Radio host condemned for 'Islam is a cult'
CAIR cites Neal Boortz for angry confrontation of Muslim caller
© 2007
A controversial Washington-based Islamic lobby group today is highlighting as "Islamophobia" a heated radio talk-show exchange in which host Neal Boortz tells a Muslim caller Islam is a "cult," not a religion.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations said in its daily e-mail dispatch today an audio clip of the conversation – the date is not indicated – "is circulating on anti-Muslim Internet hate sites."
A copy of the clip was posted on Oct. 8, 2006.
The caller began: "Sir, I'm calling because of some statements you've been making in the past week about the religion of Islam and … "
Boortz interrupted: It's a cult, it's not even a religion. … "
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Why is he condemned? Condemned by who? Where is freedom of speech? And What did he say that was wrong? What is Islamophobia? Give me a break! They must have learned that word from the word Homophobia. Speaking of which, since muslims speak out against homosexuals, will they classify themselves as Homophobia? Why not. Simply because we speak out against islam, they call us islamophobia. Also, speaking of Islamophobia...Isn't that the point of terrorists? To make you fear them? Are not 99-100% of terrorists muslim by "religion"?
(*NOTE* I said, "are not 99-100% of terrorists muslim by "religion"", I did NOT say 99-100% of muslims are terrorists...although I wish they would do more to help stop it, if they truly cared.) Hmmm.
The Koran teaches to kill the infidel, which by the way is anyone who is not muslim. So why do we call muslim terrorists... "Extremists"? I guess if you follow the koran, you are an extremist, if you don't follow the koran, what are you... muslim? Im confused.
P.S. If you are offended by this free speech blog, simply don't return. Just as I, who can be offended by other "faith" blogs, simply don't return to them, unless I choose too. I don't cry about it though!
Overall, what we need to do is add muslim's to our prayer lists! We also need to be sincere about it! The Bible tells us to love our enemies, and pray for those who persecute us. (Mat. 5:44)
Friday, July 20, 2007
Black conservative leader lobbies against 'hate crimes' legislation
Black conservative leader lobbies against 'hate crimes' legislation
Chad Groening
July 20, 2007
Equal justice for all? A black conservative leader is calling on Christians to contact their U.S. senators and ask them to vote against a bill that would give special rights to homosexuals and take away the rights of Christians.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Chad Groening
July 20, 2007
Equal justice for all? A black conservative leader is calling on Christians to contact their U.S. senators and ask them to vote against a bill that would give special rights to homosexuals and take away the rights of Christians.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Tipster shields lifted by Democrats
Tipster shields lifted by Democrats
By Audrey Hudson
July 20, 2007
Congressional Democrats yesterday declined to protect tipsters who report suspicious behavior from nuisance lawsuits.
"This is a slap in the face of good citizens who do their patriotic duty and come forward, and it caves in to radical Islamists," said Rep. Peter T. King, New York Republican and ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee.
Republicans tried to write the protection provision included in final homeland security legislation, crafted yesterday by a House and Senate conference committee, to implement final recommendations from the September 11 commission.
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Wonderful... Get sued for calling in a possible terrorist? That ought to motivate people to call! Have they just simply lost their minds?!
By Audrey Hudson
July 20, 2007
Congressional Democrats yesterday declined to protect tipsters who report suspicious behavior from nuisance lawsuits.
"This is a slap in the face of good citizens who do their patriotic duty and come forward, and it caves in to radical Islamists," said Rep. Peter T. King, New York Republican and ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee.
Republicans tried to write the protection provision included in final homeland security legislation, crafted yesterday by a House and Senate conference committee, to implement final recommendations from the September 11 commission.
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Wonderful... Get sued for calling in a possible terrorist? That ought to motivate people to call! Have they just simply lost their minds?!
Cheney to take presidency temporarily
Bush to Have Colonoscopy at Camp David
Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush will have a colonoscopy Saturday and temporarily hand presidential powers to Vice President Dick Cheney, the White House said.
Press secretary Tony Snow told reporters Friday that Bush will have the procedure looking for signs of cancer at his Camp David, Md., mountaintop retreat.
He last had such a colorectal cancer check on June 29, 2002.
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Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush will have a colonoscopy Saturday and temporarily hand presidential powers to Vice President Dick Cheney, the White House said.
Press secretary Tony Snow told reporters Friday that Bush will have the procedure looking for signs of cancer at his Camp David, Md., mountaintop retreat.
He last had such a colorectal cancer check on June 29, 2002.
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Rabbis: 'Peres must repent'
Rabbis: 'Peres must repent'
New president slammed for policies 'that will spill Jewish blood'
By Aaron Klein
© 2007
TEL AVIV – A group of hundreds of prominent Israeli rabbis today urged veteran politician Shimon Peres to immediately "repent" for calling on the Jewish state to evacuate strategic territory the they fear will be used by terrorists to attack Israel.
Peres officially was installed as Israeli president earlier this week. Upon his inauguration, he immediately stated Israel must withdraw from the West Bank, which borders Jerusalem and is within rocket range of Tel Aviv and Israel's international airport.
"We call on Shimon Peres to publicly retract his 'shameful' remarks on the day of his inauguration calling for Israel to 'rid itself of the territories,' referring to the biblical Judea and Samaria (West Bank)," read a statement by the Rabbinical Congress for Peace, a coalition of more than 350 Israeli rabbinic leaders and pulpit rabbis.
"Our sages tell us in the Talmud that when a person assumes an exalted position, all of his sins previously committed are forgiven. But you, Mr. Peres, missed the opportunity to rectify your historical blunders when you declared so blindly that Israel must rid itself of the territories. You caused tremendous damage not only to Jews in Israel but to the status of the Jewish people the world over."
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New president slammed for policies 'that will spill Jewish blood'
By Aaron Klein
© 2007
TEL AVIV – A group of hundreds of prominent Israeli rabbis today urged veteran politician Shimon Peres to immediately "repent" for calling on the Jewish state to evacuate strategic territory the they fear will be used by terrorists to attack Israel.
Peres officially was installed as Israeli president earlier this week. Upon his inauguration, he immediately stated Israel must withdraw from the West Bank, which borders Jerusalem and is within rocket range of Tel Aviv and Israel's international airport.
"We call on Shimon Peres to publicly retract his 'shameful' remarks on the day of his inauguration calling for Israel to 'rid itself of the territories,' referring to the biblical Judea and Samaria (West Bank)," read a statement by the Rabbinical Congress for Peace, a coalition of more than 350 Israeli rabbinic leaders and pulpit rabbis.
"Our sages tell us in the Talmud that when a person assumes an exalted position, all of his sins previously committed are forgiven. But you, Mr. Peres, missed the opportunity to rectify your historical blunders when you declared so blindly that Israel must rid itself of the territories. You caused tremendous damage not only to Jews in Israel but to the status of the Jewish people the world over."
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Ahmadinejad: It's going to be a 'hot' summer
Ahmadinejad: It's going to be a 'hot' summer
In surprise Damascus visit hopes for 'defeat for the region's enemies'
By Aaron Klein
© 2007
TEL AVIV – Visiting Syria today, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned during a press conference that this summer will be "hot" and will bring defeat for the "region's enemies."
"We hope that the hot weather of this summer would coincide with similar victories for the region‘s peoples, and with consequent defeat for the region‘s enemies," Ahmadinejad said, standing alongside Syrian President Bashar Assad.
Ahmadinejad was speaking after a meeting in Damascus with Assad and Hassan Nasrallah, chief of the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, which last summer engaged in 34 days of confrontations with the Jewish state during which the group fired thousands of rockets into Israeli population centers.
Nasrallah made the rare appearance in Damascus after months of largely keeping a low public profile in Lebanon.
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In surprise Damascus visit hopes for 'defeat for the region's enemies'
By Aaron Klein
© 2007
TEL AVIV – Visiting Syria today, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned during a press conference that this summer will be "hot" and will bring defeat for the "region's enemies."
"We hope that the hot weather of this summer would coincide with similar victories for the region‘s peoples, and with consequent defeat for the region‘s enemies," Ahmadinejad said, standing alongside Syrian President Bashar Assad.
Ahmadinejad was speaking after a meeting in Damascus with Assad and Hassan Nasrallah, chief of the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, which last summer engaged in 34 days of confrontations with the Jewish state during which the group fired thousands of rockets into Israeli population centers.
Nasrallah made the rare appearance in Damascus after months of largely keeping a low public profile in Lebanon.
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Bush bans terror suspect torture
Bush bans terror suspect torture
US President George W Bush has signed an executive order banning "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment" of terror suspects.
It says torture and personal abuse - including sexual acts and attacks on religious beliefs - are intolerable.
CIA Director Michael Hayden said the order gave the agency the legal clarity it had been seeking.
The administration has faced pressure at home and abroad over interrogation techniques used on suspected militants.
The most controversial practice allegedly used by the CIA is "water boarding" - in which prisoners are strapped to a plank over water and made to fear that they will drown.
The American authorities have never confirmed they use the technique and it is unclear whether the guidelines allow it.
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Last I checked, the enemy cuts off heads and displays them! Hmmm...guess we are too mild!
US President George W Bush has signed an executive order banning "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment" of terror suspects.
It says torture and personal abuse - including sexual acts and attacks on religious beliefs - are intolerable.
CIA Director Michael Hayden said the order gave the agency the legal clarity it had been seeking.
The administration has faced pressure at home and abroad over interrogation techniques used on suspected militants.
The most controversial practice allegedly used by the CIA is "water boarding" - in which prisoners are strapped to a plank over water and made to fear that they will drown.
The American authorities have never confirmed they use the technique and it is unclear whether the guidelines allow it.
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Last I checked, the enemy cuts off heads and displays them! Hmmm...guess we are too mild!
Immigration solution? Enforce the laws!
Immigration solution? Enforce the laws!
Activists say investigation needed to reveal failures
Posted: July 20, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2007
An activist group advocating legal immigration paths into the United States wants an investigation into the nation's failure to enforce what immigration laws it already has.
"We need Congress and the press to do their jobs, by launching investigations to find out why our existing laws are not being enforced," said William Gheen, a spokesman for Americans for Legal Immigration PAC.
"Presidents do not get to decide which laws they will or will not enforce on behalf of their big business friends. That's what kings do, not presidents. If our existing laws go un-enforced, then we no longer live in a functioning Republican for which our flag stands," he said.
Gheen, in an earlier analysis of the issue of illegal aliens, said the issue isn't all that complicated.
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Activists say investigation needed to reveal failures
Posted: July 20, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2007
An activist group advocating legal immigration paths into the United States wants an investigation into the nation's failure to enforce what immigration laws it already has.
"We need Congress and the press to do their jobs, by launching investigations to find out why our existing laws are not being enforced," said William Gheen, a spokesman for Americans for Legal Immigration PAC.
"Presidents do not get to decide which laws they will or will not enforce on behalf of their big business friends. That's what kings do, not presidents. If our existing laws go un-enforced, then we no longer live in a functioning Republican for which our flag stands," he said.
Gheen, in an earlier analysis of the issue of illegal aliens, said the issue isn't all that complicated.
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New Haven To Test New Way Of Dealing With Illegal Immigration Aimed At Integration
New Haven To Test New Way Of Dealing With Illegal Immigration Aimed At Integration
Jessica Pupovac - AHN
New Haven, CT - A program approved last month by the Board of Aldermen for the city of New Haven, Connecticut, will officially go into effect July 25, when thousands of local undocumented immigrants are issued legitimate U.S. identification cards. The program, approved by a 25-1 vote, runs contrary to a growing national trend in which localities are attempting to curb illegal immigration through punitive measures, such as arrest, deportation and exclusion from public services.
The program is believed to be the first of it's kind in the nation.
The ID cards will be issued in an attempt to curb local crime by making undocumented immigrants more likely to report crimes or cooperate with local authorities. They will also allow them the opportunity to establish bank accounts, access local libraries and enjoy other public services that officials hope will help them integrate into the community and avoid becoming the target of robberies and other crimes.
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Jessica Pupovac - AHN
New Haven, CT - A program approved last month by the Board of Aldermen for the city of New Haven, Connecticut, will officially go into effect July 25, when thousands of local undocumented immigrants are issued legitimate U.S. identification cards. The program, approved by a 25-1 vote, runs contrary to a growing national trend in which localities are attempting to curb illegal immigration through punitive measures, such as arrest, deportation and exclusion from public services.
The program is believed to be the first of it's kind in the nation.
The ID cards will be issued in an attempt to curb local crime by making undocumented immigrants more likely to report crimes or cooperate with local authorities. They will also allow them the opportunity to establish bank accounts, access local libraries and enjoy other public services that officials hope will help them integrate into the community and avoid becoming the target of robberies and other crimes.
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U.S. nuclear lab ex-contractor accused of stealing
U.S. nuclear lab ex-contractor accused of stealing
By James Vicini
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A former contract worker at a nuclear laboratory run by the U.S. Energy Department was charged with stealing classified equipment used for uranium enrichment, the Justice Department said on Thursday.
Officials said Roy Oakley, 67, was indicted by a federal grand jury in Knoxville, Tennessee, as part of an undercover FBI operation in which federal agents posed as representatives of a foreign nation seeking to buy the materials.
They said Oakley worked as a contract employee doing cleanup work at the East Tennessee Technology Park, a site within the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Energy Department's largest science and energy research facility.
According to the two-count indictment, Oakley in January possessed equipment known as "barriers" and associated hardware used for uranium enrichment.
He gave it to another person, having reason to believe it would hurt the United States and help a foreign nation, the indictment said.
The second count charged him with converting the equipment, which belonged to the Energy Department, for his own use.
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By James Vicini
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A former contract worker at a nuclear laboratory run by the U.S. Energy Department was charged with stealing classified equipment used for uranium enrichment, the Justice Department said on Thursday.
Officials said Roy Oakley, 67, was indicted by a federal grand jury in Knoxville, Tennessee, as part of an undercover FBI operation in which federal agents posed as representatives of a foreign nation seeking to buy the materials.
They said Oakley worked as a contract employee doing cleanup work at the East Tennessee Technology Park, a site within the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Energy Department's largest science and energy research facility.
According to the two-count indictment, Oakley in January possessed equipment known as "barriers" and associated hardware used for uranium enrichment.
He gave it to another person, having reason to believe it would hurt the United States and help a foreign nation, the indictment said.
The second count charged him with converting the equipment, which belonged to the Energy Department, for his own use.
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'Personhood' for unborn is proposed in Colorado
'Personhood' for unborn is proposed in Colorado
Amendment passes 2nd state test on planned path to voters in 2008
Posted: July 20, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2007
A proposal in Colorado that would decimate the foundation for the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe vs. Wade abortion ruling by declaring "personhood" for every unborn baby from the moment of conception has passed its second state test.
Officials said the language in the constitutional amendment proposed by Colorado Equal Rights has been given tentative approval by a state board. It was the second review for the proposal under the complicated procedures Colorado demands for initiatives.
