Saturday, February 3, 2007

Fox's John Kasich interviews atheist Brian Flemming about the Blasphemy Challenge.

Fox News Blasphemy Challenge

Fox's John Kasich interviews atheist Brian Flemming about the Blasphemy Challenge.

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Very foolish...They know not what they do! Professing to be wise, they became fools. They will have to bow down to the God they deny one day soon. Then, it will be too late.

Police take home-taught student to psych ward

Police take home-taught student to psych ward
Government objected to her parent-led courses in math, Latin
Posted: February 3, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2007

A nation whose education officials already have warned that they will, when necessary, "bring the religious convictions of the family into line" with state requirements, now has removed a 16-year-old girl from her family and placed her in a child psychiatry unit after she turned in below-expected grades in math and Latin.

The news of nearly two dozen officials and uniformed police officers physically taking the teen from her home in front of her shocked family is just the latest horror story to come out of Germany, where homeschooling was placed under a ban by Adolf Hitler and der Fuhrer's law still is enforced.

The stories are concerning to homeschoolers in the rest of the world, including the United States, because of the real potential that international law eventually could be used to ban such activities in places where it now is legal.

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Christians Concerned for Venezuela as Chavez Granted Sweeping Powers

Christians Concerned for Venezuela as Chavez Granted Sweeping Powers

Christians are concerned for the future of religious freedom in Venezuela after the country's Congress granted President Hugo Chavez powers to rule by decree.

by Maria Mackay

Voice of the Martyrs, a Christian persecution watchdog, has expressed its concern for the future of religious freedom in Venezuela after the country’s Congress granted President Hugo Chavez powers earlier in the week to rule by decree for 18 months.

Chavez’s new powers come as he attempts to force through nationalisations key to the new era of “maximum revolution” in which he aims to transform 11 broadly defined areas, including the economy, energy and defence.

Voice of the Martyrs’ Todd Nettleton said, "President Hugo Chavez is gaining almost dictatorial powers over that country. He will be allowed to stay in office as long as he wants and basically rule the country by his decree."

The future for Christians in the country looks uncertain and Nettleton says Chavez doesn’t have a good track record, reports Mission Network News.

"Chavez is very fond of Fidel Castro. We know he's not a friend of the church in his country. So, you just look at the evidence and you look at the past and you look at who Hugo Chavez' friends are, it's got to make you nervous if you have Christian workers in Venezuela."

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Abortion Bill Rejected in Wyoming

Abortion Bill Rejected in Wyoming
CBN News – Wyoming’s House of Representatives recently rejected a bill requiring a 24-hour waiting period for women who want an abortion.

Women are also required to look at materials showing the risks and side effects of abortion.

Supporters called it the “Women’s Right to Know Act.”

One sponsor said he’d talked to women who were harmed physically and mentally by abortion.

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Current birth rates could produce Muslim domination

Chad Groening

The Population Research Institute says the Western world is facing a crisis as virtually every country has birth rates well below the replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman.

A pro-family organization has done extensive research into birth rates around the world and has concluded that if the Western world wants to survive, it better start having more children. The Population Research Institute (PRI) says virtually every Western or Westernized nation on the planet is slowly dying off because birth rates have fallen below the 2.1-child-per-woman replacement level.

PRI spokesman Joseph D'Agostino says for the most part, only Muslims have high birth rates. "It's because Christians and Jews are refusing to have children, refusing to get married, [and] having such low birth rates that the Muslims are going to inherit the Earth," he explains. "It's not anything the Muslims are doing; it's what Christians and Jews are not doing."

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Pastors can motivate church members to evangelize, LifeWay Research says

Allie Martin

A Lifeway Research study finds the churches that are most successful in the area of evangelism are those whose pastors set the tone for an emphasis on soul winning and lead their congregations by example.

A new study by the research arm of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) finds churches that excel in evangelism have pastors who emphasize soul winning. LifeWay Research interviewed staff from several SBC churches and found that the senior pastor’s involvement was the most important determiner of a church’s success at evangelistic outreach.

In its study, LifeWay Research wanted to focus on churches that met the following criteria: churches that had baptized at least 26 people each year for 10 consecutive years; had overall worship attendance growth during the same 10 years; and had a membership to baptism ratio of no more than 20-to-1.

Out of more than 43,000 churches in the denomination, only 22 Southern Baptist congregations met those criteria. In interviews conducted with staff members from 19 of those churches, LifeWay’s researchers found the involvement of a senior pastor to be the most critical factor when it came to soul winning.

"In every case,” LifeWay Research director Brad Waggoner says, the study showed that senior pastors “set the tone for the whole church,” leading not only in terms of preaching and encouraging people but also by example. “Once again,” the LifeWay official notes, “we were reminded of the importance of God calling out leaders who set the pace."

