Tuesday, December 12, 2006


By Grant Swank on Dec 12, 06

Newly installed Episcopal Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori is not taken to by seven American dioceses. Therefore, they are adhering to another authority, a “primatial vicar,” to oversee those in rebellion. The vicar has yet to be named, per Religion News Service Adelle M. Banks and Kevin Eckstrom.

Schori was installed on November 4. Already there is opposition to her being the unbelieving leader of the American segment of the worldwide Anglican Church.

She is theologically liberal in the extreme, even discarding some of the teachings of Jesus. With that goes her societal liberal positions on issues such as endorsing practicing homosexuality as a God-blessed lifestyle. All this does not set well with biblically aligned Episcopalians left within the theologically liberal Protestant denomination.

Many biblical Episcopalians have exited that denomination some time ago to form their own denominations or become parts of other denominations than those of the Episcopalian tradition.

Schori “crafted” this ingenious position of the “primatial vicar.” Whether it will fly or not is yet to be seen.

Biblical Episcopalians regard Schori as representative of the current apostasy throughout theologically liberal denominations, the latter including the United Church of Christ (Congregational), Unitarian-Universalist Society, Evangelical (that term is a misnomer in this context) Lutheran Church of America and segments of the United Methodist, American Baptist and Presbyterian Churches.

Those denominations clearly preaching and teaching salvation only through Jesus Christ, the Bible as divine revelation, the truths of eternal existence consisting of heaven or hell, and personal accountability at the Judgment Seat of Christ upon death are the churches not endangered by the apostasy craze. These congregations adhere to biblical authority alone and therefore sideline the theologically liberal yen to manufacture one’s own religion.

Where salvation via Jesus Christ only is not clearly adhered to, denominations gather to form their own morality codes, doctrines apart from biblical data, and social issue conclusions formed more by the politically liberal than biblical guidelines.

“Jefferts Schori said she would appoint a ‘primatial vicar’ to perform her duties--such as consecrating new bishops--in dioceses hostile to her leadership. The vicar has not yet been named.

“Some conservatives, however, said the idea was dead on arrival because they had no say in who Jefferts Schori would send them.

“The ‘provisional’ approach to healing the rift in the Episcopal Church--and the wider Anglican Communion--was crafted by Jefferts Schori and a group of bishops that began looking for a solution at a September meeting. Several leading conservative bishops who attended the September summit, however, did not return for a follow-up meeting in November when the plan was put together.”

It is expected that more fallout will occur in future months due to Schori representing the apostate rebellion within this particular denomination. It has already spread throughout the worldwide Anglican church with African Anglicans in particular stating their firm convictions upon biblical data.

Content is Copyright ©2005-2006 the individual authors.

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