Parents to fight for abducted 13-year-old
Sister, 10, earlier returned by court order
Posted: October 25, 2008
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Human rights lawyers who won a startling ruling returning custody of a 10-year-old Christian girl to her parents after she reportedly was kidnapped by Muslims who then claimed custody of her now are pursuing custody of her sister, 13.
The decision to pursue further court action in Pakistan seeking custody of 13-year-old Saba Masih came after her 10-year-old sister, Aneela, testified the children were subjected to rapes and forced conversion to Islam, according to Compass Direct News.
The two sisters were kidnapped when they stopped to purchase fruit while traveling to their uncle's home in June, the report said. The 10-year-old now has confirmed the two were tied up and locked in a room and forced to make professions of Islamic faith.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
U.S. attacks inside Syria Damascus: 4 American choppers involved
U.S. attacks inside Syria
Damascus: 4 American choppers involved in major raid, widen scope of Iraq campaign
Posted: October 26, 2008
By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
TEL AVIV – The U.S. Army today confirmed it carried out a raid inside a Syrian village near the Iraqi border, killing at least eight.
Today's operation is the first in which American forces so openly attacked militants on Syrian soil, clearly broadening the scope of the U.S. military campaign in Iraq.
The U.S. has long accused Damascus of failing to stop insurgents from crossing from Syria into Iraq, where they purportedly attack coalition troops and return to safety zones inside Syria.
An official Syrian spokesman confirmed earlier reports by the country's SANA state-run television, which reported U.S. helicopters were involved in an attack in Al-Sukkariya, some five miles from the Iraqi border.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Damascus: 4 American choppers involved in major raid, widen scope of Iraq campaign
Posted: October 26, 2008
By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
TEL AVIV – The U.S. Army today confirmed it carried out a raid inside a Syrian village near the Iraqi border, killing at least eight.
Today's operation is the first in which American forces so openly attacked militants on Syrian soil, clearly broadening the scope of the U.S. military campaign in Iraq.
The U.S. has long accused Damascus of failing to stop insurgents from crossing from Syria into Iraq, where they purportedly attack coalition troops and return to safety zones inside Syria.
An official Syrian spokesman confirmed earlier reports by the country's SANA state-run television, which reported U.S. helicopters were involved in an attack in Al-Sukkariya, some five miles from the Iraqi border.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Judge dismisses Obama birth certificate lawsuit
Judge dismisses Obama birth certificate lawsuit
Rules voters don't have standing to 'police' constitutional requirements for president
Posted: October 25, 2008
By Drew Zahn
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
A lawsuit filed by Democratic attorney Philip Berg alleging that Sen. Barack Obama is ineligible to be president was dismissed by a federal judge yesterday on grounds that Berg lacks standing to bring the lawsuit.
In a 34-page memorandum that accompanied the court order, the Hon. R. Barclay Surrick concludes that ordinary citizens can't sue to ensure that a presidential candidate actually meets the constitutional requirements of the office.
Surrick defers to Congress, saying that the legislature could determine "that citizens, voters, or party members should police the Constitution's eligibility requirements for the Presidency," but that it would take new laws to grant individual citizens that ability.
"Until that time," Surrick says, "voters do not have standing to bring the sort of challenge that Plaintiff attempts to bring."
Berg has maintained that uncertainty about how the U.S. does enforce the requirements of presidency may result in a constitutional crisis should an ineligible candidate win the office.
"This is a question of who has standing to stand up for our Constitution," Berg told Jeff Schreiber of America's Right blog. "If I don't have standing, if you don't have standing, if your neighbor doesn't have standing to ask whether or not the likely next president of the United States – the most powerful man in the entire world – is eligible to be in that office in the first place, then who does?"
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Rules voters don't have standing to 'police' constitutional requirements for president
Posted: October 25, 2008
By Drew Zahn
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
A lawsuit filed by Democratic attorney Philip Berg alleging that Sen. Barack Obama is ineligible to be president was dismissed by a federal judge yesterday on grounds that Berg lacks standing to bring the lawsuit.
In a 34-page memorandum that accompanied the court order, the Hon. R. Barclay Surrick concludes that ordinary citizens can't sue to ensure that a presidential candidate actually meets the constitutional requirements of the office.
Surrick defers to Congress, saying that the legislature could determine "that citizens, voters, or party members should police the Constitution's eligibility requirements for the Presidency," but that it would take new laws to grant individual citizens that ability.
"Until that time," Surrick says, "voters do not have standing to bring the sort of challenge that Plaintiff attempts to bring."
Berg has maintained that uncertainty about how the U.S. does enforce the requirements of presidency may result in a constitutional crisis should an ineligible candidate win the office.
"This is a question of who has standing to stand up for our Constitution," Berg told Jeff Schreiber of America's Right blog. "If I don't have standing, if you don't have standing, if your neighbor doesn't have standing to ask whether or not the likely next president of the United States – the most powerful man in the entire world – is eligible to be in that office in the first place, then who does?"
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Democrat: Obama's grandma confirms Kenyan birth
Democrat: Obama's grandma confirms Kenyan birth
'This has been a real sham he's pulled off for the last 20 months'
Posted: October 23, 2008
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
The Pennsylvania Democrat who has sued Sen. Barack Obama demanding he prove his American citizenship – and therefore qualification to run for president – has confirmed he has a recording of a telephone call from the senator's paternal grandmother confirming his birth in Kenya.
The issue of Obama's birthplace, which he states is Honolulu in 1961, has been raised enough times that his campaign website has posted an image purporting to be of his "Certification of Live Birth" from Hawaii.
But Philip J. Berg, a former deputy attorney general for Pennsylvania, told the Michael Savage talk radio program tonight that the document is forged and that he has a tape recording he will soon release.
"This has been a real sham he's pulled off for the last 20 months," Berg told Savage. "I'll release it [the tape] in a day or two, affidavits from her talking to a certain person. I heard the tape. She was speaking [to someone] here in the United States."
He said the telephone call was from Obama's paternal grandmother affirming she "was in the delivery room in Kenya when he was born Aug. 4, 1961."
Berg said he's pursuing the issue because of "the most important document in the United States," the U.S. Constitution.
"Nothing is more important than enforcing the Constitution," he said. "The Constitution's provisions are very small for qualifying for president. One, be over 35, and he is. Two, be in the country 14 years, and he has been. Three, be a natural-born citizen. He is not."
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
'This has been a real sham he's pulled off for the last 20 months'
Posted: October 23, 2008
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
The Pennsylvania Democrat who has sued Sen. Barack Obama demanding he prove his American citizenship – and therefore qualification to run for president – has confirmed he has a recording of a telephone call from the senator's paternal grandmother confirming his birth in Kenya.
The issue of Obama's birthplace, which he states is Honolulu in 1961, has been raised enough times that his campaign website has posted an image purporting to be of his "Certification of Live Birth" from Hawaii.
But Philip J. Berg, a former deputy attorney general for Pennsylvania, told the Michael Savage talk radio program tonight that the document is forged and that he has a tape recording he will soon release.
"This has been a real sham he's pulled off for the last 20 months," Berg told Savage. "I'll release it [the tape] in a day or two, affidavits from her talking to a certain person. I heard the tape. She was speaking [to someone] here in the United States."
He said the telephone call was from Obama's paternal grandmother affirming she "was in the delivery room in Kenya when he was born Aug. 4, 1961."
Berg said he's pursuing the issue because of "the most important document in the United States," the U.S. Constitution.
"Nothing is more important than enforcing the Constitution," he said. "The Constitution's provisions are very small for qualifying for president. One, be over 35, and he is. Two, be in the country 14 years, and he has been. Three, be a natural-born citizen. He is not."
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Pastor charged with felony for spanking son...
Pastor charged with felony for spanking son
Posted: October 25, 2008
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
A Wisconsin pastor has been charged with felony physical abuse of a child after he spanked his 12-year-old son for lying and a teacher notified social services.
Barry W. Barnett Jr., 43, of Poynette, Wis., is free on a $10,000 bond, but he could face up to three years in prison and fines for disciplining his son, the local Portage Daily Register reported.
At the pastor's hearing, Barnett's son said his father was right to spank him .
"He gave me a chance to tell him the truth, and I just kept lying to him," the boy said.
The boy said his father gave him two "swats" that "hurt a little" on his rear end in June. He told authorities both he and his dad cried while he was disciplined.
The 12-year-old said he was warned he might receive a spanking if he continued to act up and that he understands what he did was wrong.
"You should not lie to your parents and you should not go to places (where you are not allowed)," he said.
One of his siblings mentioned the spanking to a teacher, who called social services, according to the report.
A June 7 report from the Divine Savior Healthcare emergency department indicated that the boy had slight bruising on his buttocks, but it said there was no swelling and he was not experiencing pain. The medical paperwork said the boy told physicians he didn't think he was abused and he loves his father.
The documents show the boy's doctor does not believe he was abused, and he called the event a "social services fiasco."
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Posted: October 25, 2008
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
A Wisconsin pastor has been charged with felony physical abuse of a child after he spanked his 12-year-old son for lying and a teacher notified social services.
Barry W. Barnett Jr., 43, of Poynette, Wis., is free on a $10,000 bond, but he could face up to three years in prison and fines for disciplining his son, the local Portage Daily Register reported.
At the pastor's hearing, Barnett's son said his father was right to spank him .
"He gave me a chance to tell him the truth, and I just kept lying to him," the boy said.
The boy said his father gave him two "swats" that "hurt a little" on his rear end in June. He told authorities both he and his dad cried while he was disciplined.
The 12-year-old said he was warned he might receive a spanking if he continued to act up and that he understands what he did was wrong.
"You should not lie to your parents and you should not go to places (where you are not allowed)," he said.
One of his siblings mentioned the spanking to a teacher, who called social services, according to the report.
A June 7 report from the Divine Savior Healthcare emergency department indicated that the boy had slight bruising on his buttocks, but it said there was no swelling and he was not experiencing pain. The medical paperwork said the boy told physicians he didn't think he was abused and he loves his father.
The documents show the boy's doctor does not believe he was abused, and he called the event a "social services fiasco."
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Who should you vote for? Which President is more likely to follow what the Bible teaches?
I have a strong stance on this issue.
Maybe it is too strong and offensive, but yet we still have freedom of speech (although many Democratic Liberals are trying to remove that long as it concerns Conservative / Christian Talk Show's, Media, Blogs, etc.) and this is my blog, so I will state it anyways and if you don't like it...TOO BAD, get your own blog!
Here goes...
If you are a Christian. A true Christian. By definition, I am talking about someone who has devoted his/her life to following Jesus (our Lord & Savior) and trusting in Him alone for eternal life. Because of His shed blood, His death, burial, and resurrection... by God's mercy and grace in allowing us to have This free gift...
I am talking about the few left in this Country that truly "believe" in Him...which in context does not just mean to Know of Him, but to KNOW HIM, to Follow & Obey Him & His Word...The Bible.
And don't get me wrong...we all struggle with sin, but those of us that still know sin is sin, and sin is WRONG, and should not be allowed, or glorified. Those out there that do repent and strive to Obey God's Word even after falling flat on our faces. Those people and the ones that just claim to be a Christian ... LISTEN UP!
Still with me here?
If... IF you claim this...
Then HOW can you vote for someone that supported and supports laws for murdering / killing innocent babies. HOW can you vote for someone that supports HOMOSEXUAL Marriage.
These two alone... These two facts alone, not even touching on all the other dumb ideas Obama has, like government ran health care, & the fact that he wants more laws to ban guns from law abiding citizens, profit re-distribution, etc.
Those first two facts alone make it impossible for a true mature Christian (by definition) to vote for Obama.
WOW...yes, I am almost saying that you CAN NOT be a Christian and vote for Obama.
Maybe, just maybe you could be a new Christian, a baby Christian. A new convert that has been, or can be easily brain-washed by liberal media such as NBC, MSNBC, CNN, etc.
However, if your main reason for supporting Obama is his terrible idea for the economy. IF that is your main concern... our economy. If that is what you care about most... money in your wallets/purses, and having for yourself, pleasing your-self, rather than pleasing, obeying, living for, and TRUSTING in God to provide for you what you and your family NEEDS, then you may want to question if your "Christian walk" is true.
If you would rather vote for someone you THINK has a better plan for the economy, but yet his beliefs are CLEARLY contradicting what the Bible teaches... then my friend, you may want to take a deep look at yourself and determine who or what you are living for.
Everything is God's. Your money, food, health, family, job, cars, house, etc. = ALL GOD'S...not yours.
So don't you think that if you and our Country REPENTS, and turns back to serving God, and obeying His Word, and begging for forgiveness in Jesus alone.
Don't you think that if we say you know what, it is WRONG to be homosexual, so NO, I will not change God's created definition of Marriage that is between 1 man and 1 woman, and vote in someone who wants to change Marriage to allow HOMOSEXUALS to marry, and BABIES to be KILLED.
(Allowing that to happen would be an even greater sin.)
So don't you think that if we as a Nation cry out to God, repent, and turn back to following and trusting in Him alone through Jesus Christ, and then maybe... just Maybe He will again pour out blessings on our Country and our economy?
But even if He does not bless us or our economy, we still need to trust, follow and obey Him, because He alone is God, and the ONLY way to eternal life.
And that my friend, is worth more than anything this Earth, or the Best Economies can offer!
Maybe it is too strong and offensive, but yet we still have freedom of speech (although many Democratic Liberals are trying to remove that long as it concerns Conservative / Christian Talk Show's, Media, Blogs, etc.) and this is my blog, so I will state it anyways and if you don't like it...TOO BAD, get your own blog!
Here goes...
If you are a Christian. A true Christian. By definition, I am talking about someone who has devoted his/her life to following Jesus (our Lord & Savior) and trusting in Him alone for eternal life. Because of His shed blood, His death, burial, and resurrection... by God's mercy and grace in allowing us to have This free gift...
I am talking about the few left in this Country that truly "believe" in Him...which in context does not just mean to Know of Him, but to KNOW HIM, to Follow & Obey Him & His Word...The Bible.
