual membership status with the "gay" chamber, and Wal-Mart officials serving on panels for that group, couldn't be answered right away.
"That's more detail than I can answer at this point," she told WND.
The AFA, which earlier had asked its millions of constituents to support the post-Thanksgiving boycott, said the company had contacted AFA with word of its change.
Randy Sharp, the director of special projects for AFA, told WND Wal-Mart responded to the specific issues raised by the association, such as the contributions.
"Our understanding is that regarding the issues we had addressed specifically, that they would not longer make those," he said.
But Benham said he didn't want people to believe all the corporate "hype" yet.
"In a statement to the American Family Association yesterday, Wal-Mart agreed that they, "…will not make corporate contributions to support or oppose highly controversial issues unless they directly relate to our ability to serve our customers.' To this we say, 'NUTS!'" said a statement from Benham.
"Wal-Mart is running scared! It fears the power of the Church of Jesus Christ to move in people's hearts and change them – to change even where they shop. Wal-Mart needs to fear the God of Sam Walton!" he said.
He noted Wal-Mart still is a "member" of the NGLCC, and still dispenses the Plan B abortion pill. It also has not apologized for its actions and not fired a homosexual marketing agency, he said.
"While Wal-Mart has caved on controversial corporate sponsorships, the Gospel continues. Christians from across the nation will bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to Wal-Mart and Sam's Club stores this Friday, November 24th. They will call Wal-Mart's corporate leadership to true repentance, repentance that goes beyond last minute face-saving efforts, half-way apologies, and crocodile tears," Benham said.
"Every executive at Wal-Mart that allowed this to happen needs a good old fashioned spanking" said Benham, a driving force behind the SaveWalMart.com website. "What Wal-Mart has done is sin! It is a betrayal our Lord Jesus, of Sam Walton's Christian legacy, and Christian families everywhere. Wal-Mart must bear the fruit of repentance."
Wal-Mart's policy change came late Tuesday: "Respect for the individual is one of the core values that have made us into the company we are today. We take pride in the fact that we treat every customer, every supplier and every member of our individual communities fairly and equally," the company said in a statement on its Wal-Mart Facts website.
The AFA said its constituents should send the company a 'Thank you.'
"You have made a difference!" the AFA said. "(We) are pleased with this announcement."
"We are working hard to make our corporate contributions reflect the values of our customers, communities, and associates. As Sam Walton said, 'Each Wal-Mart store should reflect the values of its customers and support the vision they hold for their community," the company statement said.
The AFA, as WND reported, was among the first of several to issue calls intended to get the attention of the retail chain.
But the Save Wal-Mart campaign wanted to take its message instead directly to Wal-Mart customers.
The campaign's plans are to have people choose the Wal-Mart nearest either their home or church Friday, and be there all day to hand out information about the developments involving the company.
A handout prepared for customers says: "Wal-Mart is changing! It is departing from the rock from which it was hewn. The faith and love for Jesus Christ and His Word by Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, is being trashed before our very eyes."
Tony Perkins, of the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., said the problem is that the homosexual business group isn't just that. While the NGLCC "professes to promote the 'interests of the LGBT business community,' this is not all they have done," he said.
He said the group recently described efforts to defend traditional marriage as an attempt to "write discrimination into the Constitution …" and it has advocated attaching a pro-homosexual "hate crimes" amendment to legislation intended to protect children from violent sex offenders.
AFA boycotts in the past have proven effective, even though the organization doesn't take credit for all of the impacts. An example is the Ford Motor Company which more than a year ago embraced the "gay" community in its advertising and programs.
The AFA and dozens of other Christian groups joined in a boycott, and since then Ford has lost hundreds of millions of dollars, laid off tens of thousands of workers and is trying to regroup and stabilize.
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
Campaigners say they plan to hold their "information explosion" at Wal-Mart stores Friday even though the company has signaled a retreat from its support of the radical homosexual agenda.
"We continue to encourage men and women, dads and moms, grandpas and grandmas, Christians from every walk of life to call on Wal-Mart to change its course and return to traditional family values and the biblical principles that made it great," said a statement today from Flip Benham, who is working on the http://www.wnd.com/redir/r.asp?http://www.savewalmart.com/ outreach.
"We are not a protest. We are a proclamation that Jesus Christ is Lord! We are calling an 'old friend' back to its godly roots. Wal-Mart can be saved and so can America," he said.
Wal-Mart's announced policy changed this week prompted the American Family Association to cancel a boycott called for Friday and Saturday.
The change, according to Mona Williams, vice-president for communications at Wal-Mart, will have the company evaluating on a case-by-case basis its support for outside groups.
Many have criticized the company's decision to join the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and contribute $25,000 to its operating budget, as well as a $60,000 contribution to another homosexual organization to sponsor a conference.
Such contributions are unlikely in the future, Williams told WND, because of the change that was prompted by "concerns and questions" from the company's employees and customers alike.
"As a result we agreed we needed to be more thoughtful in how we make our contributions. We will not make corporate contributions to support or oppose highly controversial issues," Williams told WND.
Those "blanket contributions" to "gay" groups won't continue, but, "we would look for opportunities to partner with them in areas we could support," Williams said, such as initiatives that support equality in the work place.
If it doesn't impact business, there's no reason for the company to take a position and contribute financially, she said.
"I think we will do all of these on a case-by-case basis, and we would not rule out partnering with the ("gay") chamber on specific projects," she told WND. However, other details about the company's actual membership status with the "gay" chamber, and Wal-Mart officials serving on panels for that group, couldn't be answered right away.
"That's more detail than I can answer at this point," she told WND.
The AFA, which earlier had asked its millions of constituents to support the post-Thanksgiving boycott, said the company had contacted AFA with word of its change.
Randy Sharp, the director of special projects for AFA, told WND Wal-Mart responded to the specific issues raised by the association, such as the contributions.
"Our understanding is that regarding the issues we had addressed specifically, that they would not longer make those," he said.
But Benham said he didn't want people to believe all the corporate "hype" yet.
"In a statement to the American Family Association yesterday, Wal-Mart agreed that they, "…will not make corporate contributions to support or oppose highly controversial issues unless they directly relate to our ability to serve our customers.' To this we say, 'NUTS!'" said a statement from Benham.
"Wal-Mart is running scared! It fears the power of the Church of Jesus Christ to move in people's hearts and change them – to change even where they shop. Wal-Mart needs to fear the God of Sam Walton!" he said.
He noted Wal-Mart still is a "member" of the NGLCC, and still dispenses the Plan B abortion pill. It also has not apologized for its actions and not fired a homosexual marketing agency, he said.
