Monday, May 14, 2007

Rev. Jerry Falwell dead at 73 Taken to hospital after being found unconscious in his office

Rev. Jerry Falwell died at 73
Taken to hospital after being found unconscious in his office
Posted: May 15, 2007
1:28 p.m. Eastern

© 2007

Rev. Jerry Falwell, founder of the Moral Majority and Liberty University, died today after being found unconscious in his office and taken to a hospital.

Falwell, 73, was found unconscious at about 10:45 a.m. after missing an appointment this morning, according to Ron Godwin, executive vice president of Liberty University.

He was taken to Lynchburg General Hospital, the News & Advance of Lynchburg reported.

Godwin said he didn't know what caused the collapse but pointed out Falwell had "a history of heart challenges."

"I had breakfast with him, and he was fine at breakfast," Godwin said. "He went to his office, I went to mine and they found him unresponsive."

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Bio: Jerry Falwell

Bio: Jerry Falwell
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A biography of Jerry Falwell:

The Rev. Jerry L. Falwell, television evangelist who was among the leaders of the so-called Religious Right — a movement that emerged in the late 1970s with the goal of getting Christian fundamentalists involved in politics.

Falwell's organization, the Moral Majority, was credited with helping elect Ronald Reagan president and with moving the Republican Party further to the right on social issues. The group's influence subsequently waned, however, and Falwell disbanded it in 1989.

Falwell was born on Aug. 11, 1933 in Lynchburg, Va.

From an early age, he excelled in school, graduating at the top of his high school class.

He was also a talented athlete. Falwell entered Lynchburg College in 1950 with the intention of earning a degree in mechanical engineering.

After becoming a born-again Christian in his sophomore year, Falwell transferred to Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri. Around the same time, Falwell turned down an offer to play for the St. Louis Cardinals major-league baseball team.

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Dead Taliban Leader Was Training U.S. Recruits

Dead Taliban Leader Was Training U.S. Recruits
May 14, 2007 5:03 PM

Brian Ross and Christopher Isham Report:

Thirty-six hours before he was killed by U.S. forces, Taliban Commander Mullah Dadullah said he was training American and British citizens to carry out suicide missions in their home countries, according to a videotape interview to be broadcast on ABC News' "World News" Monday.

"We will be executing attacks in Britain and the U.S. to demonstrate our sincerity," he told an Afghan interviewer, "to destroy their cities as they have destroyed our cities."

A senior U.S. official told the Blotter on that recent intelligence reports confirmed Dadullah's claim that U.S. citizens were being trained in Taliban and al Qaeda camps.

"The number is small, not large, but even once is dangerous," the official said.

In the interview, Dadullah said, "This is our religious and moral duty to train suicide bombers against the nuclear power of the infidels, and they will be used when they are needed, whether they are one, 10 or 20."

A day and a half after the interview, U.S. forces carried out a helicopter assault on Dadullah's hiding place in Afghanistan's Helmand Province. Dadullah's bullet-riddled body was put on display by Afghan officials to confirm he was dead.

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The Terrorist Next Door

The Terrorist Next Door

By John Jessup
CBN News
May 14, 2007 - In the beginning, concerns about terrorism were limited to sleeper cells, foreign agents of al-Qaeda, or other terror networks that made their way into the U.S. and were laying low until ordered to strike.

But counterterrorism is changing and - increasingly - investigators are looking within American borders for the so-called "terrorist next door."

"The trend we're seeing is that we are uncovering more instances of people here who have been radicalized … where there is not a direct thumbprint of al-Qaeda," USA Today quoted John Miller, the FBI's assistant director for public affairs.

Up until now, authorities have uncovered approximately a dozen cases involving homegrown terrorists.

The most recent incident of homegrown terror involved a plot to kill soldiers at Fort Dix.

"I think this highlights and emphasizes the threats we face in our new world," said Ray Kelly a Fort Dix, New Jersey commissioner.

Additionally, there is also the case against José Padilla in federal court Monday.

The former Chicago gang member and two others are accused of supporting Islamic extremists around the world.

Officials told USA Today these cases reveal a disturbing trend: Several of the accused plotters are American-born citizens who converted to Islam.

Investigators now believe there is a growing threat of U.S.-based Islamic terrorists who are operating with no connection to al-Qaeda or other terrorist groups.