And don't get me wrong...we all struggle with sin, but those of us that still know sin is sin, and sin is WRONG, and should not be allowed, or glorified. Those out there that do repent and strive to Obey God's Word even after falling flat on our faces. Those people and the ones that just claim to be a Christian ... LISTEN UP!
Still with me here?
If... IF you claim this...
Then HOW can you vote for someone that supported and supports laws for murdering / killing innocent babies. HOW can you vote for someone that supports HOMOSEXUAL Marriage.
These two alone... These two facts alone, not even touching on all the other dumb ideas Obama has, like government ran health care, & the fact that he wants more laws to ban guns from law abiding citizens, profit re-distribution, etc.
Those first two facts alone make it impossible for a true mature Christian (by definition) to vote for Obama.
WOW...yes, I am almost saying that you CAN NOT be a Christian and vote for Obama.
Maybe, just maybe you could be a new Christian, a baby Christian. A new convert that has been, or can be easily brain-washed by liberal media such as NBC, MSNBC, CNN, etc.
However, if your main reason for supporting Obama is his terrible idea for the economy. IF that is your main concern... our economy. If that is what you care about most... money in your wallets/purses, and having for yourself, pleasing your-self, rather than pleasing, obeying, living for, and TRUSTING in God to provide for you what you and your family NEEDS, then you may want to question if your "Christian walk" is true.
If you would rather vote for someone you THINK has a better plan for the economy, but yet his beliefs are CLEARLY contradicting what the Bible teaches... then my friend, you may want to take a deep look at yourself and determine who or what you are living for.
Everything is God's. Your money, food, health, family, job, cars, house, etc. = ALL GOD'S...not yours.
So don't you think that if you and our Country REPENTS, and turns back to serving God, and obeying His Word, and begging for forgiveness in Jesus alone.
Don't you think that if we say you know what, it is WRONG to be homosexual, so NO, I will not change God's created definition of Marriage that is between 1 man and 1 woman, and vote in someone who wants to change Marriage to allow HOMOSEXUALS to marry, and BABIES to be KILLED.
(Allowing that to happen would be an even greater sin.)
So don't you think that if we as a Nation cry out to God, repent, and turn back to following and trusting in Him alone through Jesus Christ, and then maybe... just Maybe He will again pour out blessings on our Country and our economy?
But even if He does not bless us or our economy, we still need to trust, follow and obey Him, because He alone is God, and the ONLY way to eternal life.
And that my friend, is worth more than anything this Earth, or the Best Economies can offer!
ELECTION 2008 College associate editor says 'Obama is my Jesus' 'I've officially been saved, and soon, the rest of the country will be too' Posted: Oc
College associate editor says 'Obama is my Jesus'
'I've officially been saved, and soon, the rest of the country will be too'
Posted: October 16, 2008
11:20 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
An associate editor of the campus newspaper at Massachusetts' Smith College has joined the chorus attributing to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama messianic characteristics, but she has gone one step further, calling Obama her "Jesus."
"Obama is my homeboy. And I'm not saying that because he's black – I'm saying that in reference to those Urban Outfitters T-shirts from a couple years ago that said, 'Jesus is my homeboy.' Yes, I just said it. Obama is my Jesus," wrote Maggie Mertens in the Smithsophian's commentary section recently under the headline: "I Will Follow Him: Obama As My Personal Jesus."
Biblical News Note: "More like Anti-Christ..."
"While you may be overtly religious and find this to be idol-worshipping, or may be overtly politically correct and just know that everything in that sentence could be found offensive, I'm afraid it's true anyway," she wrote.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
College associate editor says 'Obama is my Jesus'
'I've officially been saved, and soon, the rest of the country will be too'
Posted: October 16, 2008
11:20 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
An associate editor of the campus newspaper at Massachusetts' Smith College has joined the chorus attributing to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama messianic characteristics, but she has gone one step further, calling Obama her "Jesus."

"Obama is my homeboy. And I'm not saying that because he's black – I'm saying that in reference to those Urban Outfitters T-shirts from a couple years ago that said, 'Jesus is my homeboy.' Yes, I just said it. Obama is my Jesus," wrote Maggie Mertens in the Smithsophian's commentary section recently under the headline: "I Will Follow Him: Obama As My Personal Jesus."
Biblical News Note: "More like Anti-Christ..."
"While you may be overtly religious and find this to be idol-worshipping, or may be overtly politically correct and just know that everything in that sentence could be found offensive, I'm afraid it's true anyway," she wrote.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
ELECTION 2008 Mideast leader: Obama a Muslim who studied in Islamic schools Says Arab world campaign contributions 'may enable him to win U.S. preside
Mideast leader: Obama a Muslim who studied in Islamic schools
Says Arab world campaign contributions 'may enable him to win U.S. presidency'
Posted: October 17, 2008
9:00 pm Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
JERUSALEM – Sen. Barack Obama is a Muslim of Kenyan origins who studied in Islamic schools and whose campaign may have been financed by people in the Islamic and African worlds, Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi said during a recent televised national rally.
"There are elections in America now. Along came a black citizen of Kenyan African origins, a Muslim, who had studied in an Islamic school in Indonesia. His name is Obama," said Gadhafi in little-noticed remarks he made at a rally marking the anniversary of the 1986 U.S. air raid on his country.
The remarks, translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute, MEMRI, were aired on Al Jazeera in June.
The video also has been posted on YouTube and can be seen here.

"All the people in the Arab and Islamic world and in Africa applauded this man," continued Gadhafi. "They welcomed him and prayed for him and for his success, and they may have even been involved in legitimate contribution campaigns to enable him to win the American presidency.
"We are hoping that this black man will take pride in his African and Islamic identity, and in his faith, and that [he will know] that he has rights in America, and that he will change America from evil to good, and that America will establish relations that will serve it well with other peoples, especially the Arabs," Gadhafi said.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Mideast leader: Obama a Muslim who studied in Islamic schools
Says Arab world campaign contributions 'may enable him to win U.S. presidency'
Posted: October 17, 2008
9:00 pm Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
JERUSALEM – Sen. Barack Obama is a Muslim of Kenyan origins who studied in Islamic schools and whose campaign may have been financed by people in the Islamic and African worlds, Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi said during a recent televised national rally.
"There are elections in America now. Along came a black citizen of Kenyan African origins, a Muslim, who had studied in an Islamic school in Indonesia. His name is Obama," said Gadhafi in little-noticed remarks he made at a rally marking the anniversary of the 1986 U.S. air raid on his country.
The remarks, translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute, MEMRI, were aired on Al Jazeera in June.
The video also has been posted on YouTube and can be seen here.

"All the people in the Arab and Islamic world and in Africa applauded this man," continued Gadhafi. "They welcomed him and prayed for him and for his success, and they may have even been involved in legitimate contribution campaigns to enable him to win the American presidency.
"We are hoping that this black man will take pride in his African and Islamic identity, and in his faith, and that [he will know] that he has rights in America, and that he will change America from evil to good, and that America will establish relations that will serve it well with other peoples, especially the Arabs," Gadhafi said.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Iran ready to strike at Israel’s nuclear heart
From The Sunday TimesJune 29, 2008
Iran ready to strike at Israel’s nuclear heart
Uzi Mahnaimi in Tel Aviv
Iran has moved ballistic missiles into launch positions, with Israel’s Dimona nuclear plant among the possible targets, defence sources said last week.
The movement of Shahab-3B missiles, which have an estimated range of more than 1,250 miles, followed a large-scale exercise earlier this month in which the Israeli air force flew en masse over the Mediterranean in an apparent rehearsal for a threatened attack on Iran’s nuclear installations. Israel believes Iran’s nuclear programme is aimed at acquiring nuclear weapons.
The sources said Iran was preparing to retaliate for any onslaught by firing missiles at Dimona, where Israel’s own nuclear weapons are believed to be made.
Major-General Mohammad Jafari, the commander of the Revolutionary Guard, told a Tehran daily: “This country [Israel] is completely within the range of the Islamic Republic’s missiles. Our missile power and capability are such that the Zionist regime – despite all its abilities – cannot confront it.”
An editorial in a government newspaper, Jomhouri Eslami, said: “Our response will hit right at their temple.”
The sabre-rattling coincided with a visit to Israel yesterday by the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullen, for talks with his Israeli opposite number, Lieutenant-General Gabi Ashkenazi. This intensified speculation that Israel was seeking US approval for a possible attack on Iran.
“Although the visit had been planned well in advance, we got the feeling he was coming to make sure we’ll obey the strict timetable agreed with the US,” said an Israeli defence source. He refused to elaborate.
President George Bush has approved the linking of Israel to a US infrared satellite detection system that could spot Shahab missile launches within seconds.
This should enable the Israeli air force to destroy such missiles in the booster stage. The system will also give the Israelis about 15 minutes to seek shelter before any warhead hits.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Iran has already on numerous occasions made it clear that they are not only seeking Nuclear Missles/Weapons, but also will use them against Israel and the USA ASAP!
We need to be in full support of Israel at all costs, and back them against these terrorists! Israel, or the USA should attack them first...its a no brainer!
The problem herin lies with the fact that as crazy as this sounds, Israel will somehow be blamed for this by most the World, which is just insane! This may occur possible by oil getting destroyed, or some other yet to be determined reason that is simply a lie to the real truth. That real reason? It's Biblical. The Jews are God's chosen is by a Jew (Jesus) that we can be saved. It was the Jews first, that the Word of God was given to. Then the Gentiles....
The enemy (ultimately Satan) wants Israel destroyed, along with Christians and Jews. We are just too "politically correct" (wimpy or just plain dumb) to stop these terrorists and not care what the World thinks. We must take a stand for Truth and Freedom.
Iran ready to strike at Israel’s nuclear heart
Uzi Mahnaimi in Tel Aviv
Iran has moved ballistic missiles into launch positions, with Israel’s Dimona nuclear plant among the possible targets, defence sources said last week.
The movement of Shahab-3B missiles, which have an estimated range of more than 1,250 miles, followed a large-scale exercise earlier this month in which the Israeli air force flew en masse over the Mediterranean in an apparent rehearsal for a threatened attack on Iran’s nuclear installations. Israel believes Iran’s nuclear programme is aimed at acquiring nuclear weapons.
The sources said Iran was preparing to retaliate for any onslaught by firing missiles at Dimona, where Israel’s own nuclear weapons are believed to be made.
Major-General Mohammad Jafari, the commander of the Revolutionary Guard, told a Tehran daily: “This country [Israel] is completely within the range of the Islamic Republic’s missiles. Our missile power and capability are such that the Zionist regime – despite all its abilities – cannot confront it.”
An editorial in a government newspaper, Jomhouri Eslami, said: “Our response will hit right at their temple.”
The sabre-rattling coincided with a visit to Israel yesterday by the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Michael Mullen, for talks with his Israeli opposite number, Lieutenant-General Gabi Ashkenazi. This intensified speculation that Israel was seeking US approval for a possible attack on Iran.
“Although the visit had been planned well in advance, we got the feeling he was coming to make sure we’ll obey the strict timetable agreed with the US,” said an Israeli defence source. He refused to elaborate.
President George Bush has approved the linking of Israel to a US infrared satellite detection system that could spot Shahab missile launches within seconds.
This should enable the Israeli air force to destroy such missiles in the booster stage. The system will also give the Israelis about 15 minutes to seek shelter before any warhead hits.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Iran has already on numerous occasions made it clear that they are not only seeking Nuclear Missles/Weapons, but also will use them against Israel and the USA ASAP!
We need to be in full support of Israel at all costs, and back them against these terrorists! Israel, or the USA should attack them first...its a no brainer!
The problem herin lies with the fact that as crazy as this sounds, Israel will somehow be blamed for this by most the World, which is just insane! This may occur possible by oil getting destroyed, or some other yet to be determined reason that is simply a lie to the real truth. That real reason? It's Biblical. The Jews are God's chosen is by a Jew (Jesus) that we can be saved. It was the Jews first, that the Word of God was given to. Then the Gentiles....
The enemy (ultimately Satan) wants Israel destroyed, along with Christians and Jews. We are just too "politically correct" (wimpy or just plain dumb) to stop these terrorists and not care what the World thinks. We must take a stand for Truth and Freedom.
Cult? Obama Supporters Take His Name as Their Own
Obama Supporters Take His Name as Their Own
By JODI KANTOR (The New York Times)
Published: June 29, 2008
Emily Nordling has never met a Muslim, at least not to her knowledge. But this spring, Ms. Nordling, a 19-year-old student from Fort Thomas, Ky., gave herself a new middle name on, mimicking her boyfriend and shocking her father.
“Emily Hussein Nordling,” her entry now reads.
With her decision, she joined a growing band of supporters of Senator Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, who are expressing solidarity with him by informally adopting his middle name.
The result is a group of unlikely-sounding Husseins: Jewish and Catholic, Hispanic and Asian and Italian-American, from Jaime Hussein Alvarez of Washington, D.C., to Kelly Hussein Crowley of Norman, Okla., to Sarah Beth Hussein Frumkin of Chicago.
Jeff Strabone of Brooklyn now signs credit card receipts with his newly assumed middle name, while Dan O’Maley of Washington, D.C., jiggered his e-mail account so his name would appear as “D. Hussein O’Maley.” Alex Enderle made the switch online along with several other Obama volunteers from Columbus, Ohio, and now friends greet him that way in person, too.
Mr. Obama is a Christian, not a Muslim. Hussein is a family name inherited from a Kenyan father he barely knew, who was born a Muslim and died an atheist. But the name has become a political liability. Some critics on cable television talk shows dwell on it, while others, on blogs or in e-mail messages, use it to falsely assert that Mr. Obama is a Muslim or, more fantastically, a terrorist.
“I am sick of Republicans pronouncing Barack Obama’s name like it was some sort of cuss word,” Mr. Strabone wrote in a manifesto titled “We Are All Hussein” that he posted on his own blog and on
So like the residents of Billings, Mont., who reacted to a series of anti-Semitic incidents in 1993 with a townwide display of menorahs in their front windows, these supporters are brandishing the name themselves.
“My name is such a vanilla, white-girl American name,” said Ashley Holmes of Indianapolis, who changed her name online “to show how little meaning ‘Hussein’ really has.”