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'Amazing Grace' film about Wilberforce called inspirational

'Amazing Grace' film about Wilberforce called inspirational

By Michael Foust
Baptist Press

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--William Wilberforce isn't a household name in America, but an upcoming motion picture is trying to change that.

"Amazing Grace" is the story of Wilberforce, a devout Christian and a member of the British Parliament who, beginning around 1787, sought to do what then seemed impossible -- lead the British Empire to abolish the slave trade, what supporters called the lifeblood of the economy. He failed year after year before, finally, in 1807 -- 200 years ago -- his bill became law, abolishing an evil that had resulted in the enslavement and death of millions of Africans. Shortly before his death in 1833, he learned that another bill -- to abolish the practice of slavery itself in the empire -- would soon become law

The movie -– to be released Feb. 23 and rated PG for mild language -- gets its name from Wilberforce's friendship with John Newton, the author of the hymn "Amazing Grace" and a former slave trader who -- several years after becoming a Christian -- teamed up with Wilberforce to abolish the trade.

Christian leaders today say the church could learn much from the way Wilberforce's faith drove him to moral action and kept him from giving up, despite obstacles.

"Anyone would be uplifted by seeing this movie, and people of faith should be inspired by it," said Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission President Richard Land, who saw the movie at a January screening. "I thought it was an excellent movie that shows what happens when a man of true faith takes seriously the command to be salt and light. Wilberforce should be an inspiration to every person of faith who takes seriously the obligation, responsibility and commission to make a difference in society."

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Tortured brickmakers refuse to embrace Islam

Tortured brickmakers refuse to embrace Islam
Steadfast Christian faith sustains them through month-long imprisonment

© 2007

Two brothers who used to work at a brick kiln have escaped from what they describe as a kidnapping and torture by the business owner, who wanted them to convert from Christianity to Islam, according to a new report from Voice of the Martyrs, a U.S.-based Christian group helping members of the persecuted Christian church worldwide.

The two now have had to move to a new location in Pakistan, since the kiln owner continues to search for them, alleging they owe him a sum of about $750 – or 45,000 rupees

The brothers, Shahzad, 18, and Saraj Bashir, 20, were working for the kiln company – at the rate of about 200 to 300 rupees per 1,000 bricks, but were being pressured by the owner to forsake Christianity.

One day their steadfast Christian faith brought their Islamic boss to a breaking point.

"When Shahzad and Saraj refused to convert, the brick kiln owner took them away," according to a VOM source within Pakistan. "He put them in a small, empty room with a mud floor without a bed, chair or mattress."

The source continued: "He kept them there for a month. He gave them food once a day and beat them with a stick when they refused to convert back to Islam. He also threw acid on their arms, but they remained true to their Christ."

The tension between the kiln owner's demands and the brothers' faith had been building for some time. The brothers had been paid for the first few weeks of work, but then the owner, angered by meetings the Christians held, stopped paying for the work and instead told the family they owed him the 45,000 rupees.

"What angered the brick kiln owner more were the prayer meetings conducted by Pastor Emmanuel. Christians attended the prayer meetings and refused converting to Islam," the VOM source reported.

Throughout the time the brothers were held, they prayed daily and asked God to rescue them, VOM said.

One day, their chance came.

"When they discovered the door [to their prison] was open, they bowed before God and thanked Him for the miracle and then escaped," the informant told VOM. The brothers fled for days, without food, until they could reach their family.

Their fear of the kiln owner's anger and potential future actions have forced them now to move from the area. Reports are that the kiln owner continues searching for the brothers in order to get repayment of their "debt," according to VOM.

The brothers pray their experience will bring other Muslims to a knowledge of Christianity, VOM said.

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Investigation of pastor's shooting death sought

Investigation of pastor's shooting death sought
Government forces gun down Tamil Mission Church leader
Posted: February 3, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007

Church officials who oversee the work of Christian ministers in Sri Lanka are calling for international intervention in that nation, after a church pastor was gunned down by Sri Lankan government security forces.

The report comes from Assist News Service.

It identifies the victim of the government-forces shooting as Rev. Nallathamby Gnanaseelan, the pastor of Tamil Mission Church Jaffna, and the father of four children, ages 1 to 7.

ASSIST reported that the bishop of Colombo noted the pastor had taken his wife Serena and his daughter to the hospital on his bike.

"The killing took place at Chapel Street when Rev. Gnanaseelan was returning, after dropping his wife and daughter at the hospital. He was heading to his church to conduct a fasting and prayer event," the bishop said.