Colorado Equal Rights spokesman Mark Meuser told WND that he's confident of ultimate victory.
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Amendment passes 2nd state test on planned path to voters in 2008
Posted: July 20, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2007
A proposal in Colorado that would decimate the foundation for the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe vs. Wade abortion ruling by declaring "personhood" for every unborn baby from the moment of conception has passed its second state test.
Officials said the language in the constitutional amendment proposed by Colorado Equal Rights has been given tentative approval by a state board. It was the second review for the proposal under the complicated procedures Colorado demands for initiatives.
Colorado Equal Rights spokesman Mark Meuser told WND that he's confident of ultimate victory.
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More cases of terrorists 'baking' children cited
More cases of terrorists 'baking' children cited
Researchers say Muslim history includes cooking human victims
By Bob Unruh
© 2007
Although the recent WND report of al-Qaida terrorists allegedly baking a young boy and serving him as a meal to his relatives was too horrific for some to believe, a major Christian ministry is citing another example – and also claims such a practice has its roots in the historical stories of Islam.
The issue has come into focus following a report from Michael Yon, a Special Forces soldier now in Iraq to report on the successes there. He told radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt he was inspired by a "news cycle that seems to pander toward the terrorists."
Yon, who has earned widespread respect as an independent journalist, reported that Iraqi officials told him about al-Qaida terrorists baking children and serving them to their families.
He confirmed independently to WND that an Iraqi official had recounted for him instances in which the terrorists would bake a young boy, then invite his family to have lunch, with the baked child as the main course.
Officials with the Barnabas Fund, an international Christian group working to help persecuted Christians, particularly those in Muslim-majority contexts, then confirmed Yon's report aligns with one of their own reports about such an atrocity.
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Researchers say Muslim history includes cooking human victims
By Bob Unruh
© 2007
Although the recent WND report of al-Qaida terrorists allegedly baking a young boy and serving him as a meal to his relatives was too horrific for some to believe, a major Christian ministry is citing another example – and also claims such a practice has its roots in the historical stories of Islam.
The issue has come into focus following a report from Michael Yon, a Special Forces soldier now in Iraq to report on the successes there. He told radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt he was inspired by a "news cycle that seems to pander toward the terrorists."
Yon, who has earned widespread respect as an independent journalist, reported that Iraqi officials told him about al-Qaida terrorists baking children and serving them to their families.
He confirmed independently to WND that an Iraqi official had recounted for him instances in which the terrorists would bake a young boy, then invite his family to have lunch, with the baked child as the main course.
Officials with the Barnabas Fund, an international Christian group working to help persecuted Christians, particularly those in Muslim-majority contexts, then confirmed Yon's report aligns with one of their own reports about such an atrocity.
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Risk of Botulism Poisoning - Chili Products sold Nationally
Affected units were sold nationally and consumers in all parts of the country should check the label and "Best By" date on the bottom of the cans.
Two children in Texas and an Indiana couple who ate these products became seriously ill and have been hospitalized. Consumers who have any of these products or any foods made with these products should not eat them and throw them away immediately. List of products from The U.S. Food and Drug Administration...
10 ounce cans of Castleberry's Hot Dog Chili Sauce (UPC 3030000101)
Austex Hot Dog Chili Sauce (UPC 3030099533)
Kroger Hot Dog Chili Sauce (UPC 1111083942)
with "best by" dates from April 30, 2009 through May 22, 2009 due to possible botulism contamination. If the "best by" date is missing or unreadable consumers should throw the product out. The "best by dates" can be found on the can lids. UPC is the bar code number which should appear on a product label.
Botulism can be fatal.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Two children in Texas and an Indiana couple who ate these products became seriously ill and have been hospitalized. Consumers who have any of these products or any foods made with these products should not eat them and throw them away immediately. List of products from The U.S. Food and Drug Administration...
10 ounce cans of Castleberry's Hot Dog Chili Sauce (UPC 3030000101)
Austex Hot Dog Chili Sauce (UPC 3030099533)
Kroger Hot Dog Chili Sauce (UPC 1111083942)
with "best by" dates from April 30, 2009 through May 22, 2009 due to possible botulism contamination. If the "best by" date is missing or unreadable consumers should throw the product out. The "best by dates" can be found on the can lids. UPC is the bar code number which should appear on a product label.
Botulism can be fatal.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Hindu shouted down while offering opening prayer for Senate session
Hindu shouted down while offering opening prayer for Senate session
Jim Brown
July 12, 2007
A Hindu chaplain from Nevada was shouted down before and during his prayer to open up the U.S. Senate this morning.
History was made in the Senate today. "Let us pray. We meditate on the transcendental glory of the deity supreme who is inside the heart of the Earth, inside the life of the sky, and inside the soul of the heaven."
Those were the words of a chaplain with the Indian Association of Northern Nevada, Rajan Zed, who delivered the first Hindu prayer ever on the floor of the U.S. Senate. However, that prayer did not go off without a hitch. As Zed was approaching the podium to speak, a man in the gallery interrupted the ceremony and had to be escorted out of the chamber by the sergeant-at-arms.
When the Hindu chaplain finally began to speak, there was yet another interruption, this time from two women in the gallery. Both interruptions, which included references to scriptures found in the Bible, were eventually silenced.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Jim Brown
July 12, 2007
A Hindu chaplain from Nevada was shouted down before and during his prayer to open up the U.S. Senate this morning.
History was made in the Senate today. "Let us pray. We meditate on the transcendental glory of the deity supreme who is inside the heart of the Earth, inside the life of the sky, and inside the soul of the heaven."
Those were the words of a chaplain with the Indian Association of Northern Nevada, Rajan Zed, who delivered the first Hindu prayer ever on the floor of the U.S. Senate. However, that prayer did not go off without a hitch. As Zed was approaching the podium to speak, a man in the gallery interrupted the ceremony and had to be escorted out of the chamber by the sergeant-at-arms.
When the Hindu chaplain finally began to speak, there was yet another interruption, this time from two women in the gallery. Both interruptions, which included references to scriptures found in the Bible, were eventually silenced.
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Former Navy chaplain labels Hindu Senate prayer 'idolatry'
Former Navy chaplain labels Hindu Senate prayer 'idolatry'
Chad Groening
July 12, 2007
A former Navy chaplain says he was in the Senate gallery this morning when two Christians were escorted out of the chamber for disrupting the opening prayer given by a Hindu chaplain.
Gordon James Klingenschmitt says when he heard that the Hindu man, who is affiliated with the Indian Association of Northern Nevada, was invited to give the opening prayer for July 12, he went to the U.S. Senate in hopes of gaining equal access. On Tuesday, he went to the office of Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada) office seeking permission to offer a Christian prayer in the Senate at some future date. Not being from Nevada, Klingenschmitt was turned away and directed to the office of one of his senators -- Hillary Clinton (D-New York) -- whose staff also reportedly declined his request.
The former chaplain says he then attempted to get an audience with Senate Chaplain Barry Black. "I went to Chaplain Black's office, and they must have known I was coming because they had already informed security not to let me in," he says. "And so they wouldn't give me an appointment with Chaplain Black. They said his personal calendar is booked until 2009."
Klingenschmitt was in the Senate gallery earlier today to witness the prayer being given by the Hindu chaplain -- a prayer that was interrupted twice by individuals in the gallery. "About 50 feet away from me there were these other Christian people [who] stood up like everybody else ... and they began to pray also," he recalls. "But [they] prayed Christian prayers, and they prayed out loud -- and they prayed in Jesus' name. They said 'God have mercy on our nation. God have mercy on America.'""
He explains what he then witnessed in the Senate chamber. "Would you believe that the security office immediately escorted them out and hauled them off to jail because they prayed in Jesus' name, out loud, when this other man was praying a Hindu prayer out loud?" he shares. "He was praying a prayer of idolatry, violating the First Commandment [which says] 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me," he continues. "In contrast, these Christian people, they stood up and they just prayed in Jesus' name."
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Chad Groening
July 12, 2007
A former Navy chaplain says he was in the Senate gallery this morning when two Christians were escorted out of the chamber for disrupting the opening prayer given by a Hindu chaplain.
Gordon James Klingenschmitt says when he heard that the Hindu man, who is affiliated with the Indian Association of Northern Nevada, was invited to give the opening prayer for July 12, he went to the U.S. Senate in hopes of gaining equal access. On Tuesday, he went to the office of Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada) office seeking permission to offer a Christian prayer in the Senate at some future date. Not being from Nevada, Klingenschmitt was turned away and directed to the office of one of his senators -- Hillary Clinton (D-New York) -- whose staff also reportedly declined his request.
The former chaplain says he then attempted to get an audience with Senate Chaplain Barry Black. "I went to Chaplain Black's office, and they must have known I was coming because they had already informed security not to let me in," he says. "And so they wouldn't give me an appointment with Chaplain Black. They said his personal calendar is booked until 2009."
Klingenschmitt was in the Senate gallery earlier today to witness the prayer being given by the Hindu chaplain -- a prayer that was interrupted twice by individuals in the gallery. "About 50 feet away from me there were these other Christian people [who] stood up like everybody else ... and they began to pray also," he recalls. "But [they] prayed Christian prayers, and they prayed out loud -- and they prayed in Jesus' name. They said 'God have mercy on our nation. God have mercy on America.'""
He explains what he then witnessed in the Senate chamber. "Would you believe that the security office immediately escorted them out and hauled them off to jail because they prayed in Jesus' name, out loud, when this other man was praying a Hindu prayer out loud?" he shares. "He was praying a prayer of idolatry, violating the First Commandment [which says] 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me," he continues. "In contrast, these Christian people, they stood up and they just prayed in Jesus' name."
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Terror chief: Arafat died of AIDS
Terror chief: Arafat died of AIDS
Confidante says Abbas told him contents of French medical report
Posted: July 12, 2007
3:00 p.m. Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2007
JERUSALEM – A confidential medical report released to the Palestinian Authority from the French hospital in which Yasser Arafat died revealed the Palestinian leader succumbed to AIDS, said the founder and leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command terrorist group.
Ahmed Jibril – the infamous, Damascus-based PFLP chief who at times was a close Arafat confidante – said in an interview with Hezbollah's Al-Manar television that PA President Mahmoud Abbas and his team told him the French medical report listed AIDS as Arafat's cause of death.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Confidante says Abbas told him contents of French medical report
Posted: July 12, 2007
3:00 p.m. Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2007
JERUSALEM – A confidential medical report released to the Palestinian Authority from the French hospital in which Yasser Arafat died revealed the Palestinian leader succumbed to AIDS, said the founder and leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command terrorist group.
Ahmed Jibril – the infamous, Damascus-based PFLP chief who at times was a close Arafat confidante – said in an interview with Hezbollah's Al-Manar television that PA President Mahmoud Abbas and his team told him the French medical report listed AIDS as Arafat's cause of death.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
US House passes bill to withdraw troops from Iraq
US House passes bill to withdraw troops from Iraq
12 Jul 2007 22:13:31 GMT
WASHINGTON, July 12 (Reuters) - Defying a White House veto threat, the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday approved legislation to bring combat troops out of Iraq by April 1, 2008.
By a vote of 223-201, the Democratic-controlled House approved the legislation in the hope it will pressure the Senate to attach a similar mandatory troop withdrawal timetable to a military policy bill it is debating.
Passage of the House bill marked the third time this year it has voted for timetables to end the U.S. involvement in the war that is now in its fifth year. Two previous efforts either died in the Senate or were vetoed by President George W. Bush.
The measure that passed on Thursday would tell the Pentagon to begin withdrawing combat troops within four months and complete the redeployment by April 1.
Under the bill, an unspecified number of U.S. soldiers would stay in Iraq to train Iraqi soldiers, conduct counter-terrorism operations and protect U.S. diplomats.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
12 Jul 2007 22:13:31 GMT
WASHINGTON, July 12 (Reuters) - Defying a White House veto threat, the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday approved legislation to bring combat troops out of Iraq by April 1, 2008.
By a vote of 223-201, the Democratic-controlled House approved the legislation in the hope it will pressure the Senate to attach a similar mandatory troop withdrawal timetable to a military policy bill it is debating.
Passage of the House bill marked the third time this year it has voted for timetables to end the U.S. involvement in the war that is now in its fifth year. Two previous efforts either died in the Senate or were vetoed by President George W. Bush.
The measure that passed on Thursday would tell the Pentagon to begin withdrawing combat troops within four months and complete the redeployment by April 1.
Under the bill, an unspecified number of U.S. soldiers would stay in Iraq to train Iraqi soldiers, conduct counter-terrorism operations and protect U.S. diplomats.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Birth-control pills poison everyone?
Birth-control pills poison everyone?
Environmentalists silent on threat from water tainted with estrogen
Posted: July 12, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2007
While environmentalists are usually vocal about perceived threats ranging from pesticides to global warming, there is a silence when it comes to one threat already harming the water supply: hormones from birth-control pills.
According to the National Catholic Register, EPA-funded scientists at the University of Colorado studied fish in a mountain stream near Boulder, Colo., two years ago.
When they netted 123 trout and other fish downstream from the city's sewer plant, they found 101 were female, 12 were male, and 10 were strange "intersex" fish with male and female features.
It's "the first thing that I've seen as a scientist that really scared me," university biologist John Woodling told the Denver Post.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Environmentalists silent on threat from water tainted with estrogen
Posted: July 12, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2007
While environmentalists are usually vocal about perceived threats ranging from pesticides to global warming, there is a silence when it comes to one threat already harming the water supply: hormones from birth-control pills.
According to the National Catholic Register, EPA-funded scientists at the University of Colorado studied fish in a mountain stream near Boulder, Colo., two years ago.
When they netted 123 trout and other fish downstream from the city's sewer plant, they found 101 were female, 12 were male, and 10 were strange "intersex" fish with male and female features.
It's "the first thing that I've seen as a scientist that really scared me," university biologist John Woodling told the Denver Post.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Federal judge rules against public prayer
Federal judge rules against public prayer in Ga.
Cobb County ordered to pay $1 to residents who sued; no injunction issued
Updated: 2:02 p.m. ET July 12, 2007
ATLANTA - A federal judge has ruled that officials in a suburban county violated the Constitution in the way they selected clergy to offer prayers before certain public meetings, but refused to issue an injunction since the practice has been made more ecumenical.
Instead, U.S. District Judge Richard Story, in a decision dated Friday, ordered Cobb County, near Atlanta, to pay $1 to seven residents who sued in 2005 over the prayer practice.
“Because the court finds that plaintiffs have failed to demonstrate an immediate threat of injury and failed to demonstrate that an injunction will redress their injuries, plaintiffs do not have standing to seek a permanent injunction,” Story wrote.
