Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thousands Gather in Jerusalem to Pray. Sign of the End Times?

By Wendy Griffith
CBN News Reporter

Asher is a Messianic Jew and is helping bring the call and the Global Day of Prayer to Jerusalem.
He says united international prayer based in the Holy City will help usher in this end times revival that will pave the way for Christ's return.

"Well, if He was coming back to Beijing, we'd have to have some kind of focus in Bejing," Asher said. "If He was coming back to New York, it would be there, but because we understand He's coming back to Jerusalem there has to be a certain focus on this prayer."

Asher says believers will not only pray for the nations, but also for the growing body of Messianic believers in Israel, now believed to be as many as 15,000 out of 7 million Israelis.

"The Messianic Jewish movement has grown, not only worldwide, but it's also taken a foothold here in Israel," he said. "So, there are maybe 100 local congregations of Messianic Jews in Israel."

"For me, it makes sense but for a lot of people here in Israel, it doesn't make sense that you can be Jewish, remain Jewish and celebrate the Jewish feasts and yet believe in Yeshua [Jesus] the Messiah," Liat Eshel, a Jewish believer, said.

Asher says Jews coming to Jesus is a sure sign that we're in the end times.

"One of our banner statements is from Romans 11. 'All Israel will be saved …and we will pray the prayer together, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord'," he said. "So we are focused, not just on growth in the body here and revival, but ultimately - bringing Yeshua back and making His Kingdom established on the earth."

This is a pretty exciting time to be in Israel, to pray not only for the peace of Jerusalem, but for this mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

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Jerusalem's 'Call' Heard Around the Globe

Jerusalem's 'Call' Heard Around the Globe
By Wendy Griffith
CBN News Senior Reporter - JERUSALEM, Israel - For the first time, TheCall and the Global Day of Prayer teamed up in Jerusalem for an event that was seen around the world.

The Jerusalem's TheCall began with repentance and the tearing down of walls between Jew and Gentile believers.

A Time of Repentance and Fellowship

Global Day of Prayer

"When Jesus walked here 2,000 years ago, Pilot said, 'Behold here is your king and the people said, - no we don't have a king, but Caesar.' We rejected Yeshua as king, and we have to say, as Israeli Believers - we repent of that because we want to welcome Him as our messiah, as our Lord," said Avi Mizrachi, pastor of Adonai Roi Congregation.

Likewise, Gentile leaders repented for not fully appreciating their Jewish roots.

"We're but branches grafted in," Lou Engle said. "There's a depth here in Jerusalem and among these people that I never honored. And I believe, part of the key to the great awakening at the end of the age is the honoring of the root."

Thanks to God TV, millions of believers around the world are joining believers here in Jerusalem to pray not only for worldwide revival, but that the Jews here in Israel, will come to know Jesus - Yeshua - as their Messiah.

"I think everything's accelerating- we who live here in the land, we feel it - we're on the front line of the battle -- it really is ultimately a battle for the return of the Lord, because Jesus will not return until His people say Baruch habba B'shem Adonai…Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord," Jewish believer Karen Davis said.

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Court Rules Against Military Gays Policy

Court Rules Against Military Gays Policy
By Gene Johnson
Associated Press Writer
May 21, 2008 - SEATTLE - The military cannot automatically discharge people because they're gay, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday in the case of a decorated flight nurse who sued the Air Force over her dismissal.

The three judges from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals did not strike down the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. But they reinstated Maj. Margaret Witt's lawsuit, saying the Air Force must prove that her dismissal furthered the military's goals of troop readiness and unit cohesion.

The "don't ask, don't tell, don't pursue, don't harass" policy prohibits the military from asking about the sexual orientation of service members but requires discharge of those who acknowledge being gay or engaging in homosexual activity.

Wednesday's ruling led opponents of the policy to declare its days numbered. It is also the first appeals court ruling in the country that evaluated the policy through the lens of a 2003 Supreme Court decision that struck down a Texas ban on sodomy as an unconstitutional intrusion on privacy.

When gay service members have sued over their dismissals, courts historically have accepted the military's argument that having gays in the service is generally bad for morale and can lead to sexual tension.

But the Supreme Court's opinion in the Texas case changed the legal landscape, the judges said, and requires more scrutiny over whether "don't ask, don't tell" is constitutional as applied in individual cases.

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Church bars severely autistic boy from mass

Church bars severely autistic boy from mass

Last update: May 17, 2008

The priest of the small-town parish fears injuries from the teen's behavior, but autism advocates are rallying behind his parents. The boy's mother says: "I can't discipline him out of his autism, and I think that's what our priest is expecting."

Standing more than six feet tall and weighing more than 225 pounds, 13-year-old Adam Race cuts an imposing figure for his age.

Adam is also severely autistic, and his meltdowns during mass at the Catholic church in Bertha, Minn., have prompted a public battle between the parish priest and Adam's parents.

The Rev. Daniel Walz, disturbed by what he said is Adam's dangerous behavior, filed court papers to bar him from the Church of St. Joseph with a temporary restraining order against his parents. The Races are ignoring the order, which they see as discriminatory, and getting support from advocates for the disabled.

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Comment what you would do:

A) Ban him from church (Which could affect not only the family, but people suffering with similar diseases/problems, and liability, etc.)

B) Allow him to continue to go (which could cause safety issues, major distractions, liability, etc.)

C) Create a seperate room for disabilitized people and their families to sit in that is distraction free for the rest of the congregation, and yet provides a view, and audio of the sermon/mass. This could also become a place for people with disabilities to meet other like christians. (which would cost money, and if they are the only ones in the room, could be embarassing, and a good reason not to even go.)

D) Other...explain!

31,000 scientists reject 'global warming' agenda

31,000 scientists reject 'global warming' agenda
'Mr. Gore's movie has claims no informed expert endorses'
Posted: May 19, 2008
8:51 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

More than 31,000 scientists across the U.S. – including more than 9,000 Ph.D.s in fields such as atmospheric science, climatology, Earth science, environment and dozens of other specialties – have signed a petition rejecting "global warming," the assumption that the human production of greenhouse gases is damaging Earth's climate.

"There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate," the petition states. "Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth."

The Petition Project actually was launched nearly 10 years ago, when the first few thousand signatures were assembled. Then, between 1999 and 2007, the list of signatures grew gradually without any special effort or campaign.

But now, a new effort has been conducted because of an "escalation of the claims of 'consensus,' release of the movie 'An Inconvenient Truth' by Mr. Al Gore, and related events," according to officials with the project.

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Principal quits job over 'gay' alliance

Principal quits job over 'gay' alliance
'We do not have other student clubs focusing on sexual orientation, preference or activity'
Posted: May 21, 2008
11:50 pm Eastern

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

The principal of a South Carolina public school has announced plans to resign rather than continue his work at Irmo High following a demand to launch a student club to promote homosexuality.

"The formation of this club conflicts with my professional beliefs in that we do not have other clubs at Irmo High school based on sexual orientation, sexual preference, or sexual activity," Principal Eddie Walker, who identifies himself as "Class of 2008-2009," told the school community in a letter.

His letter said he planned to announce his pending departure to students via the intercom today, but school officials told WND that had been delayed as the school dealt with the sudden death of a student.

However, school district spokesman Buddy Price issued a statement confirming Walker's situation.

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