'Information explosion' about support for homosexuals targeted retailer
Posted: December 1, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
Sheriff's deputies called when group lobbies Wal-Mart customers to avoid retailer's "gay" 'agenda

"Nationally, we heard from Wal-Mart's own mouth that its sales during the month of November – including Black Friday – fell 0.1 percent below expectations," said Rev. Flip Benham, who worked to coordinate sign-carrying volunteers in front of Wal-Marts across the nation under the Operation Save Wal-Mart banner.
"According to one local television station in Charlotte, N.C., all stores during the Thanksgiving holidays recorded record increases over sales in previous years – all stores that is, with the exception of Wal-Mart," he said. "It recorded a decrease in sales…"
"Businesses everywhere were recording record sales, yet for America's largest retailer, things are beginning to look very bleak indeed," he said. One competitor, Target, estimated increases for the month of 4-7 percent.
Benham reported that hundreds of Christian families had gathered at Wal-Mart stores across the country to "bring the Gospel of Christ to the very gates of hell."
He said hundreds of thousands of pieces of literature were passed out to customers arriving at Wal-Marts, and "many were astonished to find how deeply Wal-Mart had fallen from its biblical principles."
"The Church came 'out of the closet' to attempt to save an old friend. Wal-Mart, a store built upon biblical principles and under the tutelage of Sam Walton, has become an enemy of God," he said.
He suggested if Walton still were alive today, "he would most assuredly have shut down all 4,900 Wal-Mart stories in the continental United States. The reason? Wal-Mart has succumbed to the demands of the radical homosexual agenda and the abortion industry.
"Rather than honoring God, this once great corporation is besmirching His Name and killing His children. Sam Walton would never have allowed this," said Benham, who also works with the Operation Save America campaign.
Another report on activities involving Wal-Mart came from Church of the Divide, which showed up at a Placerville, Calif., Wal-Mart with signs reading: "Wal-Mart Supports Sodomy" and "Wal-mart Gives $60k to Gay Group."
The church reported that store officials insisted they leave the property, and then called a sheriff's deputy who asked members to move to an area that did not block the entrance.
Then they passed out flyers highlighting Wal-Mart's decision to join the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and its $60,000 donation to Out & Equal, a homosexual lobbying organization.
"We were able to witness to a few open individuals and we pray that God would convict the hearts of those lost souls and that the seeds which were planted would grow and bear much fruit," the church report said.
Several business magazines also reported that traffic on the company's website was disrupted for much of the day. Attempts to open the Walmart.com site resulted in blank pages, delays or other problems early in the day, and by later, visitors were told to come back later.
Company officials said it was because of high traffic.
The information campaign was done because of the company's support for the "gay" agenda, and despite the fact the company said it was changing policy, a move that convinced the American Family Association to cancel its request for a boycott just days before the holiday.
Company spokeswoman Mona Williams had told WND the change will have the company evaluating on a case-by-case basis its support for outside groups. She said the change was prompted by "concerns and questions" from the company's employees and customers alike.
"As a result we agreed we needed to be more thoughtful in how we make our contributions. We will not make corporate contributions to support or oppose highly controversial issues," Williams told WND.
The AFA, which earlier had asked its millions of constituents to support the post-Thanksgiving boycott, said the company had contacted AFA with word of its change.
But Benham objected, noting Wal-Mart remained a "member" of the NGLCC, and still dispenses the Plan B abortion pill. It also has not apologized for its actions and not fired a homosexual marketing agency, he said.
Does anyone have the telephone number for "The Church of The Divide" in Geortgetown, Ca.? It seems this church does not exist except in someone's imagination.
The phone number is currently unavailable, but here is their website: www.churchofthedivide.org/
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