The movement is hardly a mass one, and it has taken place mostly online, the digital equivalent of wearing a button with a clever, attention-getting message. A search revealed hundreds of participants across the country, along with a YouTube video and bumper stickers promoting the idea. Legally changing names is too much hassle, participants say, so they use “Hussein” on Facebook and in blog posts and comments on sites like, and, the campaign’s networking site.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
I have two things to say...
1) Barack Obama is not a Christian. At least not by the definition of "Christian" which means follower of Jesus and His Word. Why you ask?
He is not only Pro-Choice (Pro-Death of babies), but also in favor of Partial Birth Abortions, and if that does not work, killing them as they are coming out of the womb (or, being born). You may possibly be deceived into thinking this way at first becoming or prior to being a Christian, but once you are truly a Christian (not just a title), there is no way you can be in favor of this act which is clearly against the Bible. See the following Link for what the Bible clearly teaches about Abortion...
He is also in support of Homosexual Marriage, which is clearly a Sin/Abomination and against what God's Word teaches.
2) Liberalism is clearly a Mental Disorder!
By JODI KANTOR (The New York Times)
Published: June 29, 2008
Emily Nordling has never met a Muslim, at least not to her knowledge. But this spring, Ms. Nordling, a 19-year-old student from Fort Thomas, Ky., gave herself a new middle name on, mimicking her boyfriend and shocking her father.
“Emily Hussein Nordling,” her entry now reads.
With her decision, she joined a growing band of supporters of Senator Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, who are expressing solidarity with him by informally adopting his middle name.
The result is a group of unlikely-sounding Husseins: Jewish and Catholic, Hispanic and Asian and Italian-American, from Jaime Hussein Alvarez of Washington, D.C., to Kelly Hussein Crowley of Norman, Okla., to Sarah Beth Hussein Frumkin of Chicago.
Jeff Strabone of Brooklyn now signs credit card receipts with his newly assumed middle name, while Dan O’Maley of Washington, D.C., jiggered his e-mail account so his name would appear as “D. Hussein O’Maley.” Alex Enderle made the switch online along with several other Obama volunteers from Columbus, Ohio, and now friends greet him that way in person, too.
Mr. Obama is a Christian, not a Muslim. Hussein is a family name inherited from a Kenyan father he barely knew, who was born a Muslim and died an atheist. But the name has become a political liability. Some critics on cable television talk shows dwell on it, while others, on blogs or in e-mail messages, use it to falsely assert that Mr. Obama is a Muslim or, more fantastically, a terrorist.
“I am sick of Republicans pronouncing Barack Obama’s name like it was some sort of cuss word,” Mr. Strabone wrote in a manifesto titled “We Are All Hussein” that he posted on his own blog and on
So like the residents of Billings, Mont., who reacted to a series of anti-Semitic incidents in 1993 with a townwide display of menorahs in their front windows, these supporters are brandishing the name themselves.
“My name is such a vanilla, white-girl American name,” said Ashley Holmes of Indianapolis, who changed her name online “to show how little meaning ‘Hussein’ really has.”
The movement is hardly a mass one, and it has taken place mostly online, the digital equivalent of wearing a button with a clever, attention-getting message. A search revealed hundreds of participants across the country, along with a YouTube video and bumper stickers promoting the idea. Legally changing names is too much hassle, participants say, so they use “Hussein” on Facebook and in blog posts and comments on sites like, and, the campaign’s networking site.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
I have two things to say...
1) Barack Obama is not a Christian. At least not by the definition of "Christian" which means follower of Jesus and His Word. Why you ask?
He is not only Pro-Choice (Pro-Death of babies), but also in favor of Partial Birth Abortions, and if that does not work, killing them as they are coming out of the womb (or, being born). You may possibly be deceived into thinking this way at first becoming or prior to being a Christian, but once you are truly a Christian (not just a title), there is no way you can be in favor of this act which is clearly against the Bible. See the following Link for what the Bible clearly teaches about Abortion...
He is also in support of Homosexual Marriage, which is clearly a Sin/Abomination and against what God's Word teaches.
2) Liberalism is clearly a Mental Disorder!
Obama campaign site: Free Islamic terrorist!
Obama campaign site: Free Islamic terrorist!
E-mail addresses, phone numbers provided to 'take urgent action'
Posted: June 29, 2008
8:02 pm Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
JAFFA, Israel – A blog posting on Sen. Barack Obama's official campaign site urges Americans to take action to secure the release of imprisoned terrorist fundraiser Sami Al-Arian, comparing the controversial former professor to Martin Luther King and
Malcolm X.
The posting is just a sampling of a large volume of racist, anti-Semitic and pro-Palestinian rhetoric published on the user-friendly MyObama community blog pages. The Obama campaign does not monitor all blog material, which is posted by registered users, but says it removes offending posts that are brought to the attention of the administrators.
In a blog post on Obama's site titled, "We are all Palestinians," user Ulf Erlingsson laments what he calls the "harsh" conditions of Al-Arian's imprisonment – explaining he "lives in segregation … is not allowed any visitors and is given only two phone calls a month."
The posting quotes Agha Saeed, chair of the American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections, comparing Al-Arian to King and Malcom X, who "symbolized the struggle for human rights in the fifties and sixties. Dr. Sami Al-Arian has come to symbolize the current struggle for human rights."
Al-Arian is also labeled an "internationally recognized political prisoner."
Obama's site readers are called upon to "take urgent action. Just 3 phone calls and 1 E-mail to make a difference."
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
E-mail addresses, phone numbers provided to 'take urgent action'
Posted: June 29, 2008
8:02 pm Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
JAFFA, Israel – A blog posting on Sen. Barack Obama's official campaign site urges Americans to take action to secure the release of imprisoned terrorist fundraiser Sami Al-Arian, comparing the controversial former professor to Martin Luther King and
Malcolm X.
The posting is just a sampling of a large volume of racist, anti-Semitic and pro-Palestinian rhetoric published on the user-friendly MyObama community blog pages. The Obama campaign does not monitor all blog material, which is posted by registered users, but says it removes offending posts that are brought to the attention of the administrators.
In a blog post on Obama's site titled, "We are all Palestinians," user Ulf Erlingsson laments what he calls the "harsh" conditions of Al-Arian's imprisonment – explaining he "lives in segregation … is not allowed any visitors and is given only two phone calls a month."
The posting quotes Agha Saeed, chair of the American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections, comparing Al-Arian to King and Malcom X, who "symbolized the struggle for human rights in the fifties and sixties. Dr. Sami Al-Arian has come to symbolize the current struggle for human rights."
Al-Arian is also labeled an "internationally recognized political prisoner."
Obama's site readers are called upon to "take urgent action. Just 3 phone calls and 1 E-mail to make a difference."
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Will pro-abortion Catholics be excommunicated?
Will pro-abortion Catholics be excommunicated?
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 6/28/2008 4:05:00 AM
Catholic pro-life activist Judie Brown is railing against members of Barack Obama's National Catholic Advisory Council because of their ardent support of abortion on demand.
The Wall Street Journal reports that of the 21 senators, congressmen, and governors listed on the Council's National Leadership Committee, 17 have a 90-100 percent approval rating from the National Abortion Rights Action League. Senator Obama himself has a 100% approval rating from the group that now carries the name "NARAL Pro-Choice America."
Judie Brown, founder of American Life League (ALL), says Obama's NARAL Catholics give their church a bad name. "Every single one of those so-called Catholics who is in any way advising a pro-abortion individual who is running for president, should each be told by their bishop that they may not any longer receive Holy Communion -- and that they are, in fact, are no longer Catholics in good standing with the church. But the bishops are not telling these people that, and that is how this sort of thing happens," Brown explains.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 6/28/2008 4:05:00 AM
Catholic pro-life activist Judie Brown is railing against members of Barack Obama's National Catholic Advisory Council because of their ardent support of abortion on demand.
The Wall Street Journal reports that of the 21 senators, congressmen, and governors listed on the Council's National Leadership Committee, 17 have a 90-100 percent approval rating from the National Abortion Rights Action League. Senator Obama himself has a 100% approval rating from the group that now carries the name "NARAL Pro-Choice America."
Judie Brown, founder of American Life League (ALL), says Obama's NARAL Catholics give their church a bad name. "Every single one of those so-called Catholics who is in any way advising a pro-abortion individual who is running for president, should each be told by their bishop that they may not any longer receive Holy Communion -- and that they are, in fact, are no longer Catholics in good standing with the church. But the bishops are not telling these people that, and that is how this sort of thing happens," Brown explains.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Female teacher, 60, has threesome with students 17, 14
Female teacher, 60, has threesome with students 17, 14
'Efficient' instructor arrested on 15 counts of unlawful sex with inmate minors
Posted: June 26, 2008
8:37 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
A 60-year-old science teacher at the Brevard County Juvenile Detention Center in Florida has been arrested and charged with 15 counts of unlawful sex with minors and one count of filing a false police report.
Palm Bay police said Adrienne Laflamme told her 17-year-old student to conceal their sexual liaisons, including a threesome with a third student, and drug use so she wouldn't lose her job, the Orlando Sentinel reported.
"This woman's actions are an absolute disgrace," Detective Jasmine Campbell said. "We have reason to believe there are other victims and it's important that they come forward."
Laflamme is just the latest instructor to make WND's big list of American teachers accused or convicted of having sexual relations with students. She reportedly began the four-week heated affair with the inmate student within days of his release. The boy's mother said the teacher regularly picked the boy up from their home to have sex with him at her own residence.
The affair continued for several weeks, and Laflamme had sex with the student at least 15 times, including one threesome with a 14-year-old boy.
The teacher, away on vacation, loaned her vehicle to the boy. She filed a police report claiming the vehicle was stolen after learning police were investigating her.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Just more Moral Decay and sickness of Sin from a lack of Knowing God and obeying His Word (The Bible).
See the Big List of this sickness of all teachers below...
The big list: Female teachers with students
(may need to disable pop-up blocker)
'Efficient' instructor arrested on 15 counts of unlawful sex with inmate minors
Posted: June 26, 2008
8:37 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
A 60-year-old science teacher at the Brevard County Juvenile Detention Center in Florida has been arrested and charged with 15 counts of unlawful sex with minors and one count of filing a false police report.
Palm Bay police said Adrienne Laflamme told her 17-year-old student to conceal their sexual liaisons, including a threesome with a third student, and drug use so she wouldn't lose her job, the Orlando Sentinel reported.
"This woman's actions are an absolute disgrace," Detective Jasmine Campbell said. "We have reason to believe there are other victims and it's important that they come forward."
Laflamme is just the latest instructor to make WND's big list of American teachers accused or convicted of having sexual relations with students. She reportedly began the four-week heated affair with the inmate student within days of his release. The boy's mother said the teacher regularly picked the boy up from their home to have sex with him at her own residence.
The affair continued for several weeks, and Laflamme had sex with the student at least 15 times, including one threesome with a 14-year-old boy.
The teacher, away on vacation, loaned her vehicle to the boy. She filed a police report claiming the vehicle was stolen after learning police were investigating her.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Just more Moral Decay and sickness of Sin from a lack of Knowing God and obeying His Word (The Bible).
See the Big List of this sickness of all teachers below...
The big list: Female teachers with students
(may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Americans shouldn't elect Barack Obama for President...
Add me to the list!
James L. Lambert - Guest Columnist - 6/27/2008 4:00:00 PM
I agree with the growing number of people in the Christian community who are making the case that Americans shouldn't elect Barack Obama as the next president of the United States. I find myself in the company of people like Bill Keller, James Dobson, former NFL player and pastor Dr. O'Neal Dozier, Dr. Gary Cass, and Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, who all believe the Illinois senator would be a bad choice.
Focus on the Family's James Dobson took aim at Obama this week on his radio show, saying he things the Democratic candidate is "deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own worldview, his own confused theology." Dobson and others are particularly upset by Obama's support of gay marriage, abortion rights, and partial-birth abortion, as well as his tendency to favor a socialistic philosophy in government.
For my fellow Christians who are "on the fence" when it comes to the November election, consider the following:
- Obama has been a strong defender of the abortion industry, as demonstrated by his speaking appearance at a Planned Parenthood convention.
- He has been sympathetic to the cause of gay marriage. He recently appeared in the gay magazine Advocate.
- Obama has said that there are many ways to heaven -- which flies in the face of claims by Christ himself who said He is the only way to God. In a response to Dobson and other Evangelicals, Obama has stated that "folks haven't been reading their Bible." Yet Obama's belief in the "big tent" of salvation (with there being "many paths to God") runs completely contrary to scripture.
- The sacrifice of Christ on the cross becomes meaningless in Obama's worldview, according to Jesse Lee Peterson. Peterson, an ordained minister and director of the Brotherhood of a New Destiny, recently appeared on my local TV show. Dr. Gary Cass, founder of Christian Anti-Defamation League agrees. "Why did Jesus have to die in the first place?" Cass asks. "Christians believe Christ had to bear the punishment for their sins and only personal faith in Christ in Christ's death and resurrection can save [us] from eternal judgment."
- Obama would likely nominate extremely liberal Supreme Court justices if he is elected, so contends Dr. O'Neal Dozier. Rev. Dozier, pastor of The Worldwide Christian Center in Florida, is appalled at the ignorance many black Christians have pertaining to the Democratic presidential candidate. Obama, notes Dozier, has made it crystal clear that he would appoint future Supreme Court justices in the mold of Justice Ginsberg -- a former ACLU counsel who has shown by her court decisions that she believes the high court should do more than interpret the law. Obama's Supreme Court nominees would dramatically affect legal opinion for a generation. Case law involving free speech, freedom of religion, and the continued slaughter of millions of babies will depend on the make-up of this court. Dozier is deeply concerned that many black Christians will end up voting for Obama "simply because he is black." It is Dozier's opinion that many black pastors "are weak spiritually," making it difficult for them to take a moral stand on cultural issues (i.e., abortion, gay "marriage," religious freedom, monogamy and government dependency). Dozier sees the need for pastors in his community to teach Christians the importance of living right before God.