They weren’t against the right to pray, but rather the sectarian content of some of the prayers — 70 percent of the prayers were Christian in nature — and the manner in which guests were selected to lead the prayers — clergy were picked in part by thumbing through the Yellow Pages.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
The truth is...They weren’t against the right to pray, they were just against the prayers that were prayed in "Jesus Name".
Cobb County ordered to pay $1 to residents who sued; no injunction issued
Updated: 2:02 p.m. ET July 12, 2007
ATLANTA - A federal judge has ruled that officials in a suburban county violated the Constitution in the way they selected clergy to offer prayers before certain public meetings, but refused to issue an injunction since the practice has been made more ecumenical.
Instead, U.S. District Judge Richard Story, in a decision dated Friday, ordered Cobb County, near Atlanta, to pay $1 to seven residents who sued in 2005 over the prayer practice.
“Because the court finds that plaintiffs have failed to demonstrate an immediate threat of injury and failed to demonstrate that an injunction will redress their injuries, plaintiffs do not have standing to seek a permanent injunction,” Story wrote.
They weren’t against the right to pray, but rather the sectarian content of some of the prayers — 70 percent of the prayers were Christian in nature — and the manner in which guests were selected to lead the prayers — clergy were picked in part by thumbing through the Yellow Pages.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
The truth is...They weren’t against the right to pray, they were just against the prayers that were prayed in "Jesus Name".
Planned Parenthood 'education' shut down
Planned Parenthood 'education' shut down
Law bans abortion providers from teaching sex ed in schools
Posted: July 12, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Chelsea Schilling
© 2007
Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt has signed a bill into law that prevents abortion providers from teaching sex education in schools and makes a state Alternatives to Abortion Services Program permanent.
"All life is precious and needs to be treated with the utmost dignity and respect," the Republican governor said in a press release. "I commend Rep. Therese Sander and Sen. Delbert Scott on their work to protect the rights of the most vulnerable members of our society. I will continue working with the Missouri General Assembly to pass strong pro-life legislation that respects the sanctity and dignity of all human life."
Blunt said House Bill 1055 is "one of the strongest pieces of pro-life legislation in Missouri history" as he spoke during a signing ceremony at Concord Baptist Church. The legislation prohibits school districts and charter schools from providing abortion services or allowing abortion providers from offering, sponsoring or furnishing course materials related to human sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Law bans abortion providers from teaching sex ed in schools
Posted: July 12, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Chelsea Schilling
© 2007
Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt has signed a bill into law that prevents abortion providers from teaching sex education in schools and makes a state Alternatives to Abortion Services Program permanent.
"All life is precious and needs to be treated with the utmost dignity and respect," the Republican governor said in a press release. "I commend Rep. Therese Sander and Sen. Delbert Scott on their work to protect the rights of the most vulnerable members of our society. I will continue working with the Missouri General Assembly to pass strong pro-life legislation that respects the sanctity and dignity of all human life."
Blunt said House Bill 1055 is "one of the strongest pieces of pro-life legislation in Missouri history" as he spoke during a signing ceremony at Concord Baptist Church. The legislation prohibits school districts and charter schools from providing abortion services or allowing abortion providers from offering, sponsoring or furnishing course materials related to human sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
The big list: Female teachers sex with students (What does the Bible Say?)
The big list: Female teachers with students
Young victims mostly male, while penalties often hand slap
Posted: July 12, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2007
Here is a list of the teacher 'sexpidemic' cases WND has documented where female teachers have been accused, or convicted, of assaulting students:
Click here for the full story & pictures of the teachers!
God's Wrath Against Mankind
18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.
32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
Young victims mostly male, while penalties often hand slap
Posted: July 12, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2007
Here is a list of the teacher 'sexpidemic' cases WND has documented where female teachers have been accused, or convicted, of assaulting students:
Click here for the full story & pictures of the teachers!
God's Wrath Against Mankind
18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.
32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
Teacher Had Sex With 13-year-old (What does the Bible say?)
Police: Denton Teacher Had Sex With 13-year-old Former Student
Last Edited: Wednesday, 11 Jul 2007, 1:09 PM CDT
DENTON -- A teacher with the Denton Independent School District is in jail charged with two counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child.
Lauren Cosgrove had a sexual relationship with a 13-year-old boy while babysitting him during the summer, according to Jim Bryan with the Denton Police Department.
Police said the boy is a former student of Cosgrove's. She is a 7th grade teacher at Strickland Middle School.
Investigators believe that the only contact between the teacher and the boy was on June 2 and July 3.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
So here we go with more Female Teachers having sex with minors... These scriptures sum it up!
God's Wrath Against Mankind...(Romans Chapter 1:18-32)
18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.
32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
Last Edited: Wednesday, 11 Jul 2007, 1:09 PM CDT
DENTON -- A teacher with the Denton Independent School District is in jail charged with two counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child.
Lauren Cosgrove had a sexual relationship with a 13-year-old boy while babysitting him during the summer, according to Jim Bryan with the Denton Police Department.
Police said the boy is a former student of Cosgrove's. She is a 7th grade teacher at Strickland Middle School.
Investigators believe that the only contact between the teacher and the boy was on June 2 and July 3.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
So here we go with more Female Teachers having sex with minors... These scriptures sum it up!
God's Wrath Against Mankind...(Romans Chapter 1:18-32)
18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.
32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
Lightning Strikes Reported by IPod Users
Lightning Strikes Reported by IPod Users
By LINDA A. JOHNSON, Associated Press Writer
Listen to an iPod during a storm and you may get more than electrifying tunes. A Canadian jogger suffered wishbone-shaped chest and neck burns, ruptured eardrums and a broken jaw when lightning traveled through his music player's wires.
Last summer, a Colorado teen ended up with similar injuries when lightning struck nearby as he was listening to his iPod while mowing the lawn.
Emergency physicians report treating other patients with burns from freak accidents while using personal electronic devices such as beepers, Walkman players and laptop computers outdoors during storms.
Michael Utley, a former stockbroker from West Yarmouth, Mass., who survived being struck by lightning while golfing, has tracked 13 cases since 2004 of people hit while talking on cell phones. They are described on his Web site,
Contrary to some urban legends and media reports, electronic devices don't attract lightning the way a tall tree or a lightning rod does.
"It's going to hit where it's going to hit, but once it contacts metal, the metal conducts the electricity," said Dr. Mary Ann Cooper of the American College of Emergency Physicians and an ER doctor at University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago.
When lightning jumps from a nearby object to a person, it often flashes over the skin. But metal in electronic devices — or metal jewelry or coins in a pocket — can cause contact burns and exacerbate the damage.
A spokeswoman for Apple Inc., the maker of iPods, declined to comment. Packaging for iPods and some other music players do include warnings against using them in the rain.
Lightning strikes can occur even if a storm is many miles away, so lightning safety experts have been pushing the slogan "When thunder roars, go indoors," said Cooper.
Jason Bunch, 18, says it wasn't even raining last July, but there was a storm off in the distance. Lightning struck a nearby tree, shot off and hit him.
Bunch, who was listening to Metallica while mowing the grass at his home in Castle Rock, Colo., still has mild hearing damage in both ears, despite two reconstructive surgeries to repair ruptured eardrums. He had burns from the earphone wires on the sides of his face, a nasty burn on his hip where the iPod had been in a pocket and "a bad line up the side of my body," even though the iPod cord was outside his shirt.
"It was a real miracle" he survived, said his mother, Kelly Risheill.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
By LINDA A. JOHNSON, Associated Press Writer
Listen to an iPod during a storm and you may get more than electrifying tunes. A Canadian jogger suffered wishbone-shaped chest and neck burns, ruptured eardrums and a broken jaw when lightning traveled through his music player's wires.
Last summer, a Colorado teen ended up with similar injuries when lightning struck nearby as he was listening to his iPod while mowing the lawn.
Emergency physicians report treating other patients with burns from freak accidents while using personal electronic devices such as beepers, Walkman players and laptop computers outdoors during storms.
Michael Utley, a former stockbroker from West Yarmouth, Mass., who survived being struck by lightning while golfing, has tracked 13 cases since 2004 of people hit while talking on cell phones. They are described on his Web site,
Contrary to some urban legends and media reports, electronic devices don't attract lightning the way a tall tree or a lightning rod does.
"It's going to hit where it's going to hit, but once it contacts metal, the metal conducts the electricity," said Dr. Mary Ann Cooper of the American College of Emergency Physicians and an ER doctor at University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago.
When lightning jumps from a nearby object to a person, it often flashes over the skin. But metal in electronic devices — or metal jewelry or coins in a pocket — can cause contact burns and exacerbate the damage.
A spokeswoman for Apple Inc., the maker of iPods, declined to comment. Packaging for iPods and some other music players do include warnings against using them in the rain.
Lightning strikes can occur even if a storm is many miles away, so lightning safety experts have been pushing the slogan "When thunder roars, go indoors," said Cooper.
Jason Bunch, 18, says it wasn't even raining last July, but there was a storm off in the distance. Lightning struck a nearby tree, shot off and hit him.
Bunch, who was listening to Metallica while mowing the grass at his home in Castle Rock, Colo., still has mild hearing damage in both ears, despite two reconstructive surgeries to repair ruptured eardrums. He had burns from the earphone wires on the sides of his face, a nasty burn on his hip where the iPod had been in a pocket and "a bad line up the side of my body," even though the iPod cord was outside his shirt.
"It was a real miracle" he survived, said his mother, Kelly Risheill.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
Moore to tackle 'gay' rights? (What did Jesus really say?)
Moore may tackle gay rights
CanWest News Service
Controversial filmmaker Michael Moore has revealed that he might take on homophobia and the anti-gay movement in his next documentary.
“I think it’s a very ripe subject for someone like me to make a movie about,” he admitted, in an interview with The Advocate. “Simply because we are not there yet and it remains one of the last open wounds on our soul that we are not willing to fix yet.”
Moore, whose latest film Sicko attacks the U.S. health care system, expressed anger at fundamentalist Christians in the U.S. who condemn same-sex marriage.
“There is nowhere in the four Gospels where Jesus uses the word ‘homosexual.’ The right wing has appropriated this guy … and they have used him to attack gays and lesbians, when he never said a single word against people who are homosexual. Anyone who professes to be a Christian and does that is certainly not following the teachings of Jesus Christ.”
Moore, who told the magazine he is a spiritual person, said he supports same-sex marriage.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
It sadly amuses me that people who want to disobey God and His Word (the Bible), always try to make a so called god in their own mind that does NOT condemn their sinful acts.
They will use this pathetic worst excuse that Jesus did not say anything about homosexuality in the 4 Gospels.
If you do not know the Word of God, you may belive that sad excuse. You can also make up any excuse you want, to disobey God. When it comes to Judgment day, however, your excuses won't work.
First of all you have to understand that Homosexuality is clearly a sin, it is condemned in both the Old & New Testaments of the Bible, and is even named as an Abomination to the Lord.
(1 Corinthians 6:8-10) 8Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers.
9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
(1 Timothy 1:9-11) 9realizing the fact that (A)law is not made for a righteous person, but for those who are lawless and (B)rebellious, for the (C)ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and (D)profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers
10and (E)immoral men and (F)homosexuals and (G)kidnappers and (H)liars and (I)perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to (J)sound teaching,
11according to (K)the glorious gospel of (L)the blessed God, with which I have been (M)entrusted.
Next, the entire Bible is God's Word to us, not just the parts that we find eaiser to obey.
2 Timothy 3:15-17 says...
15and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Again, All Scripture is God Breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness!
So Mr Moore, you see, you can not be a "Christian" a true follower of Christ, deny His Teachings...(which would be All Scripture, not just the 4 Gospels), and deny the Trinity...the fact that the Holy Spirt, Jesus & the Father are One!
Oh and by the way, just because Jesus did NOT say it, does not always mean you can't believe it. For instance, Jesus never said the word "Bible". Does that mean you can't believe the Bible? Come on Mr Moore, seek the truth.
Here is a scary, yet truthful scripture for all who practice homosexual lifestyles...
God's Wrath Against Mankind
18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.
32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
With that said, sin is sin, and it all leads to eternal death. We will have to pay the eternal fine for our sins, or trust and believe in the One Who has already paid it for us by REPENTING (turning from our sinful lifestyle) and trusting in Jesus as Lord and Savior (in the way that you would trust a parachute to save you from the fall). Then get a Bible, read it, and obey what you read, by praying and asking God to open your eyes, be your Lord and Savior, and to help you live for Him. Then try to find a Bible believing Christ Centered Church to attend.
CanWest News Service
Controversial filmmaker Michael Moore has revealed that he might take on homophobia and the anti-gay movement in his next documentary.
“I think it’s a very ripe subject for someone like me to make a movie about,” he admitted, in an interview with The Advocate. “Simply because we are not there yet and it remains one of the last open wounds on our soul that we are not willing to fix yet.”
Moore, whose latest film Sicko attacks the U.S. health care system, expressed anger at fundamentalist Christians in the U.S. who condemn same-sex marriage.
“There is nowhere in the four Gospels where Jesus uses the word ‘homosexual.’ The right wing has appropriated this guy … and they have used him to attack gays and lesbians, when he never said a single word against people who are homosexual. Anyone who professes to be a Christian and does that is certainly not following the teachings of Jesus Christ.”
Moore, who told the magazine he is a spiritual person, said he supports same-sex marriage.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
It sadly amuses me that people who want to disobey God and His Word (the Bible), always try to make a so called god in their own mind that does NOT condemn their sinful acts.
They will use this pathetic worst excuse that Jesus did not say anything about homosexuality in the 4 Gospels.
If you do not know the Word of God, you may belive that sad excuse. You can also make up any excuse you want, to disobey God. When it comes to Judgment day, however, your excuses won't work.
First of all you have to understand that Homosexuality is clearly a sin, it is condemned in both the Old & New Testaments of the Bible, and is even named as an Abomination to the Lord.
(1 Corinthians 6:8-10) 8Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers.
9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
(1 Timothy 1:9-11) 9realizing the fact that (A)law is not made for a righteous person, but for those who are lawless and (B)rebellious, for the (C)ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and (D)profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers
10and (E)immoral men and (F)homosexuals and (G)kidnappers and (H)liars and (I)perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to (J)sound teaching,
11according to (K)the glorious gospel of (L)the blessed God, with which I have been (M)entrusted.
Next, the entire Bible is God's Word to us, not just the parts that we find eaiser to obey.
2 Timothy 3:15-17 says...
15and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Again, All Scripture is God Breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness!
So Mr Moore, you see, you can not be a "Christian" a true follower of Christ, deny His Teachings...(which would be All Scripture, not just the 4 Gospels), and deny the Trinity...the fact that the Holy Spirt, Jesus & the Father are One!
Oh and by the way, just because Jesus did NOT say it, does not always mean you can't believe it. For instance, Jesus never said the word "Bible". Does that mean you can't believe the Bible? Come on Mr Moore, seek the truth.
Here is a scary, yet truthful scripture for all who practice homosexual lifestyles...
