Friday, November 24, 2006

Religious Leaders React to Same-Sex Marriage Ruling in Israel

Religious Leaders React to Same-Sex Marriage Ruling in Israel

JERUSALEM (AP) - An ultra-Orthodox lawmaker in Israel says a landmark ruling that requires the government to recognize same-sex marriages performed abroad amounts to "the destruction of the family unit" in Israel.

The lawmaker, Moshe Gafni, tells Israel's Army Radio, "We don't have a Jewish state here. We have Sodom and Gomorrah."

Israel's Supreme Court has approved same-sex marriages performed abroad. The case involves a couple married in Canada after that country approved same-sex marriage in 2003. The two are among five couples who'd petitioned Israel's high court to have their marriages registered.

In the past, Jews, Muslims and Christians in Israel have jointly opposed gay rights efforts such as gay parades.

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