"The media has given [Obama] a free pass" when it comes to his core beliefs, says Keller. Like Dobson, Petterson, Dozier, and Cass, Keller questions some of Obama's basic core religious beliefs. "He doesn't believe in Hell…Obama has stated that even though his mother didn't believe in Christ as her Savior, she is in Heaven." Regarding Obama's almost 20-year association with Trinity Church, Keller said that "two of my board members are from Chicago -- and Trinity has always been known as a radical church ... one that [promotes] black separatism and black liberation theology."
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Not only does he support abortion, he has voted in favor of partial birth abortion.
Not only is he for partial birth abortion, he is also for finishing the job (killing) the baby, if the abortion failed.
In my opinion, how can we as Christians (followers/obeyers of Jesus and His Word ---unless you are a phony pretend Christian who will here the words, "Depart from Me, ... I never knew you...") even possibly consider such a person? SIMPLE...
Answer=Moral Decay in our Nation (due to the removal of God and His Word from schools, and everywhere), our so called politcal correctness in never wanting to offend anyone...even when it's the truth (and so be it if the truth hurts...let it hurt and learn from it!), and the very simple, but true fact that, "Liberalism is a mental disorder" as stated by Michael Savage.
James L. Lambert - Guest Columnist - 6/27/2008 4:00:00 PM
I agree with the growing number of people in the Christian community who are making the case that Americans shouldn't elect Barack Obama as the next president of the United States. I find myself in the company of people like Bill Keller, James Dobson, former NFL player and pastor Dr. O'Neal Dozier, Dr. Gary Cass, and Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, who all believe the Illinois senator would be a bad choice.
Focus on the Family's James Dobson took aim at Obama this week on his radio show, saying he things the Democratic candidate is "deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own worldview, his own confused theology." Dobson and others are particularly upset by Obama's support of gay marriage, abortion rights, and partial-birth abortion, as well as his tendency to favor a socialistic philosophy in government.
For my fellow Christians who are "on the fence" when it comes to the November election, consider the following:
- Obama has been a strong defender of the abortion industry, as demonstrated by his speaking appearance at a Planned Parenthood convention.
- He has been sympathetic to the cause of gay marriage. He recently appeared in the gay magazine Advocate.
- Obama has said that there are many ways to heaven -- which flies in the face of claims by Christ himself who said He is the only way to God. In a response to Dobson and other Evangelicals, Obama has stated that "folks haven't been reading their Bible." Yet Obama's belief in the "big tent" of salvation (with there being "many paths to God") runs completely contrary to scripture.
- The sacrifice of Christ on the cross becomes meaningless in Obama's worldview, according to Jesse Lee Peterson. Peterson, an ordained minister and director of the Brotherhood of a New Destiny, recently appeared on my local TV show. Dr. Gary Cass, founder of Christian Anti-Defamation League agrees. "Why did Jesus have to die in the first place?" Cass asks. "Christians believe Christ had to bear the punishment for their sins and only personal faith in Christ in Christ's death and resurrection can save [us] from eternal judgment."
- Obama would likely nominate extremely liberal Supreme Court justices if he is elected, so contends Dr. O'Neal Dozier. Rev. Dozier, pastor of The Worldwide Christian Center in Florida, is appalled at the ignorance many black Christians have pertaining to the Democratic presidential candidate. Obama, notes Dozier, has made it crystal clear that he would appoint future Supreme Court justices in the mold of Justice Ginsberg -- a former ACLU counsel who has shown by her court decisions that she believes the high court should do more than interpret the law. Obama's Supreme Court nominees would dramatically affect legal opinion for a generation. Case law involving free speech, freedom of religion, and the continued slaughter of millions of babies will depend on the make-up of this court. Dozier is deeply concerned that many black Christians will end up voting for Obama "simply because he is black." It is Dozier's opinion that many black pastors "are weak spiritually," making it difficult for them to take a moral stand on cultural issues (i.e., abortion, gay "marriage," religious freedom, monogamy and government dependency). Dozier sees the need for pastors in his community to teach Christians the importance of living right before God.
"The media has given [Obama] a free pass" when it comes to his core beliefs, says Keller. Like Dobson, Petterson, Dozier, and Cass, Keller questions some of Obama's basic core religious beliefs. "He doesn't believe in Hell…Obama has stated that even though his mother didn't believe in Christ as her Savior, she is in Heaven." Regarding Obama's almost 20-year association with Trinity Church, Keller said that "two of my board members are from Chicago -- and Trinity has always been known as a radical church ... one that [promotes] black separatism and black liberation theology."
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Not only does he support abortion, he has voted in favor of partial birth abortion.
Not only is he for partial birth abortion, he is also for finishing the job (killing) the baby, if the abortion failed.
In my opinion, how can we as Christians (followers/obeyers of Jesus and His Word ---unless you are a phony pretend Christian who will here the words, "Depart from Me, ... I never knew you...") even possibly consider such a person? SIMPLE...
Answer=Moral Decay in our Nation (due to the removal of God and His Word from schools, and everywhere), our so called politcal correctness in never wanting to offend anyone...even when it's the truth (and so be it if the truth hurts...let it hurt and learn from it!), and the very simple, but true fact that, "Liberalism is a mental disorder" as stated by Michael Savage.
Hate crimes meeting puts emphasis on 'homophobia,' 'transphobia'
Hate crimes meeting puts emphasis on 'homophobia,' 'transphobia'
- OneNewsNow - 6/28/2008 4:25:00 AM
NEW YORK - Member States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) were caught off guard in a meeting in Helsinki last week. They were expecting to discuss crimes motivated by racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and religious intolerance. Instead the OSCE staff presented them with a draft of a soon-to-be-published document that includes repeated references to "homophobia" and "transphobia."
Sources inside the meeting told C-FAM's Friday Fax that while the public portion of the meetings stayed on the agreed topics of racism, xenophobia and religious intolerance, working group sessions revealed serious concerns on the part of participating States over the draft document's overwhelming focus on homosexual rights. Member States reminded the OSCE that it has no mandate to discuss "homophobia" or "transphobia" and that the OSCE ministerial council had previously rejected these issues as part of the organization's hate crimes mandate. (Note: Transphobia is a new term that the cultural left uses to refer to discrimination against those who have undergone sex change operations or are otherwise confused about their sex.)
Thirty-eight states participated in the two-day expert-level meeting, which was organized by the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights to facilitate hate crimes data collection between member countries and the OSCE. One of the primary objectives of the Helsinki meeting was to finalize the 2007 annual report, "Hate Crimes in the OSCE Region: Incidents and Responses." The organizers of the meeting did not allow for a substantial discussion of the 250-page draft, which contained numerous references to "homophobia" and "transphobia." Despite the lack of negotiations or consultations, at the close of the meeting the chairman declared that the report had been accepted through consensus.
Observers expressed concern that the OSCE is becoming more advocacy-driven in regards to homosexual rights and the organization has introduced terms like "transphobia" that have not been agreed to nor defined by Member States, rather than simply focusing on reporting and data collection.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
- OneNewsNow - 6/28/2008 4:25:00 AM
NEW YORK - Member States of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) were caught off guard in a meeting in Helsinki last week. They were expecting to discuss crimes motivated by racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and religious intolerance. Instead the OSCE staff presented them with a draft of a soon-to-be-published document that includes repeated references to "homophobia" and "transphobia."
Sources inside the meeting told C-FAM's Friday Fax that while the public portion of the meetings stayed on the agreed topics of racism, xenophobia and religious intolerance, working group sessions revealed serious concerns on the part of participating States over the draft document's overwhelming focus on homosexual rights. Member States reminded the OSCE that it has no mandate to discuss "homophobia" or "transphobia" and that the OSCE ministerial council had previously rejected these issues as part of the organization's hate crimes mandate. (Note: Transphobia is a new term that the cultural left uses to refer to discrimination against those who have undergone sex change operations or are otherwise confused about their sex.)
Thirty-eight states participated in the two-day expert-level meeting, which was organized by the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights to facilitate hate crimes data collection between member countries and the OSCE. One of the primary objectives of the Helsinki meeting was to finalize the 2007 annual report, "Hate Crimes in the OSCE Region: Incidents and Responses." The organizers of the meeting did not allow for a substantial discussion of the 250-page draft, which contained numerous references to "homophobia" and "transphobia." Despite the lack of negotiations or consultations, at the close of the meeting the chairman declared that the report had been accepted through consensus.
Observers expressed concern that the OSCE is becoming more advocacy-driven in regards to homosexual rights and the organization has introduced terms like "transphobia" that have not been agreed to nor defined by Member States, rather than simply focusing on reporting and data collection.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Presbyterian Assembly votes to drop homosexual clergy ban
Presbyterian Assembly votes to drop homosexual clergy ban
Eric Gorski - Associated Press Religion Editor - 6/28/2008 5:40:00 AM
WASHINGTON - The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), bitterly divided over sexuality and the Bible, set up another confrontation Friday over its ban on ordaining non-celibate gays and lesbians.
The denomination's General Assembly, meeting in San Jose, Calif., voted 54 percent to 46 percent Friday to drop the requirement that would-be ministers, deacons and elders live in "fidelity within the covenant of marriage between and a man and a woman, or chastity in singleness."
The proposed change to the church constitution requires approval from a majority the nation's 173 presbyteries, or regional church bodies - a yearlong process that has proven to be a barrier to similar efforts in the past.
Of equal importance to advocates on both side of the debate, the assembly also voted to allow gay and lesbian candidates for ordination to conscientiously object to the existing standard. Local presbyteries and church councils that approve ordinations would consider such requests on a case-by-case basis.
That vote was an "an authoritative interpretation" of the church constitution rather than a change to it, so it goes into effect immediately. The interpretation supersedes a ruling from the church's high court, issued in February, that said there were no exceptions to the so-called "fidelity and chastity" requirement.
Both votes could put further strain on the 2.2-million member church, which like other mainline Protestant denominations has seen some conservative churches leave after losing battles over the place of gays and lesbians in the church and what the Bible says about gay relationships.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Eric Gorski - Associated Press Religion Editor - 6/28/2008 5:40:00 AM
WASHINGTON - The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), bitterly divided over sexuality and the Bible, set up another confrontation Friday over its ban on ordaining non-celibate gays and lesbians.
The denomination's General Assembly, meeting in San Jose, Calif., voted 54 percent to 46 percent Friday to drop the requirement that would-be ministers, deacons and elders live in "fidelity within the covenant of marriage between and a man and a woman, or chastity in singleness."
The proposed change to the church constitution requires approval from a majority the nation's 173 presbyteries, or regional church bodies - a yearlong process that has proven to be a barrier to similar efforts in the past.
Of equal importance to advocates on both side of the debate, the assembly also voted to allow gay and lesbian candidates for ordination to conscientiously object to the existing standard. Local presbyteries and church councils that approve ordinations would consider such requests on a case-by-case basis.
That vote was an "an authoritative interpretation" of the church constitution rather than a change to it, so it goes into effect immediately. The interpretation supersedes a ruling from the church's high court, issued in February, that said there were no exceptions to the so-called "fidelity and chastity" requirement.
Both votes could put further strain on the 2.2-million member church, which like other mainline Protestant denominations has seen some conservative churches leave after losing battles over the place of gays and lesbians in the church and what the Bible says about gay relationships.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Homosexuals march on Jerusalem
Homosexuals march on Jerusalem
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 6/28/2008 4:20:00 AM
Christian Zionist Jim Hutchens says the recent homosexual pride parade in Jerusalem merely contributed to the moral climate that will bring about the besieging of Jerusalem foretold by prophets of the Bible.
Homosexuals and their supporters marched through the Holy City Thursday in direct defiance of the Hebraic scriptures as Orthodox Jews held a counter protest nearby. The so-called "gay pride" parade was allowed to proceed after Israel's Supreme Court rejected a petition to ban the event.
Hutchens, president of The Jerusalem Connection International (TJCI), says the Bible warns of a worldwide moral decline that affects the Holy Land as well. "There is a judgment that God brings worldwide and on Israel, as a matter of fact. And I think those are the events that lead up to what we refer to as Armageddon, the apocalyptic besieging of Jerusalem," Hutchens contends.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 6/28/2008 4:20:00 AM
Christian Zionist Jim Hutchens says the recent homosexual pride parade in Jerusalem merely contributed to the moral climate that will bring about the besieging of Jerusalem foretold by prophets of the Bible.
Homosexuals and their supporters marched through the Holy City Thursday in direct defiance of the Hebraic scriptures as Orthodox Jews held a counter protest nearby. The so-called "gay pride" parade was allowed to proceed after Israel's Supreme Court rejected a petition to ban the event.
Hutchens, president of The Jerusalem Connection International (TJCI), says the Bible warns of a worldwide moral decline that affects the Holy Land as well. "There is a judgment that God brings worldwide and on Israel, as a matter of fact. And I think those are the events that lead up to what we refer to as Armageddon, the apocalyptic besieging of Jerusalem," Hutchens contends.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Steven Curtis Chapmans Family Receives Outpouring of Sympathy in The Loss of Their Precious Daughter Maria Sue Chapman
Chapmans Receive Outpouring of Sympathy
May 24, 2008 - Funeral arrangements have been made for the 5-year-old daughter of Christian singer Steven Curtis Chapman.
The Chapmans' daughter Maria died after being hit by a car in the family's driveway. She had been playing there Wednesday evening as her brother, who was driving a Toyota Land Cruiser, pulled up. He did not see his little sister.
"He understandably is just devastated," Chapman's pastor Scotty Smith told CBN News about the son involved in the accident. "Their beautiful home has a couple of bends in the road. It just was totally an accident. and this young man's heart is crushed."
Smith has been a friend of the Chapman family for more than 20 years. He is urging others not to forget to include Maria's brother in their prayers.
"I encourage all to just redouble their prayers. because we all can predict how the enemy will try and whisper in his heart," he said.
Maria was the youngest of three girls from China that Chapman and his wife Mary Beth adopted. They also have three biological children.
The entire family was home when the accident happened. Two other kids witnessed the tragedy. Maria was rushed to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital where she later died from her injuries.
Visitation for the Chapman's little girl will begin Friday, May 23, at the Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, Tenn. A memorial service will take place Saturday, May 24, at 11 a.m.