God's Wrath Against Mankind
18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.
32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
With that said, sin is sin, and it all leads to eternal death. We will have to pay the eternal fine for our sins, or trust and believe in the One Who has already paid it for us by REPENTING (turning from our sinful lifestyle) and trusting in Jesus as Lord and Savior (in the way that you would trust a parachute to save you from the fall). Then get a Bible, read it, and obey what you read, by praying and asking God to open your eyes, be your Lord and Savior, and to help you live for Him. Then try to find a Bible believing Christ Centered Church to attend.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Police Arrest Second Teen In Gang-Rape Case that forced preteen with his mother
Police Arrest Second Teen In Gang-Rape Case
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -- Two teenagers have been arrested on charges that they gang-raped a mother and forced her to have sex with her 12-year-old son.
Authorities said 14-year-old Avion Lawson and 16-year-old Nathan Walker are being charged as adults with armed sexual battery by multiple perpetrators, sexual performance by a child, armed home invasion and aggravated battery.
Lawson was arrested Tuesday after police said they matched DNA evidence found on a condom in the victim's home to the teen.
Walker was taken into custody Thursday after police said they found the teen's left palm print inside the victim's apartment.
Both teens are being held in the Palm Beach County Jail without bail.
Authorities said the boys were among a group of about 10 suspects who forced their way into the woman's Dunbar Village home on the night of June 18.
According to police reports, a young man tricked the victim into opening the door of her home after he told her that the tires on his vehicle were flat.
Police said the woman and her son were then ambushed by three masked teens carrying weapons, who pushed the two back into the home.
Investigators said seven other teens entered the home and demanded money while separating the two victims into different bedrooms.
According to police reports, the mother was then raped and beaten by all 10 teens.
Police said the victim's preteen son had a plate smashed over his head and numerous household liquids poured into his eyes. Investigators said the boy was also forced at gunpoint to participate in the sexual assault.
The invaders eventually fled the scene after more than 20 minutes inside of the victim's home, police told WPBF-TV.
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WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -- Two teenagers have been arrested on charges that they gang-raped a mother and forced her to have sex with her 12-year-old son.
Authorities said 14-year-old Avion Lawson and 16-year-old Nathan Walker are being charged as adults with armed sexual battery by multiple perpetrators, sexual performance by a child, armed home invasion and aggravated battery.
Lawson was arrested Tuesday after police said they matched DNA evidence found on a condom in the victim's home to the teen.
Walker was taken into custody Thursday after police said they found the teen's left palm print inside the victim's apartment.
Both teens are being held in the Palm Beach County Jail without bail.
Authorities said the boys were among a group of about 10 suspects who forced their way into the woman's Dunbar Village home on the night of June 18.
According to police reports, a young man tricked the victim into opening the door of her home after he told her that the tires on his vehicle were flat.
Police said the woman and her son were then ambushed by three masked teens carrying weapons, who pushed the two back into the home.
Investigators said seven other teens entered the home and demanded money while separating the two victims into different bedrooms.
According to police reports, the mother was then raped and beaten by all 10 teens.
Police said the victim's preteen son had a plate smashed over his head and numerous household liquids poured into his eyes. Investigators said the boy was also forced at gunpoint to participate in the sexual assault.
The invaders eventually fled the scene after more than 20 minutes inside of the victim's home, police told WPBF-TV.
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Third Anglican province will skip once-a-decade Lambeth meeting
Third Anglican province will skip once-a-decade Lambeth meeting
Associated Press Staff Reports
July 8, 2007
NEW YORK - Another group of Anglican leaders is planning to boycott the fellowship's once-a-decade assembly as divisions over the Bible and homosexuality threaten to split the world Anglican Communion.
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Associated Press Staff Reports
July 8, 2007
NEW YORK - Another group of Anglican leaders is planning to boycott the fellowship's once-a-decade assembly as divisions over the Bible and homosexuality threaten to split the world Anglican Communion.
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'Mideast war this summer'
'Mideast war this summer'
Syrian official threatens 'resistance' by September, warns Damascus preparing for large-scale conflict
Posted: July 8, 2007
3:32 p.m. Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2007
GOLAN HEIGHTS – If Israel doesn't vacate the strategic Golan Heights before September, Syrian guerrillas will immediately launch "resistance operations" against the Golan's Jewish communities, a top official from Syrian President Bashar Assad's Baath party told WND.
The Baath official, who spoke on condition his name be withheld, said Damascus is preparing for anticipated Israeli retaliation following Syrian guerrilla attacks and for a larger war with the Jewish state in August or September. He said in the opening salvo of any conflict, Syria has the capabilities of firing "hundreds" of missiles at Tel Aviv.
"Syria passed repeated messages to the U.S. that we demand the return of the Golan either through negotiations or through war. If the Golan is not in our hands by August or September, we will be poised to launch resistance, including raids and attacks against Jewish positions (in the Golan Heights)," the Baath official said.
The Golan Heights is strategic mountainous territory looking down on Israeli population centers captured by Israel after Syria twice used the territory to attack the Jewish state.
The Baath official said a new purported guerrilla group called the Committees for the Liberation of the Golan Heights has been training and is ready to attacks against Jewish communities in the Golan in August or September.
He said Syria is preparing for a war.
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Syrian official threatens 'resistance' by September, warns Damascus preparing for large-scale conflict
Posted: July 8, 2007
3:32 p.m. Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2007
GOLAN HEIGHTS – If Israel doesn't vacate the strategic Golan Heights before September, Syrian guerrillas will immediately launch "resistance operations" against the Golan's Jewish communities, a top official from Syrian President Bashar Assad's Baath party told WND.
The Baath official, who spoke on condition his name be withheld, said Damascus is preparing for anticipated Israeli retaliation following Syrian guerrilla attacks and for a larger war with the Jewish state in August or September. He said in the opening salvo of any conflict, Syria has the capabilities of firing "hundreds" of missiles at Tel Aviv.
"Syria passed repeated messages to the U.S. that we demand the return of the Golan either through negotiations or through war. If the Golan is not in our hands by August or September, we will be poised to launch resistance, including raids and attacks against Jewish positions (in the Golan Heights)," the Baath official said.
The Golan Heights is strategic mountainous territory looking down on Israeli population centers captured by Israel after Syria twice used the territory to attack the Jewish state.
The Baath official said a new purported guerrilla group called the Committees for the Liberation of the Golan Heights has been training and is ready to attacks against Jewish communities in the Golan in August or September.
He said Syria is preparing for a war.
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Lebanon 'to erupt in 1 week' Syria calls on citizens to evacuate Lebanon
Lebanon 'to erupt in 1 week'
Syria calls on citizens to evacuate Lebanon, reports say; Expert: Civil war possible
Yaakov Lappin Published: 07.08.07, 13:24 / Israel News
Syria has called on its citizens to leave Lebanon ahead of an expected "eruption" in that country, Arab and Iranian press reports have said.
The media reports were translated and made available by MEMRI in a special dispatch on Sunday.
"In the past few days, Arab and Iranian media reports have pointed to the possibility that Lebanon's current political crisis may become a violent conflict after July 15, 2007," the MEMRI dispatch said.
July 15 comes one day before a special UN Security Council meeting which is expected to discuss the possibility of stationing international experts on the Syria-Lebanon border, in order monitor the ongoing illegal cross border arms traffic to Hizbullah, thought to be originating from Iran and Syria.
The UN Security Council is also expected to meet next week to discuss a key report on the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, a development which may bode badly for Syria.
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Syria calls on citizens to evacuate Lebanon, reports say; Expert: Civil war possible
Yaakov Lappin Published: 07.08.07, 13:24 / Israel News
Syria has called on its citizens to leave Lebanon ahead of an expected "eruption" in that country, Arab and Iranian press reports have said.
The media reports were translated and made available by MEMRI in a special dispatch on Sunday.
"In the past few days, Arab and Iranian media reports have pointed to the possibility that Lebanon's current political crisis may become a violent conflict after July 15, 2007," the MEMRI dispatch said.
July 15 comes one day before a special UN Security Council meeting which is expected to discuss the possibility of stationing international experts on the Syria-Lebanon border, in order monitor the ongoing illegal cross border arms traffic to Hizbullah, thought to be originating from Iran and Syria.
The UN Security Council is also expected to meet next week to discuss a key report on the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, a development which may bode badly for Syria.
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Israel releases Fatah prisoners to boost Abbas
Olmert releases Fatah prisoners to boost Abbas
By Eric Silver in Jerusalem
Published: 09 July 2007
The Israeli cabinet has agreed to release 250 Palestinian security prisoners as a gesture to President Mahmoud Abbas and his new West Bank government, which was established last month in competition with the Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip. Israeli officials predicted that the prisoners, all affiliated to Mr Abbas's Fatah faction, could be sent home by the end of this week.
Ehud Olmert, the Israeli Prime Minister, said: "We want to make use of all means to strengthen moderate forces within the Palestinian Authority... to encourage them to follow the path that... can create conditions for real talks."
Israel has already handed over millions of dollars in blocked tax revenues, which enabled Mr Abbas to pay civil servants their full salaries for the first time since Hamas won a parliamentary election in January 2006. It is also working with international relief organisations to enable food and medicines to enter the Gaza Strip, though the economy there remains under siege.
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By Eric Silver in Jerusalem
Published: 09 July 2007
The Israeli cabinet has agreed to release 250 Palestinian security prisoners as a gesture to President Mahmoud Abbas and his new West Bank government, which was established last month in competition with the Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip. Israeli officials predicted that the prisoners, all affiliated to Mr Abbas's Fatah faction, could be sent home by the end of this week.
Ehud Olmert, the Israeli Prime Minister, said: "We want to make use of all means to strengthen moderate forces within the Palestinian Authority... to encourage them to follow the path that... can create conditions for real talks."
Israel has already handed over millions of dollars in blocked tax revenues, which enabled Mr Abbas to pay civil servants their full salaries for the first time since Hamas won a parliamentary election in January 2006. It is also working with international relief organisations to enable food and medicines to enter the Gaza Strip, though the economy there remains under siege.
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Arab League Plans First Israel Mission
Arab League Plans First Israel Mission
Jul 8 01:52 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer
JERUSALEM (AP) - The 22-country Arab League will send envoys on a historic first mission to Israel this week to discuss a sweeping Arab peace initiative and how it might prop up embattled Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israeli and Arab diplomats said Sunday.
The announcement came the same day Israel's Cabinet approved the release of 250 Palestinian prisoners, hoping to bolster Abbas in his power struggle with the Islamic militant Hamas.
An official League visit would be a diplomatic coup for Israel. The League historically has been hostile toward the Jewish state, but has grown increasingly conciliatory in response to the expanding influence of Islamic extremists in the region—a concern underscored by Hamas' violent takeover of the Gaza Strip last month.
Jordan's foreign ministry said the Jordanian and Egyptian foreign ministers would arrive in Jerusalem on Thursday for talks with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and other Israeli officials.
Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said the foreign ministers would lead an Arab League mission to Israel to discuss the Arab peace plan, which would trade full Arab recognition of Israel for an Israeli withdrawal from all lands captured in the 1967 Mideast war and the creation of a Palestinian state.
"This is the first time the Arab League is coming to Israel," Regev said. "From its inception the Arab League has been hostile to Israel. It will be the first time we'll be flying the Arab League flag."
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Jul 8 01:52 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer
JERUSALEM (AP) - The 22-country Arab League will send envoys on a historic first mission to Israel this week to discuss a sweeping Arab peace initiative and how it might prop up embattled Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israeli and Arab diplomats said Sunday.
The announcement came the same day Israel's Cabinet approved the release of 250 Palestinian prisoners, hoping to bolster Abbas in his power struggle with the Islamic militant Hamas.
An official League visit would be a diplomatic coup for Israel. The League historically has been hostile toward the Jewish state, but has grown increasingly conciliatory in response to the expanding influence of Islamic extremists in the region—a concern underscored by Hamas' violent takeover of the Gaza Strip last month.
Jordan's foreign ministry said the Jordanian and Egyptian foreign ministers would arrive in Jerusalem on Thursday for talks with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and other Israeli officials.
Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said the foreign ministers would lead an Arab League mission to Israel to discuss the Arab peace plan, which would trade full Arab recognition of Israel for an Israeli withdrawal from all lands captured in the 1967 Mideast war and the creation of a Palestinian state.
"This is the first time the Arab League is coming to Israel," Regev said. "From its inception the Arab League has been hostile to Israel. It will be the first time we'll be flying the Arab League flag."
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Maniac muslim hate-monger threatens to sacrifice boys & girls
Red Mosque hostage kids tell parents: We are martyrs
Cleric: 'The boys are the 1st line of defense, then the girls ... they will fight to the death'
Posted: July 8, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2007
The radical leader of Islamabad's Red Mosque, under siege for the last six days by hundreds of Pakistan troops, said the 1,800 children he claims are still in the religious-school complex have taken oaths on the Quran to fight to the death, a frightening possibility confirmed by frantic parents who have spoken by cell phone with sons and daughters who say they soon hope to be martyrs.
"I spoke to my daughter. She said there was no food or water left," said Luftullah Khan, a shopkeeper, who was able to get through to them on their cell phone. "I tried to arrange a meeting, but she said, 'We're here – my dead body will be here. I will not leave my teachers'."
Followers of Abdul Rashid Ghazi, leader of the pro-Taliban mosque, said yesterday 30 girls had been buried in a mass grave inside the complex.
The six-day siege has been mostly restrained, with the military wanting to avoid massive bloodshed. Children from two madrassas, or religious schools, are being held in the mosque. According to London Sunday Times, they have been moved to the basement of the complex.
Yesterday, the army shelled sections of the wall surrounding the complex, bringing them down, and fired tear gas at the militants, but avoided a direct attack on the mosque.
"We have reports that women and children have been locked in the basement floors. If we blow any of the walls, the whole building would collapse on them," one officer told the Times.
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Cleric: 'The boys are the 1st line of defense, then the girls ... they will fight to the death'
Posted: July 8, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2007
The radical leader of Islamabad's Red Mosque, under siege for the last six days by hundreds of Pakistan troops, said the 1,800 children he claims are still in the religious-school complex have taken oaths on the Quran to fight to the death, a frightening possibility confirmed by frantic parents who have spoken by cell phone with sons and daughters who say they soon hope to be martyrs.
"I spoke to my daughter. She said there was no food or water left," said Luftullah Khan, a shopkeeper, who was able to get through to them on their cell phone. "I tried to arrange a meeting, but she said, 'We're here – my dead body will be here. I will not leave my teachers'."
Followers of Abdul Rashid Ghazi, leader of the pro-Taliban mosque, said yesterday 30 girls had been buried in a mass grave inside the complex.
The six-day siege has been mostly restrained, with the military wanting to avoid massive bloodshed. Children from two madrassas, or religious schools, are being held in the mosque. According to London Sunday Times, they have been moved to the basement of the complex.
