Saturday, December 16, 2006

Silent night for fear of offending Jew

Silent night for fear of offending Jew
By Catherine Elsworth in New York
Last Updated: 1:41am GMT 16/12/2006

A school choir was told to stop singing carols at a show featuring a Jewish ice skater because officials feared she would be offended.

The Rubidoux High School Madrigals in Riverside, California, broke off in the middle of God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman at a rink where Sasha Cohen, a US Olympic medal winner, was performing in front of fans.

Staci Della-Rocco, the director of the choir, said she complied with the request by a city council employee and police officer to silence the children because "I didn't want to have a big old huge scene in front of my kids".

"This request was simply made by a staff member who was attempting to be sensitive to the celebrity guest, without considering the wider implications... or consulting with her supervisor for guidance," said Belinda Graham, the city development director.

Cohen, 22, however, was "stunned" to learn the choir had been ordered to stop singing on her account, her mother said.

The 2006 Olympic silver medallist is half-Christian and "celebrates everything" at this time of year, said Galina Cohen. "Sasha was stunned. We both thought the voices were just lovely, they were doing such a wonderful job. Christmas carols are part of celebrating the holiday season."

Ron Loveridge, the mayor of Riverside, has apologised to the choir. He called the incident "unfortunate".

© Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2006.

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