"While Wal-Mart has caved on controversial corporate sponsorships, the Gospel continues. Christians from across the nation will bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to Wal-Mart and Sam's Club stores this Friday, November 24th. They will call Wal-Mart's corporate leadership to true repentance, repentance that goes beyond last minute face-saving efforts, half-way apologies, and crocodile tears," Benham said.
"Every executive at Wal-Mart that allowed this to happen needs a good old fashioned spanking" said Benham, a driving force behind the SaveWalMart.com website. "What Wal-Mart has done is sin! It is a betrayal our Lord Jesus, of Sam Walton's Christian legacy, and Christian families everywhere. Wal-Mart must bear the fruit of repentance."
Wal-Mart's policy change came late Tuesday: "Respect for the individual is one of the core values that have made us into the company we are today. We take pride in the fact that we treat every customer, every supplier and every member of our individual communities fairly and equally," the company said in a statement on its Wal-Mart Facts website.
The AFA said its constituents should send the company a 'Thank you.'
"You have made a difference!" the AFA said. "(We) are pleased with this announcement."
"We are working hard to make our corporate contributions reflect the values of our customers, communities, and associates. As Sam Walton said, 'Each Wal-Mart store should reflect the values of its customers and support the vision they hold for their community," the company statement said.
The AFA, as WND reported, was among the first of several to issue calls intended to get the attention of the retail chain.
But the Save Wal-Mart campaign wanted to take its message instead directly to Wal-Mart customers.
The campaign's plans are to have people choose the Wal-Mart nearest either their home or church Friday, and be there all day to hand out information about the developments involving the company.
A handout prepared for customers says: "Wal-Mart is changing! It is departing from the rock from which it was hewn. The faith and love for Jesus Christ and His Word by Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, is being trashed before our very eyes."
Tony Perkins, of the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., said the problem is that the homosexual business group isn't just that. While the NGLCC "professes to promote the 'interests of the LGBT business community,' this is not all they have done," he said.
He said the group recently described efforts to defend traditional marriage as an attempt to "write discrimination into the Constitution …" and it has advocated attaching a pro-homosexual "hate crimes" amendment to legislation intended to protect children from violent sex offenders.
AFA boycotts in the past have proven effective, even though the organization doesn't take credit for all of the impacts. An example is the Ford Motor Company which more than a year ago embraced the "gay" community in its advertising and programs.
The AFA and dozens of other Christian groups joined in a boycott, and since then Ford has lost hundreds of millions of dollars, laid off tens of thousands of workers and is trying to regroup and stabilize.
Lies aren't changing, but impact is, ministry says. Persecution report says charades no longer working on Christians
Lies aren't changing, but impact is, ministry says
Persecution report says charades no longer working on Christians
Posted: November 23, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
A report from a worldwide ministry whose leaders focus their attention on persecuted Christians say the lies missionaries in the restrictive nation of North Korea are facing aren't changing, but their impact is.
An extended report by P. Todd Nettleton about the work of The Voice of the Martyrs has described the repressive circumstances under which Christians in North Korea live.
The report told of the faith of a teen-ager who was caught teaching about Christ, and died in a North Korean prison camp to leave behind a witness that continues there even today. It also reported on the stunning change in a prison guard who watched that teen's final days and sought out what made the teen strong.
It also reported how a veteran of more than 100 missions inside the restrictive nation works to help other Christians worship, and told the story of a woman who had lost her parents to starvation in North Korea but was given a vision to return and teach the Gospel.
Now comes confirmation of the aggressive campaign North Korea conducts to mislead its own people.
"Western missionaries eat Korean children… North Korea is an earthly paradise … other nations of the world are worse off than us … Kim Il Sung was a divine being, and his spirit guides the Korean people … Kim Jong il was born on a holy mountain, and his birth was greeted by rainbows and flowers bursting into bloom."
"The North Korean government lies to its own people, and to the rest of the world," the conclusion of the report said. "For more than 50 years it has promoted Juche, (Korean for 'self-reliance') a false trinity consisting of Kim Il Sung, the dead dictator and 'father,' his son Kim Jong il, the current dictator and 'son,' and the 'holy fire' of the Juche ideology," the group said.
But it's not working any more, even though the charades continue, with two large church buildings in Pyongyang showplaces for tourists – but sharing the same "choir" of professional singers, the report said.
"More and more, people are rejecting the idea of Juche … and relying on the salvation promise in the blood of Jesus Christ," the report said.
In house after house, where Christians meet under the mandatory portraits of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong il, "many come to know Christ," VOM said.
"We are committed and privileged to stand with our brothers and sisters as long as the brutal regime of Kim Jong il stands against them," the organization said. "As we equip, encourage and support them, we know we will also stand with them in front of the throne in eternity. The recipe for victory in this eternal battle will not involve tanks, planes or guns. All that is needed is more Pencils."
"Pencil" was the pseudonym adopted by one of the missionaries profiled by VOM, a teen who feared for his life, but nevertheless went into North Korea carrying a Bible and testifying about his Christian faith.
His actions earned him a terminal sentence to a North Korean prison camp, where after his death a guard sought out some local Christians to obtain what had made that teen so strong.
"The courageous believers we work with in North Korea all have something in common – even when they have an opportunity to be free, they choose to take true Freedom to others inside the hermit kingdom," the report said.
VOM is a non-profit, interdenominational ministry working worldwide to help Christians who are persecuted for their faith, and to educate the world about that persecution. Its headquarters are in Bartlesville, Okla., and it has 30 affiliated international offices.
It was launched by the late Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, who started smuggling Russian Gospels into Russia in 1947, just months before Richard was abducted and imprisoned in Romania where he was tortured for his refusal to recant Christianity.
He eventually was released in 1964 and the next year he testified about the persecution of Christians before the U.S. Senate's Internal Security Subcommittee, stripping to the waist to show the deep torture wound scars on his body.
The group that later was renamed The Voice of the Martyrs was organized in 1967, when his book, "Tortured for Christ," was released.
Persecution report says charades no longer working on Christians
Posted: November 23, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
A report from a worldwide ministry whose leaders focus their attention on persecuted Christians say the lies missionaries in the restrictive nation of North Korea are facing aren't changing, but their impact is.
An extended report by P. Todd Nettleton about the work of The Voice of the Martyrs has described the repressive circumstances under which Christians in North Korea live.
The report told of the faith of a teen-ager who was caught teaching about Christ, and died in a North Korean prison camp to leave behind a witness that continues there even today. It also reported on the stunning change in a prison guard who watched that teen's final days and sought out what made the teen strong.