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Homosexuals head to court to demand marriage rights

Stephanie Reitz - Associated Press Writer
May 14, 2007

HARTFORD, Conn. - Connecticut's civil unions law, the first in the nation passed without court intervention, faces a stern test in the state Supreme Court.

Eight homosexual couples say the state's refusal to grant marriage licenses violates their constitutional rights and denies them the financial, social and emotional benefits of marriage.

A ruling in their favor could have nationwide implications for states that have adopted or are considering civil union-like legislation. Connecticut in 2005 passed a civil unions law, which state officials say gives same-sex couples the equality they seek.

The court takes up the issue Monday.

Currently, only Massachusetts allows same-sex couples to marry. Connecticut, Vermont, California, New Jersey, Maine and Washington have laws allowing either civil unions or domestic partnerships. Hawaii extends certain spousal rights to same-sex couples and cohabiting heterosexual pairs.

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Debate over God's existence shed light on anti-Christian bias in society, says evangelist

Debate over God's existence shed light on anti-Christian bias in society, says evangelist

allie martin
May 14, 2007

Evangelist Ray Comfort says last week's debate between himself, fellow Christian Kirk Cameron and two atheists was a unique opportunity to present the message of salvation to millions. The debate was moderated by Nightline host Martin Bashir and broadcast on, with highlights played on the show.

The debate was taped in New York City by ABC's Nightline and was billed as a battle to prove the existence of God. During the debate, Comfort was able to present the biblical plan of salvation by using God's moral laws, the Ten Commandments, to show the reality of sin and mankind's need to accept Christ's payment.

During the debate, both Comfort and Cameron used creation, DNA, the conscience and conversion to prove God's existence, while the two atheists spoke of evolution as proof that God does not exist. However, Comfort has recently launched a website on intelligent design versus evolution, which looks at the facts.

"On that site, we offer $10,000 for anyone who can offer any living transitional forms," the evangelist points out. "So it's just another interesting site people can go to," he says, "to see how evolution is a fairy tale for grownups. There's no scientific evidence for evolution whatsoever."

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Afghan 'super-madrassas' built by U.S. military

Afghan 'super-madrassas' built by U.S. military
'We have to give the religious leaders the respect they feel they deserve
Posted: May 13, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007

In a move that echoes the hearts-and-minds strategy of the Vietnam War, the U.S. military is planning to build two "super-madrassas" in Afghanistan in an effort to win over religious leaders and to convince parents not to send their children to madrassas in Pakistan run by Islamic extremists.

The planned super-madrassas, under construction in the border town of Paktika, Afghanistan, will accommodate 1,000 boys each, the London Telegraph reported.

Madrassas – Islamic religious schools – provide not only religious education, but room and board for children. During the period when the Taliban ruled Afghanistan, most conventional schools were closed down. For many parents, the choice has been between a religious education or no education at all.

For many in the border regions, the madrassas of Pakistan have been the only option. Those schools, often under the control of hardline clerics, have often been little more than incubators for hatred against the West and, at times, recruiting centers for jihad.

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Christians use debate to offer proof of God

Christians use debate to offer proof of God
ABC broadcasts matchup with 'Rational Response Squad'
By Bob Unruh
© 2007

Christian evangelist Ray Comfort and former child actor Kirk Cameron have used a televised debate with a pair of atheists to present the Gospel message to an audience estimated in the millions.

"I'm very, very encouraged," Comfort told WND after the first part of the 90-minute program was broadcast at A shortened version of the program was aired on the network's "Nightline" as well.

"I don't think you can argue people into the Kingdom of Heaven," Comfort said. "It's a moral issue. People love their sins and they're going to hold onto them. But we're talking about eternity and it's not to be trifled at."

But he said he takes seriously the biblical instructions to preach the word. "Our agenda is just to preach the Gospel, to make a very clear Gospel proclamation that people can understand," he said.

As WND reported, the idea for the debate developed after several atheists launched the Internet site Blasphemy Challenge, which offers to send people a DVD if they post on a video of themselves condemning themselves to hell.

The self-described "Rational Response Squad" said its DVD, "The God Who Wasn't There," was described by the Los Angeles Times as "provocative – to put it mildly."