Loving the Adopted
Early Thursday, a video of Maria was posted on the Shaohanna's Hope web site, showing a couple of her most "kid-like" moments. In it, Maria helps her dad clean the kitchen after eating pancakes. The video is slated Dishwashin' Daddy.
Chapman stands close behind his daughter, playing his guitar and singing a song as his "chief bottle washer" rinses cups in the sink.
The Chapmans have always had a heart for adopting and founded Shoahanna's Hope ministry after bringing their first adopted daughter home from China.
In his latest music tour, Chapman began the campaign Change for Orphans, asking audience members to donate to the adoption cause.
The singer/songwriter was recently inducted into the Music City Walk of Fame and has sold more than 10 million albums, winning him more than 50 Dove Awards.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Send Your Condolences to the Family of Steven Curtis Chapman
The Christian world is mourning the tragic death of singer Steven Curtis Chapman's daughter, Maria Sue. The following statement has come from Chapman’s manager, Jim Houser:
“Maria Sue Chapman, adopted and youngest daughter to Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman, was killed in a tragic accident in the family driveway on Wednesday evening. She was LifeFlighted to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital but for only reasons God can explain she went home to Him ... not to Franklin as we all so desperately wanted.
"Your prayers are needed for all in the Chapman family. This is a family who has so generously loved and given to so many. Just hours before this close knit family was celebrating the engagement of the oldest daughter Emily Chapman, and were just hours away from a graduation party marking Caleb Chapman's completion of high school. Now, they are preparing to bury a child who blew out 5 candles on a birthday cake less than 10 days ago. These words are unthinkable to type. And yet we trust in a God who was not surprised by this and because of Jesus I am certain through faith in Him we will see Maria again.”
Steven Curtis Chapman’s Web site has posted a special video diary in memory of Maria that you can access by going to:
The Chapman family have requested in lieu of flowers donations be made to Shaohannah’s Hope Ministry.
Donations can be made to the below P.O. Box and at: or at:
Shaohannah’s Hope P.O. Box 647 Nashville, TN 37065
Condolences can be made online at this special Steven Curtis Chapman Web page:
or they can be sent to:
P.O. Box 150156 Nashville, TN 37215
You can share your prayer requests for the Chapman family at this page.
Funeral arrangements for Maria Sue Chapman have been made for Friday, May 23rd, Visitation 5-8 p.m.; and then a Memorial Service on Saturday, May 24th at 11 a.m. at Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN.
CBN News Story: Daughter of Christian Music Star Killed by Car
CBN News: The Chapman's Share Their Heart for Adoption
ChurchWatch Home
May 24, 2008 - Funeral arrangements have been made for the 5-year-old daughter of Christian singer Steven Curtis Chapman.
The Chapmans' daughter Maria died after being hit by a car in the family's driveway. She had been playing there Wednesday evening as her brother, who was driving a Toyota Land Cruiser, pulled up. He did not see his little sister.
"He understandably is just devastated," Chapman's pastor Scotty Smith told CBN News about the son involved in the accident. "Their beautiful home has a couple of bends in the road. It just was totally an accident. and this young man's heart is crushed."
Smith has been a friend of the Chapman family for more than 20 years. He is urging others not to forget to include Maria's brother in their prayers.
"I encourage all to just redouble their prayers. because we all can predict how the enemy will try and whisper in his heart," he said.
Maria was the youngest of three girls from China that Chapman and his wife Mary Beth adopted. They also have three biological children.
The entire family was home when the accident happened. Two other kids witnessed the tragedy. Maria was rushed to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital where she later died from her injuries.
Visitation for the Chapman's little girl will begin Friday, May 23, at the Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, Tenn. A memorial service will take place Saturday, May 24, at 11 a.m.
Loving the Adopted
Early Thursday, a video of Maria was posted on the Shaohanna's Hope web site, showing a couple of her most "kid-like" moments. In it, Maria helps her dad clean the kitchen after eating pancakes. The video is slated Dishwashin' Daddy.
Chapman stands close behind his daughter, playing his guitar and singing a song as his "chief bottle washer" rinses cups in the sink.
The Chapmans have always had a heart for adopting and founded Shoahanna's Hope ministry after bringing their first adopted daughter home from China.
In his latest music tour, Chapman began the campaign Change for Orphans, asking audience members to donate to the adoption cause.
The singer/songwriter was recently inducted into the Music City Walk of Fame and has sold more than 10 million albums, winning him more than 50 Dove Awards.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Send Your Condolences to the Family of Steven Curtis Chapman
The Christian world is mourning the tragic death of singer Steven Curtis Chapman's daughter, Maria Sue. The following statement has come from Chapman’s manager, Jim Houser:
“Maria Sue Chapman, adopted and youngest daughter to Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman, was killed in a tragic accident in the family driveway on Wednesday evening. She was LifeFlighted to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital but for only reasons God can explain she went home to Him ... not to Franklin as we all so desperately wanted.
"Your prayers are needed for all in the Chapman family. This is a family who has so generously loved and given to so many. Just hours before this close knit family was celebrating the engagement of the oldest daughter Emily Chapman, and were just hours away from a graduation party marking Caleb Chapman's completion of high school. Now, they are preparing to bury a child who blew out 5 candles on a birthday cake less than 10 days ago. These words are unthinkable to type. And yet we trust in a God who was not surprised by this and because of Jesus I am certain through faith in Him we will see Maria again.”
Steven Curtis Chapman’s Web site has posted a special video diary in memory of Maria that you can access by going to:
The Chapman family have requested in lieu of flowers donations be made to Shaohannah’s Hope Ministry.
Donations can be made to the below P.O. Box and at: or at:
Shaohannah’s Hope P.O. Box 647 Nashville, TN 37065
Condolences can be made online at this special Steven Curtis Chapman Web page:
or they can be sent to:
P.O. Box 150156 Nashville, TN 37215
You can share your prayer requests for the Chapman family at this page.
Funeral arrangements for Maria Sue Chapman have been made for Friday, May 23rd, Visitation 5-8 p.m.; and then a Memorial Service on Saturday, May 24th at 11 a.m. at Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN.
CBN News Story: Daughter of Christian Music Star Killed by Car
CBN News: The Chapman's Share Their Heart for Adoption
ChurchWatch Home
Court allows partial-birth abortion in VA
Court allows partial-birth abortion in VA
Jeff Johnson -
A federal court has struck down Virginia's ban on partial-birth abortions a second time, even after the legislature amended the law to comply with the first negative decision.
(WARNING: The following story contains material not suitable for children.)
A three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decided Tuesday that Virginia's ban – which is nearly identical to the federal ban upheld by the Supreme Court – is unconstitutional. Victoria Cobb, president of the Family Foundation of Virginia, says the reasoning of the two judges who voted to overturn the law is baffling.
"This is a case where we have some judges who have read into the law that an abortionist can accidentally perform this procedure when intending to perform a 'normal' abortion," Cobb explains.
The two Clinton appointees said they overturned the law because there is no exception to protect an abortionist who accidentally delivers an unborn child up to his or her neck and then punctures the child's brain to end its life.
"There is no question in the minds of most people who look at this issue objectively that one cannot 'accidentally' have a partial-birth abortion," Cobb contends.
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Jeff Johnson -
A federal court has struck down Virginia's ban on partial-birth abortions a second time, even after the legislature amended the law to comply with the first negative decision.
(WARNING: The following story contains material not suitable for children.)
A three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decided Tuesday that Virginia's ban – which is nearly identical to the federal ban upheld by the Supreme Court – is unconstitutional. Victoria Cobb, president of the Family Foundation of Virginia, says the reasoning of the two judges who voted to overturn the law is baffling.
"This is a case where we have some judges who have read into the law that an abortionist can accidentally perform this procedure when intending to perform a 'normal' abortion," Cobb explains.
The two Clinton appointees said they overturned the law because there is no exception to protect an abortionist who accidentally delivers an unborn child up to his or her neck and then punctures the child's brain to end its life.
"There is no question in the minds of most people who look at this issue objectively that one cannot 'accidentally' have a partial-birth abortion," Cobb contends.
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Chicago hosts 'Queer Prom' tonight
Chicago hosts 'Queer Prom' tonight
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 5/23/2008 11:00:00 AM
Conservative activists are speaking out against a so-called "Queer Prom" for Latino youth tonight in Chicago.
The event at the National Museum of Mexican Art is being billed as a dance for "LGBTQ youth" (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning), but adults are also invited. Lambda Legal, the group Latinos Progresando, and a homosexual bathhouse known as "Steamworks" are among the sponsors.
Mario Diaz of Concerned Women for America says Latino groups should be finding ways for Hispanics to pursue the American dream, not promoting homosexual activity.
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Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 5/23/2008 11:00:00 AM
Conservative activists are speaking out against a so-called "Queer Prom" for Latino youth tonight in Chicago.
The event at the National Museum of Mexican Art is being billed as a dance for "LGBTQ youth" (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning), but adults are also invited. Lambda Legal, the group Latinos Progresando, and a homosexual bathhouse known as "Steamworks" are among the sponsors.
Mario Diaz of Concerned Women for America says Latino groups should be finding ways for Hispanics to pursue the American dream, not promoting homosexual activity.
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Found: Suicide school for kids!
Found: Suicide school for kids!
Al-Qaida camp trained children to plant IEDs
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Editor's Note: The following report is excerpted from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium online newsletter published by the founder of WND. Subscriptions are $99 a year or, for monthly trials, just $9.95 per month for credit card users, and provide instant access for the complete reports.
LONDON – Officers in Britain's MI6 intelligence service, working alongside Pakistani intelligence officers in that nation's remote North West province, have located a training camp where children, some as young as six years old, were being trained as suicide bombers, according to a report in Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.
The camp – one of several al-Qaida training camps in the region – is under the direct control of the terror group.
The intelligence officers led Pakistani Special Forces to the children's camp outside the village of Spinkai in the mountainous region.
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Al-Qaida camp trained children to plant IEDs
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Editor's Note: The following report is excerpted from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium online newsletter published by the founder of WND. Subscriptions are $99 a year or, for monthly trials, just $9.95 per month for credit card users, and provide instant access for the complete reports.
LONDON – Officers in Britain's MI6 intelligence service, working alongside Pakistani intelligence officers in that nation's remote North West province, have located a training camp where children, some as young as six years old, were being trained as suicide bombers, according to a report in Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.
The camp – one of several al-Qaida training camps in the region – is under the direct control of the terror group.
The intelligence officers led Pakistani Special Forces to the children's camp outside the village of Spinkai in the mountainous region.
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Marriage laws aren't changed – yet
Whoa! Marriage laws aren't changed – yet
Activists note California court cannot change existing statutes
Posted: May 24, 2008
12:30 am Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Some 10 days ago, four black-robed members of the California Supreme Court trashed traditional marriage of one-man-and-one-woman. But that opinion has to be translated into changes in state law, forms, and procedures before any actual same-sex "marriage" can take place, and that hasn't happened yet and might not for some time, according to a pro-family organization.
For example, one of the legally established forms in California involving marriage issues reflects several references to "bride" and "groom" and "husband" and "wife" that must properly be filled out by "qualifying" individuals before state law allows it to be recognized, according to Randy Thomasson of the Campaign for Children and Families.
And state law demands, "Every person who knowingly procures or offers any false or forged instrument to be filed, registered, or recorded in any public office within this state … is guilty of a felony." Thomasson believes that leaves a formal change in state statutes as the only way the state can implement what the court has expressed in its opinion.
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Activists note California court cannot change existing statutes
Posted: May 24, 2008
12:30 am Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Some 10 days ago, four black-robed members of the California Supreme Court trashed traditional marriage of one-man-and-one-woman. But that opinion has to be translated into changes in state law, forms, and procedures before any actual same-sex "marriage" can take place, and that hasn't happened yet and might not for some time, according to a pro-family organization.
For example, one of the legally established forms in California involving marriage issues reflects several references to "bride" and "groom" and "husband" and "wife" that must properly be filled out by "qualifying" individuals before state law allows it to be recognized, according to Randy Thomasson of the Campaign for Children and Families.
And state law demands, "Every person who knowingly procures or offers any false or forged instrument to be filed, registered, or recorded in any public office within this state … is guilty of a felony." Thomasson believes that leaves a formal change in state statutes as the only way the state can implement what the court has expressed in its opinion.
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2 arrested for talking about Jesus
2 arrested for talking about Jesus
Trial scheduled after 'violations' during freedom celebration
By Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Two preachers, including an American who specializes in delivering the message of the Gospel in public places, have been arrested and face a July trial for carrying a sign telling people about Jesus at a freedom celebration in Norway.
Larry Keffer, who works through the Biblical Research Center in Tampa, Fla., was accompanied by Norwegian evangelist Petar Keseljevic when both were arrested for sharing the Gospel along a parade route in Oslo, Norway, according to officials with the International Human Rights Group.
Spokesman Joel Thornton of the IHRG, which is working with a team of Norwegian lawyers to represent the ministers, told WND the event last week was the nation's birthday holiday.
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Trial scheduled after 'violations' during freedom celebration
By Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Two preachers, including an American who specializes in delivering the message of the Gospel in public places, have been arrested and face a July trial for carrying a sign telling people about Jesus at a freedom celebration in Norway.
Larry Keffer, who works through the Biblical Research Center in Tampa, Fla., was accompanied by Norwegian evangelist Petar Keseljevic when both were arrested for sharing the Gospel along a parade route in Oslo, Norway, according to officials with the International Human Rights Group.
Spokesman Joel Thornton of the IHRG, which is working with a team of Norwegian lawyers to represent the ministers, told WND the event last week was the nation's birthday holiday.
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Thursday, May 22, 2008
Thousands Gather in Jerusalem to Pray. Sign of the End Times?
By Wendy Griffith
CBN News Reporter
Asher is a Messianic Jew and is helping bring the call and the Global Day of Prayer to Jerusalem.
He says united international prayer based in the Holy City will help usher in this end times revival that will pave the way for Christ's return.
"Well, if He was coming back to Beijing, we'd have to have some kind of focus in Bejing," Asher said. "If He was coming back to New York, it would be there, but because we understand He's coming back to Jerusalem there has to be a certain focus on this prayer."
Asher says believers will not only pray for the nations, but also for the growing body of Messianic believers in Israel, now believed to be as many as 15,000 out of 7 million Israelis.
