Friday, December 8, 2006

Teen saved from forced conversion to Islam

Teen saved from forced conversion to Islam
Persecuted Christian given new opportunity by U.S. ministry

© 2006

Azra Bibi, a Pakistani teen persecuted for her Christian faith

The intervention by a Christian ministry that focuses on persecuted Christians worldwide has saved a teenage girl in Pakistan from what probably would have been a forced conversion to Islam and mandatory marriage to a Muslim master, according to reports on the recent situation.

The Voice of the Martyrs confirmed in a new report that the teen, Azra Bibi, soon will be established in her own home through the assistance of a Christian pastor in the region, and the donations of Christians in the United States.

Such situations, VOM confirms, happen all too frequently. As Christians in a Muslim nation, the family was subjected to the ongoing persecution of the community. In the case of Azra, she and her mother were working in a brick kiln, under almost slave-like conditions, in order to earn enough for the family to eat.

She'd been working at the kilns since she was seven, and frequently endured the jeers and criticisms of Muslims working at the same plant, officials said.

Then one day, the verbal attacks that began with the work day increased, and several Muslim women turned violent, beating Azra's mother, officials said.

"They were both taken to the brick kiln owner, where Azra's mom was murdered in the most horrific way," the report said, leaving the teen not only reeling from the loss of her mother, but now facing the responsibilities for her debts.

"The brick kiln owner had plans to force Azra to convert to Islam with the intention of marrying her off. But God had other plans," the VOM report said. "With the help of a courageous local pastor and support from Christians in the U.S., Azra was miraculously rescued with her debts paid."

VOM said plans now are under way to provide training and a place to live "for this courageous young Christian girl who stood firm in her faith through such difficult trials."

"You can learn about and help persecuted Christians like Azra," the organization said. "We cannot let them suffer in silence."

VOM is a non-profit, interdenominational ministry working worldwide to help Christians who are persecuted for their faith, and to educate the world about that persecution. Its headquarters are in Bartlesville, Okla., and it has 30 affiliated international offices.

It was launched by the late Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, who started smuggling Russian Gospels into Russia in 1947, just months before Richard was abducted and imprisoned in Romania where he was tortured for his refusal to recant Christianity.

He eventually was released in 1964 and the next year he testified about the persecution of Christians before the U.S. Senate's Internal Security Subcommittee, stripping to the waist to show the deep torture wound scars on his body.

The group that later was renamed The Voice of the Martyrs was organized in 1967, when his book, "Tortured for Christ," was released.

Sylvester Stallone: Rocky meant to reflect nature of Jesus

Sylvester Stallone (Rocky) says the infamous movie character Rocky was meant to reflect the nature of Jesus

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Baptist Press)--Believe it or not, Sylvester Stallone says the infamous movie character Rocky was meant to reflect the nature of Jesus, and the sixth film in the series, “Rocky Balboa,” scheduled to hit theaters Dec. 22, carries an intentionally Christian theme.

“It’s like he was being chosen, Jesus was over him, and he was going to be the fella that would live through the example of Christ,” Stallone said of Rocky in a conference call with pastors and religious leaders. “He’s very, very forgiving. There’s no bitterness in him. He always turns the other cheek. And it’s like his whole life was about service.”

Stuart Shepard, managing editor of Focus on the Family’s CitizenLink, took part in the teleconference and reported in a Nov. 15 commentary that Stallone considers himself reborn.

“I was raised in a Catholic home, a Christian home, and I went to Catholic schools and I was taught the faith and went as far as I could with it,” Stallone said. “Until one day, you know, I got out in the so-called real world and I was presented with temptation. I kinda like lost my way and made a lot of bad choices.”

Somewhere along the way, Stallone realized his fame was not the most important part of his life. Now he says God can help a person overcome his past.

“The more I go to church,” he said, according to CitizenLink, “and the more I turn myself over to the process of believing in Jesus and listening to His Word and having Him guide my hand, I feel as though the pressure is off me now.”

Stallone, in the conference call, compared the need for church to the need for a physical trainer.