It also reported how a veteran of more than 100 missions inside the restrictive nation works to help other Christians worship, and told the story of a woman who had lost her parents to starvation in North Korea but was given a vision to return and teach the Gospel.
Now comes confirmation of the aggressive campaign North Korea conducts to mislead its own people.
"Western missionaries eat Korean children… North Korea is an earthly paradise … other nations of the world are worse off than us … Kim Il Sung was a divine being, and his spirit guides the Korean people … Kim Jong il was born on a holy mountain, and his birth was greeted by rainbows and flowers bursting into bloom."
"The North Korean government lies to its own people, and to the rest of the world," the conclusion of the report said. "For more than 50 years it has promoted Juche, (Korean for 'self-reliance') a false trinity consisting of Kim Il Sung, the dead dictator and 'father,' his son Kim Jong il, the current dictator and 'son,' and the 'holy fire' of the Juche ideology," the group said.
But it's not working any more, even though the charades continue, with two large church buildings in Pyongyang showplaces for tourists – but sharing the same "choir" of professional singers, the report said.
"More and more, people are rejecting the idea of Juche … and relying on the salvation promise in the blood of Jesus Christ," the report said.
In house after house, where Christians meet under the mandatory portraits of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong il, "many come to know Christ," VOM said.
"We are committed and privileged to stand with our brothers and sisters as long as the brutal regime of Kim Jong il stands against them," the organization said. "As we equip, encourage and support them, we know we will also stand with them in front of the throne in eternity. The recipe for victory in this eternal battle will not involve tanks, planes or guns. All that is needed is more Pencils."
"Pencil" was the pseudonym adopted by one of the missionaries profiled by VOM, a teen who feared for his life, but nevertheless went into North Korea carrying a Bible and testifying about his Christian faith.
His actions earned him a terminal sentence to a North Korean prison camp, where after his death a guard sought out some local Christians to obtain what had made that teen so strong.
"The courageous believers we work with in North Korea all have something in common – even when they have an opportunity to be free, they choose to take true Freedom to others inside the hermit kingdom," the report said.
VOM is a non-profit, interdenominational ministry working worldwide to help Christians who are persecuted for their faith, and to educate the world about that persecution. Its headquarters are in Bartlesville, Okla., and it has 30 affiliated international offices.
It was launched by the late Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, who started smuggling Russian Gospels into Russia in 1947, just months before Richard was abducted and imprisoned in Romania where he was tortured for his refusal to recant Christianity.
He eventually was released in 1964 and the next year he testified about the persecution of Christians before the U.S. Senate's Internal Security Subcommittee, stripping to the waist to show the deep torture wound scars on his body.
The group that later was renamed The Voice of the Martyrs was organized in 1967, when his book, "Tortured for Christ," was released.
Iran prez: World becoming 'Ahmadinejadized'
Iran prez: World becoming 'Ahmadinejadized'
Says global leaders have started following in his footsteps
Posted: November 23, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the high-profile president of Iran who has previously said President Bush is inspired by Satan, believes the world is rapidly becoming "Ahmadinejadized," with global leaders following in his footsteps.
"I have traveled to all the continents except for one, and I know what is going on out there. Everybody is eager to hear the Iranian people's message," the Aftab-Yazd newspaper quoted the president as saying, according to Agence France-Presse. "The world is rapidly becoming Ahmadinejadized."
The hardliner said Iran's "two big missions are constructing the country and introducing a model for humanity."
He suggests world leaders are now copying his provincial trips, during which he pledges to create jobs and fight poverty.
"When I telephone other leaders, I am told that they are on trips. Their trips are the same as the provincial tours that I have initiated," he said.
Thus far, the Iranian president has gone on 21 provincial trips to examine local problems.
Regarding his electoral victory for the presidency, he noted, "This government has risen from people's prayers.
"Someone even told me that he had vowed to say Salavats (a one-line formula to praise the Prophet Muhammad) as many times as my electoral votes count," Ahmadinejad said, referring to his June 2005 win by more than 17 million votes over pragmatist cleric Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.
Says global leaders have started following in his footsteps
Posted: November 23, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the high-profile president of Iran who has previously said President Bush is inspired by Satan, believes the world is rapidly becoming "Ahmadinejadized," with global leaders following in his footsteps.
"I have traveled to all the continents except for one, and I know what is going on out there. Everybody is eager to hear the Iranian people's message," the Aftab-Yazd newspaper quoted the president as saying, according to Agence France-Presse. "The world is rapidly becoming Ahmadinejadized."
The hardliner said Iran's "two big missions are constructing the country and introducing a model for humanity."
He suggests world leaders are now copying his provincial trips, during which he pledges to create jobs and fight poverty.
"When I telephone other leaders, I am told that they are on trips. Their trips are the same as the provincial tours that I have initiated," he said.
Thus far, the Iranian president has gone on 21 provincial trips to examine local problems.
Regarding his electoral victory for the presidency, he noted, "This government has risen from people's prayers.
"Someone even told me that he had vowed to say Salavats (a one-line formula to praise the Prophet Muhammad) as many times as my electoral votes count," Ahmadinejad said, referring to his June 2005 win by more than 17 million votes over pragmatist cleric Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.
'Destroy America' hidden in puzzle
'Destroy America' hidden in puzzle
Teacher quits after placing message in word-search calling on Allah to annihilate 'evil sponsoring U.S.'
Posted: November 23, 2006 1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
A high-school Spanish teacher has resigned his position after placing hidden messages inside a word-search puzzle calling on Allah to destroy America, which he called the "body of evil that is making human life so miserable."
Khalid Chahhou, 35, a native of Morocco who was a first-year language instructor at Smithfield-Selma High School in North Carolina, quit after a student deciphered the anti-U.S. message which also voiced support for terrorists.
The secret message, when put together, read: "Sharon killed a lot of innocent people in Palestine. Hamas is not a terrorist group. They have the right to defend their country. This is something that forms part of our freedom and dignity. Allah help destroy this body of evil that is making human life so miserable. Destroy America, a country where evil is sponsored."
"We were concerned quite a bit," school board member Larry Strickland told the Smithfield Herald. "This is something that our school system would not and does not tolerate."
Fred Bartholomew, chairman of the school board, said even though Chahhou resigned, he might not escape judgment, as legal options are being considered.
"We'll let our investigation run its course and then see what we have to do," he said.
When contacted by the Raleigh News & Observer, Chahhou confirmed the incident, but otherwise had little comment.
"I don't want to talk about this dark page in my life any more," Chahhou said.
Sophomore Chris McDaniels told the Observer the word search caught his attention because it was handwritten; they were usually typed.
"I think some of the people in the class were kind of afraid, because how the world is today, you never know with people," McDaniels said. "Even if you've known them for a while, they could turn out to be someone completely different."