"The Messianic Jewish movement has grown, not only worldwide, but it's also taken a foothold here in Israel," he said. "So, there are maybe 100 local congregations of Messianic Jews in Israel."
"For me, it makes sense but for a lot of people here in Israel, it doesn't make sense that you can be Jewish, remain Jewish and celebrate the Jewish feasts and yet believe in Yeshua [Jesus] the Messiah," Liat Eshel, a Jewish believer, said.
Asher says Jews coming to Jesus is a sure sign that we're in the end times.
"One of our banner statements is from Romans 11. 'All Israel will be saved …and we will pray the prayer together, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord'," he said. "So we are focused, not just on growth in the body here and revival, but ultimately - bringing Yeshua back and making His Kingdom established on the earth."
This is a pretty exciting time to be in Israel, to pray not only for the peace of Jerusalem, but for this mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
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CBN News Reporter
Asher is a Messianic Jew and is helping bring the call and the Global Day of Prayer to Jerusalem.
He says united international prayer based in the Holy City will help usher in this end times revival that will pave the way for Christ's return.
"Well, if He was coming back to Beijing, we'd have to have some kind of focus in Bejing," Asher said. "If He was coming back to New York, it would be there, but because we understand He's coming back to Jerusalem there has to be a certain focus on this prayer."
Asher says believers will not only pray for the nations, but also for the growing body of Messianic believers in Israel, now believed to be as many as 15,000 out of 7 million Israelis.
"The Messianic Jewish movement has grown, not only worldwide, but it's also taken a foothold here in Israel," he said. "So, there are maybe 100 local congregations of Messianic Jews in Israel."
"For me, it makes sense but for a lot of people here in Israel, it doesn't make sense that you can be Jewish, remain Jewish and celebrate the Jewish feasts and yet believe in Yeshua [Jesus] the Messiah," Liat Eshel, a Jewish believer, said.
Asher says Jews coming to Jesus is a sure sign that we're in the end times.
"One of our banner statements is from Romans 11. 'All Israel will be saved …and we will pray the prayer together, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord'," he said. "So we are focused, not just on growth in the body here and revival, but ultimately - bringing Yeshua back and making His Kingdom established on the earth."
This is a pretty exciting time to be in Israel, to pray not only for the peace of Jerusalem, but for this mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
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Jerusalem's 'Call' Heard Around the Globe
Jerusalem's 'Call' Heard Around the Globe
By Wendy Griffith
CBN News Senior Reporter - JERUSALEM, Israel - For the first time, TheCall and the Global Day of Prayer teamed up in Jerusalem for an event that was seen around the world.
The Jerusalem's TheCall began with repentance and the tearing down of walls between Jew and Gentile believers.
A Time of Repentance and Fellowship
Global Day of Prayer
"When Jesus walked here 2,000 years ago, Pilot said, 'Behold here is your king and the people said, - no we don't have a king, but Caesar.' We rejected Yeshua as king, and we have to say, as Israeli Believers - we repent of that because we want to welcome Him as our messiah, as our Lord," said Avi Mizrachi, pastor of Adonai Roi Congregation.
Likewise, Gentile leaders repented for not fully appreciating their Jewish roots.
"We're but branches grafted in," Lou Engle said. "There's a depth here in Jerusalem and among these people that I never honored. And I believe, part of the key to the great awakening at the end of the age is the honoring of the root."
Thanks to God TV, millions of believers around the world are joining believers here in Jerusalem to pray not only for worldwide revival, but that the Jews here in Israel, will come to know Jesus - Yeshua - as their Messiah.
"I think everything's accelerating- we who live here in the land, we feel it - we're on the front line of the battle -- it really is ultimately a battle for the return of the Lord, because Jesus will not return until His people say Baruch habba B'shem Adonai…Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord," Jewish believer Karen Davis said.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
By Wendy Griffith
CBN News Senior Reporter - JERUSALEM, Israel - For the first time, TheCall and the Global Day of Prayer teamed up in Jerusalem for an event that was seen around the world.
The Jerusalem's TheCall began with repentance and the tearing down of walls between Jew and Gentile believers.
A Time of Repentance and Fellowship
Global Day of Prayer
"When Jesus walked here 2,000 years ago, Pilot said, 'Behold here is your king and the people said, - no we don't have a king, but Caesar.' We rejected Yeshua as king, and we have to say, as Israeli Believers - we repent of that because we want to welcome Him as our messiah, as our Lord," said Avi Mizrachi, pastor of Adonai Roi Congregation.
Likewise, Gentile leaders repented for not fully appreciating their Jewish roots.
"We're but branches grafted in," Lou Engle said. "There's a depth here in Jerusalem and among these people that I never honored. And I believe, part of the key to the great awakening at the end of the age is the honoring of the root."
Thanks to God TV, millions of believers around the world are joining believers here in Jerusalem to pray not only for worldwide revival, but that the Jews here in Israel, will come to know Jesus - Yeshua - as their Messiah.
"I think everything's accelerating- we who live here in the land, we feel it - we're on the front line of the battle -- it really is ultimately a battle for the return of the Lord, because Jesus will not return until His people say Baruch habba B'shem Adonai…Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord," Jewish believer Karen Davis said.
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Court Rules Against Military Gays Policy
Court Rules Against Military Gays Policy
By Gene Johnson
Associated Press Writer
May 21, 2008 - SEATTLE - The military cannot automatically discharge people because they're gay, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday in the case of a decorated flight nurse who sued the Air Force over her dismissal.
The three judges from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals did not strike down the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. But they reinstated Maj. Margaret Witt's lawsuit, saying the Air Force must prove that her dismissal furthered the military's goals of troop readiness and unit cohesion.
The "don't ask, don't tell, don't pursue, don't harass" policy prohibits the military from asking about the sexual orientation of service members but requires discharge of those who acknowledge being gay or engaging in homosexual activity.
Wednesday's ruling led opponents of the policy to declare its days numbered. It is also the first appeals court ruling in the country that evaluated the policy through the lens of a 2003 Supreme Court decision that struck down a Texas ban on sodomy as an unconstitutional intrusion on privacy.
When gay service members have sued over their dismissals, courts historically have accepted the military's argument that having gays in the service is generally bad for morale and can lead to sexual tension.
But the Supreme Court's opinion in the Texas case changed the legal landscape, the judges said, and requires more scrutiny over whether "don't ask, don't tell" is constitutional as applied in individual cases.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
By Gene Johnson
Associated Press Writer
May 21, 2008 - SEATTLE - The military cannot automatically discharge people because they're gay, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday in the case of a decorated flight nurse who sued the Air Force over her dismissal.
The three judges from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals did not strike down the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. But they reinstated Maj. Margaret Witt's lawsuit, saying the Air Force must prove that her dismissal furthered the military's goals of troop readiness and unit cohesion.
The "don't ask, don't tell, don't pursue, don't harass" policy prohibits the military from asking about the sexual orientation of service members but requires discharge of those who acknowledge being gay or engaging in homosexual activity.
Wednesday's ruling led opponents of the policy to declare its days numbered. It is also the first appeals court ruling in the country that evaluated the policy through the lens of a 2003 Supreme Court decision that struck down a Texas ban on sodomy as an unconstitutional intrusion on privacy.
When gay service members have sued over their dismissals, courts historically have accepted the military's argument that having gays in the service is generally bad for morale and can lead to sexual tension.
But the Supreme Court's opinion in the Texas case changed the legal landscape, the judges said, and requires more scrutiny over whether "don't ask, don't tell" is constitutional as applied in individual cases.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Church bars severely autistic boy from mass
Church bars severely autistic boy from mass
Last update: May 17, 2008
The priest of the small-town parish fears injuries from the teen's behavior, but autism advocates are rallying behind his parents. The boy's mother says: "I can't discipline him out of his autism, and I think that's what our priest is expecting."
Standing more than six feet tall and weighing more than 225 pounds, 13-year-old Adam Race cuts an imposing figure for his age.
Adam is also severely autistic, and his meltdowns during mass at the Catholic church in Bertha, Minn., have prompted a public battle between the parish priest and Adam's parents.
The Rev. Daniel Walz, disturbed by what he said is Adam's dangerous behavior, filed court papers to bar him from the Church of St. Joseph with a temporary restraining order against his parents. The Races are ignoring the order, which they see as discriminatory, and getting support from advocates for the disabled.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Comment what you would do:
A) Ban him from church (Which could affect not only the family, but people suffering with similar diseases/problems, and liability, etc.)
B) Allow him to continue to go (which could cause safety issues, major distractions, liability, etc.)
C) Create a seperate room for disabilitized people and their families to sit in that is distraction free for the rest of the congregation, and yet provides a view, and audio of the sermon/mass. This could also become a place for people with disabilities to meet other like christians. (which would cost money, and if they are the only ones in the room, could be embarassing, and a good reason not to even go.)
D) Other...explain!
Last update: May 17, 2008
The priest of the small-town parish fears injuries from the teen's behavior, but autism advocates are rallying behind his parents. The boy's mother says: "I can't discipline him out of his autism, and I think that's what our priest is expecting."
Standing more than six feet tall and weighing more than 225 pounds, 13-year-old Adam Race cuts an imposing figure for his age.
Adam is also severely autistic, and his meltdowns during mass at the Catholic church in Bertha, Minn., have prompted a public battle between the parish priest and Adam's parents.
The Rev. Daniel Walz, disturbed by what he said is Adam's dangerous behavior, filed court papers to bar him from the Church of St. Joseph with a temporary restraining order against his parents. The Races are ignoring the order, which they see as discriminatory, and getting support from advocates for the disabled.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Comment what you would do:
A) Ban him from church (Which could affect not only the family, but people suffering with similar diseases/problems, and liability, etc.)
B) Allow him to continue to go (which could cause safety issues, major distractions, liability, etc.)
C) Create a seperate room for disabilitized people and their families to sit in that is distraction free for the rest of the congregation, and yet provides a view, and audio of the sermon/mass. This could also become a place for people with disabilities to meet other like christians. (which would cost money, and if they are the only ones in the room, could be embarassing, and a good reason not to even go.)
D) Other...explain!
31,000 scientists reject 'global warming' agenda
31,000 scientists reject 'global warming' agenda
'Mr. Gore's movie has claims no informed expert endorses'
Posted: May 19, 2008
8:51 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
More than 31,000 scientists across the U.S. – including more than 9,000 Ph.D.s in fields such as atmospheric science, climatology, Earth science, environment and dozens of other specialties – have signed a petition rejecting "global warming," the assumption that the human production of greenhouse gases is damaging Earth's climate.
"There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate," the petition states. "Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth."
The Petition Project actually was launched nearly 10 years ago, when the first few thousand signatures were assembled. Then, between 1999 and 2007, the list of signatures grew gradually without any special effort or campaign.
But now, a new effort has been conducted because of an "escalation of the claims of 'consensus,' release of the movie 'An Inconvenient Truth' by Mr. Al Gore, and related events," according to officials with the project.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
'Mr. Gore's movie has claims no informed expert endorses'
Posted: May 19, 2008
8:51 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
More than 31,000 scientists across the U.S. – including more than 9,000 Ph.D.s in fields such as atmospheric science, climatology, Earth science, environment and dozens of other specialties – have signed a petition rejecting "global warming," the assumption that the human production of greenhouse gases is damaging Earth's climate.
"There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate," the petition states. "Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth."
The Petition Project actually was launched nearly 10 years ago, when the first few thousand signatures were assembled. Then, between 1999 and 2007, the list of signatures grew gradually without any special effort or campaign.
But now, a new effort has been conducted because of an "escalation of the claims of 'consensus,' release of the movie 'An Inconvenient Truth' by Mr. Al Gore, and related events," according to officials with the project.
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Principal quits job over 'gay' alliance
Principal quits job over 'gay' alliance
'We do not have other student clubs focusing on sexual orientation, preference or activity'
Posted: May 21, 2008
11:50 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
The principal of a South Carolina public school has announced plans to resign rather than continue his work at Irmo High following a demand to launch a student club to promote homosexuality.
"The formation of this club conflicts with my professional beliefs in that we do not have other clubs at Irmo High school based on sexual orientation, sexual preference, or sexual activity," Principal Eddie Walker, who identifies himself as "Class of 2008-2009," told the school community in a letter.
His letter said he planned to announce his pending departure to students via the intercom today, but school officials told WND that had been delayed as the school dealt with the sudden death of a student.
However, school district spokesman Buddy Price issued a statement confirming Walker's situation.
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'We do not have other student clubs focusing on sexual orientation, preference or activity'
Posted: May 21, 2008
11:50 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
The principal of a South Carolina public school has announced plans to resign rather than continue his work at Irmo High following a demand to launch a student club to promote homosexuality.
"The formation of this club conflicts with my professional beliefs in that we do not have other clubs at Irmo High school based on sexual orientation, sexual preference, or sexual activity," Principal Eddie Walker, who identifies himself as "Class of 2008-2009," told the school community in a letter.
His letter said he planned to announce his pending departure to students via the intercom today, but school officials told WND that had been delayed as the school dealt with the sudden death of a student.
However, school district spokesman Buddy Price issued a statement confirming Walker's situation.
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008
MercyMe: This is Who We Are
MercyMe: This is Who We Are
CBN News
February 18, 2008 - They could never imagine.
Ever since MercyMe made their debut in 2001 with their smash hit, I Can Only Imagine, they have released an album every year except for 2003.
The song was number one on Christian radio, then garnered mainstream success when the song was played on radio stations across the country in 2003. Success of this song was driven by the American public calling in to radio stations begging them to play the song.
Click on the video player to hear more from Mercy Me on the 700 Club.
I Can Only Imagine was written by lead singer Bart Millard in just ten minutes (Bart's father died in 1991 due to cancer).
"When my father died, he left me with the assurance that he was headed to a better place," says Bart. "For several years after his death, I would find myself writing the phrase I can only imagine on anything I could find."
Years later when the band was writing songs for its freshman project, Bart stumbled across an old notebook with the phrase penned on it "I can only imagine." People think it's amazing that Bart wrote the song in a short time.