“You need to have the expertise and the guidance of someone else. You cannot train yourself,” he said. “I feel the same way about Christianity and about what the church is: The church is the gym of the soul.”

With that, the culmination of the Rocky film series is another story about redemption. And Stallone said he couldn’t have written it without the personal journey he has endured.

“I needed to actually go through my trials and tribulations,” he said, “before I could be man enough to know how to write that kind of story that ‘Rocky Balboa’ is.”

Sears Supports Homosexual TV Network With Advertising

Sears Supports Homosexual TV Network With Advertising
Two-minute infomercials sponsored explicitly by Sears helps keep the homosexual network on the air.

Sears has thrown its support to the LOGO network. LOGO is the 24-hour cable television network dedicated to programming for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders according to a homosexual advertising website. It is carried on many cable systems around the country. Many of you have been forced to accept it as part of your cable package. Sears is now helping to make it mainstream!

Sear's advertising will help LOGO air shows like "Sex 2K Drag Kings," "The Gayest and Greatest of 2006," and "Transgeneration."

Sears advertising (two-minute infomercials) will go to help the fledging network get on firm financial ground. Sears advertising is financing LOGO's push to legalize homosexual marriage in addition to promoting the homosexual lifestyle.

Sears is owned by Kmart Corporation.

Take Action

1. Send an email to Sears asking them to cancel their advertising on LOGO.

2. Call your local Sears store and ask why Sears is supporting the homosexual network with its advertising.

3. Forward this email to your friends and family.

Click Here to Send Your Email to Sears Now!

Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association
P.S. Please forward this e-mail message to your family and friends!

Pagan Christmas ritual pressed on young kids

Pagan Christmas ritual pressed on young kids
Elementary-age children given handout pushing heathen 'Yule' ritual tomorrow

Posted: December 8, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2006

A public-school handout urging young children in Virginia to attend a "Pagan ritual" tomorrow to "celebrate Yule" is sparking objections from concerned parents.

"Amazing – government schools ban orthodox Christianity, but allow an openly pagan organization to proselytize six-year-olds!" one observer who asked for anonymity told WND.

The concern has risen to such a level that the head of the Albemarle district in Charlottesville, Va., admits the policy allowing handouts may change, potentially eliminating them from all organizations.

The flyer in question is from a group called NatureSpirit from the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church, a Unitarian Universalist congregation that also teaches "Exploring Islam," "Women Weaving Wisdom," "Discovering the Healing Power of Dreams" and other religious subjects.

The specific promotion that went from teachers and principals to elementary-age students in the district states:

"Happy Holidays? Have you ever wondered what 'Holidays' refers to? Everyone knows about Christmas – but what else are people celebrating in December? Why do we celebrate the way we do?

"Find out!" the brochure continues. "Come to Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church ... . We'll have an educational program for childeren (sic) of all ages (and their adults), where we'll explore the traditions of December and their origins, followed by a Pagan ritual to celebrate Yule."

The banner also displays three symbols: a cross, a Star of David and a pentagram – a star enclosed in a circle – often associated with paganism, witches groups such as Wicca, and even Satanism.

On their website, the sponsors say: "Nature Spirit welcomes diverse people of all ages and religious traditions who feel Nature is a vital part of spirituality. They affirm the spiritual teachings of earth-centered and Pagan traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of Nature."

School Board chairwoman Sue Friedman told WND the flyer was distributed because the school was forced to do so, following a decision by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Maryland.

The ruling concluded if one community group were allowed to use a flyer-distribution program at a school, then all groups must be given the same access. The group initiating that case objected to a policy that allowed school officials to arbitrarily discriminate against groups they did not like – in that instance, a Christian organization.

The district even made a policy adjustment this fall in order to accommodate that ruling, Friedman said.

"In order to allow the YMCA to tell you about their soccer league, or the Boy Scouts to tell you about their new troop, we have to allow all nonprofits," she said. "That's why we're seeing this flyer."

However, she noted, "that doesn't mean that policy will stay. We've had some real concerns from parents, who don't understand why we would [distribute this]."