His mother, Carla McDaniels, wondered how someone having what they see as extremist tendencies landed in a public class, where such views could be broadcast to students.
"With him resigning, who's to say he's not going to go to another school district to do the same thing?" she asked.
Shakil Ahmed, president of the Islamic Association of Cary, N.C., said Chahhou told him he created the puzzle when he was upset after viewing news reports of deaths of Palestinians at the hands of Israeli troops.
"He must have gone through an outburst of emotions at that time," Ahmed told the News & Observer.
Ahmed said Chahhou is a mild-mannered man, who has taught Arabic and religious studies to children at a mosque of about 200 members since he moved to the local area five months ago.
"He's the most softest-spoken, most gentle, kindest person I've come across," said Ahmed, adding Chahhou was embarrassed by his actions.
Teacher quits after placing message in word-search calling on Allah to annihilate 'evil sponsoring U.S.'
Posted: November 23, 2006 1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
A high-school Spanish teacher has resigned his position after placing hidden messages inside a word-search puzzle calling on Allah to destroy America, which he called the "body of evil that is making human life so miserable."
Khalid Chahhou, 35, a native of Morocco who was a first-year language instructor at Smithfield-Selma High School in North Carolina, quit after a student deciphered the anti-U.S. message which also voiced support for terrorists.
The secret message, when put together, read: "Sharon killed a lot of innocent people in Palestine. Hamas is not a terrorist group. They have the right to defend their country. This is something that forms part of our freedom and dignity. Allah help destroy this body of evil that is making human life so miserable. Destroy America, a country where evil is sponsored."
"We were concerned quite a bit," school board member Larry Strickland told the Smithfield Herald. "This is something that our school system would not and does not tolerate."
Fred Bartholomew, chairman of the school board, said even though Chahhou resigned, he might not escape judgment, as legal options are being considered.
"We'll let our investigation run its course and then see what we have to do," he said.
When contacted by the Raleigh News & Observer, Chahhou confirmed the incident, but otherwise had little comment.
"I don't want to talk about this dark page in my life any more," Chahhou said.
Sophomore Chris McDaniels told the Observer the word search caught his attention because it was handwritten; they were usually typed.
"I think some of the people in the class were kind of afraid, because how the world is today, you never know with people," McDaniels said. "Even if you've known them for a while, they could turn out to be someone completely different."
His mother, Carla McDaniels, wondered how someone having what they see as extremist tendencies landed in a public class, where such views could be broadcast to students.
"With him resigning, who's to say he's not going to go to another school district to do the same thing?" she asked.
Shakil Ahmed, president of the Islamic Association of Cary, N.C., said Chahhou told him he created the puzzle when he was upset after viewing news reports of deaths of Palestinians at the hands of Israeli troops.
"He must have gone through an outburst of emotions at that time," Ahmed told the News & Observer.
Ahmed said Chahhou is a mild-mannered man, who has taught Arabic and religious studies to children at a mosque of about 200 members since he moved to the local area five months ago.
"He's the most softest-spoken, most gentle, kindest person I've come across," said Ahmed, adding Chahhou was embarrassed by his actions.
A Thanksgiving prayer
WORLDVIEW: A Thanksgiving prayer Nov 22, 2006
By Erich BridgesBaptist Press
RICHMOND, Va. (BP)—Dear Lord: Thank You for bearing with us for another year. Your mercy never ceases to amaze.
For those who continue to believe that human nature must be improved by effort and good intentions -– rather than redeemed by Your grace -– 2006 has been another case study in failure.
Given the choice between peace and violence, traditional enemies continue to fight. “New” hostilities that burst upon international awareness, such as the blood feud between Shiite and Sunni Muslims, are actually centuries old. Other hatreds persist with depressing reliability.
With few exceptions, nations still seek their own interests first and last, which is what nations have done throughout history. If others benefit, it’s often a happy accident, not a policy. Allies typically help each other because it is expedient, not because they love each other -– or You.
Nations act like people: Our individual lives follow the same pattern of self-interest and indifference toward others. We tend to look out for ourselves and our families -– and the devil take the rest (he is only too happy to oblige). All have gone their own way. None has sought after You. No, not even one.
In a land of riches, we, Your children, mostly seek our own desires. Once we obtain them, we call them Your blessings. We say we will use them to bless others, but we usually spend them on ourselves.
Is it Your will that we live in big houses and drive around in fancy cars, even as billions live and die in poverty? We’ve become experts in rationalizing it. Do You really desire the construction of a thousand more castle-like sanctuaries in America when entire people groups have never heard the name of Jesus?
And yet You remain faithful.
Where we hate, You love. Where we are indifferent, You are passionately concerned, even for those who worship other gods or no god. Just as You showed compassion for the 120,000 wicked Ninevites Jonah disdained, who didn’t “know the difference between their right and left hand” (Jonah 4:11), You care today for the many peoples who will repent –- if only we will tell them You are the way to salvation.
Thank You that You are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Have mercy upon us once again. Make our hearts like Yours. Teach us to be like You. Teach us to seek You first, not Your gifts and blessings. You are divinely jealous, Father. As Brother Lawrence said, You won’t allow a soul that is searching for You to be comforted by anything other than You.
Long ago, Thomas a Kempis warned in The Imitation of Christ: “He who seeks any other thing in religion than God alone and the salvation of his soul will find nothing but trouble and sorrow. He will not remain there long in peace and quiet who does not labor to be the least, and subject to all.”
How strange such words sound to us – almost as strange as the words of Christians in other lands who not only expect but welcome persecutions. We know we are not worthy of such brothers and sisters, Lord. Make us worthy, somehow, to share their sufferings, if only through the great privilege of praying for them.
As David sang in Psalm 16, You are our portion, Lord. We have no good thing besides You. In Your presence is fullness of joy, and in Your right hand are pleasures forever. Teach us in the coming year to be thankful for Your blessings, but to lay aside once and for all the notion that they are a substitute for You.
Teach us to bless You, Father. Teach us to praise You, to lift Your name among all the nations. For You are all in all!
Erich Bridges is a senior writer with the Southern Baptist International Mission Board.
By Erich BridgesBaptist Press
RICHMOND, Va. (BP)—Dear Lord: Thank You for bearing with us for another year. Your mercy never ceases to amaze.
For those who continue to believe that human nature must be improved by effort and good intentions -– rather than redeemed by Your grace -– 2006 has been another case study in failure.
Given the choice between peace and violence, traditional enemies continue to fight. “New” hostilities that burst upon international awareness, such as the blood feud between Shiite and Sunni Muslims, are actually centuries old. Other hatreds persist with depressing reliability.