"Really it had been on my heart for almost ten years," he says. The song continues to comfort grieving people everywhere and is still a favorite on radio playlists nationwide today.
If there ever was a dilemma with the success of that song, it was that the song went mainstream. The band found themselves wondering, "Can we get on Leno again?" They had to get to the point where they didn't care whether they got on late-night television.
"That was probably the first time we really sat down as a band and started asking questions like What is it we are called to do? We realized that for whatever reason, our call is to reach out to the hurting, to help people get through difficult times," says Bart. "We just decided this is who we are and what we are called to do."
All That Is within
Their latest project, All That is Within Me, is an album that came out of the band members' hearts.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
CBN News
February 18, 2008 - They could never imagine.
Ever since MercyMe made their debut in 2001 with their smash hit, I Can Only Imagine, they have released an album every year except for 2003.
The song was number one on Christian radio, then garnered mainstream success when the song was played on radio stations across the country in 2003. Success of this song was driven by the American public calling in to radio stations begging them to play the song.
Click on the video player to hear more from Mercy Me on the 700 Club.
I Can Only Imagine was written by lead singer Bart Millard in just ten minutes (Bart's father died in 1991 due to cancer).
"When my father died, he left me with the assurance that he was headed to a better place," says Bart. "For several years after his death, I would find myself writing the phrase I can only imagine on anything I could find."
Years later when the band was writing songs for its freshman project, Bart stumbled across an old notebook with the phrase penned on it "I can only imagine." People think it's amazing that Bart wrote the song in a short time.
"Really it had been on my heart for almost ten years," he says. The song continues to comfort grieving people everywhere and is still a favorite on radio playlists nationwide today.
If there ever was a dilemma with the success of that song, it was that the song went mainstream. The band found themselves wondering, "Can we get on Leno again?" They had to get to the point where they didn't care whether they got on late-night television.
"That was probably the first time we really sat down as a band and started asking questions like What is it we are called to do? We realized that for whatever reason, our call is to reach out to the hurting, to help people get through difficult times," says Bart. "We just decided this is who we are and what we are called to do."
All That Is within
Their latest project, All That is Within Me, is an album that came out of the band members' hearts.
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Pastor opposes 'sex club' at daughter's high school
Pastor opposes 'sex club' at daughter's high school
Jeff Johnson - OneNewsNow - 2/18/2008 11:00:00 AM
Ken Hutcherson, a pro-family pastor near Seattle, is objecting to the activities of what he calls a "sex club" in his daughter's public high school -- and to the fact that the club is allotted a whole day on the school calendar to promote its agenda. (Editor's note: This story addresses mature subject matter not appropriate for children.)
Pastor Ken Hutcherson is developing a "history," so to speak, with Mount Si High School in Snoqualmie, Washington. When his daughter's senior class invited the pro-family activist to speak on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, two pro-homosexual teachers interrupted the assembly. Hutcherson then had to remove his daughter from one of those teacher's classrooms because of alleged harassment. (See earlier article)
Now Hutcherson is upset because of a poster promoting the Gay Straight Alliance at the school. The poster displays silhouettes of three teenage couples -- one male-female, one female-female, and one male-male -- all embracing in front of a rainbow, as if they are about to kiss. It announces the weekly meetings of the GSA, a teacher-sponsored student group that promotes homosexuality, bi-sexuality, and gender confusion.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Jeff Johnson - OneNewsNow - 2/18/2008 11:00:00 AM
Ken Hutcherson, a pro-family pastor near Seattle, is objecting to the activities of what he calls a "sex club" in his daughter's public high school -- and to the fact that the club is allotted a whole day on the school calendar to promote its agenda. (Editor's note: This story addresses mature subject matter not appropriate for children.)
Pastor Ken Hutcherson is developing a "history," so to speak, with Mount Si High School in Snoqualmie, Washington. When his daughter's senior class invited the pro-family activist to speak on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, two pro-homosexual teachers interrupted the assembly. Hutcherson then had to remove his daughter from one of those teacher's classrooms because of alleged harassment. (See earlier article)
Now Hutcherson is upset because of a poster promoting the Gay Straight Alliance at the school. The poster displays silhouettes of three teenage couples -- one male-female, one female-female, and one male-male -- all embracing in front of a rainbow, as if they are about to kiss. It announces the weekly meetings of the GSA, a teacher-sponsored student group that promotes homosexuality, bi-sexuality, and gender confusion.
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'Evolution as fact' among Florida's new proposed education standards
'Evolution as fact' among Florida's new proposed education standards
Pete Chagnon - OneNewsNow - 2/18/2008 2:30:00 PM
The Florida State Board of Education will be voting on new educations standards on Tuesday, but one of the more than a dozen "big ideas" being proposed has parents across the state up in arms.
The Board of Education has proposed 18 "big ideas" in an attempt to raise educational standards across the Sunshine State. But one of the supposedly major ideas mandates that evolution be taught as fact, and that it be taught as the "fundamental concept underlying all of biology."
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Pete Chagnon - OneNewsNow - 2/18/2008 2:30:00 PM
The Florida State Board of Education will be voting on new educations standards on Tuesday, but one of the more than a dozen "big ideas" being proposed has parents across the state up in arms.
The Board of Education has proposed 18 "big ideas" in an attempt to raise educational standards across the Sunshine State. But one of the supposedly major ideas mandates that evolution be taught as fact, and that it be taught as the "fundamental concept underlying all of biology."
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China's actions questionable, says Michigan Republican
China's actions questionable, says Michigan Republican
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 2/19/2008 8:00:00 AM
Congressman Thad McCotter says a Chinese company's planned buyout of U.S. telecom equipment-maker 3Com threatens national security.
While Chinese nationals are currently facing espionage charges for allegedly selling U.S. military secrets to the communist Chinese government, an executive with a Chinese company looking to take part in the planned buyout of 3Com is lashing out in a profane manner against U.S. lawmakers who warn the deal could threaten America's security.
Huawei Technologies is seeking to buy 16.5 percent of 3Com, which makes cyber-defense technologies used by clients such as the Pentagon. The deal has raised concerns among some lawmakers, including Congressman Thad McCotter (R-Michigan), who calls the buyout proposal a "stealth assault on America's national security."
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 2/19/2008 8:00:00 AM
Congressman Thad McCotter says a Chinese company's planned buyout of U.S. telecom equipment-maker 3Com threatens national security.
While Chinese nationals are currently facing espionage charges for allegedly selling U.S. military secrets to the communist Chinese government, an executive with a Chinese company looking to take part in the planned buyout of 3Com is lashing out in a profane manner against U.S. lawmakers who warn the deal could threaten America's security.
Huawei Technologies is seeking to buy 16.5 percent of 3Com, which makes cyber-defense technologies used by clients such as the Pentagon. The deal has raised concerns among some lawmakers, including Congressman Thad McCotter (R-Michigan), who calls the buyout proposal a "stealth assault on America's national security."
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Colson calls for caution on Muslim call for unity
Colson calls for caution on Muslim call for unity
Allie Martin - OneNewsNow - 2/19/2008 6:00:00 AM
Evangelical Christian leader Chuck Colson says a move by Muslim clerics calling for interfaith cooperation to achieve world peace has no merit until Islamic scholars renounce violence.
More than 250 Christian leaders signed an official response to "A Common Word Between Us and You" -- a document drafted by 138 Muslim scholars and clerics. The document calls for dialogue to foster better relations between Islam and Christianity. It also seeks to reshape Christian and Muslim communities.
But Prison Fellowship founder Chuck Colson says there are many problems with the proposal. "The position I took immediately was Christians ought not to respond until Islam scholars will renounce violence," Colson advises. "So these guys, [these] imams, may be well meaning, but until they're ready to renounce violence, I'm not ready to talk to them. I think it's a mistake to talk to them."
Prominent Christian leaders signing the response included Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church, Bill Hybels of Willow Creek Community Church, and Harvard theologian Harvey Cox.
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Allie Martin - OneNewsNow - 2/19/2008 6:00:00 AM
Evangelical Christian leader Chuck Colson says a move by Muslim clerics calling for interfaith cooperation to achieve world peace has no merit until Islamic scholars renounce violence.
More than 250 Christian leaders signed an official response to "A Common Word Between Us and You" -- a document drafted by 138 Muslim scholars and clerics. The document calls for dialogue to foster better relations between Islam and Christianity. It also seeks to reshape Christian and Muslim communities.
But Prison Fellowship founder Chuck Colson says there are many problems with the proposal. "The position I took immediately was Christians ought not to respond until Islam scholars will renounce violence," Colson advises. "So these guys, [these] imams, may be well meaning, but until they're ready to renounce violence, I'm not ready to talk to them. I think it's a mistake to talk to them."
Prominent Christian leaders signing the response included Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church, Bill Hybels of Willow Creek Community Church, and Harvard theologian Harvey Cox.
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BREAKING NEWS: Fidel Castro resigns
BREAKING NEWS: Fidel Castro resigns
AP - 2/19/2008 2:10:00 AM
HAVANA - Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro, announced early this morning that he will resign.
In a letter published by Cuba's official media, the ailing leader said he would not accept a new term when the newly elected parliament meets on Sunday.
"I will not aspire nor accept - I repeat I will not aspire or accept, the post of President of the Council of State and Commander in Chief," read a letter signed by Castro published quietly overnight without advance warning in the online edition of the Communist Party daily Granma.
The new National Assembly is meeting for first time Sunday since January elections to pick the governing Council of State, including the presidency Castro holds. There had been wide speculation about whether he would accept a nomination for reelection to that post or retire.
The 81-year-old Castro's overnight announcement effectively ends his rule of almost 50 years over Cuba, positioning his 76-year-old brother Raul for permanent succession to the presidency.
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AP - 2/19/2008 2:10:00 AM
HAVANA - Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro, announced early this morning that he will resign.
In a letter published by Cuba's official media, the ailing leader said he would not accept a new term when the newly elected parliament meets on Sunday.
"I will not aspire nor accept - I repeat I will not aspire or accept, the post of President of the Council of State and Commander in Chief," read a letter signed by Castro published quietly overnight without advance warning in the online edition of the Communist Party daily Granma.
The new National Assembly is meeting for first time Sunday since January elections to pick the governing Council of State, including the presidency Castro holds. There had been wide speculation about whether he would accept a nomination for reelection to that post or retire.
The 81-year-old Castro's overnight announcement effectively ends his rule of almost 50 years over Cuba, positioning his 76-year-old brother Raul for permanent succession to the presidency.
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Bank reserves category goes negative
Bank reserves category goes negative
Fed: We are concerned but not alarmed
Posted: February 18, 2008
4:16 pm Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
A new report from the Federal Reserve has confirmed the non-borrowed reserves of U.S. banks plummeted to a negative $18 billion at a recent accounting, reflecting an apparently worsening situation from the negative $8.8 billion reported at the end of January.
The numbers appeared particularly alarming in that the Fed, going back to1959, never before had reported that the non-borrowed reserves of depository institutions had been in the red.
But experts said the assumption bank assets had deteriorated so badly that financial institutions would be bankrupt if the Fed did not provide billions in liquidity to prop up bank balance sheets is alarmist.
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Fed: We are concerned but not alarmed
Posted: February 18, 2008
4:16 pm Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
A new report from the Federal Reserve has confirmed the non-borrowed reserves of U.S. banks plummeted to a negative $18 billion at a recent accounting, reflecting an apparently worsening situation from the negative $8.8 billion reported at the end of January.
The numbers appeared particularly alarming in that the Fed, going back to1959, never before had reported that the non-borrowed reserves of depository institutions had been in the red.
But experts said the assumption bank assets had deteriorated so badly that financial institutions would be bankrupt if the Fed did not provide billions in liquidity to prop up bank balance sheets is alarmist.
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Lawmakers want to track charity by sexual orientation
Lawmakers want to track charity by sexual orientation
Bill 'fatally flawed' because it links homosexuals with disadvantaged
Posted: February 18, 2008
9:07 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
A law firm says a new plan in the California Legislature to track charity by sexual orientation is fatally flawed because it links homosexuals with the disadvantaged.
The warning comes from the Pacific Justice Institute, whose chief, Brad Dacus, said the proposal from state lawmakers who just a year ago gave taxpayers a mandatory homosexual indoctrination plan in public schools originally would have demanded personal sexual orientation information about board members and employees of charitable organizations.
The organization said the public outcry as well as opposition from pro-familiy organizations to AB 624 prompted its author to delete "some of its most controversial provisions."
But the plan that earlier would have demanded large charities disclose and post on their websites the race, gender and sexual orientations of their board members and staff still requires the collection and posting of race and gender information.
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Bill 'fatally flawed' because it links homosexuals with disadvantaged
Posted: February 18, 2008
9:07 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
A law firm says a new plan in the California Legislature to track charity by sexual orientation is fatally flawed because it links homosexuals with the disadvantaged.
The warning comes from the Pacific Justice Institute, whose chief, Brad Dacus, said the proposal from state lawmakers who just a year ago gave taxpayers a mandatory homosexual indoctrination plan in public schools originally would have demanded personal sexual orientation information about board members and employees of charitable organizations.
The organization said the public outcry as well as opposition from pro-familiy organizations to AB 624 prompted its author to delete "some of its most controversial provisions."
But the plan that earlier would have demanded large charities disclose and post on their websites the race, gender and sexual orientations of their board members and staff still requires the collection and posting of race and gender information.
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Counselors ordered to argue for homosexuality
Counselors ordered to argue for homosexuality
Professional association warns doing otherwise may be unethical
Posted: February 18, 2008
5:00 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
A ruling by the American Counseling Association that members must not help homosexual clients change their sexual orientation is not sitting well with some in the professional organization who are seeking clarification to avoid “future legal actions.”
The official policy of the ACA is that counselors asked by clients for help in changing their sexual orientation must offer only "gay affirmative" arguments. If the client persists, counselors must explore the "religious influences that underpin homophobia that may be harming the client."
At issue is a ruling from the association concerning clients who seek help in clarifying their sexual orientation as that matching their physical characteristics.
Such questions from clients need to be met with that "gay affirmative" response, the organization's leaders have stated, and if a client insists on seeking such treatment, a counselor who even refers a client to anyone offering reparative counseling could be violating the association's ethical guidelines.