Yesterday, the army shelled sections of the wall surrounding the complex, bringing them down, and fired tear gas at the militants, but avoided a direct attack on the mosque.
"We have reports that women and children have been locked in the basement floors. If we blow any of the walls, the whole building would collapse on them," one officer told the Times.
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London's failed car bombs linked with Iraq's al-Qaida
From The Sunday Times July 8, 2007
Car bombs are linked with Iraq’s Al-QaedaDavid Leppard
AT least one of the suspects being quizzed over the alleged plot to set off car bombs in Britain was in recent contact with Al-Qaeda in Iraq, senior security officials said yesterday.
Scotland Yard’s Counter Terrorism Command SO15 is understood to have uncovered evidence that in the months leading up to the attacks one or more of the suspects communicated by telephone or e-mail with terrorist leaders in Iraq.
The development has fuelled a theory that the failed attacks in London and Glasgow were designed as a farewell to Tony Blair to punish him for his role in Iraq. Details of the Al-Qaeda role in the three failed car bombings are expected to emerge over the next few days.
The development suggests that intelligence received by MI5 earlier this year about a possible Al-Qaeda attack to mark Blair’s departure was accurate. A report in April by the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC) warned that a senior Iraqi Al-Qaeda commander had outlined details of a big attack on Britain.
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Car bombs are linked with Iraq’s Al-QaedaDavid Leppard
AT least one of the suspects being quizzed over the alleged plot to set off car bombs in Britain was in recent contact with Al-Qaeda in Iraq, senior security officials said yesterday.
Scotland Yard’s Counter Terrorism Command SO15 is understood to have uncovered evidence that in the months leading up to the attacks one or more of the suspects communicated by telephone or e-mail with terrorist leaders in Iraq.
The development has fuelled a theory that the failed attacks in London and Glasgow were designed as a farewell to Tony Blair to punish him for his role in Iraq. Details of the Al-Qaeda role in the three failed car bombings are expected to emerge over the next few days.
The development suggests that intelligence received by MI5 earlier this year about a possible Al-Qaeda attack to mark Blair’s departure was accurate. A report in April by the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC) warned that a senior Iraqi Al-Qaeda commander had outlined details of a big attack on Britain.
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Robo-toilets proposed to stop 'gay' cruising
Robo-toilets proposed to stop 'gay' cruising
Mayor: 'Homosexuals ... engaging in sex, anonymous sex, illegal sex'
© 2007
Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle says his city has a problem with "homosexual activity" in public restrooms and he has a plan to stop it – robotic toilets that allow occupants to stay inside for only a short time before the door automatically opens.
"We're trying to provide a family environment where people can take their children who need to use the bathroom without having to worry about a couple of men in there engaged in a sex act," Naugle told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.
The $250,000 self-cleaning robo-johns have been installed in San Francisco, Seattle, Atlanta and New York. The modular units play music and can be accessed for a fee or for free, depending on each city's policies.
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Mayor: 'Homosexuals ... engaging in sex, anonymous sex, illegal sex'
© 2007
Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle says his city has a problem with "homosexual activity" in public restrooms and he has a plan to stop it – robotic toilets that allow occupants to stay inside for only a short time before the door automatically opens.
"We're trying to provide a family environment where people can take their children who need to use the bathroom without having to worry about a couple of men in there engaged in a sex act," Naugle told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.
The $250,000 self-cleaning robo-johns have been installed in San Francisco, Seattle, Atlanta and New York. The modular units play music and can be accessed for a fee or for free, depending on each city's policies.
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FBI puts dive shops on alert
FBI puts dive shops on alert
By Alejandra Cancino
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
The FBI is asking dive shop owners to be on the lookout for suspicious behavior or criminal activity by their customers. The bureau recently issued a national advisory.
Judy Orihuela, a spokeswoman for the FBI's Miami office, said the routine advisories are sent out occasionally "just to give heads-up in things to look out for."
Examples of what dive shops are asked to look out for include:
• Requests for special training that include diving in murky water or sewer pipes.
• Requests to learn advanced skills such as the use of re-breathers.
• Purchasing or renting Swimmer Delivery Vehicles and Diver Propulsion Vehicles.
• Paying in cash or refusing to provide personal information.
Re-breathers are normally used by the military because they make few or no bubbles and can allow people to stay in the water from three to eight hours; other systems allow people to stay in the water from 30 minutes to two hours. The time depends on the depth of the water.
People also use re-breathers when they want to photograph marine animals.
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By Alejandra Cancino
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
The FBI is asking dive shop owners to be on the lookout for suspicious behavior or criminal activity by their customers. The bureau recently issued a national advisory.
Judy Orihuela, a spokeswoman for the FBI's Miami office, said the routine advisories are sent out occasionally "just to give heads-up in things to look out for."
Examples of what dive shops are asked to look out for include:
• Requests for special training that include diving in murky water or sewer pipes.
• Requests to learn advanced skills such as the use of re-breathers.
• Purchasing or renting Swimmer Delivery Vehicles and Diver Propulsion Vehicles.
• Paying in cash or refusing to provide personal information.
Re-breathers are normally used by the military because they make few or no bubbles and can allow people to stay in the water from three to eight hours; other systems allow people to stay in the water from 30 minutes to two hours. The time depends on the depth of the water.
People also use re-breathers when they want to photograph marine animals.
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Violent Weekend in Iraq Kills Over 220
Violent Weekend in Iraq Kills Over 220
Jul 8 03:10 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer
BAGHDAD (AP) - Prominent Shiite and Sunni politicians called on Iraqi civilians to take up arms to defend themselves after a weekend of violence that claimed more than 220 lives, including 60 who died Sunday in a surge of bombings and shootings around Baghdad.
The calls reflect growing frustration with the inability of Iraqi security forces to prevent extremist attacks.
The weekend deaths included two American soldiers—one killed Sunday in a bombing on the western outskirts and Baghdad and another who died in combat Saturday in Salahuddin province north of the capital, the U.S. command said. Three soldiers were wounded in the Sunday blast.
Sunday's deadliest attack occurred when a bomb struck a truckload of newly recruited Iraqi soldiers on the outskirts of Baghdad, killing 15 soldiers and wounding 20, a police official at the nearest police station said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information.
Also Sunday, two car bombs exploded near simultaneously in Baghdad's mostly Shiite Karradah district, killing eight people. The first detonated at 10:30 a.m., near a closed restaurant, destroying stalls and soft drink stands. Two passers-by were killed and eight wounded, a police official said.
About five minutes later, the second car exploded about a mile away near shops selling leather jackets and shoes. Six people were killed and seven wounded, said the official, who also spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.
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Jul 8 03:10 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer
BAGHDAD (AP) - Prominent Shiite and Sunni politicians called on Iraqi civilians to take up arms to defend themselves after a weekend of violence that claimed more than 220 lives, including 60 who died Sunday in a surge of bombings and shootings around Baghdad.
The calls reflect growing frustration with the inability of Iraqi security forces to prevent extremist attacks.
The weekend deaths included two American soldiers—one killed Sunday in a bombing on the western outskirts and Baghdad and another who died in combat Saturday in Salahuddin province north of the capital, the U.S. command said. Three soldiers were wounded in the Sunday blast.
Sunday's deadliest attack occurred when a bomb struck a truckload of newly recruited Iraqi soldiers on the outskirts of Baghdad, killing 15 soldiers and wounding 20, a police official at the nearest police station said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information.
Also Sunday, two car bombs exploded near simultaneously in Baghdad's mostly Shiite Karradah district, killing eight people. The first detonated at 10:30 a.m., near a closed restaurant, destroying stalls and soft drink stands. Two passers-by were killed and eight wounded, a police official said.
About five minutes later, the second car exploded about a mile away near shops selling leather jackets and shoes. Six people were killed and seven wounded, said the official, who also spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.
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Now praying gets 7 Christians arrested
Now praying gets 7 Christians arrested
Cops call holding Bibles while lying prostrate 'disturbing peace'
By Bob Unruh
© 2007
Christians have been arrested recently at "gay" festivals for nothing more than having a protest sign that is "wider than their torso," but now police have gone even further, targeting Bible-carrying ministers for praying on public property and for standing on a public sidewalk near a "gay" festival.
One of the new cases comes from Elmira, N.Y., where police arrested seven Christians who went into a public park where a "gay" fest was beginning and started to pray, faces down, while holding their Bibles.
They were cited for "disturbing the peace," and Assistant Police Chief Mike Robertson told WND that the seven are accused of a "combination" of allegations under that statute, which includes the "intent" to cause a public inconvenience, any "disturbance" of a meeting of persons, obstructing vehicular or pedestrian traffic, or taking part in "any act that serves no legitimate purpose."
The second such case arose in Wichita, Kan., where police arrested Spirit One Christian Center Pastor Mark Holick, who had received permission earlier from officers to be on the public sidewalk adjacent to the park where the festival was occurring but then was arrested doing exactly that.
Julian Raven, a street preacher, told WND his group of seven assembled to pray for three hours the night before Elmira's recent "pride" festival in promotion of the homosexual lifestyle.
"We have a legal right to be at an event held in a public square. We're not a hate group," he said. "We're Christians and we're going to be there to pray."
He said he contacted police, who told him he had no free speech rights in the public park.
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Cops call holding Bibles while lying prostrate 'disturbing peace'
By Bob Unruh
© 2007
Christians have been arrested recently at "gay" festivals for nothing more than having a protest sign that is "wider than their torso," but now police have gone even further, targeting Bible-carrying ministers for praying on public property and for standing on a public sidewalk near a "gay" festival.
One of the new cases comes from Elmira, N.Y., where police arrested seven Christians who went into a public park where a "gay" fest was beginning and started to pray, faces down, while holding their Bibles.
They were cited for "disturbing the peace," and Assistant Police Chief Mike Robertson told WND that the seven are accused of a "combination" of allegations under that statute, which includes the "intent" to cause a public inconvenience, any "disturbance" of a meeting of persons, obstructing vehicular or pedestrian traffic, or taking part in "any act that serves no legitimate purpose."
The second such case arose in Wichita, Kan., where police arrested Spirit One Christian Center Pastor Mark Holick, who had received permission earlier from officers to be on the public sidewalk adjacent to the park where the festival was occurring but then was arrested doing exactly that.
Julian Raven, a street preacher, told WND his group of seven assembled to pray for three hours the night before Elmira's recent "pride" festival in promotion of the homosexual lifestyle.
"We have a legal right to be at an event held in a public square. We're not a hate group," he said. "We're Christians and we're going to be there to pray."
He said he contacted police, who told him he had no free speech rights in the public park.
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Christian tracts censored at tribute to vets
Christian tracts censored at tribute to vets
County-sponsored July 4th event orders pastor out of public park
© 2007
A Maryland church pastor attending a July 4th community band concert and fireworks in a city park to honor veterans is reporting he was told by officials to leave, because he was handing out Gospel tracts.
Dennis L. Watson, an associate minister at Pleasant View Baptist Church, initially revealed his experience at the publicly funded festival in North East, Md., on a website for a men's group, called Men of Valor.
He called it a "slap in the face" to the veterans whose heroics were being honored at the "Salute to Cecil County Veterans" because of the fervent belief of those who founded the United States that "We have no king but King Jesus."
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County-sponsored July 4th event orders pastor out of public park
© 2007
A Maryland church pastor attending a July 4th community band concert and fireworks in a city park to honor veterans is reporting he was told by officials to leave, because he was handing out Gospel tracts.
Dennis L. Watson, an associate minister at Pleasant View Baptist Church, initially revealed his experience at the publicly funded festival in North East, Md., on a website for a men's group, called Men of Valor.
He called it a "slap in the face" to the veterans whose heroics were being honored at the "Salute to Cecil County Veterans" because of the fervent belief of those who founded the United States that "We have no king but King Jesus."
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Texas public school district defends ACLU's challenge to Bible course
Texas public school district defends ACLU's challenge to Bible course
Allie Martin
Attorneys representing a Texas public school district say educators have done nothing wrong by offering a Bible course as an elective.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed a lawsuit against the Ector County Independent School District (Odessa), claiming that the district has violated the U.S. Constitution by teaching the course. The ACLU claims the course -- "The Bible in History and Literature" -- is not taught objectively, as the Constitution requires, but instead is designed to proselytize by promoting one set of religious beliefs to the exclusion of others.
In a reply to the lawsuit, attorneys for Ector County ISD said the course falls within constitutional guidelines. In fact, those attorneys point out that the curriculum -- produced by the National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools and used in hundreds of school districts nationwide -- has withstood several court challenges.
Kelly Shackelford is president of Texas-based Liberty Legal Institute, which represents the school district in the case. Shackelford claims the ACLU has other motives.
"The shame is, they could have contacted the school district and said 'Hey, we have a problem, we'd like to help you make sure you do this constitutionally' -- but that's not their goal," says the Liberty Legal attorney. "Their goal isn't to have the class done constitutionally. Their goal is to make sure this class isn't offered at all because the ACLU isn't tolerant of classes on the Bible like this and they don't want them carried out."
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Allie Martin
Attorneys representing a Texas public school district say educators have done nothing wrong by offering a Bible course as an elective.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed a lawsuit against the Ector County Independent School District (Odessa), claiming that the district has violated the U.S. Constitution by teaching the course. The ACLU claims the course -- "The Bible in History and Literature" -- is not taught objectively, as the Constitution requires, but instead is designed to proselytize by promoting one set of religious beliefs to the exclusion of others.
In a reply to the lawsuit, attorneys for Ector County ISD said the course falls within constitutional guidelines. In fact, those attorneys point out that the curriculum -- produced by the National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools and used in hundreds of school districts nationwide -- has withstood several court challenges.
Kelly Shackelford is president of Texas-based Liberty Legal Institute, which represents the school district in the case. Shackelford claims the ACLU has other motives.
"The shame is, they could have contacted the school district and said 'Hey, we have a problem, we'd like to help you make sure you do this constitutionally' -- but that's not their goal," says the Liberty Legal attorney. "Their goal isn't to have the class done constitutionally. Their goal is to make sure this class isn't offered at all because the ACLU isn't tolerant of classes on the Bible like this and they don't want them carried out."
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Nuclear alert by ex-head of MI5
Nuclear alert by ex-head of MI5
Warns of 'pressing demand' for secret network of Muslim spies to provide intelligence
By Sean Rayment, Security Correspondent, Sunday Telegraph
Last Updated: 12:29am BST 07/08/2007
More than 100 suspects are awaiting trial in British courts for terrorist offences - a figure unprecedented in modern criminal history - Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, the former spy chief, has revealed.
Britain is a centre of intense plotting and faces a terrorist threat of "unprecedented scale, ambition and ruthlessness".
In a stark warning for the future, Dame Eliza added: "It remains a very real possibility that they may, sometime, somewhere attempt a chemical biological, radiological or even nuclear attack".