"There's only one catch: We want your soul," the website said. "It's simple. You record a short message damning yourself to Hell, you upload it to YouTube, and then the Rational Response Squad will send you a free 'The God Who Wasn't There' DVD."

"You may damn yourself to Hell however you would like, but somewhere in your video you must say this phrase: 'I deny the Holy Spirit,'" the website instructed. "Why? Because, according to Mark 3:29 in the Holy Bible, 'Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.'"

ABC told of the website and the hundreds of responses in a story, getting Comfort's attention.

He contacted the network and offered a debate challenge to the atheists.

He was given 13 minutes in the debate to present his proof of God, and he used the simple illustration of a soda can. Holding it up, he asked if there had been a design and manufacture process to reach that stage – a cylindrical container with a message printed on the outside and a product on the inside.

If so, there must have been a designer and maker, he concluded.

He said a similar proof is available with a painting: Take a dozen scientists into a lab and show them a painting, then ask whether there was, in fact, a painter, he said. Looking at the creation the world is documents the Creator, he said.

"You cannot have a creation without a Creator," he suggested.

He also offered the proof of a conscience, which every person has, and third, a conversion.

"The greatest truth is when God reveals himself to you," he said.

He said the underlying problem was significant. "There is something more sinister here than a few people not believing in God," he said. "Why would so many be so bitter against Christianity in particular?

"Why aren't they making videos that blaspheme Buddha or Muhammed or Gandhi?" he asked. "We made our own video clip and posted in on to expose why."

The debate was moderated by Martin Bashir.

ABCNews said the taping, which took place last weekend, was done before "a mixed crowd of atheists and Christians at Calvary Baptist Church in Manhattan.

"It wasn't long before temperatures began to rise inside the auditorium," ABCNews said.

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How to outlaw Christianity (Step 1) Exclusive: Chuck Norris slams atheistic agenda

How to outlaw Christianity (Step 1)
Exclusive: Chuck Norris slams atheistic agenda

Posted: May 14, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

This past week an ABC News debate aired on "Nightline," which pitted popular theists against Internet atheists. While I'll have more to say about that battle of wits in my next article, it testifies to the growing number (30 million Americans) of those who profess there is no God. Add to that what I believe is possibly three times the number of functional atheists, those who believe in a God but practically don't show it, and America is facing a new religious horizon in which atheism is becoming a formidable foe.

Though the majority of Americans continue to claim to be Christians, a Gallup poll discovered 45 percent of us would support an atheist for president, 55 percent would support a homosexual candidate and 72 percent would support a Mormon candidate.

Such a survey is a clear indication that most Americans are simply confused about what it means to be Christian. It also shows that the secularization of society is alive and well, especially when almost half would endorse an atheist president.

The opponents of God

Once upon a time, years ago, it seemed that the only major fire for atheism burned from the anti-Christian work of Madelyn Murray O'Hair and the American Atheist organization, whose claim to fame was the banning of prayer and Bible reading in public schools in 1963.

Today many more antagonist groups and individuals to theism abound, and they are using every means possible for global proliferation – from local government to the World Wide Web. Such secular progressives include the Institute for Humanist Studies, Secular Coalition of America, American Atheists, American Humanist Association, Internet Infidels, the Atheist Alliance International, Secular Student Alliance, Society for Humanistic Judaism, Freedom From Religion Foundation, Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, etc. Of course no list of atheistic advocates would be complete without mentioning the ACLU and Planned Parenthood, as well as the anti-God militancy of men like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris.

Though the U.S. Constitution outlaws religious discrimination, these organizations and individuals would love nothing more than to help society look with distain upon Christianity and, ultimately, make its components illegal. In fact, right now, they are coalescing and rallying at least 5 million of their troops to mount counter offensives to Christianity.

For that reason I believe theistic patriots need to be wise to atheists' overt and covert schemes, exposing their agenda and fighting to lay waste to their plans.

Step 1: Initiate restrictions and legislation against theism and Christianity

In God we bust

For these liberal groups to win the war of ideological dominance, they know they must minimize the effects of Christianity, which many are doing (unbeknownst to others) behind the scenes through lobbying and legislation. In fact, two significant actions occurred on the National Day of Prayer just two weeks ago!