Though she didn't reveal numbers, she indicated the concern was enough to attract attention.
Even though the flyer carries a disclaimer that it's not endorsed by the school, "parents think of things that come home to them as somehow being school-sanctioned," Friedman said.

She said it's an issue that has to be worked out in the community stretching over 742 square miles, but ranges from the eclectic University of Virginia neighborhoods in the city to rural communities where there are only 150 students in a school and the roads aren't paved.

Alternatives, she said, are to ban all flyers, or simply allow only those created by school and government officials.

"We were very clear this [policy] was a trial run to see how it went," Friedman said.

The reasoning to allow flyers on a wide range of issues was that in the smaller schools, those facilities provide a core for the community, and to eliminate that as a "communication vehicle" could leave children without information about some opportunities they would have, she said.

But with the current policy, there will be more and more such brochures for her schools to distribute, she noted.

The church website for the flyer sponsor includes information that a recent sermon was "Do We Believe in Sin?" while another was "Here Be Dragons: Approaching the Unknown."

During 2005-2006, the school handled 97 flyer distribution requests, ranging from children's theater and Cub Scouts to summer camps, swimming and softball leagues.

In the appellate opinion from Maryland, Judge Diana Motz concluded giving school officials "unbridled discretion to deny access to the oft-used forum – for any reason at all, including antipathy to a particular viewpoint – does not ensure the requisite viewpoint neutrality."

In that case, the school board specifically wanted a policy allowing teachers to hand out flyers from groups school officials liked, but that would ban flyers from Christian Evangelism Fellowship.

And that is precisely what the court concluded could not be allowed.

Have a wholly, pagan Christmas

As WND has previously reported, the celebration of Christmas is a major cultural battleground in the U.S., dating back to colonial America when Christians in New England outlawed Christmas, saying it was based more on ancient pagan traditions than instruction from the Bible.
Today, followers of ancient paganism strive to remind the public about the heathen origins of traditions that many may never have questioned. is among the Internet addresses run by nature-worshipping pagans. Wiccan high priestess Selena Fox discusses the state of being pagan and celebrating the lengthening of days during the Northern Hemisphere's darkest time of year.

"Yule, the winter solstice, is a festival of peace and a celebration of waxing solar light. I honor the new sun child by burning a[n] oaken yule log in a sacred fire. I honor the great goddess in her many great mother aspects, and the father god as Santa in his old sky god, father time, and holly king forms. I decorate my home with lights and with holly, ivy, mistletoe, evergreens and other herbs sacred to this season. I ring in the new solar year with bells."

Fox even provides a list of suggestions on how 21st century citizens can take part in the ancient rituals, to "re-paganize" Christmastime:

Have gift exchanges and feasts over the course of several days and nights as was done of old
Adorn the home with sacred herbs and colors; decorate in druidic holiday colors of red, green and white

Hang a sprig of mistletoe above a major threshold and leave it there until next yule as a charm for good luck throughout the year

Have family/household members join together to make or purchase an evergreen wreath
If you choose to have a living or a harvested evergreen tree as part of your holiday decorations, call it a solstice tree and decorate it with pagan symbols

Reclaim Santa Claus as a pagan godform by decorating him with images that reflect his various heritages ranging from the Greek god Cronos (father time) to Odin, the Scandinavian all-father riding the sky on an eight-legged horse

Place pagan mother-goddess images around your home, possibly including one with a sun child, such as Isis with Horus

Honor the new solar year with light – light candles, burn a yule log and save a portion for the following year, put colored lights outside your home, and with the popularity of five-pointed stars, consider displaying a blue or white pentagram.

Lesbian Fire Chief Ignites Sexual Flames in Department

Lesbian Fire Chief Ignites Sexual Flames in Department
by Steve Jordahl

Two years ago, Minneapolis was bursting with pride for hiring the first lesbian fire chief in America. Today the city is ruing its decision.

