Monday, December 11, 2006

Gone too far? Officers Express Faith in Video

Gone too far? Officers Express Faith in Video
Associated Press
December 11, 2006

WASHINGTON - An evangelical Christian group is facing scrutiny for a promotional video that shows active-duty military officers praising the organization.

Christian Embassy says it was given permission to make the tape by the Defense Department.
A religious freedom watchdog group wants the Pentagon to look into whether the tape violated regulations or the Constitution.

Robert Varney, executive director of the Christian Embassy said the group plans to include a note to viewers telling them that the content of the tape does not represent the military or any government agency.

"We don't think we did anything in violation," Varney said. "The Pentagon gave us permission to film the video, and I don't think they'd give us permission if it were in violation of the regulations."

The 10-minute video features prominent military officers, in uniform, speaking on the group's behalf. Much of it was recorded inside the Pentagon.

Service regulations in general prohibit active-duty officers from lobbying for political causes while on duty or wearing their uniforms. The issue of religion in the military is trickier, with regulations seeking to both uphold religious freedom and protect members from proselytizing.

In letters released Monday, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation asked that the Defense Department's inspector general investigate the matter and that any documents authorizing the officers' involvement in the film be released.

Mikey Weinstein, founder of the foundation, said in a statement he hoped the footage would serve as "a testament to systemic problems of religious bias and constitutional neglect that continue to occur within the United States armed forces."

The Pentagon said it needs more time to determine whether the latest incident warrants an investigation.

"The Department of Defense does not endorse any particular religious faith, but we do provide service members with the ability to practice their religion," said spokesman Maj. Stewart Upton.
A 1988 directive, still in effect, cites department policy that says "requests for accommodation of religious practices should be approved by commanders when accommodation will not have an adverse impact on military readiness, unit cohesion, standards or discipline."

Featured in the video are four generals and three colonels, including Maj. Gen. Jack Catton Jr., who is on active duty at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia. Catton was investigated by the Air Force last spring after he sent an e-mail from his work account urging Air Force Academy graduates to contribute to a Republican candidate for Congress.

Christian Embassy was established 31 years ago to promote prayer groups and Christian values among government officials.

The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. © 2006

Click here to watch the video!

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