The more than 40 separate terror court cases due to be heard include Operation Gamble, an alleged plot to kidnap and video the beheading of a British soldier and Operation Overt, an alleged plan to blow up 10 US airliners.
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Warns of 'pressing demand' for secret network of Muslim spies to provide intelligence
By Sean Rayment, Security Correspondent, Sunday Telegraph
Last Updated: 12:29am BST 07/08/2007
More than 100 suspects are awaiting trial in British courts for terrorist offences - a figure unprecedented in modern criminal history - Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, the former spy chief, has revealed.
Britain is a centre of intense plotting and faces a terrorist threat of "unprecedented scale, ambition and ruthlessness".
In a stark warning for the future, Dame Eliza added: "It remains a very real possibility that they may, sometime, somewhere attempt a chemical biological, radiological or even nuclear attack".
The more than 40 separate terror court cases due to be heard include Operation Gamble, an alleged plot to kidnap and video the beheading of a British soldier and Operation Overt, an alleged plan to blow up 10 US airliners.
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Judge rules against evangelist in free speech lawsuit
Judge rules against evangelist in free speech lawsuit
Associated Press Staff Reports
July 8, 2007
LOUISVILLE, Ky. - A Pentecostal evangelist familiar to both college campuses and courtrooms has lost his initial bid to speak at Murray State University in western Kentucky.
James G. "Brother Jim" Gilles of Symsonia, Ky., sued the university in 2006, claiming that MSU deprived him of his rights to free speech and to exercise his religion by rejecting his requests to preach at the Curris Center, a campus spot frequented by students and visitors.
U.S. District Judge Thomas Russell, however, ruled that the school's campus speech policy, which requires speakers to obtain on-campus sponsors, is legal and not a burden on Gilles.
Gilles contends that he was not required to have a sponsor before 2004 and that MSU officials are arbitrarily enforcing the student handbook's solicitation policy.
Since 1981, the year Gilles says he found God while attending a Van Halen concert, the preacher has traveled across the nation to speak at dozens of universities and state capitals. He's fought speaking restrictions at other colleges, with some success.
The Alliance Defense Fund, a national legal organization founded in part by the Christian group Focus on the Family, represented Gilles in the lawsuit.
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Associated Press Staff Reports
July 8, 2007
LOUISVILLE, Ky. - A Pentecostal evangelist familiar to both college campuses and courtrooms has lost his initial bid to speak at Murray State University in western Kentucky.
James G. "Brother Jim" Gilles of Symsonia, Ky., sued the university in 2006, claiming that MSU deprived him of his rights to free speech and to exercise his religion by rejecting his requests to preach at the Curris Center, a campus spot frequented by students and visitors.
U.S. District Judge Thomas Russell, however, ruled that the school's campus speech policy, which requires speakers to obtain on-campus sponsors, is legal and not a burden on Gilles.
Gilles contends that he was not required to have a sponsor before 2004 and that MSU officials are arbitrarily enforcing the student handbook's solicitation policy.
Since 1981, the year Gilles says he found God while attending a Van Halen concert, the preacher has traveled across the nation to speak at dozens of universities and state capitals. He's fought speaking restrictions at other colleges, with some success.
The Alliance Defense Fund, a national legal organization founded in part by the Christian group Focus on the Family, represented Gilles in the lawsuit.
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PA officials smuggled $52 million in U.S. aid
PA officials smuggled $52 million in U.S. aid
Top security strongmen pocketed money, invested in Dubai construction projects
By Aaron Klein
© 2007
JERUSALEM – Mahmoud Dahlan, a strongman of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah organization, and one of Dahlan's top associates pocketed $52 million in foreign aid – mostly assistance monies from the U.S. meant to bolster Fatah against Hamas, sources in the PA Finance Ministry told WND today.
Dahlan used part of the American aid to invest in construction efforts in Dubai, the PA sources said.
The information comes as the U.S. is poised to send millions more in financial aid to bolster Abbas' militias in the West Bank against Hamas there.
Sources in Palestinian Finance Minister Salam Fayyad's office told WND upon recently checking the accounts in which about $60 million in U.S. aid was deposited, Fayyad was shocked to learn only $7 million remained.
The sources said a Finance Ministry investigation determined Dahlan smuggled $27 million and Dahlan's no. 2, Rashid Abu Shabak, former chief of the Palestinian Security Services, smuggled $25 million into their own accounts.
Fayyad already reportedly obtained and confiscated from Dahlan $7 million in smuggled aid.
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Top security strongmen pocketed money, invested in Dubai construction projects
By Aaron Klein
© 2007
JERUSALEM – Mahmoud Dahlan, a strongman of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah organization, and one of Dahlan's top associates pocketed $52 million in foreign aid – mostly assistance monies from the U.S. meant to bolster Fatah against Hamas, sources in the PA Finance Ministry told WND today.
Dahlan used part of the American aid to invest in construction efforts in Dubai, the PA sources said.
The information comes as the U.S. is poised to send millions more in financial aid to bolster Abbas' militias in the West Bank against Hamas there.
Sources in Palestinian Finance Minister Salam Fayyad's office told WND upon recently checking the accounts in which about $60 million in U.S. aid was deposited, Fayyad was shocked to learn only $7 million remained.
The sources said a Finance Ministry investigation determined Dahlan smuggled $27 million and Dahlan's no. 2, Rashid Abu Shabak, former chief of the Palestinian Security Services, smuggled $25 million into their own accounts.
Fayyad already reportedly obtained and confiscated from Dahlan $7 million in smuggled aid.
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Iraq al-Qaida Group Threatens Iran
Iraq al-Qaida Group Threatens Iran
Jul 8 07:34 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - The leader of an al-Qaida umbrella group in Iraq threatened to wage war against Iran unless it stops supporting Shiites in Iraq within two months, according to an audiotape released Sunday.
Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, who leads the group Islamic State in Iraq, said his Sunni fighters have been preparing for four years to wage a battle against Shiite-dominated Iran.
"We are giving the Persians, and especially the rulers of Iran, a two month period to end all kinds of support for the Iraqi Shiite government and to stop direct and indirect intervention ... otherwise a severe war is waiting for you," he said in the 50-minute audiotape. The tape, which could not be independently verified, was posted on a Web site commonly used by insurgent groups.
Iraq's Shiite-led government is backed by the U.S. but closely allied to Iran. The United States accuses Iran of arming and financing Shiite militias in Iraq—charges Tehran denies.
In the recording, al-Baghdadi also gave Sunnis and Arab countries doing business in Iran or with Iranians a two-month deadline to cease their ties.
"We advise and warn every Sunni businessman inside Iran or in Arab countries especially in the Gulf not to take partnership with any Shiite Iranian businessman—this is part of the two-month period," he said.
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Jul 8 07:34 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - The leader of an al-Qaida umbrella group in Iraq threatened to wage war against Iran unless it stops supporting Shiites in Iraq within two months, according to an audiotape released Sunday.
Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, who leads the group Islamic State in Iraq, said his Sunni fighters have been preparing for four years to wage a battle against Shiite-dominated Iran.
"We are giving the Persians, and especially the rulers of Iran, a two month period to end all kinds of support for the Iraqi Shiite government and to stop direct and indirect intervention ... otherwise a severe war is waiting for you," he said in the 50-minute audiotape. The tape, which could not be independently verified, was posted on a Web site commonly used by insurgent groups.
Iraq's Shiite-led government is backed by the U.S. but closely allied to Iran. The United States accuses Iran of arming and financing Shiite militias in Iraq—charges Tehran denies.
In the recording, al-Baghdadi also gave Sunnis and Arab countries doing business in Iran or with Iranians a two-month deadline to cease their ties.
"We advise and warn every Sunni businessman inside Iran or in Arab countries especially in the Gulf not to take partnership with any Shiite Iranian businessman—this is part of the two-month period," he said.
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Expert: Nuke terror better than even bet
Expert: Nuke terror better than even bet
Attack likely to exploit existing network of cross-border human, drug traffickers
© 2007
WASHINGTON – A nuclear terrorist attack on the U.S. is better than an even bet in the next 10 years, says a former assistant secretary of defense and author of a book on the subject.
"Based on current trends, a nuclear terrorist attack on the United States is more likely than not in the decade ahead," says Graham Allison, director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government and author of "Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe."
Allison, who has testified before Congress on the subject, says the illicit economy for narcotics and illegal alien trafficking "has built up a vast infrastructure that terrorists could exploit" in delivering a nuclear weapon to its target in the U.S.
Al-Qaida, which has threatened to launch an "American Hiroshima" attack on the U.S., remains Allison's No. 1 suspect to pull off such a mission.
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Attack likely to exploit existing network of cross-border human, drug traffickers
© 2007
WASHINGTON – A nuclear terrorist attack on the U.S. is better than an even bet in the next 10 years, says a former assistant secretary of defense and author of a book on the subject.
"Based on current trends, a nuclear terrorist attack on the United States is more likely than not in the decade ahead," says Graham Allison, director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government and author of "Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe."
Allison, who has testified before Congress on the subject, says the illicit economy for narcotics and illegal alien trafficking "has built up a vast infrastructure that terrorists could exploit" in delivering a nuclear weapon to its target in the U.S.
Al-Qaida, which has threatened to launch an "American Hiroshima" attack on the U.S., remains Allison's No. 1 suspect to pull off such a mission.
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Thursday, July 5, 2007
Cops use handcuffs to choke free speech
Cops use handcuffs to choke free speech
Police keep arresting citizens despite court rulings to acquit
By Chelsea Schilling
© 2007
Pro-life protesters are taking their case to federal court because they claim York, Pa., police repeatedly violated their free speech rights while they were handing out tracts and preaching outside the city's Planned Parenthood clinic .
John McTernan, Edward D. Snell, John Wood and Luanne Ferguson have filed a civil suit against York police for being "chilled, frustrated and deterred in the exercise of their First Amendment activities due to the city's policy of ignoring First Amendment rights."
Their complaint states, "By denying plaintiffs the right to access public streets with other like-minded people, [York police] denied plaintiffs the right of assembly on account of the content of their message."
Attorney Dennis Boyle represents the pro-life advocates in the case.
"Essentially we have a series of arrests by the York City Police Department that have gone to the state, and the pro-life people have been found not guilty in the state court system," he said. "So we've filed a federal court suit to prevent these unlawful arrests from continuing. It is just the police officers basically trying to make life inconvenient for the pro-life people here."
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Police keep arresting citizens despite court rulings to acquit
By Chelsea Schilling
© 2007
Pro-life protesters are taking their case to federal court because they claim York, Pa., police repeatedly violated their free speech rights while they were handing out tracts and preaching outside the city's Planned Parenthood clinic .
John McTernan, Edward D. Snell, John Wood and Luanne Ferguson have filed a civil suit against York police for being "chilled, frustrated and deterred in the exercise of their First Amendment activities due to the city's policy of ignoring First Amendment rights."
Their complaint states, "By denying plaintiffs the right to access public streets with other like-minded people, [York police] denied plaintiffs the right of assembly on account of the content of their message."
Attorney Dennis Boyle represents the pro-life advocates in the case.
"Essentially we have a series of arrests by the York City Police Department that have gone to the state, and the pro-life people have been found not guilty in the state court system," he said. "So we've filed a federal court suit to prevent these unlawful arrests from continuing. It is just the police officers basically trying to make life inconvenient for the pro-life people here."
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Teaching homosexuality to kids
Teaching homosexuality to kids
Posted: July 5, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
Quick question: Who thinks there isn't enough frank sexual information forced on today's kids? Is the bar for acceptable sexual behavior still too high? You would think so when reading a recent Washington Post article titled "A More Candid Approach to Sex-Ed."
As many parents know, most sex-ed classes are already candid enough, thank you very much. The last thing we need is for anyone to spice them up or further complicate what should be a pretty simple subject. But that's what schools in Montgomery County, Md., plan to do by introducing lessons on homosexuality to eight- and 10th-graders – lessons that serve to further the radical homosexual activist agenda.
Those in eight grade, for example, may be asked to ponder their "gender identity." Is this the same thing as your actual gender, which should be, ummm, obvious by this time? No. Students are told that it's "your identification of yourself as a man or a woman, based on the gender you feel to be inside." You could be a boy trapped in a girl's body, or vice versa – or something in between, it seems. Since when did knowing one's gender get so … difficult? My goodness, isn't there enough out there to confuse our children without asking them to question whether they are really a boy or truly a girl? Have we gone mad?
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Posted: July 5, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
Quick question: Who thinks there isn't enough frank sexual information forced on today's kids? Is the bar for acceptable sexual behavior still too high? You would think so when reading a recent Washington Post article titled "A More Candid Approach to Sex-Ed."
As many parents know, most sex-ed classes are already candid enough, thank you very much. The last thing we need is for anyone to spice them up or further complicate what should be a pretty simple subject. But that's what schools in Montgomery County, Md., plan to do by introducing lessons on homosexuality to eight- and 10th-graders – lessons that serve to further the radical homosexual activist agenda.
Those in eight grade, for example, may be asked to ponder their "gender identity." Is this the same thing as your actual gender, which should be, ummm, obvious by this time? No. Students are told that it's "your identification of yourself as a man or a woman, based on the gender you feel to be inside." You could be a boy trapped in a girl's body, or vice versa – or something in between, it seems. Since when did knowing one's gender get so … difficult? My goodness, isn't there enough out there to confuse our children without asking them to question whether they are really a boy or truly a girl? Have we gone mad?
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Parental rights submerged by MD county's sex-ed decision
Parental rights submerged by MD county's sex-ed decision
Jim Brown
July 5, 2007
The Christian legal group Liberty Counsel says it is considering whether to file another federal lawsuit challenging a sex-education program in Maryland's largest school district.
Last week the Maryland State Board of Education ruled in favor of a sex-ed program in Montgomery County that affirms homosexuality, transgenderism, and teen condom use. In the 17-page opinion, the state panel said it would not "second-guess the appropriateness" of the curriculum. It also claimed that the right of parents to control their children's upbringing "is not absolute" and "must bend to the state's duty to educate its citizens."
Liberty Counsel founder Mat Staver says such a claim is contrary to common sense and American history. "Schools should not be an adversary to the parent," he says; "they should be an extension of the parents' wishes -- because, after all, they are engaged in helping the parent bring up the child in the parents' value system."
But according to the Christian attorney, that is no longer the case in public education. "[W]hat we're now seeing is exactly the opposite," he laments. "We're seeing schools, and even some courts, say that indeed there could be this adversarial relationship, and that parents' rights cease to exist, essentially, when they drop their child off at the schoolhouse gate."
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Jim Brown
July 5, 2007
The Christian legal group Liberty Counsel says it is considering whether to file another federal lawsuit challenging a sex-education program in Maryland's largest school district.