With few exceptions, nations still seek their own interests first and last, which is what nations have done throughout history. If others benefit, it’s often a happy accident, not a policy. Allies typically help each other because it is expedient, not because they love each other -– or You.
Nations act like people: Our individual lives follow the same pattern of self-interest and indifference toward others. We tend to look out for ourselves and our families -– and the devil take the rest (he is only too happy to oblige). All have gone their own way. None has sought after You. No, not even one.
In a land of riches, we, Your children, mostly seek our own desires. Once we obtain them, we call them Your blessings. We say we will use them to bless others, but we usually spend them on ourselves.
Is it Your will that we live in big houses and drive around in fancy cars, even as billions live and die in poverty? We’ve become experts in rationalizing it. Do You really desire the construction of a thousand more castle-like sanctuaries in America when entire people groups have never heard the name of Jesus?
And yet You remain faithful.
Where we hate, You love. Where we are indifferent, You are passionately concerned, even for those who worship other gods or no god. Just as You showed compassion for the 120,000 wicked Ninevites Jonah disdained, who didn’t “know the difference between their right and left hand” (Jonah 4:11), You care today for the many peoples who will repent –- if only we will tell them You are the way to salvation.
Thank You that You are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Have mercy upon us once again. Make our hearts like Yours. Teach us to be like You. Teach us to seek You first, not Your gifts and blessings. You are divinely jealous, Father. As Brother Lawrence said, You won’t allow a soul that is searching for You to be comforted by anything other than You.
Long ago, Thomas a Kempis warned in The Imitation of Christ: “He who seeks any other thing in religion than God alone and the salvation of his soul will find nothing but trouble and sorrow. He will not remain there long in peace and quiet who does not labor to be the least, and subject to all.”
How strange such words sound to us – almost as strange as the words of Christians in other lands who not only expect but welcome persecutions. We know we are not worthy of such brothers and sisters, Lord. Make us worthy, somehow, to share their sufferings, if only through the great privilege of praying for them.
As David sang in Psalm 16, You are our portion, Lord. We have no good thing besides You. In Your presence is fullness of joy, and in Your right hand are pleasures forever. Teach us in the coming year to be thankful for Your blessings, but to lay aside once and for all the notion that they are a substitute for You.
Teach us to bless You, Father. Teach us to praise You, to lift Your name among all the nations. For You are all in all!
Erich Bridges is a senior writer with the Southern Baptist International Mission Board.
Iran's Plan to Destroy Israel
Iran's Plan to Destroy Israel
By George Thomas
CBN News
TEHRAN, Iran - Ayatollah Ahmad Janati heads the powerful Council of Guardians, a group that has final say on all policy and theological matters in Iran.
His message on this day was that America was trying to destroy Iraq and divide the Muslims of the Middle East.
Janati said, "They {America} are cheaters and liars. They talk about democracy, but behind the scenes they are cheating people. They want to divide people. God, keep these devils away from our lands."
And as usual, at the end of every Friday sermon, there's the mandatory chant:
"Death to America! Death to Israel!"
In the last 15 months those words, particularly "Death to Israel!" have taken on new significance here and around the world.
Since winning the presidential election in June 2005, Iran's hard-line leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel and the death of the Jews.
"The Zionist regime of Israel is like a rotten, dried tree that will be annihilated by one storm," Ahmadinejad said.
Last year, during an anti-Israel conference, Ahmadinejad said that "Israel must be wiped off the map."
Since then, he's made several more remarks. Here's Ahmadinejad in his own words:
"A new Middle East will prevail without the existence of Israel."
"Are they human beings? They (Zionists) are a group of blood-thirsty savages putting all other criminals to shame."
And, Israel is "a regime based on evil that cannot continue, and one day will vanish."
Many fear this radical president is pursuing an Islamic bomb for use on Israel. In the meantime, Ahmadinejad has also called the Holocaust "an overblown fairy tale."
He says that the slaughter of six million Jews by Nazi Germany is a myth. He plans to host a conference in Iran later this fall questioning the evidence of the Holocaust.
The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. © 2006
Israeli Court: Same-Sex Marriage Legal
Israeli Court: Same-Sex Marriage Legal
By Steve Weizman
CBNNews.com -- JERUSALEM - In a landmark ruling, Israel's Supreme Court ordered the government Tuesday to recognize same-sex marriages performed abroad.
The lone dissenter on the seven-judge panel was an observant Jew, highlighting the controversy the decision immediately touched off among ultra-Orthodox Jews and other conservative groups in Israel.
Efforts by Israel's gay community to win approval for same-sex marriage, a key issue in the U.S. and Europe, face a major obstacle because Israel's religious authorities have a monopoly over marriage and divorce.
Yossi Ben-Ari and Laurent Schuman were married in Canada after that country legalized same-sex marriage in 2003. Determined after a 21-year partnership to enjoy all the privileges of a married couple in Israel, they were among five couples who petitioned the Supreme Court to have their marriage registered here, too.
"We're delighted, but the struggle is not over," Ben-Ari said.
Moshe Negbi, a legal expert, said the court's decision is mostly symbolic because gay couples in Israel already had many of the rights of heterosexual partnerships. The significant changes are that they will now get the same tax breaks as a married couple and be able to adopt children, Negbi said.
Israeli law stipulates a couple must be married to adopt a child.
"The marriages of same-sex couples who marry in places like Canada where the law recognizes such marriages, will also be recognized in Israel, and they will be registered as married here," Negbi said.
Civil marriages cannot be performed in Israel because of the rabbinate's monopoly on family law. But couples married in civil ceremonies abroad have all the rights of a married couple, and their marriages are registered here. The court uses the term "register" instead of "recognition" to avoid religious criticism of the ruling, Negbi said.
"The court says that now, not only heterosexuals, but homosexuals, too, can have civil marriages," Negbi added.
The word game did not pacify the ultra-Orthodox community, which was infuriated by the ruling.
"We don't have a Jewish state here. We have Sodom and Gomorrah here," said Moshe Gafni, an ultra-Orthodox lawmaker.
"I assume that every sane person in the state of Israel, possibly the entire Jewish world, is shocked, because the significance is. the destruction of the family unit in the state of Israel," Gafni told Israel's Army Radio.
Gafni said he would consider presenting a bill to parliament that would bypass Tuesday's ruling and make recognition of all same-sex marriages illegal.
Animosity toward gays and lesbians is one of the few issues that unites Jews, Muslims and Christians in the Holy Land. They have jointly come out against gay parades in the city, and are all likely to oppose the Supreme Court ruling.