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Professional association warns doing otherwise may be unethical
Posted: February 18, 2008
5:00 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
A ruling by the American Counseling Association that members must not help homosexual clients change their sexual orientation is not sitting well with some in the professional organization who are seeking clarification to avoid “future legal actions.”
The official policy of the ACA is that counselors asked by clients for help in changing their sexual orientation must offer only "gay affirmative" arguments. If the client persists, counselors must explore the "religious influences that underpin homophobia that may be harming the client."
At issue is a ruling from the association concerning clients who seek help in clarifying their sexual orientation as that matching their physical characteristics.
Such questions from clients need to be met with that "gay affirmative" response, the organization's leaders have stated, and if a client insists on seeking such treatment, a counselor who even refers a client to anyone offering reparative counseling could be violating the association's ethical guidelines.
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Monday, February 11, 2008
Water or Money?
Water or Money?
by: Evidence Bible at
If you were offered a handful of $1,000 bills or a glass of cool water, which would you choose? The $1,000 bills, of course—anyone in his right mind would. However, if you were crawling through a desert, dying of thirst, and you were offered a glass of water or a handful of $1,000 bills, which would you take? The water, of course—anyone in his right mind would. That’s called “circumstantial priorities.” Your priorities change according to your circumstances. If there were a way to find everlasting life, would you want to know about it? The answer is “yes,” of course—anyone in his right mind would. What the Bible contains may surprise you.
The Scriptures speak of riches beyond our wildest dreams—the “riches” of everlasting life—and they are offered in the form of cool, clear water: “Let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17). At the moment, you may not be interested in the offer, but on Judgment Day your circumstances will radically change. Then it will be too late.
by: Evidence Bible at
If you were offered a handful of $1,000 bills or a glass of cool water, which would you choose? The $1,000 bills, of course—anyone in his right mind would. However, if you were crawling through a desert, dying of thirst, and you were offered a glass of water or a handful of $1,000 bills, which would you take? The water, of course—anyone in his right mind would. That’s called “circumstantial priorities.” Your priorities change according to your circumstances. If there were a way to find everlasting life, would you want to know about it? The answer is “yes,” of course—anyone in his right mind would. What the Bible contains may surprise you.
The Scriptures speak of riches beyond our wildest dreams—the “riches” of everlasting life—and they are offered in the form of cool, clear water: “Let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely” (Revelation 22:17). At the moment, you may not be interested in the offer, but on Judgment Day your circumstances will radically change. Then it will be too late.
'Mom,' 'dad,' banned; now 600,000 students could go
'Mom,' 'dad,' banned; now 600,000 students could go
Alternatives offered to parents worried about 'repudiation' of Christian morals
Posted: February 07, 2008
12:46 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Only months after a new state law effectively banned "mom" and "dad" from California schools, 600,000 students soon could be following them out the door because of what has been described as the "repudiation" of 2,000 years of Christian morality, according to leaders of a new campaign assembling education alternatives.
The campaign is called California Exodus and is being headed by Ron Gleason, pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church in Yorba Linda, who said while the country excels in social, economic, scientific and political accomplishments, it "gets low grades on the education of its children."
The issue is the state legislature's adoption of Senate Bill 777, which requires only positive portrayals of homosexual, bisexual, transgender and other alternative lifestyle choices.
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Alternatives offered to parents worried about 'repudiation' of Christian morals
Posted: February 07, 2008
12:46 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Only months after a new state law effectively banned "mom" and "dad" from California schools, 600,000 students soon could be following them out the door because of what has been described as the "repudiation" of 2,000 years of Christian morality, according to leaders of a new campaign assembling education alternatives.
The campaign is called California Exodus and is being headed by Ron Gleason, pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church in Yorba Linda, who said while the country excels in social, economic, scientific and political accomplishments, it "gets low grades on the education of its children."
The issue is the state legislature's adoption of Senate Bill 777, which requires only positive portrayals of homosexual, bisexual, transgender and other alternative lifestyle choices.
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Intelligent design costs prof his job
Intelligent design costs prof his job
Regents reject tenure request without evidence, testimony
Posted: February 07, 2008
4:15 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Iowa State University regents, who earlier ruled against accepting evidence or hearing testimony from a professor in a dispute over the school's denial of his tenure, now have turned down his appeal.
The case involves Guillermo Gonzalez, an honored assistant professor of astronomy who has been actively working on theories of intelligent design, an effort that ultimately cost him his job, supporters say. Tenure is roughly the equivalent of a lifetime appointment.
The school has continued to deny the handling of Gonzalez' case was related to his support of ID, even though the Des Moines Register documented e-mails that confirmed Gonzalez' colleagues wanted him flushed out of the system for that reason.
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Regents reject tenure request without evidence, testimony
Posted: February 07, 2008
4:15 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Iowa State University regents, who earlier ruled against accepting evidence or hearing testimony from a professor in a dispute over the school's denial of his tenure, now have turned down his appeal.
The case involves Guillermo Gonzalez, an honored assistant professor of astronomy who has been actively working on theories of intelligent design, an effort that ultimately cost him his job, supporters say. Tenure is roughly the equivalent of a lifetime appointment.
The school has continued to deny the handling of Gonzalez' case was related to his support of ID, even though the Des Moines Register documented e-mails that confirmed Gonzalez' colleagues wanted him flushed out of the system for that reason.
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8-year-old boy returning to class as girl
8-year-old boy returning to class as girl
Teachers making accommodations, preparing to counsel other students
Posted: February 08, 2008
10:48 am Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
An 8-year-old boy is preparing to return to his home school district in Colorado as a girl, so school officials are designating two school restrooms as unisex facilities, and preparing to counsel other students on the issue of transgenderism.
The report comes from KUSA-Television in Denver, which did not identify the third-grade student or his family in the Castle Rock suburban district.
But the report said the student had attended his home district several years ago, as a boy, and then had taken classes in another district for a time.
One parent, identified by the television station as Dave M., said children in the elementary school are going to wonder what's going on.
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Teachers making accommodations, preparing to counsel other students
Posted: February 08, 2008
10:48 am Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
An 8-year-old boy is preparing to return to his home school district in Colorado as a girl, so school officials are designating two school restrooms as unisex facilities, and preparing to counsel other students on the issue of transgenderism.
The report comes from KUSA-Television in Denver, which did not identify the third-grade student or his family in the Castle Rock suburban district.
But the report said the student had attended his home district several years ago, as a boy, and then had taken classes in another district for a time.
One parent, identified by the television station as Dave M., said children in the elementary school are going to wonder what's going on.
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Bishop: Christians don't go to heaven
Bishop: Christians don't go to heaven
Anglican challenges widespread belief, says believers asleep until God returns
Posted: February 10, 2008
2:49 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
A bishop described as "one of the most formidable figures in the world of Christian thought" is now challenging the widely held belief that Christians go to heaven when they die.
N.T. "Tom" Wright, the fourth most senior cleric in the Church of England who has been praised for his staunch defense of the literal resurrection of Jesus Christ, has published a new book in which he says people do not ascend to God's dwelling place. Instead, deceased believers are in a sleep-like state until God comes back to Earth.
"Never at any point do the Gospels or Paul say Jesus has been raised, therefore we are we are all going to heaven," Wright told Time Magazine. "I've often heard people say, 'I'm going to heaven soon, and I won't need this stupid body there, thank goodness.' That's a very damaging distortion, all the more so for being unintentional."
When asked to explain why he rejects that typical sentiment, he said, "There are several important respects in which it's unsupported by the New Testament. First, the timing. In the Bible we are told that you die, and enter an intermediate state. [The Apostle] Paul is very clear that Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead already, but that nobody else has yet. Secondly, our physical state. The New Testament says that when Christ does return, the dead will experience a whole new life: not just our soul, but our bodies. And finally, the location. At no point do the resurrection narratives in the four Gospels say, 'Jesus has been raised, therefore we are all going to heaven.' It says that Christ is coming here, to join together the heavens and the Earth in an act of new creation."
In the Gospel of John, Jesus himself is quoted as saying, "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." (John 3:13)
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Anglican challenges widespread belief, says believers asleep until God returns
Posted: February 10, 2008
2:49 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
A bishop described as "one of the most formidable figures in the world of Christian thought" is now challenging the widely held belief that Christians go to heaven when they die.
N.T. "Tom" Wright, the fourth most senior cleric in the Church of England who has been praised for his staunch defense of the literal resurrection of Jesus Christ, has published a new book in which he says people do not ascend to God's dwelling place. Instead, deceased believers are in a sleep-like state until God comes back to Earth.
"Never at any point do the Gospels or Paul say Jesus has been raised, therefore we are we are all going to heaven," Wright told Time Magazine. "I've often heard people say, 'I'm going to heaven soon, and I won't need this stupid body there, thank goodness.' That's a very damaging distortion, all the more so for being unintentional."
When asked to explain why he rejects that typical sentiment, he said, "There are several important respects in which it's unsupported by the New Testament. First, the timing. In the Bible we are told that you die, and enter an intermediate state. [The Apostle] Paul is very clear that Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead already, but that nobody else has yet. Secondly, our physical state. The New Testament says that when Christ does return, the dead will experience a whole new life: not just our soul, but our bodies. And finally, the location. At no point do the resurrection narratives in the four Gospels say, 'Jesus has been raised, therefore we are all going to heaven.' It says that Christ is coming here, to join together the heavens and the Earth in an act of new creation."
In the Gospel of John, Jesus himself is quoted as saying, "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven." (John 3:13)
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Tornado Victims Turn to Churches, Faith
Tornado Victims Turn to Churches, Faith
By Ryan Lenz
Associated Press Writer
February 9, 2008 - LAFAYETTE, Tenn. - On the way to a storm-ravaged community, a billboard bubbling with fresh paste rises over a rural road with a message from the Gospel of Matthew: "Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
In Macon County and other predominantly Christian areas where tornadoes laid a deadly path, churches - and individuals' faith - are playing a vital role in the aftermath.
Faith is a way of life there. Many have volunteered services, opened disaster centers with food and shelter, clothing and medicine, while those who escaped death when so many did not say they are finding hope in stories of survival.
"I was in a tornado - and I lived," said James Krueger, a 49-year-old electrician, as tears streamed from his eyes blackened in the storm. When the winds hit, his 100-year-old home flew from the foundation until he lay on barren ground.
It was an unlikely survival he cannot help but attribute to a higher power.
"The bottom line is something kept me there," he said, shaking his head in disbelief.
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By Ryan Lenz
Associated Press Writer
February 9, 2008 - LAFAYETTE, Tenn. - On the way to a storm-ravaged community, a billboard bubbling with fresh paste rises over a rural road with a message from the Gospel of Matthew: "Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
In Macon County and other predominantly Christian areas where tornadoes laid a deadly path, churches - and individuals' faith - are playing a vital role in the aftermath.
Faith is a way of life there. Many have volunteered services, opened disaster centers with food and shelter, clothing and medicine, while those who escaped death when so many did not say they are finding hope in stories of survival.
"I was in a tornado - and I lived," said James Krueger, a 49-year-old electrician, as tears streamed from his eyes blackened in the storm. When the winds hit, his 100-year-old home flew from the foundation until he lay on barren ground.
It was an unlikely survival he cannot help but attribute to a higher power.
"The bottom line is something kept me there," he said, shaking his head in disbelief.
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Kidnappings of U.S. citizens on rise
Sophisticated Mexican groups plot abductions
By Tony Manolatos
Organized, well-financed and violent Mexican kidnapping cells are targeting a growing number of U.S. citizens visiting communities popular with San Diegans and other California residents.
Last year, at least 26 San Diego County residents were kidnapped and held for ransom in Tijuana, Rosarito Beach or Ensenada, local FBI agents overseeing the cases said yesterday. In 2006, at least 11 county residents had been kidnapped in the three communities.
“Some of the 26 were recovered, some were hurt and some were killed,” said agent Alex Horan, who directs the FBI's violent-crime squad in San Diego.
“It's not a pleasant experience. Victims have reported beatings, torture and there have been rapes. . . . Handcuffs and hoods over the head are common,” he said.
When contrasted to the 40 million border crossings made every year at the San Ysidro Port of Entry, the kidnapping numbers are small. Most of the victims have business interests or family members in Mexico.
But authorities said anyone planning to visit Mexico should be cautious.
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By Tony Manolatos
Organized, well-financed and violent Mexican kidnapping cells are targeting a growing number of U.S. citizens visiting communities popular with San Diegans and other California residents.
Last year, at least 26 San Diego County residents were kidnapped and held for ransom in Tijuana, Rosarito Beach or Ensenada, local FBI agents overseeing the cases said yesterday. In 2006, at least 11 county residents had been kidnapped in the three communities.
“Some of the 26 were recovered, some were hurt and some were killed,” said agent Alex Horan, who directs the FBI's violent-crime squad in San Diego.
“It's not a pleasant experience. Victims have reported beatings, torture and there have been rapes. . . . Handcuffs and hoods over the head are common,” he said.
When contrasted to the 40 million border crossings made every year at the San Ysidro Port of Entry, the kidnapping numbers are small. Most of the victims have business interests or family members in Mexico.
But authorities said anyone planning to visit Mexico should be cautious.
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Uproar as archbishop says sharia law inevitable in UK
Uproar as archbishop says sharia law inevitable in UK
Williams argues official status for Islamic law could aid social cohesion
Riazat Butt, religious affairs correspondent
The Archbishop of Canterbury drew criticism from across the political spectrum last night after he backed the introduction of sharia law in Britain and argued that adopting some aspects of it seemed "unavoidable". Rowan Williams, the most senior figure in the Church of England, said that giving Islamic law official status in the UK would help to achieve social cohesion because some Muslims did not relate to the British legal system.
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Williams argues official status for Islamic law could aid social cohesion
Riazat Butt, religious affairs correspondent
The Archbishop of Canterbury drew criticism from across the political spectrum last night after he backed the introduction of sharia law in Britain and argued that adopting some aspects of it seemed "unavoidable". Rowan Williams, the most senior figure in the Church of England, said that giving Islamic law official status in the UK would help to achieve social cohesion because some Muslims did not relate to the British legal system.
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