Last week the Maryland State Board of Education ruled in favor of a sex-ed program in Montgomery County that affirms homosexuality, transgenderism, and teen condom use. In the 17-page opinion, the state panel said it would not "second-guess the appropriateness" of the curriculum. It also claimed that the right of parents to control their children's upbringing "is not absolute" and "must bend to the state's duty to educate its citizens."
Liberty Counsel founder Mat Staver says such a claim is contrary to common sense and American history. "Schools should not be an adversary to the parent," he says; "they should be an extension of the parents' wishes -- because, after all, they are engaged in helping the parent bring up the child in the parents' value system."
But according to the Christian attorney, that is no longer the case in public education. "[W]hat we're now seeing is exactly the opposite," he laments. "We're seeing schools, and even some courts, say that indeed there could be this adversarial relationship, and that parents' rights cease to exist, essentially, when they drop their child off at the schoolhouse gate."
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Pakistan forces blow holes in mosque's walls
Pakistan cleric offers mosque surrender terms
Fears mount that women, children being used as human shields in standoff
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - A Pakistani cleric holed up in a mosque in Islamabad said on Thursday he and his student followers were willing to surrender, raising hopes of an end to a confrontation in which 19 people have died.
Abdul Rashid Ghazi was speaking in a telephone interview broadcast on Geo Television as security forces surrounded the Red Mosque. The cleric, whose elder brother was arrested on Wednesday night trying to escape wearing a woman’s all-enveloping burqa, said his followers should be let go if authorities could not prove they belonged to any banned militant groups, or were not wanted for any crime.
“If they are linked to any banned organization, it can be verified,” he said, adding there had been a smear campaign to make people believe that militant groups were among the students. “It can be looked into ... those who are not should be let go.”
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Fears mount that women, children being used as human shields in standoff
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - A Pakistani cleric holed up in a mosque in Islamabad said on Thursday he and his student followers were willing to surrender, raising hopes of an end to a confrontation in which 19 people have died.
Abdul Rashid Ghazi was speaking in a telephone interview broadcast on Geo Television as security forces surrounded the Red Mosque. The cleric, whose elder brother was arrested on Wednesday night trying to escape wearing a woman’s all-enveloping burqa, said his followers should be let go if authorities could not prove they belonged to any banned militant groups, or were not wanted for any crime.
“If they are linked to any banned organization, it can be verified,” he said, adding there had been a smear campaign to make people believe that militant groups were among the students. “It can be looked into ... those who are not should be let go.”
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Zawahiri: 'Prepare for the next jihad'
Jul 5, 10:35 AM (ET)
BAGHDAD (AP) - Al-Qaida's deputy leader sought to bolster the terror network's main arm in Iraq in a new video released Thursday, calling on Muslims to rally behind it at a time when the group is on the defensive, faced with U.S. offensives and splits with other insurgent groups.
Ayman al-Zawahri defended the Islamic State of Iraq - the insurgent umbrella group headed by al-Qaida - against critics among Islamic militant groups, saying it was a vanguard for fighting off the U.S. military and eventually establishing a "caliphate" of Islamic rule across the region.
Al-Zawahri, the top deputy of Osama bin Laden, called on Muslims to follow a two-pronged strategy: work at home to topple "corrupt" Arab regimes and join al-Qaida's "jihad," or holy war, in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia to fight and train "to prepare for the next jihad."
He urged Hamas not to compromise and bend under Arab and international pressure to end its rule in the Gaza Strip and make way for a unified Palestinian government that could pursue peace with Israel.
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Prepare for the next jihad? WAIT! I thought Islam was the religion of peace? NOPE, it is a cult of evil and hate, dressed to appear as a religion of peace. In other words, it is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Wake up people!
BAGHDAD (AP) - Al-Qaida's deputy leader sought to bolster the terror network's main arm in Iraq in a new video released Thursday, calling on Muslims to rally behind it at a time when the group is on the defensive, faced with U.S. offensives and splits with other insurgent groups.
Ayman al-Zawahri defended the Islamic State of Iraq - the insurgent umbrella group headed by al-Qaida - against critics among Islamic militant groups, saying it was a vanguard for fighting off the U.S. military and eventually establishing a "caliphate" of Islamic rule across the region.
Al-Zawahri, the top deputy of Osama bin Laden, called on Muslims to follow a two-pronged strategy: work at home to topple "corrupt" Arab regimes and join al-Qaida's "jihad," or holy war, in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia to fight and train "to prepare for the next jihad."
He urged Hamas not to compromise and bend under Arab and international pressure to end its rule in the Gaza Strip and make way for a unified Palestinian government that could pursue peace with Israel.
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Prepare for the next jihad? WAIT! I thought Islam was the religion of peace? NOPE, it is a cult of evil and hate, dressed to appear as a religion of peace. In other words, it is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Wake up people!
California on track to mandate STD vaccine
California on track to mandate STD vaccine
Lawmakers could require pre-teen girls to get $400 shots
Posted: July 5, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Naomi Laine
© 2007
California lawmakers continue to fine tune a plan to require Gardasil vaccinations against human papillomavirus, which is transmitted by sexual contact, for all pre-teen girls in both private and public schools in the state, worrying many parents due to California's reputation as a leader in such decisions.
Assembly Bill 16, which would mandate injections of the Merck & Co. vaccine to protect against the sexually transmitted disease, remains under review at the Senate committee level, having been endorsed by both the Health and Education committees following its approval in the state Assembly.
As WND has reported, the effort to make the vaccine mandatory has been sweeping through state legislatures across the nation, largely pushed by women lawmakers who are part of the Women in Government organization, to which Merck contributed financially.
The campaign has been so widespread the National Conference of State Legislatures set up a special website just to track and update the various campaigns.
In California, Karen England, executive director of Capital Resource Institute, said the plan just isn't right.
"It is terribly disappointing that the state assembly decided to force a dangerous, inadequately tested STD vaccine on 11 year-old girls," she said.
Parents of autistic children also criticize the measure, citing studies that indicate childhood vaccination may be a contributing factor causing the debilitating disease.
WND also has reported that the Merck vaccine has been tied to three deaths, and more than 1,600 adverse reactions.
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Hmm... How about sex before marriage causes these problems. The sad thing is that people think God was mean by making sex for marriage only. He was actually looking out for us! If only we would repent and turn back to God, and read and obey the Bible again.
Lawmakers could require pre-teen girls to get $400 shots
Posted: July 5, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Naomi Laine
© 2007
California lawmakers continue to fine tune a plan to require Gardasil vaccinations against human papillomavirus, which is transmitted by sexual contact, for all pre-teen girls in both private and public schools in the state, worrying many parents due to California's reputation as a leader in such decisions.
Assembly Bill 16, which would mandate injections of the Merck & Co. vaccine to protect against the sexually transmitted disease, remains under review at the Senate committee level, having been endorsed by both the Health and Education committees following its approval in the state Assembly.
As WND has reported, the effort to make the vaccine mandatory has been sweeping through state legislatures across the nation, largely pushed by women lawmakers who are part of the Women in Government organization, to which Merck contributed financially.
The campaign has been so widespread the National Conference of State Legislatures set up a special website just to track and update the various campaigns.
In California, Karen England, executive director of Capital Resource Institute, said the plan just isn't right.
"It is terribly disappointing that the state assembly decided to force a dangerous, inadequately tested STD vaccine on 11 year-old girls," she said.
Parents of autistic children also criticize the measure, citing studies that indicate childhood vaccination may be a contributing factor causing the debilitating disease.
WND also has reported that the Merck vaccine has been tied to three deaths, and more than 1,600 adverse reactions.
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Hmm... How about sex before marriage causes these problems. The sad thing is that people think God was mean by making sex for marriage only. He was actually looking out for us! If only we would repent and turn back to God, and read and obey the Bible again.
'Gay'-rights leader quits homosexuality
'Gay'-rights leader quits homosexuality
Rising star in movement says God liberated him from lifestyle
By Art Moore
© 2007
He was a rising star in the "gay rights" movement, but Michael Glatze now declares not only has he given up activism – he's no longer a homosexual.
Glatze – who had become a frequent media source as founding editor of Young Gay America magazine – tells the story of his transformation in an exclusive column published today by WND.
Although Glatze cut himself off from the homosexual community about a year and a half ago, he says the column likely will surprise some people.
"This will actually be news to anybody I used to relate to," he told WND.
The radical change in his life, Glatze recalls, began with inner "promptings" he now attributes to God.
"I hope I can share my story," he said. "I feel strongly God has put me here for a reason. Even in the darkest days of late-night parties, substance abuse and all kinds of things – when I felt like, 'Why am I here, what am I doing?' – there was always a voice there.
"I didn't know what to call it, or if I could trust it, but it said 'hold on.'"
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Rising star in movement says God liberated him from lifestyle
By Art Moore
© 2007
He was a rising star in the "gay rights" movement, but Michael Glatze now declares not only has he given up activism – he's no longer a homosexual.
Glatze – who had become a frequent media source as founding editor of Young Gay America magazine – tells the story of his transformation in an exclusive column published today by WND.
Although Glatze cut himself off from the homosexual community about a year and a half ago, he says the column likely will surprise some people.
"This will actually be news to anybody I used to relate to," he told WND.
The radical change in his life, Glatze recalls, began with inner "promptings" he now attributes to God.
"I hope I can share my story," he said. "I feel strongly God has put me here for a reason. Even in the darkest days of late-night parties, substance abuse and all kinds of things – when I felt like, 'Why am I here, what am I doing?' – there was always a voice there.
"I didn't know what to call it, or if I could trust it, but it said 'hold on.'"
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BBC reporter's freedom 'really staged for movie'
BBC reporter's freedom 'really staged for movie'
Palestinian official claims terror group in cahoots with abductors of Johnston
By Aaron Klein
© 2007
JERUSALEM – Hamas' purported rescue operation today in which kidnapped BBC reporter Alan Johnston was freed from captivity really was a "movie" staged by Hamas to endear itself to the international community and demonstrate it is capable of imposing order in Gaza, a senior Palestinian Authority official charged.
"We're watching a movie where the thieves in Gaza fall out and one of them claims to be honest and brave, and the other is the bad guy. This Hamas game fools no one," said Yasser Abed Rabbo, chief aid to PA President and Hamas rival Mahmoud Abbas.
Rabbo charged Hamas was in "cahoots" with Johnston's kidnappers, the Gaza-based Army of Islam, which together with Hamas kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit last June. Johnston was held in Gaza for nearly four months.
Hamas leaders denied the rescue operation was staged.
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Palestinian official claims terror group in cahoots with abductors of Johnston
By Aaron Klein
© 2007
JERUSALEM – Hamas' purported rescue operation today in which kidnapped BBC reporter Alan Johnston was freed from captivity really was a "movie" staged by Hamas to endear itself to the international community and demonstrate it is capable of imposing order in Gaza, a senior Palestinian Authority official charged.
"We're watching a movie where the thieves in Gaza fall out and one of them claims to be honest and brave, and the other is the bad guy. This Hamas game fools no one," said Yasser Abed Rabbo, chief aid to PA President and Hamas rival Mahmoud Abbas.
Rabbo charged Hamas was in "cahoots" with Johnston's kidnappers, the Gaza-based Army of Islam, which together with Hamas kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit last June. Johnston was held in Gaza for nearly four months.
Hamas leaders denied the rescue operation was staged.
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Israeli troops kill 8 Hamas militants
Jul 5, 10:42 AM (ET)
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) - Israeli troops clashed with Hamas militants inside the Gaza Strip on Thursday, killing eight in fierce fighting that drew in Israeli aircraft, tanks and bulldozers.
It was the second-deadliest day of fighting between the two sides since the Islamic militant group wrested control of Gaza in mid-June. In all, more than 30 Palestinians - nearly all of them militants but including a 12-year-old boy - have been killed in at least five separate Israeli military operations in Gaza since the Hamas takeover.
Troops had ventured about a half-mile inside central Gaza on a routine foray against rocket squads when airmen backing their patrol identified a group of approaching militants, the army said.
The airmen opened fire on the Hamas fighters, sparking a shootout on the ground between the militants and the patrol, the army said.
Hamas spokesman Abu Obeida said its fighters started the battle by opening fire on an Israeli undercover unit.
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GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) - Israeli troops clashed with Hamas militants inside the Gaza Strip on Thursday, killing eight in fierce fighting that drew in Israeli aircraft, tanks and bulldozers.
It was the second-deadliest day of fighting between the two sides since the Islamic militant group wrested control of Gaza in mid-June. In all, more than 30 Palestinians - nearly all of them militants but including a 12-year-old boy - have been killed in at least five separate Israeli military operations in Gaza since the Hamas takeover.
Troops had ventured about a half-mile inside central Gaza on a routine foray against rocket squads when airmen backing their patrol identified a group of approaching militants, the army said.
The airmen opened fire on the Hamas fighters, sparking a shootout on the ground between the militants and the patrol, the army said.
Hamas spokesman Abu Obeida said its fighters started the battle by opening fire on an Israeli undercover unit.
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Stoning advocate to address Connecticut crowd
Stoning advocate to address Connecticut crowd
Imam who forecast 'crumbling' democracy to address 'Islamophobia' event
© 2007
Christian pastors often will speak of the sin in the world, or in their nation, and call for repentance, but an expert on terrorism says when imam Siraj Wahhaj, one of the unindicted co-conspirators of the 1993 bombing at the World Trade Center, preaches in his mosque, he goes one step further.
"Christian pastors will say the [nation] has taken the wrong course, but they don't say the U.S. is going to be destroyed unless everyone converts to Christianity right now," Steven Emerson, one of the nation's leading experts on terrorism, told WND.
But Wahhaj, who is speaking this coming weekend in Hartford, Conn., at the 32nd annual Islamic Circle of North America conference, an event shared with the Muslim American Society, blends into his sermons the "evil" of the United States and the need for an Islamic state.
That, Emerson said, is adding the political to the religious and is when the sermons "become a problem."
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Imam who forecast 'crumbling' democracy to address 'Islamophobia' event
© 2007
Christian pastors often will speak of the sin in the world, or in their nation, and call for repentance, but an expert on terrorism says when imam Siraj Wahhaj, one of the unindicted co-conspirators of the 1993 bombing at the World Trade Center, preaches in his mosque, he goes one step further.
"Christian pastors will say the [nation] has taken the wrong course, but they don't say the U.S. is going to be destroyed unless everyone converts to Christianity right now," Steven Emerson, one of the nation's leading experts on terrorism, told WND.
But Wahhaj, who is speaking this coming weekend in Hartford, Conn., at the 32nd annual Islamic Circle of North America conference, an event shared with the Muslim American Society, blends into his sermons the "evil" of the United States and the need for an Islamic state.
That, Emerson said, is adding the political to the religious and is when the sermons "become a problem."
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Church, City of Detroit fight atheist suit over funds
Church, City of Detroit fight atheist suit over funds
Ed Thomas
July 5, 2007
A church that was denied reimbursement through a Detroit city program for its building renovations because of a legal challenge by atheists, has appeared before a judge asking for summary judgment in the case filed by the atheists against the city.