Earlier this month, a planned gay parade in Jerusalem set off days of violence in the city's ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods. Protesters burned trash bins and hurled stones at police, demanding the parade be canceled or moved to secular Tel Aviv.
In the end, Jerusalem's gay community moved the event to a stadium on a university campus in Jerusalem, quelling the threats of violence and allowing 4,000 people to celebrate peacefully.
Last year, an ultra-Orthodox man stabbed and wounded three participants at Jerusalem's gay parade.
Still, many cities in Israel have thriving gay scenes. And the Israeli military, an influential and respected institution, is banned from discriminating against gays. Homosexuals are drafted into the army for mandatory service and are given the opportunity to progress up the ranks.
Copyright 2006 The Associated Press
British Biometrics Passports Troublesome
British Biometrics Passports Troublesome
CBN News
November 22, 2006
CBNNews.com - Britain is having trouble with its new biometric passports.
It turns out information can be stolen from the microchip they contain.
The London Evening Standard reports that it's cheap and easy to clone the chips.
That would give the thief the passport owner's personal information - and their picture.
Critics say it raises questions about the British government's proposed national ID Card plan.
A government spokesman says cloning the chip wouldn't give a thief any important information.
CBN News
November 22, 2006
CBNNews.com - Britain is having trouble with its new biometric passports.
It turns out information can be stolen from the microchip they contain.
The London Evening Standard reports that it's cheap and easy to clone the chips.
That would give the thief the passport owner's personal information - and their picture.
Critics say it raises questions about the British government's proposed national ID Card plan.
A government spokesman says cloning the chip wouldn't give a thief any important information.
Sources: CBN News, Associated Press
Warriors for Christ: An Army Chaplain's Story
Warriors for Christ: An Army Chaplain's Story
By Lee Webb
CBN News
CBNNews.com - Thousands of brave men and women put their lives on the line every day to serve in Iraq and Afghanistan.
It is on the battlefield where questions of life and death -- and life after death -- arise.
CBN recently spoke With Chaplain Major Derrick Riggs, whose job it is to answer those questions.
Iraq is probably one of the most dangerous places in the world-one where tragedy lurks around every corner, but Riggs sees it in a different way.
"This is a mission field," he said.
It has been said that there are no atheists in the fox holes.
And it's the job of the Christian chaplains to point soldiers to Jesus Christ.
Riggs is an army chaplain with the 82nd Airborne Division out of Fort Bragg, N.C., but that doesn't mean that chaplains spend their time stationed at the base, far away from the bullets and the IEDs.
They're right there, in the tanks and in the mud, jumping from the planes-all for the cause of Christ.
Riggs said, "They ask me about God, and if I'm not in the battle with them, it becomes difficult for me to talk to them."
And chaplains have to endure the long separation from family just like the troops they shepherd.
Chaplain Riggs won't be home until sometime next summer.
By Lee Webb
CBN News
CBNNews.com - Thousands of brave men and women put their lives on the line every day to serve in Iraq and Afghanistan.
It is on the battlefield where questions of life and death -- and life after death -- arise.
CBN recently spoke With Chaplain Major Derrick Riggs, whose job it is to answer those questions.
Iraq is probably one of the most dangerous places in the world-one where tragedy lurks around every corner, but Riggs sees it in a different way.
"This is a mission field," he said.
It has been said that there are no atheists in the fox holes.
And it's the job of the Christian chaplains to point soldiers to Jesus Christ.
Riggs is an army chaplain with the 82nd Airborne Division out of Fort Bragg, N.C., but that doesn't mean that chaplains spend their time stationed at the base, far away from the bullets and the IEDs.
They're right there, in the tanks and in the mud, jumping from the planes-all for the cause of Christ.
Riggs said, "They ask me about God, and if I'm not in the battle with them, it becomes difficult for me to talk to them."
And chaplains have to endure the long separation from family just like the troops they shepherd.
Chaplain Riggs won't be home until sometime next summer.
Witness: Teen Bride Scared of Marriage
Witness: Teen Bride Scared of Marriage
By Jennifer Dobner
Associated Press Writer
CBNNews.com - ST. GEORGE, Utah - A 14-year-old girl cried and was clearly troubled in the weeks preceding an arranged marriage to an older cousin, her sister testified Tuesday at a hearing involving the leader of a polygamist sect.
"She was 14," said Rebecca Musser, whose sister has a different last name. "It was just shocking and horrific.. She didn't want to get married."
Warren Jeffs, leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is charged with rape as an accomplice for his alleged role in forcing the girl to marry her 19-year-old first cousin in 2001. Musser was the first witness at a hearing to determine if there is enough evidence to send Jeffs to trial.
Security at the Washington County courthouse was extraordinary, with police sharpshooters posted on the red rock hills that ring the building. No vehicles were allowed to park on the street.
Looking gaunt in a dark gray suit, Jeffs, 50, sat nearly motionless for the first few hours. He smiled at family and fellow church members in the audience.
Musser is a former member of Jeffs' church who was married to his late father. She recalled Jeffs telling her to counsel her teenage sister after the wedding at a Nevada motel.
"You need to encourage her to be happy. God has put this marriage together. You need to encourage her to be submissive and obedient," Jeffs said, according to Musser.
At the time, Utah and Arizona were cracking down on marriages involving minors. She said Jeffs warned her that "this marriage could cause us some problems."
In court documents, prosecutors say the bride, identified as Jane Doe No. 4, objected to the marriage and later begged to be released. The Associated Press does not identify victims of sexual assault.
Jeffs was arrested Aug. 28 and is being held without bail in the county jail in Purgatory, about 25 miles west of the twin towns of Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Ariz., where most of his estimated 10,000 followers live.
Jeffs' defense team has said he is being persecuted for his religious beliefs.
The church arranges marriages for young girls and believes plural marriage ensures exaltation in heaven. Jeffs assumed leadership in 2002 after the death of his father. Followers revere him as a prophet who communicates with God.
The church represents itself as a fundamentalist offshoot of the Mormon church. But the Mormons disavow any connection and renounced polygamy more than a century ago.
Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.
By Jennifer Dobner
Associated Press Writer
CBNNews.com - ST. GEORGE, Utah - A 14-year-old girl cried and was clearly troubled in the weeks preceding an arranged marriage to an older cousin, her sister testified Tuesday at a hearing involving the leader of a polygamist sect.
"She was 14," said Rebecca Musser, whose sister has a different last name. "It was just shocking and horrific.. She didn't want to get married."
Warren Jeffs, leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is charged with rape as an accomplice for his alleged role in forcing the girl to marry her 19-year-old first cousin in 2001. Musser was the first witness at a hearing to determine if there is enough evidence to send Jeffs to trial.