It’s a torrid tale of romance and power mongering, and if there is a pink elephant in the room, it’s that almost all the players are gay. Lesbian Fire Chief Bonnie Bleskachek designed a test for the position of Battalion Chief, and only two firefighters passed. One was a former partner of the chief, the other was a former partner of the chief’s current flame. Now there are four suits against Bleskachek and the department; two by the firefighters that passed when the promotion was denied, and two by firefighters who didn’t pass. Tom Prichard of the Minnesota Family Institute says the drama could have been prevented.

“Yeah, I think it’s a mess. It’s a mess for the city; it’s a public relations disaster.”

It’s not that a straight chief could not have produced the same chaos, but Prichard says it is far more likely in gay relationships.

“It’s really presenting to the public an underlying dynamic of homosexual behavior that these relationships are not stable; they’re not healthy.”

Bob Knight of the Culture and Media Institute says in its rush to champion gay rights, Minneapolis overlooked some signs of trouble.

“I think administrators ought to take a hard look at this case and see if she’d been given a pass previously out of political correctness.”

He says it’s unlikely that Bleskachek got to the top of the ladder without setting off some alarms. And where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

© 2006 Focus on the Family. CitizenLink is a registered trademark of Focus on the Family. All rights reserved. International copyright secured.

GLSEN Used NY Student Conference to Push Homosexual Agenda, Witness Says

GLSEN Used NY Student Conference to Push Homosexual Agenda, Witness Says
By Jim Brown

(AgapePress) - An eyewitness to a student conference in New York State that was sponsored by a homosexual activist group says parents should be warned about the organization's efforts to indoctrinate and influence young people to accept the homosexual agenda.

The Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network, or GLSEN, recently hosted the eighth annual "Healing the Hurt Conference" in White Plains, New York. According to Jeanne Sparks, a Christian activist who observed the event, one of the keynote speakers there called on middle school and high school students to rebel against parental and governmental authorities that do not support homosexuality.

Sparks says the speaker, former civil rights attorney Dani Newsum, referred to Colorado's marriage amendment as "obscene violence to the Constitution" and predicted that "Southern Baptists will apologize in 100 years to [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer] people."

However, the Christian activist notes, a homosexual minister who spoke at the conference went even further. "This minister said, 'I'm not waiting a hundred years,'" she recalls. And if the rhetoric heard at the White Plains event is any indication, Sparks points out, homosexuals are clearly pushing for same-sex marriage. "They do not want civil unions," she insists, noting that the homosexual minister who spoke said he was "ordained one year ago, not to be part of an institution but to change it."

Sparks encourages concerned parents to find out whether their local school has a "Gay-Straight Alliance" club of any kind and, if so, to oppose it vigorously. "I really don't believe that parents actually know what GLSEN is all about and what these conferences are all about and what Gay-Straight Alliances in their schools are all about," she says; but she believes the homosexual group sponsors these conferences and student clubs to indoctrination young people.

At the recent "Healing the Hurt Conference," the Christian attendee points out, "There was one workshop where there was an open-mike forum, and one young girl said she forged the papers to be there, so her parents didn't know." And a show of hands revealed that among "almost half of the students in the conference, in this particular workshop, their parents did not know they were there," she says.

The main objective of the GLSEN-sponsored conference, Sparks adds, was to encourage students to take up homosexual activism and "to change laws" to align with the homosexual agenda. Parents would be appalled, she contends, if they knew what their children were hearing at the event.

Jim Brown, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.

© 2006 AgapePress all rights reserved.

Democratic Opposition Buries Fetal Pain Bill -- and Along With It, Likely More Babies

Democratic Opposition Buries Fetal Pain Bill -- and Along With It, Likely More Babies
By Fred Jackson and Jody Brown

(AgapePress) - There's disappointment today in the ranks of the nation's pro-life movement as the House of Representatives has failed to pass a bill that would recognize the pain an unborn baby feels when it is being aborted. An overwhelming number of Democrats led the effort to defeat the bill.

The Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act (H.R. 6099) would require abortionists to inform women seeking abortions late in their pregnancy (20 weeks or more after fertilization) to be told their baby will experience pain. The bill would not require anesthesia; it would, however, protect a doctor's right to inform the woman of any risks to her according to the doctor's own best medical judgment.