St. John's Episcopal Church, the church denied the reimbursement, was allowed entrance by the court as an intervenor in the case in December, becoming a defendant. Church legal counsel Dale Schowengerdt of Alliance Defense Fund says St. John's made $180,000 in renovations to its exterior after contracting for 50 percent reimbursement through a Detroit Development Authority program designed to help enhance the appearance of city buildings and lots ahead of the 2006 Super Bowl. Nine of the 91 properties which were eligible participants were churches or church-owned properties.
Schowengerdt explains that "because of that, a group called American Atheists sued to have this plan declared unconstitutional." After American Atheists v. City of Detroit was filed, the city withheld reimbursement funds to St. John's and other church participants.
Schowengerdt and the church are out to prove the discrimination against religious organizations contradicts the Establishment Clause found in the First Amendment to the Constitution.
"The counterpart to that is the free exercise clause," he explains, "and the [U.S.] Supreme Court has held numerous times that if you exclude religious organizations, [if] you exclude churches from a neutral program, that [is] evidence [of] hostility to religion, not neutrality."
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Ed Thomas
July 5, 2007
A church that was denied reimbursement through a Detroit city program for its building renovations because of a legal challenge by atheists, has appeared before a judge asking for summary judgment in the case filed by the atheists against the city.
St. John's Episcopal Church, the church denied the reimbursement, was allowed entrance by the court as an intervenor in the case in December, becoming a defendant. Church legal counsel Dale Schowengerdt of Alliance Defense Fund says St. John's made $180,000 in renovations to its exterior after contracting for 50 percent reimbursement through a Detroit Development Authority program designed to help enhance the appearance of city buildings and lots ahead of the 2006 Super Bowl. Nine of the 91 properties which were eligible participants were churches or church-owned properties.
Schowengerdt explains that "because of that, a group called American Atheists sued to have this plan declared unconstitutional." After American Atheists v. City of Detroit was filed, the city withheld reimbursement funds to St. John's and other church participants.
Schowengerdt and the church are out to prove the discrimination against religious organizations contradicts the Establishment Clause found in the First Amendment to the Constitution.
"The counterpart to that is the free exercise clause," he explains, "and the [U.S.] Supreme Court has held numerous times that if you exclude religious organizations, [if] you exclude churches from a neutral program, that [is] evidence [of] hostility to religion, not neutrality."
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2008 Olympics prep causes Christians to fear
2008 Olympics prep causes Christians to fear
Image concerns may be fueling China's crackdown on believers
© 2007
China's concern over its international image, which will be in a global spotlight when the 2008 Olympics are held there, may be fueling a crackdown on Christians, according to the Voice of the Martyrs, which is reporting a new round of persecution there.
Earlier, WND documented reports from VOM, which monitors and publicizes instances of persecution of Christians worldwide, that a Christian was jailed in China for no more than walking near the construction site of a hotel being prepared for the 2008 games.
Now officials are reporting that in just the past few weeks, the increasing attacks have included the arrests of several house-church leaders who were accused of being "suspects using evil cults to obstruct the enforcement of the law."
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Image concerns may be fueling China's crackdown on believers
© 2007
China's concern over its international image, which will be in a global spotlight when the 2008 Olympics are held there, may be fueling a crackdown on Christians, according to the Voice of the Martyrs, which is reporting a new round of persecution there.
Earlier, WND documented reports from VOM, which monitors and publicizes instances of persecution of Christians worldwide, that a Christian was jailed in China for no more than walking near the construction site of a hotel being prepared for the 2008 games.
Now officials are reporting that in just the past few weeks, the increasing attacks have included the arrests of several house-church leaders who were accused of being "suspects using evil cults to obstruct the enforcement of the law."
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'Hush Rush bill' – gone, not forgotten
'Hush Rush bill' – gone, not forgotten
Fairness Doctrine viewed as major issue in 2008, law of land with Dem president
Posted: July 5, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2007
WASHINGTON – When the House of Representatives voted 309-115 to deny federal funds to implement the Fairness Doctrine, it was seen by some as a stake through the heart of efforts to revive rules requiring broadcasters to provide balance in all views expressed on the air.
However, the enthusiasm expressed for reviving the discarded regulation by Democratic Party leadership, and even some Republicans in the wake of the Senate battle over immigration, almost assure the issue will be resurrected as a campaign issue next year and as a legislative certainty in 2009 should Democrats remain in control of Congress and capture the White House.
Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., a former radio talk-show host, led the charge last week to stop the Federal Communications Commission from reinstating the Fairness Doctrine for broadcasters – sometimes referred to as "the Hush Rush bill," because of its preoccupation with conservative talk radio as epitomized by nationally syndicated stars Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage and Laura Ingraham.
The House voted overwhelmingly to prohibit federal funds from being used by the FCC to impose the Fairness Doctrine, which requires broadcasters to balance comment on controversial issues.
"The House affirmed that freedom will continue to reign on the airwaves," said Pence, who filed the amendment stopping federal funding and introduced another bill to prevent permanently the doctrine from being imposed. "This was a resounding victory for free speech."
But the measure only prohibits funds from being used for this purpose through 2008. Since it was unlikely President Bush would sign such a bill into law, the threat of implementation prior to 2008 was minimal at best.
The road to implementation in 2009 and beyond, however, remains wide open. Some observers see it as virtually inevitable.
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We are in a spiritual warfare, and throughout the vast majority of liberal media of lies, the few truthful talk radio shows that remain in our Country are being threatened by the enemy who try to cover it up with a word that sounds nice, "the fairness doctrine". When in reality, it robs us of our freedom, and is a major step towards getting rid of Christian programming, and conservative / truthful talk radio shows and more.
Fairness Doctrine viewed as major issue in 2008, law of land with Dem president
Posted: July 5, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2007
WASHINGTON – When the House of Representatives voted 309-115 to deny federal funds to implement the Fairness Doctrine, it was seen by some as a stake through the heart of efforts to revive rules requiring broadcasters to provide balance in all views expressed on the air.
However, the enthusiasm expressed for reviving the discarded regulation by Democratic Party leadership, and even some Republicans in the wake of the Senate battle over immigration, almost assure the issue will be resurrected as a campaign issue next year and as a legislative certainty in 2009 should Democrats remain in control of Congress and capture the White House.
Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., a former radio talk-show host, led the charge last week to stop the Federal Communications Commission from reinstating the Fairness Doctrine for broadcasters – sometimes referred to as "the Hush Rush bill," because of its preoccupation with conservative talk radio as epitomized by nationally syndicated stars Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage and Laura Ingraham.
The House voted overwhelmingly to prohibit federal funds from being used by the FCC to impose the Fairness Doctrine, which requires broadcasters to balance comment on controversial issues.
"The House affirmed that freedom will continue to reign on the airwaves," said Pence, who filed the amendment stopping federal funding and introduced another bill to prevent permanently the doctrine from being imposed. "This was a resounding victory for free speech."
But the measure only prohibits funds from being used for this purpose through 2008. Since it was unlikely President Bush would sign such a bill into law, the threat of implementation prior to 2008 was minimal at best.
The road to implementation in 2009 and beyond, however, remains wide open. Some observers see it as virtually inevitable.
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We are in a spiritual warfare, and throughout the vast majority of liberal media of lies, the few truthful talk radio shows that remain in our Country are being threatened by the enemy who try to cover it up with a word that sounds nice, "the fairness doctrine". When in reality, it robs us of our freedom, and is a major step towards getting rid of Christian programming, and conservative / truthful talk radio shows and more.
Ministry spearheads campaign to provide Bibles for U.S. troops overseas
Ministry spearheads campaign to provide Bibles for U.S. troops overseas
Allie Martin
July 5, 2007
The president of Revival Fires Ministries is encouraging Christians to mark the nation's birthday by sending Bibles to troops fighting the war on terror.
For several years now, evangelist Tim Todd has spearheaded a campaign to get Bibles to U.S. troops. So far, Revival Fires Ministries has provided more than 140,000 Bibles for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Todd says all Christians can help in the effort.
"Whether people agree with the war or not, that's not the issue," Todd said. "We all agree that all of our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan should have Bibles."
And the only way those soldiers will get Bibles, he says, is through the efforts of Christians. "I believe that as long as the troops are willing to go on foreign soil and stand up for the freedoms we have here in America, that we ought to do everything that we can to see to it that every one of them gets a copy of the Word of God," he says emphatically.
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Allie Martin
July 5, 2007
The president of Revival Fires Ministries is encouraging Christians to mark the nation's birthday by sending Bibles to troops fighting the war on terror.
For several years now, evangelist Tim Todd has spearheaded a campaign to get Bibles to U.S. troops. So far, Revival Fires Ministries has provided more than 140,000 Bibles for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Todd says all Christians can help in the effort.
"Whether people agree with the war or not, that's not the issue," Todd said. "We all agree that all of our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan should have Bibles."
And the only way those soldiers will get Bibles, he says, is through the efforts of Christians. "I believe that as long as the troops are willing to go on foreign soil and stand up for the freedoms we have here in America, that we ought to do everything that we can to see to it that every one of them gets a copy of the Word of God," he says emphatically.
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Youths say book rescued them from sex-and-drug culture
Youths say book rescued them from sex-and-drug culture
'It was like blinders came off my eyes after I read this'
© 2007
"The Marketing of Evil" – the controversial bestseller that caused a national uproar after "gay" college professors accused a librarian of "sexual harassment" just for recommending the book to freshmen – turns out to be having a surprising effect on young people, some of whom claim it has rescued them from a life of corruption and degradation.
Ellie French, a freshman at Lee University in Cleveland, Tenn., writes:
If you're a mom or dad and you are worried that your child is deceived and is being unduly influenced by things you know are wrong, if your teenager will read this book, it will change how he sees life.
In January of 2004, I was a junior in high school. My mother gave me David Kupelian's articles entitled, "Selling Sex and Corruption to Your Kids," and "Why Today's Youth Culture Has Gone Insane." (Editor's note: These two articles comprise an early version of what ultimately became Chapter 3 of "The Marketing of Evil.")
It was like blinders came off my eyes after I read this. I began to go to school and each day I'd see more and more how my generation had bought the lie and swallowed it. I realized that I and so many kids in my high school had been hoodwinked by MTV. There's a force out there that wants evil in my life and my generation's life. It's not just the fact that they want our money. They are purveyors of evil.
It disgusted me to see so many of the so-called "coolest" and looked-up-to kids being revered when in fact they were suffering from a hideous identity crisis. Any white senior wearing a Malcolm X hat backwards and intentionally altering his voice so as to sound like an uneducated black male raised in the ghetto is nothing but a joke to me now. The strange thing is, this is what my peers like and respect.
Before I read the article, I was a prisoner of thinking I had to be a certain way. But reading this confirmed what I knew deep down, which was that that was the last way I needed to be. I was very image-conscious before I read this article and it completely dispelled my desire to conform. I was completely exhausted from trying to conform to the way everybody else was. I realized that I no longer wanted my actions to be the result of believing a lie.
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'It was like blinders came off my eyes after I read this'
© 2007
"The Marketing of Evil" – the controversial bestseller that caused a national uproar after "gay" college professors accused a librarian of "sexual harassment" just for recommending the book to freshmen – turns out to be having a surprising effect on young people, some of whom claim it has rescued them from a life of corruption and degradation.
Ellie French, a freshman at Lee University in Cleveland, Tenn., writes:
If you're a mom or dad and you are worried that your child is deceived and is being unduly influenced by things you know are wrong, if your teenager will read this book, it will change how he sees life.
In January of 2004, I was a junior in high school. My mother gave me David Kupelian's articles entitled, "Selling Sex and Corruption to Your Kids," and "Why Today's Youth Culture Has Gone Insane." (Editor's note: These two articles comprise an early version of what ultimately became Chapter 3 of "The Marketing of Evil.")
It was like blinders came off my eyes after I read this. I began to go to school and each day I'd see more and more how my generation had bought the lie and swallowed it. I realized that I and so many kids in my high school had been hoodwinked by MTV. There's a force out there that wants evil in my life and my generation's life. It's not just the fact that they want our money. They are purveyors of evil.
It disgusted me to see so many of the so-called "coolest" and looked-up-to kids being revered when in fact they were suffering from a hideous identity crisis. Any white senior wearing a Malcolm X hat backwards and intentionally altering his voice so as to sound like an uneducated black male raised in the ghetto is nothing but a joke to me now. The strange thing is, this is what my peers like and respect.
Before I read the article, I was a prisoner of thinking I had to be a certain way. But reading this confirmed what I knew deep down, which was that that was the last way I needed to be. I was very image-conscious before I read this article and it completely dispelled my desire to conform. I was completely exhausted from trying to conform to the way everybody else was. I realized that I no longer wanted my actions to be the result of believing a lie.
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THE car-bomb/suicide-terror operations in London and Glasgow should have provided a fresh opportunity for reminding everyone, especially Muslims in Britain, that terrorism in the name of Islam still poses a major threat to public peace and safety. Yet this is not what is happening.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown keeps repeating that the attacks have nothing to do with Islam - but, at the same time, keeps inviting "Muslim community leaders" to Downing Street to discuss how to prevent attacks. If the attacks have nothing to do with Islam, why invite Muslim "leaders" rather than Buddhist monks?
Brown hasn't deemed fit to tell it like it is: that Muslims in Britain, indeed all over the world, must come out and condemn terrorism in unambiguous terms.
Instead, we are hearing that the attacks may have been prompted by "Muslim bitterness" about Salman Rushdie's knighting, the latest addition to the Islamist litany of woes. Some "moderate community leaders," like a certain Baroness Uddin, drop hints that Muslims have "foreign-policy issues" that might make them unhappy. The barely coded message: Unless Britain reshapes its foreign policy to please al Qaeda, it must expect to be attacked.
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THE car-bomb/suicide-terror operations in London and Glasgow should have provided a fresh opportunity for reminding everyone, especially Muslims in Britain, that terrorism in the name of Islam still poses a major threat to public peace and safety. Yet this is not what is happening.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown keeps repeating that the attacks have nothing to do with Islam - but, at the same time, keeps inviting "Muslim community leaders" to Downing Street to discuss how to prevent attacks. If the attacks have nothing to do with Islam, why invite Muslim "leaders" rather than Buddhist monks?
Brown hasn't deemed fit to tell it like it is: that Muslims in Britain, indeed all over the world, must come out and condemn terrorism in unambiguous terms.
Instead, we are hearing that the attacks may have been prompted by "Muslim bitterness" about Salman Rushdie's knighting, the latest addition to the Islamist litany of woes. Some "moderate community leaders," like a certain Baroness Uddin, drop hints that Muslims have "foreign-policy issues" that might make them unhappy. The barely coded message: Unless Britain reshapes its foreign policy to please al Qaeda, it must expect to be attacked.
Click here for the full story! (may need to disable pop-up blocker)
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