Security at the Washington County courthouse was extraordinary, with police sharpshooters posted on the red rock hills that ring the building. No vehicles were allowed to park on the street.
Looking gaunt in a dark gray suit, Jeffs, 50, sat nearly motionless for the first few hours. He smiled at family and fellow church members in the audience.
Musser is a former member of Jeffs' church who was married to his late father. She recalled Jeffs telling her to counsel her teenage sister after the wedding at a Nevada motel.
"You need to encourage her to be happy. God has put this marriage together. You need to encourage her to be submissive and obedient," Jeffs said, according to Musser.
At the time, Utah and Arizona were cracking down on marriages involving minors. She said Jeffs warned her that "this marriage could cause us some problems."
In court documents, prosecutors say the bride, identified as Jane Doe No. 4, objected to the marriage and later begged to be released. The Associated Press does not identify victims of sexual assault.
Jeffs was arrested Aug. 28 and is being held without bail in the county jail in Purgatory, about 25 miles west of the twin towns of Hildale, Utah and Colorado City, Ariz., where most of his estimated 10,000 followers live.
Jeffs' defense team has said he is being persecuted for his religious beliefs.
The church arranges marriages for young girls and believes plural marriage ensures exaltation in heaven. Jeffs assumed leadership in 2002 after the death of his father. Followers revere him as a prophet who communicates with God.
The church represents itself as a fundamentalist offshoot of the Mormon church. But the Mormons disavow any connection and renounced polygamy more than a century ago.
Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.
Gay Rhode Island Couple Files for Divorce
Gay Rhode Island Couple Files for Divorce
November 22, 2006
CBNNews.com -- PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- A first of its kind divorce has been filed in Rhode Island. A lesbian couple married in Massachusetts has decided to go their separate ways. The move has set up a legal conundrum for judges in a state where the laws are silent on the legality of same-sex marriage.
Margaret Chambers and Cassandra Ormiston of Providence were married after the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court legalized gay marriage starting in 2004.
They filed for divorce in Rhode Island on Oct. 23, citing irreconcilable differences.
Rhode Island Family Court Chief Judge Jeremiah Jeremiah Jr. has yet to decide whether his court has jurisdiction and said he believes it is the first filing for a same-sex divorce in the state. A preliminary hearing was scheduled for Dec. 5.
Massachusetts became the only state to allow same-sex couples to marry after the state Supreme Court ruled it was unconstitutional to ban it.
Until recently, though, it was up in the air whether out-of-state couples could marry in Massachusetts. In September, a Massachusetts judge decided that nothing in Rhode Island law specifically banned gay marriage and said Rhode Island couples could legally marry there.
"Now the ultimate question is whether the state will recognize or determine whether it has jurisdiction to handle an out-of-state divorce when we don't have any case law that accepts or rejects same-sex marriage," Pulner said.
Rhode Island Attorney General Patrick Lynch said it is up to the courts and legislature to decide whether the state recognizes same-sex unions.
Massachusetts remains the only state to allow gay marriage.
New Jersey's high court ruled in October that that state, too, must offer gay couples the same rights as married couples, but it left it to lawmakers to decide by April whether to call the unions "marriages."
Two other states have civil unions that extend marriage-like rights to same-sex couples - Vermont in accordance with a court order and Connecticut through a vote of its legislature.
Source: AP
November 22, 2006
CBNNews.com -- PROVIDENCE, R.I. -- A first of its kind divorce has been filed in Rhode Island. A lesbian couple married in Massachusetts has decided to go their separate ways. The move has set up a legal conundrum for judges in a state where the laws are silent on the legality of same-sex marriage.
Margaret Chambers and Cassandra Ormiston of Providence were married after the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court legalized gay marriage starting in 2004.
They filed for divorce in Rhode Island on Oct. 23, citing irreconcilable differences.
Rhode Island Family Court Chief Judge Jeremiah Jeremiah Jr. has yet to decide whether his court has jurisdiction and said he believes it is the first filing for a same-sex divorce in the state. A preliminary hearing was scheduled for Dec. 5.
Massachusetts became the only state to allow same-sex couples to marry after the state Supreme Court ruled it was unconstitutional to ban it.
Until recently, though, it was up in the air whether out-of-state couples could marry in Massachusetts. In September, a Massachusetts judge decided that nothing in Rhode Island law specifically banned gay marriage and said Rhode Island couples could legally marry there.
"Now the ultimate question is whether the state will recognize or determine whether it has jurisdiction to handle an out-of-state divorce when we don't have any case law that accepts or rejects same-sex marriage," Pulner said.
Rhode Island Attorney General Patrick Lynch said it is up to the courts and legislature to decide whether the state recognizes same-sex unions.
Massachusetts remains the only state to allow gay marriage.
New Jersey's high court ruled in October that that state, too, must offer gay couples the same rights as married couples, but it left it to lawmakers to decide by April whether to call the unions "marriages."
Two other states have civil unions that extend marriage-like rights to same-sex couples - Vermont in accordance with a court order and Connecticut through a vote of its legislature.
Source: AP
The Cross That Divides
The Cross That Divides
By Heather Sells
CBN News
CBNNews.com- There's a passion for history at William and Mary-- and pride.
King William III and Queen Mary II chartered the school in 1693. Their purpose: to train ministers in the Gospel and spread the faith among the Indians.
Now, critics say the public school has turned its back on its Christian heritage.
"What is convenient and comfortable has now taken precedence over what has been the core values and the core heritage of the institution," said Dr. Dave Gyertson, former Christian college president.
"The logic of the decision means you can't have a sacred space at William and Mary," said Vince Haley, from savethewrencross.org.
The two-foot high cross now resides in a small closet behind the chapel. President Gene Nichol's recent decision allows its display only upon request. Until now, it was removed only upon request for special events.
"The truth is, not everyone will ask that it be removed--they just won't go," said Vice President of Student Affairs Sam Sadler. "That's sort of access by exception. What we were trying to do by this is to make access equal for everyone."
Surprisingly, the cross in the chapel is not a part of the founding tradition at William and Mary. In fact, it was only given to the college 60 years ago.
And that's why its removal is a "non-issue" says campus Professor and church historian David Holmes.
Holmes loves the Protestant chapel, which closely resembles revolutionary-era Anglican churches with its clear windows, pews that face each other, and plaques honoring Anglican clergy. But Holmes says, when William and Mary was founded, Anglicans considered crosses to be idolatrous objects.
Holmes said, "There's no mistaking it for a Christian church, and Christianity does not revolve around the presence or absence of a cross in a chapel."