Reports reaching the bishop's office from the Clergy Fellowship of Jaffna indicate that Rev. Gnanaseelan was shot in the stomach and then as he lay on the street, shot in the head and killed. "His Bible, bag, identity card and motorcycle were taken away and he was left lying on the road," the report said.

"The security forces reports initially indicated that Rev. Ghanaseelan was carrying explosives. Subsequently it was said that he was shot as he did not stop when challenged to do so. This is a deliberate attempt to frame Rev. Gnanaseelan," according to the bishop's report on the Jan. 13 death.

Lanka Nesiah, personal assistant to the bishop of Colombo, told ASSIST: "Rev. Gnanaseelan was a member of the National Christian Evangelical Alliance Clergy Fellowship in Jaffna and was not involved in any political activity. He was a law abiding citizen and a pastor to his congregation. His death is not an isolated incident, but one of many, which takes place in the North East of Sri Lanka, daily."

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Church 'Super Bowl' festivities may go on

Church 'Super Bowl' festivities may go on
NFL says just don't charge admission fees to parties
Posted: February 2, 2007
5:00 p.m. Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2007

Churches across the U.S. planning Super Bowl parties Sunday, as the Indianapolis Colts and the Chicago Bears meet in the 41st edition of the classic first won by the Green Bay Packers, have been given sweeping permission by the NFL to go ahead – just as long as no admission fees are charged.

A dispute arose several days ago in the Midwest when the NFL sent a letter to one church based on its website advertisement for a "Super Bowl Party." That letter to Fall Creek Baptist Church in Indianapolis said the church couldn't use the words "Super Bowl," it couldn't charge admission, it couldn't use its projection screen for the game, and a number of other things.

Those limits, coupled with the fact no church felt willing to take on a financial behemoth like the National Football League in court, sparked a series of cancellations of those parties.

"We regret to inform you that we have had to cancel our bash to view the Colts game this Sunday in a family friendly environment due to the fact that the NFL believes we would be in violation of the Copyright Act, because we had planned to show the game on a screen bigger than a 55 inch diagonal," said a website statement from Pastor John D. Newland of Fall Creek Baptist.

However, a written statement given to WND by the NFL late today made no mention of many of those restrictions. It was attributed only to "an NFL spokesman."

"The National Football League has absolutely no objection to churches and others hosting Super Bowl viewing parties as long as they do not charge admission and show the game on a television of the type commonly used at home.
"We are simply following copyright law and have done so with regard to any type of commercial establishment including hotels, theatres, museums, schools, arenas and others.

"This is nothing new. It is a matter of longstanding policy and the law.

"We have no rules that relate to viewing at home on any type of television."

NFL officials, after the statement was released, could not be reached by WND for any elaboration.

Earlier, they forwarded to WND their "Policy On The Public Performance Of Game Broadcasts," which expressed the league's "exclusive" ownership of the games and broadcasts.

The policy also describes the "homestyle exemption," which allows that in certain circumstances "conduct that otherwise violates the public performance right is deemed noninfringing. Specifically, 17 U.S.C. Paragraph 110(5)(A) provides that performance of a televised game will be excused if such performance is 'on a single receiving apparatus of a kind commonly used in private homes, unless (1) a direct charge is made to see or hear the transmission; or (2) the transmission thus received is further transmitted to the public.'"

The NFL policy notes that the league doesn't object to having games played on a single television receiver, "set up in a room or bar, provided payment is not a condition of entry."

Elaborate performances, such as those using a movie theater with multiple, oversized television monitors and entry fees would, however, cause objections.

Pastor Mark Miller, of Indian Creek Christian Church in Indianapolis, said his church's party was cancelled, but when he heard from WND the NFL was committed to being flexible, said it would depend on whether the youth ministry team could re-group – again – that fast.

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Mt. Soledad case 'should be put to rest'

Mt. Soledad case 'should be put to rest'
ACLJ argues more appeals in dispute over San Diego cross unneeded
Posted: February 3, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007

A brief has been filed with the California Supreme Court on behalf of nearly two dozens members of Congress asking that a lower court ruling in the dispute over the Mt. Soledad Memorial be affirmed.

That lower court decision concluded that a ballot proposition in which San Diego voters overwhelmingly supported a plan to donate the memorial and its land to the federal government was constitutional.

The new filing comes from the American Center for Law and Justice, which wants the state Supreme Court to deny a further review of the dispute and allow the cross memorial to stay where it is.

The ACLJ's filing come just a few weeks after a federal appeals court dismissed a separate legal proceeding that challenged the cross memorial.

"The state appeals court got this right and there is simply no reason for the California Supreme Court to take this appeal," said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the ACLJ, which is active in defending the constitutionality of the cross.