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Bush avoids 'Christianity' at Jamestown celebration

Bush avoids 'Christianity' at Jamestown celebration
Makes no mention of directions to 'propagate' Gospel of Jesus
Posted: May 13, 2007
6:54 p.m. Eastern

By Joe Kovacs
© 2007

President Bush commemorated America's 400th anniversary during a ceremony at the Jamestown Settlement in Virginia today, but made no specific mention of the Christian faith, the spread of which was the primary purpose for creation of the settlement.

"The story of Jamestown will always have a special place in American history," Bush said. "It's the story of a great migration from the Old World to the New. It is a story of hardship overcome by resolve. It's a story of the Tidewater settlement that laid the foundation of our great democracy."

As WND has reported, the Jamestown settlement, which predated the Plymouth, Mass., Pilgrims by 13 years, was founded with the primary instruction from King James of England that its members propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This year is the celebration of the 400th anniversary of that founding.

"Today we celebrate that moment as a great milestone in our history," Bush said, "yet the colonists who experienced those first years had little reason to celebrate. Their search for gold soon gave way to a desperate search for food."

"I am just floored with the president's behavior," said one WND reader, who was anxious to see if Bush would mention the Christian heritage.

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'Gay' cowboy love scenes 'traumatize' schoolgirl, 12

'Gay' cowboy love scenes 'traumatize' schoolgirl, 12
Family sues district for $500,000 after 'Brokeback' shown in class
Posted: May 13, 2007
5:26 p.m. Eastern

© 2007

A 12-year-old girl who says she was traumatized when her teacher showed the film "Brokeback Mountain" featuring love scenes with homosexual cowboys is suing the Chicago Board of Education for $500,000.

"What happens in Ms. Buford's class stays in Ms. Buford's class," is what the substitute teacher told eighth-grade students at Ashburn Community Elementary School after showing the R-rated movie, according to a lawsuit filed Friday in Cook County Circuit Court.

According to reports, the student, Jessica Turner, claims she suffered psychological distress after watching the movie, which stars Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal as two cowboys who fall in love and includes love scenes between the two men and between the men and their wives.

"It is very important to me that my children not be exposed to this," Turner's grandfather and guardian, Kenneth Richardson, told the Chicago Tribune. "The teacher knew she was not supposed to do this. ... It's like I told the principal, she should have better control over her teachers."

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World Watch: Updates on the Global Church

World Watch: Updates on the Global Church
By CWNews – Christian World News brings you updates on the church around the globe in our World Watch segment.

Iraq Christians Flee Persecution - In Iraq, nearly half of that country's Christians may have fled the country because of persecution from radical Muslims.

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom says that the Iraqi Christian community should be protected or resettled.

Christians make up about just three-percent of Iraq’s 26-million people.

Many churches are now almost empty, as the faithful have fled or are afraid to attend services.

Some Islamic insurgents call Christians "Crusaders."

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Group distributes 'Know Your Rights' guide to illegal aliens

Chad Groening
May 14, 2007

An immigration reform organization is calling an immigrant advocacy group to task for distributing guidebooks instructing illegal aliens how not to cooperate with federal authorities during job-site raids.

According to the Washington Times, the guidebooks are being distributed by a group known as CASA of Maryland Incorporated, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization formally known as Central American Solidarity and Assistance of Maryland. The book, which contains cartoon-like drawings, is the product of CASA working with other organizations.

The book lists what rights people who are not citizens of the U.S. have when they are detained by immigration agents, served with a warrant, or charged with a crime. The book also urges them to remain silent if they are arrested, and even refuse to provide authorities with any information about their immigration status.

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Hindus force Christians to 'reconvert'

Hindus force Christians to 'reconvert'
Attack is just a part of increasing worldwide antagonism
© 2007

Hindus have confronted a group of Christian evangelists, forcing them into a nearby village temple to perform a ritual to "reconvert" them to the Hindu religion, according to a new report from the Voice of the Martyrs which is documenting some of the increasing persecution by Hindus around the world.

While this most recent physical attack was reported by VOM sources inside the Indian state of Orissa, other attacks – albeit verbal – also have reached into the United States.

WND recently reported that Hindus have been launching a series of attacks against Christian organizations dedicated to promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

A report from the Hindu American Foundation accused a long list of Christian organizations, including some providing aid in India, of promoting hatred.

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