Alumnus Vince Haley is not convinced. He's leading a protest that's collected 3,800 signatures from students, alumni, and friends of the college.
Some students CBN News spoke with are clearly upset about the decision.
"To me it's offensive to say that my religious symbol is offensive," said Joe Luppino-Esposito, who opposes the cross removal.
Rory Easton, also opposed its removal said, "I think it's unfortunate that we seem to be succumbing to a politically correct society."
But others support the college, like Virginia Burk. She said, "People should understand that not everyone believes in that kind of stuff, and it can be very offensive."
For now, college administrators say they have no plans to even consider removing other Christian symbols on campus.
But it's a promise that brings little comfort to those who love not only William and Mary, but also the reminders of its remarkable Christian history.
The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. © 2006
By Heather Sells
CBN News
CBNNews.com- There's a passion for history at William and Mary-- and pride.
King William III and Queen Mary II chartered the school in 1693. Their purpose: to train ministers in the Gospel and spread the faith among the Indians.
Now, critics say the public school has turned its back on its Christian heritage.
"What is convenient and comfortable has now taken precedence over what has been the core values and the core heritage of the institution," said Dr. Dave Gyertson, former Christian college president.
"The logic of the decision means you can't have a sacred space at William and Mary," said Vince Haley, from savethewrencross.org.
The two-foot high cross now resides in a small closet behind the chapel. President Gene Nichol's recent decision allows its display only upon request. Until now, it was removed only upon request for special events.
"The truth is, not everyone will ask that it be removed--they just won't go," said Vice President of Student Affairs Sam Sadler. "That's sort of access by exception. What we were trying to do by this is to make access equal for everyone."
Surprisingly, the cross in the chapel is not a part of the founding tradition at William and Mary. In fact, it was only given to the college 60 years ago.
And that's why its removal is a "non-issue" says campus Professor and church historian David Holmes.
Holmes loves the Protestant chapel, which closely resembles revolutionary-era Anglican churches with its clear windows, pews that face each other, and plaques honoring Anglican clergy. But Holmes says, when William and Mary was founded, Anglicans considered crosses to be idolatrous objects.
Holmes said, "There's no mistaking it for a Christian church, and Christianity does not revolve around the presence or absence of a cross in a chapel."
Alumnus Vince Haley is not convinced. He's leading a protest that's collected 3,800 signatures from students, alumni, and friends of the college.
Some students CBN News spoke with are clearly upset about the decision.
"To me it's offensive to say that my religious symbol is offensive," said Joe Luppino-Esposito, who opposes the cross removal.
Rory Easton, also opposed its removal said, "I think it's unfortunate that we seem to be succumbing to a politically correct society."
But others support the college, like Virginia Burk. She said, "People should understand that not everyone believes in that kind of stuff, and it can be very offensive."
For now, college administrators say they have no plans to even consider removing other Christian symbols on campus.
But it's a promise that brings little comfort to those who love not only William and Mary, but also the reminders of its remarkable Christian history.
The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. © 2006
Woman Loses Fight to Wear Cross
Woman Loses Fight to Wear Cross
A British Airways (BA) employee has lost her fight to openly wear a cross necklace at work at Heathrow.
Nadia Eweida, 55, of Twickenham, has been on unpaid leave since her bosses told her she could not visibly wear her cross at the check-in counter.
She found out she had lost her appeal against the decision by BA when she met with the airline bosses on Monday.
BA denied it had banned the wearing of crosses and said Ms Eweida had a right to a second appeal.
It said its uniform policy stated that such items could be worn if concealed underneath the uniform.
Ms Eweida said she was effectively “forced” to take unpaid leave after refusing to conceal the symbol.
She said during Monday’s meeting, British Airways told her it respected her faith and accepted the cross was not jewellery, but would be standing by its original decision.
Ms Eweida added: “I am fairly disappointed but I’m looking forward to the next stage because the cross is important and the truth will be revealed.
It is important to wear it to express my faith so that other people will know that Jesus loves them.”
Ms Eweida said people of other faiths were allowed to wear visible religious symbols such as headscarves and she wanted to be allowed to do the same.
‘Question of practicality’
BA said in a statement: “British Airways has 34,000 uniformed staff, all of whom know they must abide by our uniform policy.
“The policy does not ban staff from wearing a cross. It lays down that personal items of jewellery, including crosses may be worn - but underneath the uniform. Other airlines have the same policy.
“The policy recognises that it is not practical for some religious symbols - such as turbans and hijabs - to be worn underneath the uniform. This is purely a question of practicality. There is no discrimination between faiths.
“In Nadia Eweida’s case, she is not suspended and we want her to come back to work. We have explained to her the need to comply with the uniform policy like all her colleagues whatever their faith.”
BA said Ms Eweida had been offered a non-uniformed post were she would be able to openly wear her cross but had refused to take it.
She now has seven days to lodge another appeal against the airline’s decision.
A British Airways (BA) employee has lost her fight to openly wear a cross necklace at work at Heathrow.
Nadia Eweida, 55, of Twickenham, has been on unpaid leave since her bosses told her she could not visibly wear her cross at the check-in counter.
She found out she had lost her appeal against the decision by BA when she met with the airline bosses on Monday.
BA denied it had banned the wearing of crosses and said Ms Eweida had a right to a second appeal.
It said its uniform policy stated that such items could be worn if concealed underneath the uniform.
Ms Eweida said she was effectively “forced” to take unpaid leave after refusing to conceal the symbol.
She said during Monday’s meeting, British Airways told her it respected her faith and accepted the cross was not jewellery, but would be standing by its original decision.
Ms Eweida added: “I am fairly disappointed but I’m looking forward to the next stage because the cross is important and the truth will be revealed.
It is important to wear it to express my faith so that other people will know that Jesus loves them.”
Ms Eweida said people of other faiths were allowed to wear visible religious symbols such as headscarves and she wanted to be allowed to do the same.
‘Question of practicality’
BA said in a statement: “British Airways has 34,000 uniformed staff, all of whom know they must abide by our uniform policy.
“The policy does not ban staff from wearing a cross. It lays down that personal items of jewellery, including crosses may be worn - but underneath the uniform. Other airlines have the same policy.
“The policy recognises that it is not practical for some religious symbols - such as turbans and hijabs - to be worn underneath the uniform. This is purely a question of practicality. There is no discrimination between faiths.
“In Nadia Eweida’s case, she is not suspended and we want her to come back to work. We have explained to her the need to comply with the uniform policy like all her colleagues whatever their faith.”
BA said Ms Eweida had been offered a non-uniformed post were she would be able to openly wear her cross but had refused to take it.
She now has seven days to lodge another appeal against the airline’s decision.
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