A majority of the House actually voted in favor of H.R. 6099 on Wednesday night by a margin of 250-162. However, the measure -- which was introduced by New Jersey's Chris Smith, an outspoken pro-life Republican -- required a two-thirds majority to pass, and the end result was failure. Of the 162 who voted to defeat the measure, 152 were Democrats. Nine Republicans and one Independent joined them. (See complete roll call vote)

The president of Washington, DC-based Concerned Women for America (CWA) was among the many pro-lifers on Capitol Hill who had hoped the House would pass the bill. Wendy Wright says women deserve to know the facts before making a decision that inflicts "extreme pain" on their baby, ending his or her life in a fashion akin to torture.

"Regrettably," says Wright, "congressmen -- many who denounced the use of torture against suspected terrorists -- have voted to not let women know that abortion will torture their innocent unborn babies. Abortion not only kills a baby, it tortures them."

Douglas Johnson, legislative director for National Right to Life, says it is no small thing that 60 percent of the House endorsed the bill. But he believes that the other 40 percent "will have to explain why they favor anti-pain laws for animals used for research or food, but not for unborn humans."

CWA's Lanier Swann touches on that same apparent inconsistency. "There are strict federal humane slaughter rules which mandate that animals experience death in the least painful way possible," she says in a press release. "Unborn human babies deserve that courtesy times ten."

Swann contends that fewer women would follow through with plans for an abortion if they simply knew their unborn child would experience excruciating pain. "Evidence shows that the baby feels the pain even more acutely than [does] the mother," she says. "An informed mother might think twice before letting an abortionist inflict this inhumane torture on her child."

The defeat may also raise questions about the sincerity of claims from the Democrats that their party also has family values -- a claim that many voters apparently accepted when the party was lifted to majority status in last month's election.

© 2006 AgapePress all rights reserved.

Archaeologists Unearth What They Think is Apostle Paul's Tomb

Archaeologists Unearth What They Think is Apostle Paul's Tomb

ROME (AP) - Archaeologists at the Vatican have unearthed what they believe is the tomb of Paul the apostle.

The sarcophagus had been buried beneath Rome's second largest basilica and dates back to at least the fourth century. Excavation began in 2002 and was completed last month.

The head of the project says the archaeologists want the apostle Paul's remains to be visible for reasons of devotion and respect.

Two ancient churches that once stood at the site of the current basilica were successively built over the spot where tradition said Paul was buried. The second church had left the tomb visible, first above ground and later in a crypt.

The project's findings will be officially presented at a Vatican news conference on Monday.

(Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. © 2006

Conservative Judaism Eases Ban on Gay Rabbis

Conservative Judaism Eases Ban on Gay Rabbis

NEW YORK (AP) - Four of the 25 members of a panel that has opened the door for gay rabbis in Conservative Judaism have resigned in protest.

The movement's Committee on Jewish Law and Standards adopted several conflicting policies.

One upholds the prohibition against gay rabbis, but another permits gay ordination and allows blessing ceremonies for same-sex couples while maintaining a ban on male sodomy.

Conservative Jewish seminaries and synagogues can decide which policy to follow.

Four committee members who wanted to uphold the ban on ordaining gays, which has thousands of years of Jewish precedent, resigned in protest after the vote.

It's unclear whether any synagogues will break away over the gay issue.

(Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. © 2006

Christians Urged to Get Permits for Public Nativity Displays

Christians Urged to Get Permits for Public Nativity Displays

WASHINGTON (AP) - Christians are being urged to apply for permits to set up Nativity scenes in city parks and other public places.

The Reverend Patrick Mahoney says that way, people of faith can combat what he views as a growing anti-religious bias with the Christmas message of peace and good will.

Mahoney heads the Washington-based Christian Defense Coalition, which today is launching what it calls "The Nativity Project: A public witness to keep Christ in Christmas."

He says the public square should be open to all ideas and opinions, including religious ones. Mahoney adds that Christian law firms are available to help any believers who are denied permits for Nativity displays.

(Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. © 2006

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