"It's clear the legal challenges at both the state and federal levels are not succeeding and we're confident that ultimately this issue can be put to rest once and for all. The Mt. Soledad Memorial is a historically significant tribute honoring veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces and poses no constitutional crisis," he said.

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Imam leads Democrats in prayer of conversion

Imam leads Democrats in prayer of conversion
Muslim leader at party's winter meeting also asks Allah to stop 'the occupation'
Posted: February 3, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007

With heads bowed reverently, Democrats were led in prayer yesterday by a Muslim imam who essentially asked Allah to assist in converting the party members to Islam, according to a scholar and author.

Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch and author of "The Truth about Muhammad," took note of the invocation given at the Democratic National Committee winter meeting by Husham Al-Husainy, imam of the Karbalaa Islamic Education Center, a shiite mosque in Dearborn, Mich.

According to a transcript of the prayer, which can be seen on a video clip provided by, the imam said:

In the name of God the most merciful, the most compassionate. We thank you, God, to bless us among your creations. We thank you, God, to make us as a great nation. We thank you God, to send us your messages through our father Abraham and Moses and Jesus and Muhammad. Through you, God, we unite. So guide us to the right path. The path of the people you bless, not the path of the people you doom. Help us God to liberate and fill this earth with justice and peace and love and equality. And help us to stop the war and violence, and oppression and occupation. Ameen.

Spencer, in a post on his Jihad Watch website, said he found it interesting to see the Muslim leader praying, "in veiled terms to be sure, for their conversion to Islam, and, oh yes, for the destruction of Israel ("And help us to stop the war and violence, and oppression and occupation").

"Imagine if a Christian priest or minister had prayed at a DNC meeting that those attending be guided away from the path of those doomed by God," Spencer said.

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MARRIAGE DIGEST: Israel recognizes first 'gay marriage'; Hawaii legislators may pass civil unions bill; ...

MARRIAGE DIGEST: Israel recognizes first 'gay marriage'; Hawaii legislators may pass civil unions bill; ...

By Michael Foust
Baptist Press

JERUSALEM (BP)--Israel registered its first "gay marriage" Jan. 29, two months after the nation's highest court issued a landmark ruling for homosexual couples.

Binyamin and Avi Rose, two homosexual men from Israel, became the first couple to have their marriage license recognized, the Jerusalem Post reported. They "married" in Canada last June.

The November decision by the Israeli Supreme Court ordered the country to recognize "gay marriages" from other countries, such as Canada and Spain. Although the ruling didn't allow same-sex couples to get "married" within Israel's borders, it nonetheless put the country at odds with other nations such as the United States and Great Britain, neither of which recognizes foreign "gay marriages." The U.S. government doesn't even recognize "gay marriages" from the state of Massachusetts, where it is legal.

"It was wonderful to get married at the city hall in Toronto, but it was far more important for the state of Israel to recognize us as a couple," Avi told the Jerusalem Post.

His father is a rabbi in the United States and supports "gay marriage."

"We wanted the government of Israel to recognize that we are a couple," Avi told the paper. "It was no more of a statement than [coming from] a 'regular' couple, but we are both committed Zionists and are hopeful that our union will bring more progress on this issue."

Despite Israel's conservative image, homosexual activists there have won significant legal and political battles in recent years. For instance, homosexuals in Israel can serve openly in the military. America's "don't ask, don't tell" policy prevents such open service, with U.S. military leaders saying open service would harm morale and cohesion.

Canada is a popular destination for homosexual couples because its marriage law doesn't require residency.

The 6-1 decision by Israel's highest court sparked outrage by some politicians.

"We don't have a Jewish state here. We have Sodom and Gomorrah here," lawmaker Moshe Gafni told Israel's Army Radio, according to the Associated Press. "I assume that every sane person in the state of Israel, possibly the entire Jewish world, is shocked, because the significance is ... the destruction of the family unit in the state of Israel."

Some legislators support passage of a bill that would prohibit the recognition of "gay marriage." Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, though, opposes the bill.

HAWAII CONSIDERS CIVIL UNIONS -- Democrats in Hawaii's legislature are hoping to pass a bill this session that would legalize same-sex civil unions, putting the state alongside Connecticut, New Jersey and Vermont. Democrats control both chambers. Civil unions grant same-sex couples the legal benefits of marriage.

"Committed couples, regardless of their sexual preference or orientation, should have the same rights. That's the bottom line -- we should treat people equally," state Senate Majority Leader Gary Hooser said, according to AP. "There's broad support among Democratic party members."

Republican Gov. Linda Lingle hasn't taken a position on the bill, AP said.

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